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    Performance evaluation of local government problems and solutions.doc

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    Performance evaluation of local government problems and solutions.doc

    Performance evaluation of local government problems and solutionsPaper Keywords: government functions and design appraisal system performance evaluation indicators Paper Abstract: The performance evaluation as an effective management tool to improve local government performance has an important role. However, the existing local government performance evaluation indicators Assessment for the design and functions of the government Tuogou formalism flooding and many other issues, an urgent need for performance assessment of the implementation of standardized procedures and content management, and establish effective supervision and management system. Performance appraisal is an important modern human resources management tools and methods, but also the core of the sustainable development of any organization links. Performance evaluation, including indicator design, assessment program design, assessment, and many other aspects of the use of the results. All of these links, the first is the performance evaluation The design of. Government, as organizations, enterprises and organizations, their organizational attributes and properties are quite different, and its performance evaluation index system and have very different enterprises and organizations. From the perspective of historical development, the government itself became the object of evaluation is, government action With the indicator data will have the responsibility and pressure, this change of course, quite positive. However, the assessment requirements in a variety of indicators, the government intervention to strengthen social and economic life, and actually makes the slow rate of transformation of government functions, followed by a performance evaluation of local government many contradictions and conflicts arise, it is necessary first of Government Functions. First, the functions of local government performance and government contacts theory Performance evaluation index system of local government design and the close relationship between the Functions of Government, the different functions of the government will come to very different theory of government performance evaluation standards. In accordance with government intervention in economic activities (especially in the redistribution of the field) and the breadth depth, the Government can be divided into “the weakest sense of state” and “minimal government”, “welfare state” and “steer-style government” four. Robert Nozick claims meaning the weakest countries, published in 1974, <”Untitled government, national and white Topia>> a book, he said:” could be proved that the weakest sense of a country , namely, a limited prevent violence, theft, fraud and coercion to perform more limited functions of contracts and other countries. “Buchanan that Nozick,” meaning the weakest states “in the connotation and the l9 century liberals advocated by Smith The “night watchman state” the same. Hayek advocated minimal government, can be roughly understood as: the weakest in the sense of Nozick state functions, the increase to maintain economic stability, managing foreign relations and national defense, and the poor the most basic functions. Hayek strongly against the government In addition to the poor the most basic function of any other than redistribution. Welfare state theory and other functions essential difference between the theory of redistribution of state intervention in the breadth and depth, because the poor function of almost any age any level of government embodied in different duties. And “steer-style government” by the Osborne and cover Buller in the “ Reforming the government, entrepreneurship, how to reform the public sector>> his book. The book ideal government of l0 proposed standard that the government responsible for “steering” rather than “rowing”, the government should concentrate on improving countrys international competitiveness, the development of education and high technology, government and other non-core functions, such as public utilities, etc., can be private enterprises and non-governmental organizations involved in the provision. Political science, public administration and other disciplines for the academic study of government functions, based on the value of discipline has its significance can not be replaced, but the design of performance evaluation indicators also need to make sure government functions in the real world rather than the actual content of pure research. At present, the Chinese government is moving from “control-oriented government” to “service-oriented government” change. service-oriented government elements, including people-oriented service concept, administration of service standards, customer-oriented service model, performance evaluation service assessment fault of the service held responsibility. and all the content has nothing to do with the government functions, must be firmly excluded from the scope of government performance assessment. Only in this way in order to gradually change Chinas deep-rooted “all government” framework and the concept of progressive realization of the “service Government “and” limited type of government. “ Second, the status of local government performance evaluation Based on the above theory of government functions, to measure local government performance assessment of Chinas current situation, there are many shortcomings, mainly in two aspects: (A) the proliferation of compliance assessment, and performance engineering flared up, worrying social risks Since there is no fundamental change in the functions, in recent years, indicators of assessment as a way of government administration has become the examination of government departments and cadres across an important element of performance, namely, “the proliferation of compliance assessment, and performance engineering flared up” in this formalism led, social contradictions, tensions between cadres and masses. To sum up, this indicator there are three trends assessment. 1. Increasingly wide range of assessment indicators Mainly in the traditional indicators of GDP, fixed asset investment growth, revenue, rural per capita net income assessment, it had also to changes in the central and provincial leadership emphasis, increased the number of content, almost every All roads department has the appropriate compliance requirements. education, health, radio and television, afforestation, forest fire, trade unions, party building, clean government, and other cities and towns, where the social, economic and cultural fields, including the contents of the can, rarely were not covered. 2. More specific assessment of the content If a certain small town of Anhui in 2003, investment appraisal, the total foreign capital 30 million yuan required, industrial projects must be 70% to 75% of funds outside the province. 25 points in the infrastructure, the towns of the capital investment is not less than 300 million rural no less than 200 million to complete by 8 points, more than 100 million each plus 0.5 points, extremely detailed assessment indicators. 