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    职业道德Code of Ethics培训Training,Jan/2008,培训目的Training objectives,阐述职业道德准则的内容 To present the Carrefour China Code of Ethics解答任何有关职业道德准则的疑问To clarify any doubts about the Code of Ethics contents获得你们的承诺,严格执行职业道德准则To get your commitment to apply the Code of Ethics in the daily activities,议程 Agenda,家乐福中国-道德强化Carrefour(China)Ethics Reinforcement,职业道德Code of Ethics,道德:概述Ethics:Overview,实际例子Examples,结束Conclusion,项目视觉标志Visual Identity,议程 Agenda,家乐福中国-道德强化Carrefour(China)Ethics Reinforcement,职业道德Code of Ethics,道德:概述Ethics:Overview,实际例子Examples,项目视觉标志Visual Identity,结束Conclusion,道德Ethics:Concepts,道德的词源来自希腊语:ETHOSThe origin of Ethics is from the Greek language:ETHOS,“品质,品格”“the way you conduct your life,character”,“使用,习俗,习惯”“use,custom,habit”,ETHOS,当一个人或一家公司的行为以平等、公正、信任为基础,符合道德原则时,也就可以认为他/它是有道德的When a person or a companys behavior is based on equality,justice and trust,and in accordance with ethics principals,we can say it is ethical.这就是说遵守道德规范是个人和组织成功的基础Ethics is the foundation of individual and organizational success.,道德在汉语中的含义:道德In Chinese language,the word for Ethics is DAO-DE,“德“是自然万物永恒不变的规律和法度。“De”:the never-changing rules and laws”,“道”是产生万物、主宰万物之大本“Dao”:the foundation of all alive things,道德DAO-DE,道德规范有助于个人有效应对来自外界的刺激和价值观的冲突Ethics can help individual to filtrate out world stimulation and values符合道德观的生活是一种选择The life in accordance with Ethics Values is a choice,道德的概念Ethics:Concepts,70s,80s,90s,各所商科学院都引入“职业道德”课程Ethics courses begin in Business Schools跨国公司的发展 不同的文化 x 道德标准 企业道德规范Multinational companies expansion:Different culture in different places,but companies establish Corporate Code of Ethics,范围扩大(美国与欧洲)Scope enlargement(U.S.and Europe)焦点主题:公司腐败、领导和责任Focus on:corruption,leadership,responsibilities,公司职业道德观念普遍化The beginning of the globalization of companys ethics concepts世界范围内,许多公司制定了职业道德In other countries,companies begin to set up Code of Ethics,公司与政府丑闻 市场要求:信息透明,社会责任感,可持续发展Companies and governments scandals market requirement:Transparency,social responsibility,sustainable development职业道德成为公司的竞争优势Ethics=Competitive advantage,2000,职业道德的发展史Ethics:Overview,公司道德Company Ethics,违反道德的行为可能产生巨大的损失,甚至毁灭大公司Unethical behaviors may cost huge loss and even destroy big companies,2001-做假帐导致公司损失220亿美元2001-Fraudulent reports hiding the real(negative)situation:total(debt)amount US$22 billion.,公司倒闭Company closed5600名员工失业 5.600 people unemployed2位高层管理人员入狱2 main executives in jail,公司禁止使用童工Child labor forbidden in the company采取一系列行动计划去挽回公司声誉Massive communication campaign to recover the company reputation.,公司Company,1996年被控告在巴基斯坦用童工生产足球1996-Accused of using child labor in the production of its soccer balls in Pakistan.,问题Problem,由于消费者怀疑NIKE公司使用童工生产,从而联合抵制NIKE产品,导致公司销售,利润和形象的损失。Sales,profit and image losses:Boycott to NIKE products,as consumers suspected NIKE used child labor in the process of production.(Just dont do it.”),解决方法Solution,结果Consequence,公司道德Company Ethics,公司道德Company Ethics,采取道德和透明度的决定能提升公司的形象,特别是在公司面临危机的时候Taking Ethical and Transparent decisions can reinforce companys image,even in crisis,2004-年-发生了23起杯柄脱落的事件。2004-23 incidents in which the handles separated from the mug.其中9起由于杯柄脱落,导致被热咖啡烫伤9 cases of minor burns have been reported.,在加拿大,美国,回收了167000只杯子并且进行修理。Recall:167,000 coffee mugs were repaired in Canada and the U.S提醒消费者停止使用那类杯子,并且把杯子退给星巴克公司,公司将杯子的钱款退还给消费者Consumers should stop using the mugs and contact the company for a refund.,1982年 在芝加哥报道7人因服用了强生公司生产的泰诺胶囊而死亡。据报道怀疑有人在胶囊里投毒1982-seven people died after taking extra-strength Tylenol capsules,that were poisoned by an unknown person.,强生公司把消费者利益放在第一位的举动对重建公司良好的声誉,恢复品牌效应起了决定性作用。The guideline(protecting people before protecting the property)was the key to the brands survival and companys image improvement.,强生公司回收了3100万瓶胶囊,损失总计一亿美元。