Generic Safety ManualPestSure.doc
COMPANY NAMESafety and Health ManualIntroductionThe purpose of this safety manual is to communicate COMPANY NAMES (COMPANY NAME SHORT's) safety policies and special emphasis safety programs through out our organization so that employee injuries and illnesses can be prevented and compliance with federal, state and local regulations can be achieved.To accomplish these goals, our company has established a Safety Policy Statement on page 5 stating that everyone will be held accountable for implementing their assigned safety duties and responsibilities, in this safety manual, to prevent employee injuries and illnesses. To ensure that we attain our safety goals, accident data will be periodically analyzed to check on our progress to attain annual accident reduction goals. In addition, the safety program will be reviewed and signed annually to determine how the safety program can be improved to attain accident reduction goals and attain compliance with federal, state and local safety regulations. This safety manual provides management with a tool to hold others accountable for safety efforts. It provides supervisors with direction they need to get the job done. And, it provides employees with information (i.e.; employee safety handbook) to avoid injuries and illnesses. Use it on a daily basis, to prevent employee injuries and illnesses.Table of ContentsSAFETY RESPONSIBILITIES1Safety Policy Statement3Assignment of Responsibility7CORE SAFETY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES11Employee Safety Orientations13Personal Protective Equipment17Safety Training25Safety Inspections33Job Safety Analysis33Accident Investigation33Accident Analysis33Safety Meetings33Safety Committee Meeting33Central Safety File33Program Audit33Machine Guarding33Electrical Safety33Hearing Conservation33Crane, Hoist and Sling Safety33SAFETY RULES33General Safety33Fire Protection33Housekeeping33Machinery33Hand Tools33Personal Protective Equipment33Electricity33Compressed Gas Cylinders33Office Safety33Manual Materials Handling33Ladders, Stairs and Platforms33Welding Safety33SPECIAL EMPHASIS SAFETY PROGRAMS FOR OSHA COMPLIANCE33Hazard Communication Program33Hazard Communication Training33Program Audit33Reading A Material Safety Data Sheet33Control of Hazardous Energy Sources33Introduction33Required Equipment33Responsibilities33Energy Control Procedure33General Lockout Steps33Group Lockout / Tagout33Lockout Removal33Shift Changes33Removal of Non-energized Tools & Devices33Steps To Re-energize Equipment33Contractor Requirements33Training33Periodic Inspection33Program Audit33Definitions33Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Program33Training33Definition33Exposure Determination33Universal Precautions/Engineering Controls33Hepatitis B Vaccination33Facility Emergency Organization33General Emergency Reporting Procedures33General Emergency Announcing Procedures33Emergency Alarms and Phone Numbers33Fire Prevention Plan33Emergency Action Plan for Fire33Emergency Action Plan for Evacuation33Emergency Action Plan for Tornado and Severe Winds33Emergency Action Plan for Power Outage33Emergency Action Plan for Bomb Threat33Emergency Action Plan for Winter Storm33Respiratory Protection Program33Responsibilities33Program Evaluation33Record Keeping33Training and Information33Selection of Respirators33Respiratory Protection Schedule by Job and Working Condition33Physical and Medical Qualifications33Respirator Fit Testing33Respirator Operation and Use33Cleaning and Disinfecting33Respirator Inspection33Respirator Storage33Breathing Air Quality and Use33Index of Forms, Checklists, and ProceduresAccident Investigation Report Form53Annual Safety Audit67Authorized Lockout/Tagout Employee List125Employee Safety Orientation Checklist15Facility Inspection Checklist41General Area Sound Levels83General Safety Training Matrix27Guide For Entering Injuries & Illnesses In The OSHA 300 Log63Hepatitis B Vaccine Consent Form and Vaccination Record139Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination Form141Job Safety Analysis Worksheet49Job Task Risk Assessment47Lock-Out/Tag-Out Evaluation129Lock-Out/Tag-Out Evaluation Sample131Machine Guarding Checklist75Periodic Lock-Out/Tag-Out Inspection Record127Personal Protective Equipment Needs Assessment Form21Request for Material Safety Data Sheets113Required Personal Protective Equipment23Safety Communication Meeting Form35Safety Inspections List39Safety Policy Statement5Supervisor Safety Skill Training Matrix31Index of TablesTable 1: Table of required safety inspections.33Table 2: Types of emergency alarms.33Table 3: Emergency services and phone numbers.33Safety ResponsibilitiesSafety Policy StatementPurpose:The purpose of COMPANY NAME SHORT's Safety Policy Statement on page 5 is to make clear to all employees that every reasonable effort shall be made to:a) Identify and control exposures in our operations that can injure people, interrupt production, or damage property, equipment, and materials.b) Comply with federal, state and local regulations. No operation is so important that it must be done in a manner that permits undue hazard to personnel, the public or property.Scope:This policy applies to all COMPANY NAME SHORT's operations, activities and locations. Administration:Management is responsible for:· Requiring supervisors to live up to the spirit of the safety policy.