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    Practical Listening Skill,Lesson 1:general rule and listening steps 基本原则和听力步骤,steps,听力考试具有极强的时间效应,听力过程不具备复制性,考生必须学会掌握一定的听力技巧,充分利用宝贵的每一分钟。化被动为主动!,短对话原则,推理原则挫折原则男女原则生活化原则(家里at home;at Marys home),一般命题思路,借车?一般是借不到的考试?比较难,要熬夜,老师一般比较严厉事故?比较光明,不太死人讲座?题目比较有趣,内容一般比较复杂难懂作文?一般要修改polish或重写rewrite娱乐?男生一般喜欢在家里玩,女生一般喜欢高雅艺术theater医院?需要预约make an appointment买票?基本上是买不到的,1、时间运用技巧:画重点答在试卷上及时转移注意力2、预测原则:适用于长对话,预先构建情景3、关键词原则4、听力速记:速记符号、缩写形式5、词汇:高三学生需要掌握尽可能大的词汇量,以备不时之需!,Practical Listening Skill,Lesson 2:The Location of Key Words 关键词定位,What&When,when,时间、日期、年代、星期、年份,时间表示法:,一 1)4:00 four oclock,four,4 oclock 2)04:00 four in the morning,4 a.m 3)16:00 four in the afternoon,4 p.m三 1)12:00 twelve oclock,twelve,12 oclock 2)12:00 twelve in the morning,12 a.m,midday 3)00:00 twelve at night,12 p.m,midnight四 12:15,00:15(02:25,14:25?)a quarter past twelve,quarter past twelve,twelve fifteen,a quarter after twelve六 11:30,23:30 half past eleven,eleven-thirty,half eleven,half after eleven七 12:45,00:45 a quarter to one,quarter to one,twelve forty-five,a quarter of one(07:50,19:50?),日期表达法:,7月10日 July 10,July 10th,10 July或10th July5月13日星期二 Tuesday May the thirteenth4月15日星期一 Monday the fifth of AprilThey married on December 9,1913.The army was defeated in the war on 19 June 1970.Where were you on the nights of February 4th and 7th?They lived together from December of that year until June of 1980.,星期表示法:every Tuesday for the next few months 下几个月的每星期二Im terrible busy on Saturdays.我在星期六特别忙。On Monday nights,星期一的晚上,学生们去看电影。Ive never worked on a Sunday.我从未在星期日工作过。,年份表示法:1840 eighteen forty1900 nineteen hundred1992 nineteen ninety-two,年代表示法:1980-1989:可写为1980s,指的是八十年代 eighties1980-1985:可写为early eighties1985-1989:可写为late eighties.例如:in Stockholm in the thirties I went on a computer training course in the nineteen eighties.,where,高考听力常见十大场景,1Restaurant餐厅Speakers:waitress and customer女侍者和顾客,waiter/waitress男/女侍者menu菜单 order点菜pay the bill买单 tip小费Its my treat我请客go Dutch各付一半账fork叉 knife刀 spoon勺beef牛肉;chicken鸡肉;noodle面条;fish鱼;coffee咖啡;sandwich三文治;salad沙拉;pizza比萨;soup汤;hamburger汉堡包;fried rice炒米饭;shrimp虾;steak牛排;pudding布丁buffet自助餐,2Post office邮局Speakers:postal clerk and customer邮局职员和顾客,mail(send,post)a letter寄信 telegram,cable电报 postage邮资 airmail航空信 overweight超重 registered letter挂号信 stamp邮票,package/parcel 包裹 express mail 快件,3 在Library 图书馆speakers:librarian and reader 馆员和读者,librarian 馆员;borrow 借人;readers card 读者证library card 借书证;borrowers card 借书证magazine 通俗刊物;journal 学术刊物;check out 办手续借;current issue 现刊;back issue过刊;latest issue 最新刊;reference book 参考书;dictionary工具书,词典;renew 续借;fine 罚款;return 归还;title 书名;author 作者;subject主题;index索引;,4Hospital医院speakers:doctor and patient医生和病人,emergency room急诊室 dentist牙医 surgeon外科医生 physician内科医生treatment治疗operation手术examine体检 visiting hours探视时间prescription处方 pill药丸 tablet药片capsule胶囊cough咳嗽 cancer癌症fever发烧 flu流感 vomit呕吐 heart attack心脏病 dizzy头晕 faint昏迷 stomachache胃疼,肚子疼worn out疲乏 high blood pressure高血压,5Hotel旅馆Speakers:receptionist and customer接待员和顾客,make a reservation/book a room订房间(Do you have a reservation Sir?)check in登记人住/checkout结账/fee房费 reception desk接待处(Is there any room available here?)single room单人房间/double room双人房间/suite套间 hot water开水/air-conditioner空调/bathroom浴室fill out a form填表accommodation住宿 full up住满了(All the room are occupied.)Room Service客房服务台 Meals included.