Assignment 02 for “English in a Changing World”(Units 58).doc
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Assignment 02 for “English in a Changing World”(Units 58).doc
Assignment 02 for “English in a Changing World”(Units 5-8)Answer Sheet变化中的英语 作业02(第5-8单元)答题纸学籍号: W2003B2101B0026 姓名: _李 燕_学习中心:_ 上财大_分 数: 班级: _03春专升本_批改老师: The total marks for this assignment are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this assignment is 1 hour (60 minutes).PLEASE WRITE ALL YOUR ANSWERS ON THE ANSWER SHEETShort-answer Questions 100 points1Five advantages of Standard English are: 1.Standard English is internationally used. 2. Regional varieties are only superficial differences. 3. It can be pronounced in a variety of accents. 4. It is fully and well described. 5. It is a variety with excellent teaching / learning materials. 2.The makeshift language is people inventive and creative in their use of language when they have a really strong incentive, or motivation. And they do it in very much the same way, in different and distant parts of the world. 待添加的隐藏文字内容3 3.Franglais is French borrowings from English is shared by many French speaking people, it is mix of languages. 4.Randolph Quirk is a author of “Language varieties and the Standard Language” which printed in English Today, 21 January 1990. And also author of text of a lecture at JALT Conf.1988. Printed in JALT Journal, 1, 1989. 5.Tok Pisin (which is a Creole though its name indicates its origin pidgin talk) is the Papua New Guineas national language.