· Requiring that the Safety Policy Statement be up to date.Supervisors are responsible for:· Living up to the spirit of the Safety Policy Statement.· Reviewing the Safety Policy Statement with employees.· Requiring employees live up to the spirit of the Safety Policy Statement.Employees are responsible for:· Working in a safe manner to avoid injury and illness.· Obeying all safety rules.· Immediately reporting an unsafe condition to a supervisor.Training:Annually review the Safety Policy Statement with all employees to remind them of their commitment and the companys commitment to provide a safe workplace.Timing:The Safety Policy Statement will be communicated to all employees during their initial employee safety orientation and annually thereafter.Action:1. Post the safety policy on general bulletin boards. 2. Review the company's Safety Policy Statement with new employees and annually with all employees.3. Review the Safety Policy Statement annually to determine if it needs updating.Documentation:The Safety Policy Statement is provided for you on page 5.Audit:The Safety Policy Statement will be included in the annual safety program audit. Results of the audit will be shared with Executive Management. COMPANY NAMESafety Policy StatementCOMPANY NAME is committed to make every reasonable effort to:a) Identify and control exposures in our operations that can injure people, interrupt production, or damage property, equipment, and materials. b) Comply with federal, state and local regulations.This policy, put into action through implementation of our safety programs, training programs, and employee safety rules; is the basis for assuring an efficient, safe and healthful workplace for our employees. No operation is so important that it must be done in a manner that permits undue hazard to personnel, the public or property.Management is responsible for developing our loss control policies and has the overall responsibility for requiring that they be effectively implemented within the company. Employees are responsible for obeying the safety policies and safety rules to avoid injury and illness.Safety and loss control policies are the direct responsibility of all management and they are as much a measure of efficient operations as reaching production and sales goals. Correction of recognized safety hazards and other potential loss hazards should be assigned top priority by the supervisor in charge. Safety and loss control are everyone's responsibility. All personnel, supervisory and production alike, must take responsibility for our loss control programs.Failure to follow the policies, procedures, safety rules, safe work methods and OSHA regulations can result in disciplinary actions that can lead to and include termination.Our objective for these programs is to reduce the number of injuries, illnesses, and property and maintain a safe and productive work environment.PresidentVice PresidentAssignment of ResponsibilityPurpose:The purpose of assigning safety responsibilities is to assure that all employees understand their role in how they will be held accountable to provide a safe work place. Scope:The assignment of responsibilities applies to all levels of the organization.Administration:The Executive Management team is responsible for:· Establishing annual accident reduction goals.· Reviewing completed Accident Investigation Report Forms on page 33 and providing feedback to the location manager and safety committee.· Reviewing the safety committee meeting minutes and providing feedback.· Holding the location manager accountable for attaining accident reduction goals and safety performance goals. · Requiring that the safety program be audited annually. The Location Manager is responsible for: · Recommending accident reduction goals to Executive Management.· Requiring that hazardous job tasks be evaluated by conducting a Job Safety Analysis and document the findings on a Job Safety Analysis Worksheet on page 33.· Conducting Employee Safety Orientations and document their activities by using the Employee Safety Orientation Checklist s on page15. · Requiring the Supervisor to participate in Safety Training as required in the Supervisor Safety Skill Training Matrix on page 31.