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    XXXX 大 学学生毕业设计(论文)外文译文学生姓名:XXX学号:XXXXXXXXXX专业名称:计算机科学与技术译文标题(中英文):简单浏览器/服务器三层架构(译)Sample B/S 3-tier application译文出处:Martin Fowler;Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture;Addison-Wesley Professional;2003.08指导教师审阅签名:外文译文正文: 三层架构(3-tier application) 定义:通常意义上的三层架构就是将整个业务应用划分为:表现层(UI)、业务逻辑层(BLL)、数据访问层(DAL)。区分层次的目的即为了“高内聚,低耦合”的思想。、表现层(UI):通俗讲就是展现给用户的界面,即用户在使用一个系统的时候他的所见所得。、业务逻辑层(BLL):针对具体问题的操作,也可以说是对数据层的操作,对数据业务逻辑处理。、数据访问层(DAL):该层所做事务直接操作数据库,针对数据的增添、删除、修改、更新、查找等。在软件体系架构设计中,分层式结构是最常见,也是最重要的一种结构。微软推荐的分层式结构一般分为三层,从下至上分别为:数据访问层、业务逻辑层(又或成为领域层)、表示层。三层结构原理:3个层次中,系统主要功能和业务逻辑都在业务逻辑层进行处理。所谓三层体系结构,是在客户端与数据库之间加入了一个“中间层”,也叫组件层。这里所说的三层体系,不是指物理上的三层,不是简单地放置三台机器就是三层体系结构,也不仅仅有B/S应用才是三层体系结构,三层是指逻辑上的三层,即使这三个层放置到一台机器上。三层体系的应用程序将业务规则、数据访问、合法性校验等工作放到了中间层进行处理。通常情况下,客户端不直接与数据库进行交互,而是通过COM/DCOM通讯与中间层建立连接,再经由中间层与数据库进行交互。表示层位于最外层(最上层),离用户最近。用于显示数据和接收用户输入的数据,为用户提供一种交互式操作的界面。业务逻辑层业务逻辑层(Business Logic Layer)无疑是系统架构中体现核心价值的部分。它的关注点主要集中在业务规则的制定、业务流程的实现等与业务需求有关的系统设计,也即是说它是与系统所应对的领域(Domain)逻辑有关,很多时候,也将业务逻辑层称为领域层。例如Martin Fowler在Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture一书中,将整个架构分为三个主要的层:表示层、领域层和数据源层。作为领域驱动设计的先驱Eric Evans,对业务逻辑层作了更细致地划分,细分为应用层与领域层,通过分层进一步将领域逻辑与领域逻辑的解决方案分离。业务逻辑层在体系架构中的位置很关键,它处于数据访问层与表示层中间,起到了数据交换中承上启下的作用。由于层是一种弱耦合结构,层与层之间的依赖是向下的,底层对于上层而言是“无知”的,改变上层的设计对于其调用的底层而言没有任何影响。如果在分层设计时,遵循了面向接口设计的思想,那么这种向下的依赖也应该是一种弱依赖关系。因而在不改变接口定义的前提下,理想的分层式架构,应该是一个支持可抽取、可替换的“抽屉”式架构。正因为如此,业务逻辑层的设计对于一个支持可扩展的架构尤为关键,因为它扮演了两个不同的角色。对于数据访问层而言,它是调用者;对于表示层而言,它却是被调用者。依赖与被依赖的关系都纠结在业务逻辑层上,如何实现依赖关系的解耦,则是除了实现业务逻辑之外留给设计师的任务。数据层数据访问层:有时候也称为是持久层,其功能主要是负责数据库的访问,可以访问数据库系统、二进制文件、文本文档或是XML文档。简单的说法就是实现对数据表的Select,Insert,Update,Delete的操作。如果要加入ORM的元素,那么就会包括对象和数据表之间的mapping,以及对象实体的持久化。待添加的隐藏文字内容3(正文页面请加页;从教务处主页下载,统一用A4纸单面激光打印)外文正文:The definition of the 3-tier application:Normally,3-tier application is that the entire business is divided into:User Interface(UI)、Business Logic Layer(BLL)、Data Access Layer(DAL).The purpose of the distinction between the level of that in order to "high cohesion, low coupling" thinking.1、User Interface(UI):Popular talk is to show to the user interface, that is, users in the use of a system when seen from him.2、Business Logic Layer(BLL):Issue-specific operation, it can be said that the operation of the data layer, business logic for data processing.3、Data Access Layer(DAL):Layer made of the direct operation of the database services for data to add, delete, modify, update, search and so on.In terms of software architecture design, hierarchical structure is the most common, and most importantly a structure. Microsoft recommended hierarchical structure will generally be divided into three tiers, from bottom to top are: Data Access Layer, Business Logic Tier (or even a field of layer), indicating that the layer.The principle of the 3-tier application:Three levels, the system functionality and business logic to deal with in the Business Logic Tier. The so-called three-tier architecture, is in between the client and the database by adding a "middle layer", also known as layer components. Three-tier system mentioned here are not referring to the three physical, rather than simply place the three machines is the three-tier architecture, it not only B / S application is a three-tier architecture is the logical three-tier three-tier, even if the three layers placed on a single machine.3-tier application system business rules, data access, so check on the legality of the middle layer for processing. Under normal circumstances, the client does not directly interact with the database, but through COM / DCOM communication to establish a connection with the middle layer, middle layer and then interact with the database.User Interface(UI):User Interface(UI) is located in the outermost layer (the top), from the user recently. Used to display data and receive data entered by the user, to provide users with an interactive interface to operate.Business Logic Layer(BLL):Business Logic Layer system architecture is reflected in some of the core values. It concerns mainly concentrated in the formulation of business rules, business processes and business needs to achieve, such as the system design, In other words it is to deal with the areas of systems (Domain) logic, and most of the time, the area known as the Business Logic Tier layer. Martin Fowler ivided the whole structure into three main layers: the presentation Layer, the field layer and the data source layer. As a pioneer in the field-driven design Eric Evans, of the Business Logic Tier division made a more detailed breakdown for the application layer and the field level, through the stratification to further the field of logic and the area of separation logic solutions.Business Logic Tier structure in the system the location of a key, it is data access layer and said intermediate layer, the data exchange has played a role in connecting. As the layer is a weak-coupling structure between the three levels down the dependence on the bottom to the top is "ignorant" and change the design for the top of the bottom in terms of their call has no effect. If the stratified design, interface design to follow for the idea, then this dependence should be down is a weak dependence. Without changing the interface and thus the premise of the definition of an ideal layered structure should be a support can be taken to replace the "drawer" style architecture. For this reason, the Business Logic Tier design for a scalable architecture to support is particularly crucial, since it plays two different roles. It is the caller for the data access layer, it is by the caller for that layer is concerned. Dependence and the relationship was dependent on entangled in the Business Logic Tier, the dependence of how to achieve the decoupling, it is outside the business logic in addition to the achievement of the task left to the designer.Data Access Layer(DAL):Data Access Layer: Sometimes also known as the persistence layer, its function is responsible for database access, you can access the database system, binary files, text documents or XML documents.Is to realize that a simple table of data Select, Insert, Update, Delete operations. If you want to join the elements of ORM, it will include between objects and data tables of the mapping, as well as the object of persistent entities.


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