国际商务交际(Business Communication Process & Product) (1).ppt
Business Communication 1Process&Product,国际商务交际第一册,Chapter 1 Communicating at work,1.Identify changes in the workplace and the importance of communication skills2.Describe the process of communication3.Discuss barriers to interpersonal communication and the means of overcoming them4.Analyze the functions and procedures of communication in organizations5.Assess the flow of communication in organization including barriers and methods for those barriers6.List the goals of ethical business communication and describe important tools for doing the right thing,Sweet and Sour Pork and Vegetables,Pepperoni Pizza,Orange Kiss-Me Cake,Ice cream,Chicken and Vegetable Loaf,Vegetable Mixtures-Fiesta Veggies,The Food Giant-Pillsbury,Present situation:over 18,000 employees many famous trademarks cross-functional teamwork Changes experienced:acquisitions,merger,restructuring,global market expanding shift from functional silos to work teams,Situation during upheaval:Employee morale plummets Rumors fly Productivity sinks Excessive caution&mistrust prevail Solution:successful communication,返回,Objective 1 changes in workplace and importance of communication skills,“There is nothing permanent except change.”Heraclitus of Ephesus(535-475 BC)A Greek Philosopher,1.Heightened Global competition reason:saturated local markets improved systems of telecom advanced forms of transportation result:dealing with people who have different religions,customs,and lifestyles solution:to develop language skills and cultural knowledge,2.Flattened Management Hierarchies hierarchical organization&flat organization It means fewer layers of managers separate decision makers from line workers.reason:cutting cost quick reaction to market changes result:managers&employees be skilled communicators and decision makers solution:to develop communication skills to refute common myths about writing,3.Expanded Team-based Management reason:need for input and commitment of each employee result:All team members have to communicate and negotiate solutions solution:to develop communication skills4.Innovative Communication Technologies E-mail,voice-mail are often used means of communication instead of letters,so we are required to develop a tool kit of new communication skills.,5.New Work EnvironmentTelecommuting-working from home on a computer and sending work to the office over telephone lines by Modem and FaxHotelling-reserving a desk for the days or hours they will be in the office just as booking a room to stay in a hotelHot-desking-a desk thats still warm from its previous occupantTighter quarters/small cubicles-small enclosed area separated from each other by thin panel boards,result:At workplaceneed interpersonal skills to deal with greater stresslisten to and empathize with fellow employeesAt homeexchange more messages on a computer than they are face to face solution:to develop communication skills,6.Increasingly Diverse Workplace benefit:creative-create different products to satisfy different needs of customers sensitive-sense different needs of customers result:interacting with coworkers who differ from you in race,ethnicity,gender,age solution:to develop language skills and cultural knowledge,7.Thriving in the Age of Knowledge What is knowledge economy?It refers to economy based on information and knowledge Importance of knowledge in future“The vital raw materials in the economy is knowledge.”(Oren Harari,a futurist)Tomorrows wealth depends on the development and exchange of knowledge.“Knowledge workers get paid for their education and their ability to learn.”(A management guru Peter Drucker),What will you be expected to do in the new world of work?to generate process and exchange information to think critically-having opinions backed by reason and evidence to learn new skills to consolidate your basic skills,To sum up objective 1All these changes mentioned and the expectation of you have showed that you are required to develop the ability to communicate-being able to listen and to express your ideas effectively in writing and in speechThe ability to communicate is increasingly important and has actually become the number one requirement for promotion to management.,Corporate president Ben Ordover explained,“Many people climbing the corporate ladder are very good.When faced with a hard choice between candidates,I use writing ability as the deciding factor.Sometimes a candidates writing is the only skill that separates him or her from the competition.”,返回,Objective 2 Examining the Process of Communication,What is communication?Communication is the transmission of information and meaning from one individual or group to another.The crucial element in this definition is meaning.Both parties must agree not only on the information transmitted but also on the meaning of the information.Sandra Kurtzig,the founder of ASK warns:“The best ideas in the world are useless if they cant be communicated clearly and concisely to others.”,The