Product recall in the entire country:31 million bottles,losses up to US$100 million采取市场战略,让消费重塑对公司的信心。Communication campaign to restore the consumer confidence in the company,星巴克公司的形象进一步加强,是个值得信赖的公司。Starbucks image reinforced as a trustful brand.,公司道德Company Ethics,公司Company,问题Problem,解决方法Solution,结果Consequence,家乐福中国-道德强化Carrefour(China)Ethics Reinforcement,职业道德Code of Ethics,道德:概述Ethics:Overview,实际例子Examples,议程 Agenda,项目视觉标志Visual Identity,结束Conclusion,视觉标志Visual Identity Institutional,竹子Bamboo 刚正不阿Upright正直Integrity尊重文化和传统Respect culture and traditions清廉Clear concepts and ideas,视觉标志Visual Identity Logo,“德”(De)-字面意思就是指道德“德”(De)-literally means:Moral我们采用红方格是因为:从我们开始学习写汉字的时候,就是用红方格的描红本。这引申开来是指道德教育从小抓起。When we begin to learn to write in Chinese,we use the red square notebook.That implies Moral Education is from Childhood.,视觉标志Visual Identity-Communication to the stores,家乐福员工Carrefour employees标志性Identification归属感Sense of belonging尊重文化传统Respect the culture and traditions,议程 Agenda,家乐福中国-道德强化Carrefour(China)Ethics Reinforcement,职业道德Code of Ethics,道德:概述Ethics:Overview,实际例子Examples,项目视觉标志Visual Identity,结束Conclusion,为什么要制定职业道德?Why develop the Code of Ethics?,使期望的道德行为成为正规化的标准和指导To formalize the expected ethical behaviors确保所有的决策都是以最高道德行为为基础,并且符合地方规定To guarantee that all decisions taken are based on ethical standards,and in accordance with local laws加强内外部的形象To strengthen internal and external companys image公司关系的透明度和可信度To improve companys transparency and credibility为解决利益冲突To solve conflict of interests通过明确客观的规定,使合作伙伴清楚:什么能做/什么不能做Let all employees know what he/she can do and can not do帮助公司处理某些合作伙伴,供应商等的行为出格问题To help the company to deal with unethical conduct from employees,suppliers or others,家乐福中国的道德规范的建立?How we implement our Code of Ethics?,从2008年1月起,家乐福上海所有的员工将接受职业道德的培训On January 2008,all the employees from Shanghai,CCU and Head office will be trained,COMEX区长 Regional managers店长 Store managers处长 Division managers课长Sales managers员工 Employees,总部HO,城市采购中心CCU,门店Store,家乐福中国道德规范Carrefour China Code of Ethics,道德规范是一种具有实用价值的文本,我们必须在日常工作中遵守其中的规范.The Code of Ethics is a practical document.We need to follow it in our daily activities.,THE CODE OF ETHICS,1 Introduction2 Relationships2.1 Relationship with Employees2.2 Relationship with Customers2.3 Relationship with Suppliers2.4 Relationship with Competitors2.5 Relationship with Media3 Conflicts of Interests3.1 Hiring and Career Development3.2 Gifts and Presents3.3 Business Meals3.4 Events sponsored by suppliers3.5 Products Testing4 Company Assets5 Confidential Information6 Intellectual Property7 Responsibilities8 Ethics Management8.1 Ethics Committee8.2 Ethics Officer8.3 Communication Channels9 Code of Ethics Employee Agreement10 Transparency Agreement11 Appendix,职业道德,1 引言2 各方关系2.1 员工2.2 客户2.3 供应商2.4 竞争对手2.5 媒体3 利益冲突3.1 聘用和职业发展3.2 礼物3.3 工作餐3.4 供应商赞助活动3.5 产品测试4 公司资产5 机密信息6 知识产权7 职责8 职业道德管理8.1 职业道德委员会8.2 职业道德官员8.3 沟通渠道9 职业道德准则员工协议10 公开透明协议11 附录,1.INTRODUCTION,As a large multinational company with business operation in many countries and regions,Carrefour always emphasizes the professional ethics of its staffs and relationships.We have our values in the cornerstone of everything we do,and believing that long-term and trustful business relationships are built based on honesty and transparency.In order to strengthen the ethical business environment and improve its relationships with employees,customers,suppliers,promoters,third parties and partners,Carrefour China launched the Ethics Reinforcement Program.In our daily business activities we frequently face a variety of ethical and legal questions.We must answer them and make our choices consistently with our seven values:Integrity,Freedom,Responsibility,Sharing,Respect,Solidarity and Progress.,1.引言,家乐福作为一家在诸多国家和地区有经营业务的大型跨国公司,始终强调员工的职业道德以及各方间的关系。