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    British Culture,Manners and Customs,Todays Lesson,Meal times with the BritishQueuingGreetings,gestures and politenessBeing a lady,being a gentlemen,Meal Times with the British,The Full English Breakfast,The Sunday Roast,Fish and Chips,The Sandwich,John Montagu 4th,The Earl of Sandwich,Who Invented the Sandwich?,Dos and Donts around meal times:,In all cultures there are rules how to and how not behave at meal times.Here are a few that stand traditionally in Britain and are common to western countries,No elbows on the table!Fork is for the left hand,knife is for the right.No talking with your mouth full!Do not eat from your knife!Do not make noise while eating!Everything you take out of your mouth,hide inside a napkin,or swallow!After a meal,place knife and fork down parallel on the plate.Do not begin eating until everyone is seated!Do not reach over peoples plates!Do not point with cutlery!,Queuing First come,first served!,Greetings,gestures and politeness:,Shaking hands is meant to secure familiarity and embrace with a stranger,The British dont like to touch too muchKeeping space between yourself and others is very importantMentioning the weather helps break the iceEye contact makes people nervous and uncomfortable,so we avoid it.Traditionally the British avoided talk about religion,sex,money and politics,Being a lady,being a gentleman:,Being a lady:Walk uprightPull up ones skirt to sitModesty and mildnessElegant speechShow of intellect.Effortless beauty,Being a Gentleman:,Being a gentlemanGood hygieneWell-dressed:Top hatCoatShined shoesAlways clean shaven!Opening doors,pulling out chairsStanding between road traffic and a lady when walking togetherChivalry:Standing up for a woman,defending their honourFighting with a straight back,no slouching or craningShow respect to womenDo not talk downDo not humiliate or ridiculeNever hit a woman!,British Wedding Rituals,The Bride,MINISTER TO BRIDE and GROOM:Do you(BRIDES NAME)take(GROOMS NAME)to be your husband to live together after in the estate of matrimony?Will you love him,comfort him,honor and keep him,in sickness and in health,for richer,for poorer,for better,for worse,in sadness and in joy,to cherish and continually bestow upon him your hearts deepest devotion,forsaking all others,keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?BRIDE/GROOM:I will.,Exchange of Wedding RingsMINISTER:What token of your love do you offer?Would you place the ring(s)in my hand?May this/these ring(s)be the symbol of this affectionate unity.These two lives are now joined in one unbroken circle.Wherever they go may they always return to one another.May these two find in each other the love for which all men and women year.May they grow in understanding and in compassion.May the home which they establish together be such a place that many will find there a friend.May this/these ring(s)on her/their finger(s)symbolize the touch of the spirit of love in their hearts.Handing ring to the Groom,MINISTER TO GROOM:GROOMS NAME,in placing this ring on BRIDES NAME finger,repeat after me:BRIDES NAME),you are now consecrated to me as my wife from this day forward and I give you this ring as the pledge of my love and as the symbol of our unity and with this ring,I thee wed.Handing ring to the BrideMINISTER TO BRIDE:BRIDES NAME,in placing this ring on GROOMS NAME finger,repeat after me:GROOMS NAME,you are now consecrate to me as my husband from this day forward and I give you this ring as the pledge of my love and as the symbol of our unity and with this ring,I thee wed.Pronouncement,MINISTER:May you always share with each other the gifts of love be one in heart and in mind may you always create a home together that puts in your hearts love generosity and kindness.In as much as GROOMS NAME and BRIDES NAME have consented together in marriage before this company of friends and family and have pledged their faith and declared their unity by giving and receiving a ring are now joined.You have pronounced yourselves husband and wife but remember to always be each others best friend.What therefore these vows has joined together let no man put asunder.And so,by the power vested in me by the Almighty,I now pronounce you man and wife and may your days be good and long upon the earth.You may now kiss the bride,The Kiss,The Wedding Cake,The Bridegroom,Horse and Carriage,The Bridesmaids,


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