Gas TCMF,National Grid House,Warwick,24th January 2006,Agenda,1)Introductions2)Minutes of Previous Meeting3)Terms of Reference4)Objectives of Meeting5)Overview of Charging Arrangements6)Overview of Charge Calculation Models7)1 April 06 Charge Revisions8)Way Forward9)Any Other Business,Agenda,1)Introductions2)Minutes of Previous Meeting3)Terms of Reference4)Objectives of Meeting5)Overview of Charging Arrangements6)Overview of Charge Calculation Models7)1 April 06 Charge Revisions8)Way Forward9)Any Other Business,Overview of Charging Arrangements-Contents,Regulatory&Commercial FrameworkLicence ObligationsContractual Obligations Further ObjectivesPrice ControlTransportation Charging MethodologiesTypes of chargesPrinciples of charging methodologies:TO ExitTO EntryTO/SO Commodity,Regulatory and Commercial Framework-Overview,National Grid NTS GT Licence,IECR,Transmission Charging Statements,UNC,IExCR,Incremental Step Prices,Defines who pays what and how,Incremental volumes,Statement of Gas Transmission Transportation Charges,Connection Charging Statement,LNG Storage Charging Statement,Statement of Transmission Transportation Charging Methodology,Metering Charging Statement,Licence Obligations(1),In setting and developing its transportation charges,National Grid NTS complies with the following relevant obligations:Standard Special Condition A4 Notification of ChargesNational Grid NTS required to publish statement of chargesPlaces restrictions on timings of changes to charges(I.e.Apr&Oct only)Requires 150 day notice period of changes“reasonable endeavours basis”One months notice of final prices Standard Special Condition A5 Changes to Charging MethodologyNational Grid NTS to keep charging methodology at all times under review,for the purpose of achieving the following relevant objectives:To reflect costs incurred To take account of developments in the businessTo facilitate effective competition between shippers/suppliersWhere auctions apply,that the reserve price is set at a level to promote efficiency,avoid undue preference,and to promote competition.contd.,Licence Obligations(2),but must also comply with further special conditions:Special Condition C15 Methodology for determining incremental entry capacity volumesincludes the setting of step pricesrequirement on National Grid NTS to review annuallyIncludes consultation process where revision to be madeSpecial Condition C3 LNG Storage ServicesNational Grid NTS to ensure charges for LNG storage services are those contained in the licence for each formula yearContd,Licence Obligations(3),.and the following licence conditions for non-transportation charges:Standard Special Condition A43 Metering Chargescontains requirements for the charging methodology and statement for metering and meter reading servicesStandard Condition 4b Connection Chargescontains requirement on National Grid NTS to maintain and publish connection charging statement,Contractual Obligations,Uniform Network CodeDefines each transportation charge type(as described in the charging statement)for contractual purposesDescribes how the final charges for invoicing purposes are generated(e.g transportation charge rate x chargeable quantity)Sets out who is responsible for paymentInvoicing process Includes requirement to provide two months notice for implementation of revised prices,Setting Transportation Transmission Charges Further Objectives,When considering changes to charges,in addition to satisfying licence objectives,we endeavour to meet a number of our own objectives:Promote efficient use of the transportation systemGenerate stable chargesBe easy to understand and implement,Price Controls,Maximum Allowable Revenue(MAR)that National Grid NTS is allowed to earn in each formula year(1 Apr 31 Mar)determined by TO and SO price controls and incentivesTransportation Charges are set to recover the Maximum Allowed Revenues(MAR)Pricing differentiates between whether the activity is TO or SO,Transportation Charging Methodologies,NTS Entry and Exit Charges,Capacity(p/peak day kWh/day)Commodity(p/kWh),GTLicence,*Quarterly Incremental Prices are set in accordance with IECR methodology*Only revenue from Ahead of Day auctions feeds into Commodity Charge,Exit Capacity Charges,Entry Capacity 50%of TO target,TO Commodity Charge(Entry),Maximum Allowed SO Revenue,NTS Charges,Reserve Prices and Revenues,NTS Exit Charges(TO