我们的任何行为都以我们的价值原则为基础,并坚信长期互信的业务关系建立在诚信透明的原则之上。为巩固职业道德业务环境,促进改善同员工、客户、供应商、经销商、第三方以及各合作伙伴间的关系,家乐福中国特此开展职业道德强化项目。日常业务经营活动中常会遇到各种各样的道德问题和法律问题。要解决这些问题做出自己的选择必须始终坚持七条价值观:正直、自由,责任、分享、尊重、团结、进步。,1.INTRODUCTION,To assure that all decisions we take are based on high level ethical conduct and in compliance with local laws and regulations,Carrefour China implemented its Code of Ethics.This Code of Ethics is applicable to all employees1 and will consider the relationship with suppliers,promoters,third parties,partners and customers.Each one of us is accountable to comply with the Code of Ethics.This Code is a company guideline.Violations can result in disciplinary action,including contract labor agreement termination or dismissal.If you have any concern about unethical or illegal acts,it is your responsibility to notify Carrefour China through your immediate superior or the appropriate communication channel.,1 including Head Office,Territory/Region Office,CCU,CCI,Stores,为确保所有决定都基于高标准的道德行为准则且符合当地法律法规,家乐福中国贯彻实行此职业道德准则。职业道德准则适用于全体员工1,并涉及与供应商、促销商、第三方、各合作伙伴间以及与客户的关系。我们每个人都有责任义务遵循职业道德准则。此准则为公司指导方针。违反该准则将受到违纪处罚,包括终止劳资协议或者解雇。若涉及违反职业道德或违法行为,您有责任通过直接上级或恰当的沟通渠道向家乐福中国汇报。,1包括总部、区域分部,CCU,CCI,各门店,1.引言,2.RELATIONSHIPS,Each one of us is responsible to care for Carrefour Chinas and our reputation.We value and respect the difference of individual cultures and ethnics in Carrefour China.We must treat everyone with whom we interact with respect,dignity and courtesy.Carrefour China does not accept discrimination which includes comments or conduct related to race,ethnics,gender,nationality,religion,age,physical or mental condition,medical condition,sexual orientation or marital status.Carrefour China is committed to protect the personal information of its employees,customers,suppliers and business partners.All forms of forced or slave labor whether children or adult are unacceptable.,2.各方关系,我们每一个人都有责任维护家乐福中国以及我们自己的声誉。我们重视尊重家乐福中国内部个体不同的文化和价值道 德观。我们与别人交流接触须尊重他人、自尊自重、礼貌待人。家乐福中国不允许任何形式的歧视,包括涉及种族、民族、性别、国籍、宗教、年龄、身体精神状况、医疗状况、性取向或婚姻状况的言论和行为。家乐福中国致力于保护员工、客户、供应商及业务伙伴的个人信息。不允许任何形式的强迫劳动或苦役,无论劳动力是否成年。,2.1 RELATIONSHIPS WITH EMPLOYEES,We believe in the“golden rule2”to provide and maintain a productive and healthy work environment,treating each other with respect,dignity and fairness,just as we would like to be treated ourselves.Carrefour China provides equal employment opportunity for growth and development for everyone in the company,being in compliance with local and national labor laws and regulations.The criteria for recruitment,hiring,training,and career development at Carrefour China are restricted to:technical qualifications,performance,skills and experience.Employment decisions must be based on business reasons.It is prohibited to all Carrefour Chinas employees to obtain personal earnings3 in the negotiations with suppliers,business partners,or with any other entity.(Necessary),2 Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.(Confucius,Analects.(Confucius,Analects 15.23)3 For own benefi ts,such as money or merchandise,gifts of any amount,trips,lunches and dinners,among others that create or not a personal compromising or obligation.,2.1员工,我们相信“黄金法则2”提供维护多产健康的工作环境,本着尊重、自重、公平待人,就像希望别人如何对待自己那样。家乐福中国为企业每一名员工提供职业培养发展的均等机会,且遵守当地及国家级劳动政策法律法规。家乐福中国招聘、雇用、培训以及职业发展的标准限于:技术资历、工作表现、技能经验。必须因公决定是否雇用。