· Conducting Safety Training sessions as indicated in the General Safety Training Matrix on page 27 and documenting them by completing the Safety Communication Meeting Form on page 33.· Conducting monthly Safety Meetings and documenting them by completing the Safety Communication Meeting Form on page 33.· Requiring Safety Inspections be conducted and documented as indicated in the Safety Inspections List on page 33.· Conducting an Accident Investigation of an employee injury or illness by the end of the shift and completing the Accident Investigation Report Form on page 33.· Reviewing completed Safety Communication Meeting Forms on page 33 and providing feedback to the safety committee and supervisor. · Periodically auditing the quantity and quality of safety documentation in the Central Safety File.· Maintaining an organized Central Safety File of completed safety documentation.· Updating the list of hazardous chemicals and replacing outdated MSDSs in the MSDS binders.· Holding the supervisor accountable for implementing the safety manual and attaining accident reduction goals.· Interpreting the safety policies, procedures and programs in the safety manual.The Supervisor is responsible for:· Attaining accident reduction goals by implementing the policies and procedures in the safety manual.· Participate in Safety Training as required in the Supervisor Safety Skill Training Matrix on page 31.· Participate in conducting Job Safety Analysis and completing a Job Safety Analysis Worksheet on page 33.· Requiring employees to wear and maintain Personal Protective Equipment as indicated in the Required Personal Protective Equipment list on page 33.· Participating in monthly Safety Meetings.· Participate in conducting Safety Inspections as stated in the Safety Inspections List table on page 33.· Correcting unsafe acts and unsafe conditions as soon as they are identified.· Implementing the Special Emphasis Safety Programs For OSHA Compliance beginning on page 33.· Requiring guards to be in place when an employee is operating machinery or equipment.· Participate in conducting an Accident Investigation of an employee injury or illness.· Initiating disciplinary procedures in a uniform and consistent manner.The Employees are responsible for:· Being responsible for his or her personal safety.· Obeying all safety rules.· Wearing and maintaining personal protective equipment.· Using safe work methods.· Requesting additional training when unclear on how to work safely.· Immediately reporting unsafe acts and unsafe conditions to management.· Submitting safety suggestions.· Reporting all injuries immediately to management. It is mandatory for employees to work safely at COMPANY NAME. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary actions being taken against that employee which can include termination. Training:Train all employees annually on their assignment of safety responsibilities.Action:1. Train management and employees in their safety duties and responsibilities.2. Remind management and employees of their duties and responsibilities during staff meetings and safety training sessions.3. Hold management and employees accountable for performing their safety duties and responsibilities. Documentation:Use the Safety Communication Meeting Form on page 33 to document training sessions on safety duties and responsibilities. Audit:The assignment of responsibilities will be included in the annual safety program audit. Results of the audit will be shared with Executive Management.Core Safety Policies and ProceduresEmployee Safety OrientationsPurpose:The purpose of the employee safety orientation policy is to ensure that they understand safe work methods and how to use machinery, equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) to avoid injuries and illnesses.Scope:This policy applies when an employee is: newly hired, transferred, promoted, or returning to work from an extended injury or leave of absence.Administration:The Location Manager is responsible for:· Explaining to the trainee the designated topics listed in the Employee Safety Orientation Checklist on page 15.· Signing and dating the Employee Safety Orientation Checklist when the orientation is completed.· Filing the completed Employee Safety Orientation Checklist in the employee's personnel/training file.· Observing the employee working to see if he or she is properly applying the new knowledge.· Providing feedback to the employee to reinforce safe work behaviors.The Employee Safety Representatives are responsible for:· Observing the trainee to provide guidance and instruction on how to work safe.· Not