包括饮食Porter 搬运工,6Bank银行Speakers:bank clerk and customer银行职员和顾客,open an account开户 interest rate利率bankbook存折 draw money取钱 teller出纳员 overdraw透支check支票 credit card信用卡 cash现金 ATM自动取款机,7Airplane飞机Speakers:airport information desk clerk and passenger 机场咨询处工作人员和乘客flight航班/passenger乘客 departure离开/land着陆/Take off起飞 passport护照/see sb.off送行behind schedule 晚点 cancle取消Speakers:air-hostess and passenger空中小姐和乘客Welcome on board 欢迎登机 captain机长/air-hostess,air-stewardess空中小姐 passenger乘客 空中小姐 pilot飞行员 Fasten your seat-belt系好安全带emergency紧急情况 parachute降落伞Economy class经济舱/business class商务舱,8Office公司办公室Speakers:boss and secretary;manager and employee;inter viewer and interviewee 老板 和秘书;经理和雇员;面试考官和求职者,post;position职位:boss老板;secretary秘书;sales representative销售代表;manager经理;employee雇员;interview面试:interviewee面试者;interviewer面试官;job applicant求职者;candidate求职者;resume简历;type a letter打印信件;send a fax发传真arrange the file整理文件;printer打印机;ability能力;qualification资历;get a raise涨工资;salary工资;export出口;income收入;,9电话场景:,operator 接线员 The line is bad/busy/engaged.电话占线long distance call 长途电话 put through 接通电话 hold on/up Hold the line,please.Hello!This is speaking.Whos speaking?/who is this?call/telephone/ring/phone sb.;give sb.a call/ring Ill call back later/again.Ill ring him/her up again.I couldnt get through.Sorry,Im afraid you have the wrong number.,10购物场景:store 杂货店 department store 百货商场 shopping center 购物中心 商品信息:size;color;style;price 价格高低high,low bargain便宜货流行的(popular/fashionable);in fashion 流行,时尚 out of fashion 过时的 brand 品牌 counter 柜台 pay in cash 用现金支付 pay in check 用支票支付 credit card 信用卡 shop assistant 商店营业员 out of stock 脱销/缺货 in stock 有货,How,13/30 Thirteen/thirty 14/40 Fourteen/forty 101 one hundred and one 156 one hundred and fifty-six 192 one hundred and ninety-two 1,000 one thousand 45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two500,000 five hundred thousand1,000,000 one million3,123,400three million,one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hundred8,000,000 eight million,分数,1/2:one-half;a half1/3:one-third3/4:three-fourths1/5:one-fifth2/5:two-fifths7/8:seven-eighths1/10:one-tenth;a tenth1/100:one-hundredth;one per cent1/1000:one-thousandth,百分数.小数,100%:one hundred per cent0.5%:point five per cent0.46%:point four six per cent2.05:two point nought five;two point O five6.003:six point nought nought three;six point O O three78.12:seventy-eight point one two,减价:20%off,special offer,special price,25%discount,sale原价:regular price;normal price增长:by 10%increase in;1/3 climb in;go up by a half in;下降:5.5%decrease in;by 23%fall in.;go down,理解说话者意图、观点或态度,What does the man mean?What does the mans imply?How does the man feel?What does the man suggest?What can be inferred from the text?,What does the woman mean?,M:would you like to go on a picnic with me today?W:I dont think so.If I hadnt gone on a picnic yesterday,Id be very happy to go with you today.,did(were),should/would/could/might do,had done,should/would/could/might have done,did(were)should dowere to do,should/would/could/might do,What do you know from the conversation?,M:If the traffic had not be so bad,I should have been home by six oclock.W:what a pity!Henry was to see you.,What does the man feel about his drink?,W:is your drink all right sir?M:it could do with a little more soda.W:just a minute.,M:Did you watch the game last night?W:I would rather I had seen it,but I have to make my homework done.,情景听力,1、同意和不同意Sure./Certainly./Exactly./Absolutely./All right./I cant agree more./Sounds great./Id like to./Fantastic./why not?/Id love to/Im afraid not./Id rather not./Id like to,but,2、感谢和道歉,A:Thank you for-B:Its a pleasure./Dont mention it./My pleasure./Thats ok./Thats all right./You are welcome./Not at all.,注意:My pleasure(我的荣幸)用于感谢,with pleasure(乐意效劳)表示乐意帮忙。Thats all right表示没关系,Thats right表示认可,意思为“那是对的,说的对”。,A:I am so sorry that-B:Never mind./Forget it./It doesnt matter./Its nothing./Its all right./Thats ok./Its OK./,3.介意与不介意,A:Do you mind B:1.No,go head 2.Yes,youd better not.3.Please yourself 4.I hope not 5.Not at all 6.Id rather not 7.of course,not,常用语,1.be my guest2.make yourself at e on4.behave yourself5.may I have the bill6.what for?/what if?/so what?7.please yourself8.take it easy,


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