communication Process(five steps),5.Feedback travels to sender,1.Sender has idea,2.Sender encodes idea in message,3.Message travels over channel,4.Receiver decodes message,6.Possible additional feedback to receiver,1.The form of the idea is shaped by assumptions based on the senders experiences.2.Words have different meanings for different people,so choosing appropriate words or symbols is the first step.For example,“pepper”3.Channels here refer to the media-computer,telephone,spoken word,pager or some others.Anything that interrupts the transmission of a message in the communication process called“noise”.Noise can range from static that disrupt a telephone conversation to typographical errors in a letter or e-mail message.,4.Only when the receiver understands the meaning intended by the sender does communication take place.internal barrier:receivers lack of attention bias against the sender external barrier:loud sounds illegible words,semantic obstacles5.Feedback helps the sender know that the message was received and understood.The best feedback is descriptive rather than evaluative.,返回,Objective 3 Overcoming Interpersonal Communication Barriers,Barriers to clear communication1.BypassingBypassing happens when people miss each other with their meanings.For successful communication to occur,the receiver and sender must attach the same symbolic meanings to their word.For example,“help”,“like”,2.Frame of Reference It means a particular set of principles or ideas that base your behavior,judgments,or attitudes on.No two persons see things exactly the same.To prevent communication failure,the communicators are alert to both their own frames of reference and those of others.For example,“slow”,“beautiful”,3.Lack of Language Skill Successful communication requires good oral and written language skill.4.Distraction It refers to the things that get your attention and prevents you from concentrating on other things.They can range from emotional interference and physical distraction.For example,fear,excited,noisy surroundings,Overcoming the Obstacles 1.Adapt your message to the receiver 2.Arrange ideas logically and use words precisely Mark Twain said,“The difference between an almost-right-word and the right word is like the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.”3.Improve listening ability Management advisor Peter Drucker observed that“too many executives think they are wonderful with people because they talk well.They dont realize that being wonderful with people means listening well.”,4.Question and erase your preconceptions Preconception means an idea or opinion about something that you have a lot of information about it or experience of it.5.Plan for feedback,返回,Objective 4 Communicating in Organization,Internal Communication withSuperiorsCoworkers Subordinates,External Communication withCustomers Suppliers Government agenciesThe public,1.To inform2.To persuade3.To promote goodwill,Functions of Business Communication,Forms of Organizational Communication,Form Phone callConversation InterviewMeetingConferenceAdvantagesImmediate feedbackNonverbal cluesWarm feelingForceful impactMultiple input,Form AnnouncementMemo,E-mail,faxLetterReport,proposalNewsletterAdvantagesPermanent recordConvenienceEconomyCareful messageEasy distribution,Oral Communication,Written Communication,返回,Upward flow,Objective 5 Improving the Flow of Information in organization,Formal channels,Downward flow,Horizontal flow,Informal channels(grapevine),Social relationships,返回,1.Downward flow Information moves from decision-makers,including the CEO and managers,through the chain of command to workers.barriers,Distortion due to long lines of communication,Closed communicationclimate,Top heavyorganization structure,返回,2.Upward flow Information provides feedback from non-management employees to management.barriers,Lack of trust between Management and employees,Fear of reprisal forhonest Communication,Lack of communication skills,Differing frames of reference Among communicators,返回,3.Horizontal flow Information moves among workers at the same level.barriers,Ego involvement,Competition for power,Status and rewards,Turf wars,Lack of communication skill,返回,Information travels in informal channels called grapevine.Is grapevine good or bad?Good:fairly accurate and speedy source of organization information Bad:incomplete information What do you think of grapevine information?,返回,Objective 6 Facing Increasing Ethical Challenges,1.What is ethics?Dictionary definition:Ethics means a set of principles that people use to decide what is right and what is wrongMary E.Guy defined ethics as“that behavior which is the right thing to do,given the circumstance.”Ethics authority Michael Josephson said,“Ethical behavior involves four principles:honesty,integrity,fairness and concern for others.”,In 1980s,“greed is good”,“businesses are governed by profits.”In 1990s,95%of Fortune Corporations and small companies began to adopt ethical statement or codes of conductEthical