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    雅思写作词汇怎么提升 从雅思官方每年给出的数据来看,中国考生在雅思写作部分平均分为5.2分,而雅思听力和阅读都比雅思的均分要高上一些,以至于拉低了整体的分数。今天给大家带来了雅思写作词汇怎么才能提升,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。雅思写作词汇怎么才能提升1. 雅思写作词汇量有限,只会重复使用简单的词汇考生的词汇量不多,在复习过程中又不看优秀范文,或者即使看了范文,将之与自己写的*对照后,也不做任何词汇积累工作。如果作文中涉及“污染”这个词的使用,绝大部分考生都选择用pollution 这个词,并且在行文过程中不停地重复这个词。这样重复使用一个词导致的结果就是作文词汇得分只能达到5分。2. 有一定的写作词汇量,但是不会运用,浪费了词汇储备有些考生复习时会很注意积累范文中的用词和表达,但总是不得其法,背下来一堆“高大上”但却不知道如何使用的词。在考场上,这类考生往往有一种“茶壶里煮饺子肚子里有货倒不出”的感觉,即使背了很多词汇,在考场上也发挥不出来。例如,虽然考生在考试前记住了facilitate (to make it easier for a process or activity to happen)这个词,但在考场上想表达“计算机可以帮助我们更好地学习语言”的时候,却仍然写成了“Computers make it easier for us to learn another language ”,而不是“Computers can be used to facilitate language learning ”。那么,对于这类考生来说,复习时所做的词汇积累就毫无意义可言了。3. 写作用词不准确有些考生很注重积累词汇,但在写作时却不分语境地随意使用。其结果是,虽然用了“高大上”的词汇,却因为用词不准确,仍不能得到自己满意的分数。例如有些考生在词典中查到单词endorse 的中文解释有“赞同,同意”一项,于是决定把作文中的agree全改成endorse。殊不知,这个endorse在朗文当代英语词典中的英文定义是“to express formal support or approval for someone or something”,这意味着endorse表示“同意”时多用于正式场合,并且很多时候是有一定身份的人才可以使用的,例如:“The Prime Minister is unlikely to endorse this view. ”因此,考生在作文中直接把这个词当做“同意”来使用是不准确的。接下来,将从雅思写作的词汇评分标准入手,帮助考生们明确评分标准的要求,同时提出解决上述三个问题的方法。雅思写作中词汇评分标准的要求雅思词汇评分标准中已经明确地阐述了不同分数档对考生的词汇要求,下面笔者以5 分、6 分和7 分的评分标准为例,为考生进行分析讲解。雅思写作5分:uses a limited range of vocabulary, but this is minimally adequate for the task; may make noticeable errors in spelling and/or word formation that may cause some difficulty for the reader雅思写作6分:uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task; attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy; makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but they do not impede communication雅思写作7分:uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision; uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation; may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and word formation从这三个分数档的要求描述中可以看出:如果考生想达到5 分,只需具有有限的词汇量(limited range of vocabulary) ,能够完成作文就好;而如果考生想达到6 分,则需要有足够的词汇量(adequate range of vocabulary),并使用不常见词汇(less common vocabulary) ;7 分的要求更高,要求考生有丰富的词汇量(sufficient range of vocabulary) ,在词汇使用方面体现出灵活性(flexibility) 和准确性(precision) ,在使用不常见词汇的同时也能对语体(style) 和搭配(collocation) 有一定了解。下面对以上评分标准中提到的关键词做详细解析,希望能帮考生明确备考方向。1. 词汇量(range of vocabulary)对于词汇量的要求,5 分的评分标准中用的形容词是limited ( 有限的)。什么样的情况属于词汇量有限呢?举例来说,如果要描述这样一个事实:“越来越多的人购买了越来越多的车辆,造成了越来越严重的空气污染。”很多考生多半会写成:“More and more people are buying more and more cars, which causes more and more serious air pollution.”这个英语句子的意思表达得很清楚,可在词汇上只能拿到5 分。因为在表示“越来越多”这个概念的时候,more and more这个词组被重复了三遍,这表现了考生在词汇储备方面的匮乏。如果考生想得到6 分及以上的分数,就要学会用a/an growing/increasing number of 、increasingly来替换more and more,即把本句改成:“Agrowing number of people are buying more and more cars,which causes increasingly serious air pollution. ”对于每个常见含义,笔者建议考生至少要掌握三种不同的英文表达方式。此外,在作文中,考官也会看重考生对不同话题相关词汇量的掌握情况,以此作为评分的一种依据。比如说,对于犯罪的话题,criminal ( 罪犯)这个词是考生在写作时必然会用上的。除了可以使用lawbreaker 、offender这样的同义转换词外,如果考生在考试中能使用一些表示具体犯了某种罪的罪犯的名词,例如thief ( 小偷)、juvenile delinquent(少年犯)以及serial killer (连环杀手),也是自身具有充足词汇量的有力证明。2.不常见词汇(less common vocabulary)什么是不常见词汇?有很多考生认为不常见词汇就是大词、难词,于是费尽了心思去搜集。其实,所谓的不常见词汇,是指那些考生在写作文时往往用不到,但一看范文或官方样文就认识的词。