3. A veto more and more areas 90 20th century, a veto of the project is not much in recent years, the contents of a veto gradually increased, from petition (Petition responsibility inquire into the system), to resolve township debt, damage the investment environment, administrative costs overruns, and gradually extended to farmers burden, investment, illegal land use, fire safety, environmental and safety aspects of mining. Some places, such as a small town in Henan area of ​​a veto as many as l3 items, and even the farmers burning corn stalks are also a veto as well. Excessive compliance assessment to strengthen the small towns, “omnipotent government” role, but also strengthen the local government intervention in economic and social life and reduced the space for market regulation, contrary to the direction of reform government functions. In addition, compliance assessment gave birth to the local government for the completion of short-term targets, leading to “image projects”, “Digital Project” after another, it must accelerate the pace of change in government functions. from the versatile, control type to a limited type, service type is the transformation of government functions direction. In these circumstances, even if not immediately canceled, should play down all kinds of top-down compliance assessment, the assessment content transformation of government functions should be consistent with the direction and requirements of the new concept of development. (B) too much emphasis on the neglect of social harmony and economic development from the “First Five-Year Plan” to the “Fifth Plan” is the name of China National Development Plan <<national five-year plan>> .1982 l2 months in development “June plan “when the contents start to increase social development, changed its name to <<National Economic and Social Development Plan>>, then the content of social development, increasing year by year.” Tenth Five “, the social development and economic objectives have been content is evenly divided. But performance evaluation system in the government of this benign trend has not been enough to reflect the macro and micro assessment strategy is still out of line. “economic powerhouse” merit system revealed a series of problems in practice. 1. GDP index does not accurately reflect the full social and economic development. The obvious shortcomings of GDP as an indicator is one of the negative social and economic activities for the elimination of production activities carried out have also been counted indiscriminately added value of GDP. If environmental pollution caused by dirty production and soil erosion, environmental pollution and production activities and the formation of new incremental GDP World Bank and relevant departments In 1996 a collaborative study shows that water and air pollution in 1995 caused the Chinese economy about 540 billion dollars in losses, accounting for 6% of Chinas GDP to 7%. 2. Performance evaluation in the government too much emphasis on economic development will inevitably lead to “only on GDP”, have a “feudal economy”, investment in excessive competition, performance advances, and many other disadvantages. 3. Lack of government input and output dynamic contact, and nothing but the result regardless of the cost. Relevant data show that Chinas administrative input and output ratio is not ideal. Chinese Academy of Sciences released (2002 China Sustainable Development Strategy Report>> shows that China is one of the highest administrative costs, “the world average of 1 U.S. dollar things can be done under conditions in China, they must spend $ 1.25, “.2002 1.5 trillion yuan of tax revenue in China, the national tax system, 100 million people, while the U.S. is far higher than Chinas tax revenue, tax officials are only 10 million people. Although it can not simply direct comparison, but the high administrative costs of the taxation system in China, after all, can not be denied. reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download 4. residents ignored the quality of life , cart before the horse. Blind pursuit of economic indicators, a serious shortage of investment in public service system, occurred in May 2003 of the SARS epidemic can be seen as evaluate the performance of the Chinese system of government an opportunity to reflect on. If the cost of sacrificing the quality of life residents to obtain a temporary so-called economic growth, is undoubtedly the cart before the horse, repeating the 20th century, many developing countries, 60 to 70 years “of growth without development” in the past. At present, the Chinese Government in moving from “control” to “service type”, which objectively requires local governments value orientation should be “Government Standard” to “people oriented” changes, the evaluation index system to highlight the changes reflected the peoples living standards and the level of government service capabilities, comprehensive reflection of the comprehensive social development and harmony, and to guide local government to improve the quality of life, enhance the capacity of public service direction, and can not just focus on one aspect. Third, the local government performance evaluation of the countermeasures (A) the design of assessment indicators Indicators for assessing the design, first of all, pay attention to evaluation purposes. Performance evaluation index system of local government can not be designed for competitive evaluation index system, which must be strictly designed around the basic functions of government to determine the reasonable and effective assessment objectives. From the local government perform the functions of the point of view, I believe that the evaluation indicators should include the following five aspects: First, administrative capacity, the second is to improve the quality of civil servants and the third is the provision of public services, the four is to promote economic development, the five is to maintain social stability. In addition, multi-level index system should be used and multivariate analysis, should also be based on various indicators of the impact on the level of local government performance, set different weights to the weighted average score, to ensure that the assessment result is objective, fair and reasonable . In the comprehensive examination process, adhere to a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods of the government, non-competitive features, quantitative performance evaluation of the government, you can set the appropriate level of performance or performance interval, this approach may be more measured features to meet all levels of government. (B) assessment methods, the choice of methods and techniques Evaluation approach, methods and technology choices determine not only the difficulty of assessing the extent and cost of their own, but the results will affect the credibility assessment. Usually are cadres from top to bottom assessment test object cadres, the department of the department, and only test to the township level, it involves officials of the public, the Government and the public contradictions, conflicts between cadres was most fully. The reason why people do not see middle-level problems, “bad guys” are often township cadres, because all of the contradictions are pushed to the small towns. Therefore, we must reform the traditional ways and means of assessment. Performance evaluation process is actually a loop. Before the start of the examination, first made on the assessment of overall planning, to solve the four premise that decision ma


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