禁止所有家乐福中国员工与供应商、业务合作伙伴或其他机构单位(如适用)谈判中获取个人收益3,2己所不欲勿施于人(孔子语录15.23)3个人收益指,为个人利益所收受的包括钱财、货品、任意数额的礼物、旅游、宴请等无论上述行为是否构成收受方的个人妥协和履行义务,2.1 RELATIONSHIPS WITH EMPLOYEES,Moral and Sexual HarassmentMoral4 and sexual5 harassment as any other forms of abusive or offensive conduct are unacceptable,whether verbal,physical or visual,including but not limited to derogatory comments based on racial or ethnic characteristics,religious beliefs or sexual orientation,insulting remarks concerning a persons disability or unwelcome sexual advances.Carrefour China encourages all employees to report such related situations.,4 Moral harassment:professionals exposition to humiliating and embarrassing situations by hierarchical position,including but not limited to disrespect,ridicule and diminish.5 Sexual harassment:annoying or offensive about sex,physical contact,etc to obtain advantage or sexual favoring,by superior hierarchical or someone with power decision position.,2.1员工,精神骚扰和性骚扰禁止任何形式滥用职权或侵犯行为构成的无论是言语、行为或视觉上的精神骚扰4和性骚扰5,包括但不限于针对种族民族特征、宗教信仰或性取向的诋毁言论,个人残疾的侮辱性评论或性侵犯。家乐福中国鼓励所有员工汇报类似相关情况。,4精神骚扰:上级在工作中羞辱或使属下难看,包括但不限于鄙视、嘲弄、贬低他人.5性骚扰:上级或拥有决策力的个人实施的性侵犯、身体接触等以获取性满足,2.1 RELATIONSHIPS WITH EMPLOYEES,Safety and healthEach one of us is responsible for the following safety and health rules and practices.To protect the safety and health of all employees and prevent adverse impact on the work environment,the personal usage,distribution,sale or possession of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are prohibited.In addition,employees are forbidden to be in Carrefour Chinas premises or representing the Company under the influence or affected by illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages.Threats or acts of violence,or physical intimidation are prohibited.,2.1员工,安全与健康我们每个人都有责任遵从以下安全健康条例惯例。为保护所有员工的安全健康并预防由于工作环境所带来的负面影响,除医疗用途,禁止服用、分发、销售或携带酒精饮料、非法药物。此外,员工禁止在非法药物影响或酒精饮料作用下出现在家乐福中国经营场所且禁止代表公司形象。禁止暴力威胁行为或身体胁迫。,2.2 RELATIONSHIPS WITH CUSTOMERS,Each one of us is totally focused on meeting the expectations of our customers.Its our duty and obligation to:always listen to the customers and provide them complete and precise information about our products and services;provide our customers quality attendance,service and products;provide safe and amicable shopping environment to the customers.,2.2客户,我们每一个人都应尽力满足客户的期望。我们的职责和义务:始终聆听客户的需要,提供产品服务完整准确的信息;提供客户高品质的照料、服务和产品;提供客户安全友善的购物环境。,2.3 RELATIONSHIPS WITH SUPPLIERS,Each one of us is responsible to establish lasting and long term relationships with our suppliers,based on mutual respect,cooperation,partnership and equality.The suppliers choice process is exclusively based on clear and objective criteria,such as product,price,quality,legality and service level without any interference of any aspects that might be characterized as a privilege or discrimination of any kind.It is prohibited to force the suppliers to carry out any behaviors beyond contractual arrangement or company procedures.,2.3供应商,我们每一个人都有责任与供应商建立以互相尊重、协作合作、平等为基础的长期持久的合作关系。供应商的选择过程严格基于明晰客观的标准,如产品、价格、质量、法律义务以及服务水准不受任何优待或歧视等因素影响。禁止强迫供应商执行合同或企业程序要求之外的行为。,2.4 RELATIONSHIPS WITH COMPETITORS,Carrefour China competes straightly for business,with integrity and in compliance with local law and regulations.,2.4竞争对手,家乐福中国商业竞争,遵守当地的法律法规。,2.5 RELATIONSHIPS WITH MEDIA,Carrefour Chinas activities are frequently followed by journalists and media.To ensure that only accurate and truthful information will be provided,all media requests must be forwarded to Public Affairs Division.To avoid legal,financial,image or any other kind of negative impacts that might damage Carrefour Chinas business,all media requests and information to be disclosed must be forwarded to the Public Affairs Division.All other Carrefour China employees are forbidden to provide(formally or informally)business information without a prior approval from Public Affairs Division.,2.5媒体,家乐福中国的业务活动常被媒体记者报道。为确保提供的信息准确真实,所有媒体要求必须提交公共事务部。为避免法律、财务、形象或其它损害家乐福中国业务的负面影响,所有媒体要求以及即将批露的信息必须提交公共事务部。未得到公共事务部预先批准之前,禁止所有家乐福中国的员工(正式或非正式形式)披露任何商业信息。,3.CONFLICT OF INTERESTS,A conflict of interest means an existent or potential conflict between personal and Carrefour Chinas interests.Carrefour Chinas interests must


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