如果考生观察剑桥雅思考试全真试题集(39) 中所提供的官方样文的话,就会发现样文里几乎没有大词、难词。相反,官方样文的用词几乎都是四、六级考查范围内的词汇。比如,在上文中笔者曾经提到,一旦说到“污染”这个词,很多考生的第一反应就是用pollution ,而contamination这个词其实就是六级词汇中要求考生掌握的词,它完全可以替换pollution 。再比如,表示“破坏环境”这个含义时,大部分考生写出的表达是damage environment,而“破坏”这个词可以替换为六级词汇中的deteriorate。所以,考生只要把大学四、六级考查的词汇掌握好就行,不需要特意去寻找其他的词汇资源。3.词汇运用的灵活性(flexibility)关于写作词汇运用的灵活性,涉及以下两个方面。(1)利用同义词或同义的概念替换词以避免同一词汇在*中重复出现。这里利用同义词是指如果考生在作文中两次提到了相同的概念,那么考生可以分别用两个不同的词来表示。例如,在作文中考生可以分别用important和significant来表示“重要的”以避免重复。而同义的概念替换词是指两个可能并非完全同义,但在一定情境下可以相互替换的词汇。例如,activity ( 活动) 和competition ( 竞争) 的意思并不完全相同,但在谈到关于“比赛”这个概念时,这两个词都是可以使用的。例如,一场篮球赛是一场竞争(competition),也是一种活动(activity) 。(2)通过使用“词性不同但词义相同的词汇”来避免重复。例如,在*中要表达“日本的石油消耗量居全世界首位,而美国排第二”这个含义时,可以用“Japan consumes the largest amount of oil in the world, while consumption in the US ranks second place ”来体现词汇使用的灵活性。其中,句中的consume和consumption 词性不同,但词义相同。4.词汇运用的准确性(precision)顾名思义,准确性就是指单词使用的准确程度。在积累词汇的过程中,考生会背很多同义或可表示相似意义的词汇,但有些词汇即使意思相近,在用法上也有很大的区别。例如,在前文提到了endorse这个词的使用,如果不分场合地用它来代替agree,就会造成表达不当。再如,描述一个人的眼睛大可以用big,虽然big非常常见,但big eyes 搭配起来没有问题。可是如果用enormous (extremely large in size or amount) 来形容眼睛的大小,就不恰当了。所以,考生在平时记忆词汇时要多注意区分词汇使用的语境,从而确保词汇使用的准确性。5. 词汇,语体及搭配(style and collocation)Style是指语体的风格。雅思考试中的写作测试是一个偏向于正式文体的语言测试,所以考生在行文的过程中不应出现过于口语化的内容,也不能用缩略语的形式。例如“I am gonna . ”或“Id like to . ”这种表达都不应在雅思写作中出现,而应该用“I will ”或“I tend to ”这样的表达来替代。评分标准中要求的搭配(collocation)的英文定义是“the way in which some words are often used together, or a particular combination of words ”,这要求考生在写作时要注意词语的固定搭配。例如,表示“学习知识”应该用acquire knowledge ,而不是learn knowledge;表示“犯罪”应该用commit a crime,而不是do a crime。这需要考生在平时多看范文,注意多多积累固定搭配,以提高自己在雅思词汇方面的得分。解决雅思写作词汇积累和使用难题事实上,考生在知道了词汇评分标准的要求后,再遇到问题时就不难解决了。下面笔者就根据词汇的评分标准,给出解决*开头提到的三个问题的方法。1. 积累丰富多样化的雅思写作词语为了避免在写作时重复使用有限词汇,考生在看范文时应对范文中意义相似或相同的词进行积累和背诵。例如,在剑桥雅思考试全真试题集6 Test 2 的官方样文中,表示某人观点的时候,分别用了find 、feel 、think等词汇表示“认为”的含义,考生就可以将其归纳总结,并在表达观点时使用,以确保自己作文中的词汇表达具有多样性。2. 模仿雅思写作高分范文为了避免背过的高级词汇使用不上,建议考生在平时用仿写范文的方法进行练习。具体的方法是,首先看一遍范文,理解了范文意思后,自己用英文写一遍,写完后把自己写的*和范文进行对照,查找异同,找出自己的用词和范文的用词有哪些不同之处,并总结范文中的地道词汇,然后进行记忆。例如,在剑桥雅思考试全真试题集5 Test 2 的官方样文中,表示“学习”和“好工作”两个概念时,样文的用词分别是academic study and research、reasonable career ,而绝大多数中国考生的用词是study和good job 。碰到这种情况,考生就可以将官方样文中的地道表达记住,下次用时就可以把good job 替换成reasonable career。同时,如果想表达的是大学及以上阶段的学习,也可以用academic study and research来替换study。3. 勤对于如何才能准确使用词语的问题,笔者建议考生准备几本好的英文词典,对于不确定其用法的词汇,考生可以参照词典中的英文定义及例句,多多体会,这样就能在写作时保证词汇使用的精确性了。雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文"Prevention is better than cure." Out of a countrys health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?Model Answer:Of course it goes without saying that prevention is better than cure. That is why, in recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion in favour of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures. The argument is that ignorance of, for example, basic hygiene or the dangers of an unhealthy diet or lifestyle needs to be combatted by special nationwide publicity campaigns, as well as longer-term health education.Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible. There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary. Then there are social or economic costs, perhaps in terms of loss of earnings for the family concerned or unemployed benefit paid by the state.So far so good, but the difficulties start when we try to define what the proportion of the budget should be, particularly if the funds will be diverted from treatment. Decisions on exactly how much of the total health budget should be spent in this way are not a matter for the non-specialist, but should be made on the basis of an accepted health service model.This is the point at which real problems occur - the formulation of the model. How do we accurately measure which health education campaigns are effective in both medical and financial terms? How do we agree about the medical efficacy of various screening programmes, for example, when the medical establishment itself does not agree? A very rigorous process of evaluation is called for, so that we can make informed decisions.雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with knowledge of dangers. Smokers should therefore expect to pay more for medical treatment than non-smokers.To what extent do you agree with this statement?Model Answer:Everyone has the choice of being a smoker or not. The people who choose to smoke do so knowing there is a risk of causing harmful damage to themselves. However, I do not entirely agree that these people should have to pay more to receive all the medical treatment they need.I think there are many situations in which a medical problem has nothing to do with whether a person smokes or not. In these cases, where an illness has no relation to smoking, then I believe that smokers should not be required to pay more than other people for their medical treatment. Most car accidents, for example, have no connection with smoking, and the people who are injured ought to have the same medical help, regardless of the cost. And what about the common flu - it does not seem justifiable to me that a smoker should have to pay more to see a doctor for an illness we can all contract.On the other hand, I agree that a smoker should pay more than a non-smoker for the necessary treatment of any condition which has been caused by smoking. The principle that people should take responsibility for their own actions is a good one. Consequently, if a person chooses to smoke knowing that this habit can cause serious health problems, then there is no reason why the community or an insurance company should have to pay for medical treatment for an illness which could have been avoided.In many countries, cigarette packets have a clear warning that smoking can cause health problems and so no smoker can claim not to know the danger. Lung cancer is sometimes a fatal disease and the treatment is both lengthy and expensive, and it is unfair for the smoker to expect the hospital or the community to carry the cost. In fact, it could also be argued that those who smoke in public should be asked to pay extra because of the illness caused to passive smokers.In conclusion, I feel that smokers should pay more in cases related to smoking, but for any other illness they should pay the same as anyone else.雅思写作


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