收藏:百度搜索技巧【珍藏版】 2013-7-20 大家虽然总是用baidu,但是baidu出来的东西有很多是我们不想要的。实际上,baidu的搜索是由很多技巧的你知道吗?来!看看吧!1.减除无关资料。有时候,排除含有某些词语的资料有利于缩小查询范围。百度支持“功能”,用于有目的地删除某些无关网页,但减号之前必须留一空格,语法是“AB“。2.并行搜索。使用“A|B“来搜索“或者包含关键词A,或者包含关键词B“的网页。例如:您要查询“图片”或“写真”相关资料,无须分两次查询,只要输入图片|写真搜索即可。百度会提供跟“|“前后任何关键词相关的网站和资料。3.相关检索。如果您无法确定输入什么关键词才能找到满意的资料,百度相关检索可以帮助您。您先输入一个简单词语搜索,然后,百度搜索引擎会为您提供“其它用户搜索过的相关搜索词“作参考。点击任何一个相关搜索词,都能得到那个相关搜索词的搜索结果。 百度高级搜索技巧把搜索范围限定在网页标题中intitle。网页标题通常是对网页内容提纲挈领式的归纳。把查询内容范围限定在网页标题中,有时能获得良好的效果。使用的方式,是把查询内容中特别关键的部分,用“intitle:”领起来。例如,找林青霞的写真,就可以这样查询:写真intitle:林青霞。注意,intitle:和后面的关键词之间,不要有空格。把搜索范围限定在特定站点中site。有时候,您如果知道某个站点中有自己需要找的东西,就可以把搜索范围限定在这个站点中,提高查询效率。使用的方式,是在查询内容的后面,加上“site:站点域名”。例如,天空网下载软件不错,就可以这样查询:msnsite:。注意,“site:”后面跟的站点域名,不要带“http:/”;另外,site:和站点名之间不要带空格。把搜索范围限定在url链接中inurl。网页url中的某些信息,常常有某种有价值的含义。于是,您如果对搜索结果的url做某种限定,就可以获得良好的效果。实现的方式,是用“inurl:”,后跟需要在url中出现的关键词。例如,找关于photoshop的使用技巧,可以这样查询:photoshopinurl:jiqiao。上面这个查询串中的“photoshop”,是可以出现在网页的任何位置,而“jiqiao”则必须出现在网页url中。注意,inurl:语法和后面所跟的关键词,不要有空格。精确匹配双引号和书名号。如果输入的查询词很长,百度在经过分析后,给出的搜索结果中的查询词,可能是拆分的。如果您对这种情况不满意,可以尝试让百度不拆分查询词。给查询词加上双引号,就可以达到这种效果。例如,搜索上海科技大学,如果不加双引号,搜索结果被拆分,效果不是很好,但加上双引号后,“上海科技大学”,获得的结果就全是符合要求的了。书名号是百度独有的一个特殊查询语法。在其他搜索引擎中,书名号会被忽略,而在百度,中文书名号是可被查询的。加上书名号的查询词,有两层特殊功能,一是书名号会出现在搜索结果中;二是被书名号扩起来的内容,不会被拆分。书名号在某些情况下特别有效果,例如,查名字很通俗和常用的那些电影或者小说。比如,查电影“手机”,如果不加书名号,很多情况下出来的是通讯工具手机,而加上书名号后,手机结果就都是关于电影方面的了。要求搜索结果中不含特定查询词。如果您发现搜索结果中,有某一类网页是您不希望看见的,而且,这些网页都包含特定的关键词,那么用减号语法,就可以去除所有这些含有特定关键词的网页。例如,搜神雕侠侣,希望是关于武侠小说方面的内容,却发现很多关于电视剧方面的网页。那么就可以这样查询:神雕侠侣电视剧。注意,前一个关键词,和减号之间必须有空格,否则,减号会被当成连字符处理,而失去减号语法功能。减号和后一个关键词之间,有无空格均可。Acknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.