Control),Capacity(p/peak day kWh/day),NTS Exit Capacity Charge Process,LRMC matrix for all entry-exit pairs,Scaling/Rebalancing Rules,Reflective LRMCs for each entry and each exit point,Exit Capacity Charges,Solver,Several stages and tools are involved in the Pricing process,even to generate administered prices,33 standard NTS Exit Charging Zones for Distribution Network offtakesEach Direct Connect is treated as an individual zone,NTS Exit Capacity Charging Zones,NTS Exit Capacity Charges,Set to recover 50%of TO Maximum Allowed Revenue Charges are locationalVary by each LDZ exit zone and directly connected loadDetermined from Long Run Marginal Costs(LRMCs)LRMCs are scaled to generate target exit revenueRebalancing rules may be applied to aid price stability,NTS Exit Capacity Charges,PC76(December 2002)noted significant variation between prices and LRMCs but concluded that prices should not be re-balanced using updated LRMCs prior to exit reformPD18(March 2005)considered various options for moving from administered prices to UCAs for setting exit reserve prices,and included comparisons between unscaled LRMCs with current administered prices.Exit capacity charges left unchanged following postponement of Enduring Offtake ArrangementsAny under/over-recovery dealt with through adjusting exit capacity charges only as part of“K”correction mechanism for actual TO revenues,NTS Entry Charges(TO Control),Capacity(p/peak day kWh/day)Commodity(p/kWh),*SO Commodity not applied,TO Commodity levied on SO Commodity charge base,therefore not applied,NTS Entry Capacity Charges(TO Control),Aim to recover 50%of TO Maximum Allowed Revenue Entry capacity sold through different auctions:Annual long term(15 years)auction-quarterly bundle(QSEC)Annual monthly auction(AMSEC)Rolling Monthly auction of remaining monthly capacity(RMSEC)Daily firm capacity auction(DSEC)Daily interruptible capacity auction(DISEC)All auctions are based on the same baseline reserve price,though some currently have discounts appliedDSEC(Ahead of day):33.3%discountDSEC(Within day)and DISEC:100%discount,NTS Entry Capacity Charges(TO Control),Currently,baseline capacity reserve prices are set from Unit Cost Allowances(UCAs)UCAs were originally set to reflect LRMCs at entry points(using 6 mscm increment)UCAs currently set for entire price control period-only adjusted for inflation(RPI)Incremental capacity prices set using IECR methodologyUsually twenty price steps(each step 2.5%baseline)for large terminalsLong Run Incremental Costs(LRICs)calculated by Transcost for increments up to 12 mscmMore sophisticated engineering model(FALCON)used for larger increments,Entry Incremental Pricing Process,IECR Methodology,Entry Capacity Incremental Prices,Solver,for increments up to 12 mscm,LRICs are generated from multiple Transcost/Solver analyses and also FALCON analyses for larger increments,for increments over 12 mscm,NTS TO Commodity Charge,TO Commodity Charge part of the TO Revenue correction mechanism(under-recovery only)QSEC,AMSEC actual revenues and forecast revenues for RMSEC and DSEC(Ahead of Day)used for charge settingWithin Day capacity sales feed into Buy Back incentiveCharge is levied over period October-March inclusive(due to timing of AMSEC auctions and notice period required for changes to charges).Charge is zero at other times.,NTS Entry and Exit Charges,Commodity(p/kWh),*Historically,SO Commodity not applied.,SO Commodity Charges,SO Maximum Allowed Revenue covers:Revenues and cost elements of all 7 incentive schemes except for costs of Entry Capacity Buyback and Residual Balancing(which have separate neutrality mechanisms)Deemed interruptible TO paymentsRecovered through the SO Commodity Charge,split 50/50 over entry and exitCurrently,SO and TO Commodity Charges combined for Entry(for practicality)Optional Commodity Charge(“Shorthaul”)For large loads close to entry pointsElected entry and exit pointsIf paying this,will avoid standard SO commodity charge and also TO commodity charge,Other Transportation Charges,Interruptible Supply PointsAvoid exit capacity chargesWhere exceed 15 days interruption per year,receive 1/15th of(avoided)exit capacity annual charge as rebateConstrained LNGCompression ChargeCSEP Administration ChargeSpecific Services at Interconnectors,Gas TCMF,24th January 2006,青苹果出品 必属精品http:/,囊括2007-2010几百G地产策划资料/企业管理人力资源全套/品牌策划资料/行业分析报告/PPT模板等。,