awareness grows as companies recognize that ethical practices make good business-less litigation,less resentment and less government regulation.,2.Common ethical violationsCutting corners on qualityCovering up incidentsAbusing or lying about sick daysDeceiving customersLying to a supervisor or underlingTaking credit for a colleagues ideasAvoid paying taxTaking extended lunch breaksEmploying people illegally,3.Five Common Ethical TrapsThe False Necessity TrapThe Doctrine-of-Relative-Filth TrapThe Rationalization TrapThe Self-Deception TrapThe Ends-Justify-the Means Trap4.Goals to maintain a high level ethical standardTelling the truthLabeling opinionsBeing objectiveCommunicating clearlyGiving credit,5.Tools for doing the right thingIs the action you are considering legal?How would you see the problem if you were on the opposite side?What are alternate solutions?Can you discuss the problem with someone whose advice you trust?How would you feel if your family,friends,employer,or coworkers learned of your action?,返回,Discussion:Doing the right thing1.Work in groups.Discuss the ethical questions below.1)You have a shortlist of people for the post of Sales Manager.One of the female Candidates is clearly the best qualified person for the job.However,you know some of your best customers would prefer a man.If you appoint a woman,you will probably lose some sales.What should you do?,2)Your company,a large multinational,has a new advertising campaign which stresses its honesty,fairness and ethical business behavior.It has factories in several countries where wages are very low.At present it is paying workers the local market rate.Should you increase their wage?,3)A colleague in a company which tests medical equipment has been making big mistakes recently at work.This is because she has a serious illness.You are her best friend and the only person who knows this.She has asked you to keep it a secret.What should you do?,4)You are directors of a photo snack manufacturing company.Research has shown that any price increase causes a immediately dip in sales(although sales recover within six months).It has been suggested that you could maximize your profits by simply reducing your weight of the product in the packets and maintaining the current price.What should you do?,2.Do you agree with this statement?Give your reasons.“If we face a recession we should not lay off employees.The company should sacrifice a profit.Its managements risk and managements responsibility.Employees are not guilty;why should they suffer?”Akio Morita(1921-1999)co-founder of Sony,Chapter 2 Communicating in Teams,1.Discuss the importance of communicating in a team-oriented workplace,the four phases of team development,and the role of conflict.2.Identify the characteristics of successful teams.3.List techniques for organizing team-based written and oral presentation.4.Explain how to become an effective team listener.5.Analyze how information is transmitted through nonverbal messages and discuss how to improve nonverbal communication skills.6.Discuss how to plan and participate in face-to-face and electronic meetings.,H-D motor Company s products-the ultimate symbol of freewheeling and machismo,Man on an earlier motorcycle1910-1930,Jayno Mansfield,posed a motorcycle cop“Miss Traffic Stopper”,ticketing a male driver1962,Mark Sennett comedy films-glamour posed by three young women in bathing suits on beach,two of them on a motorcycle,An American Icon In 1903,the same year Henry Ford incorporated the Ford Motor Company and the Wright brothers first flew,William Harley and his friends Arthur and Walter Davidson launched the Harley-Davidson Motor Company.They gave their bike a quality engine,so it could prove itself in races,but planned to manufacture it as a transport vehicle.,Following WWII the Harleys market share,as well as its myth,continued to grow.Its main U.S.competitor,Indian Motorcycle,ceased production in the 1950s.And veteran owners,new bikers,and even movies such as Easy Rider raised the Harley Davidson to the status of American icon.Glamorous stars pictured with Harleys,from the early Mack Sennett Studio,to Jayne Mansfield,Elvis Presley,and Peter Fonda,certainly enhanced the companys image.,For the most part,however,Harley-Davidsons,like all motorcycles,are enjoyed by individuals and groups who find biking a wonderful way to get where they are going.,1.Situation in the early 1980s lost market share to other brands,such as Honda nearly bankrupt or near deaths door2.Reasons:1)poor quality of the products-oil puddle at the place parked 2)Loss of reliability loss of customers trust in companys products loss of employees trust in management 3)Other problems,3.HD Company-American Cinderella story from nearly bankrupt to heaven profit gaining Reasons:1)customer loyalty company logo tattooed on bodies 2)extensive changes in organization flatter organizational structure department-oriented management to team-based one,4.Challenges facing now a leading global supplier of premi