大连交通大学信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)任务书题 目凯文社区卡尔实现系统任务及要求:1.设计(研究)内容和要求任务:1、 调查凯文社区卡尔网络实现系统的近况,完成实习报告,字数不少于3000,第三周交给指导老师。2、 结合自己实习情况安排进度,填写进度计划表,第二周完成后交给指导老师签字,并严格执行。3、 按照软件工程思想,独立完成系统的设计和程序开发,完成代码估计2000行左右。4、 用JSP技术实现社区居民信息管理的基本功能。5、 程序简洁,算法可行,运行情况良好。要求:1、 每周和指导老师至少见面沟通一次,回报课题进展情况,接受老师询问。2、 接到任务书后,查阅与题目及专业相关的外文资料进行翻译,要求不少于10000个外文字符,译出汉字不得少于3000,于第四周交给指导老师审阅。3、 毕业设计第13周完成毕业论文的装订,并由指导老师评阅。论文要求12000字以上,包括综述、系统总体设计、系统实现、性能分析、结论等。4、 教学第13周通过中软及教研室组织进行软件验收,验收时要提供软件使用说明书。5、 于第13周提出毕业答辩申请并签字。6、 第14 周答辩,要求制作PPT2.原始依据通过大学几年的学习,已经学习了诸如软件工程、数据库原理及应用、数据结构、C+、Visual Basic、JAVA等多门程序设计语言和网络等基础知识和专业知识,学生有能力而且可以独立完成小中型项目的设计与开发。学校现有设备和环境可以提供给学生实习和上机,而且具有专业老师可以指导学生。3.参考文献1 杨昭.JSP课程设计案例精编M.北京:中国水利水电出版社.2005.2 武延军.黄飞跃.精通JSP编程技术M.北京:人民邮电出版社.2001.3 赛奎春.JSP工程应用与项目实践M.北京:机械工业出版社.2005.4 贾素玲.王强.JSP应用开发技术M.北京:清华大学出版社.2008. 5 王珊.萨师煊.数据库系统概论M.北京:高等教育出版社.2006.6 蔡翠平等.Java程序设计M.北京:清华大学出版社.2002.10.7 肖刚.Java Web 服务器应用程序设计M.西安:电子工业出版社.2001.6.8 黄浩文.黄静舒. JSP核心技术和电子商务应用实例M.北京:高等教育出版社.2000.11.9 闪四清.SQL Server2000实用教程M. 北京:人民出版社.2002.6.10 董卫琴.JAVA面向对象编程M.北京:电子工业出版社.2006.11 张孝祥.JAVA就业培训教程M.北京:清华大学出版社.2003.12 Elliote.Java Network Programming.O'Reilly.199713 Savitch Walter.An Introduction to ProblemSolving& ProgrammingM.NewJersey:Prentice Hall,2008.指导教师签字:教研室主任签字: 年 月 日大连交通大学信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)进度计划与考核表学生姓名王文广专业班级软件工程08-2班指导教师杨迪翟悦本课题其他人员无题目凯文社区卡尔实现系统日期计划完成内容完成情况指导老师检查签字第1周拟订毕业论文进度计划与考核表第2周完成实习或调研报告第3周提交外文文献翻译资料第4周系统概要设计阶段第5周系统详细设计阶段第6周系统编码实施、完成论文初稿第7周完成系统编码实施第8周系统编码调试、提交论文初稿第9周完成系统编码调试、完善毕业论文第10周完成撰写毕业设计论文编写及代码测试第11周完成论文终稿、准备毕业论文打印、装订第12周提交毕业论文终稿及代码第13周完成毕业论文 第14周毕业论文答辩指导教师签字: 年 月 日大连交通大学信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)外文翻译学生姓名 王文广 专业班级 软件工程08-2班 指导教师 杨迪 翟悦 职 称 高工 讲师 所在单位 信息科学系软件工程教研室 教研室主任 刘瑞杰 完成日期 2012 年 4 月 13 日How to troubleshoot connectivity issues in SQL Server 2000This article can help you to resolve connectivity problems with Microsoft SQL Server 2000. This article contains descriptions of common connectivity problems and the steps that you can take to help resolve your connectivity problems. SQL Server 2000 supports several methods of communication between the instance of SQL Server and the client applications. If your client application and the instance of SQL Server reside on the same computer, Microsoft Windows interprocess communication (IPC) components, such as local named pipes or the Shared Memory protocol, are used to communicate. However, when the client application and the instance of SQL Server reside on different computers, a network IPC, such as TCP/IP or named pipes, is used to communicate.SQL Server 2000 uses Net-Library, a DLL, to communicate with a particular network protocol. A matching pair of Net-Libraries must be active on the client computer and the server computer to support the network protocol that you want to use. For example, if you want to enable a client application to communicate with a specific instance of SQL Server across TCP/IP, the client TCP/IP Sockets Net-Library (Dbnetlib.dll) must be configured to connect to the server on the client computer. Likewise, the server TCP/IP Sockets Net-Library (Ssnetlib.dll) must listen on the server computer. In this scenario, the TCP/IP protocol stack must be installed on both the client computer and the server computer.After you install SQL Server 2000, you can configure the properties of the client Net-Libraries by using Client Network Utility. You can configure the properties of the server Net-Libraries by using Server Network Utility (Svrnetcn.exe). The server Net-Libraries are installed during the installation of the server tools in SQL Server Setup. However, some of the server Net-Libraries may not be active. By default, SQL Server 2000 enables and listens on TCP/IP, named pipes, and Shared Memory. Therefore, for a client to connect to a server computer, the client must connect by using a client Net-Library that matches one of the server Net-Libraries that is currently being used by the instance of SQL Server.For additional information about SQL Server communication components and Net-Libraries, see the following topics in SQL Server Books Online: Communication ComponentsClient and Server Net-LibrariesManaging ClientsTroubleshoot connectivity issuesMost of the connectivity issues that you may notice in SQL Server 2000 occur because of problems with TCP/IP, Windows authentication, or a combination of TCP/IP and Windows authentication. Important Before you start to troubleshoot connectivity issues in SQL Server 2000, make sure that the MSSQLServer service is started on the computer that is running SQL Server.Verify your DNS settingsThe name resolution process in Domain Name System (DNS) is used to resolve the IP address to the name of the instance of SQL Server. If the name resolution process does not work correctly, the instance of SQL Server is not reachable, and you may receive one or more of the following error messages: SQL Server does not exist or access deniedGeneral Network ErrorCannot Generate SSPI ContextTo verify that the name resolution process is resolving the correct server, you can ping the server by using the server name and the IP address of the server. To do so, follow these steps: 1.Click Start, and then click Run.2.In the Run dialog box, type cmd in the Open box, and then click OK.3.At the command prompt, run the following command:ping <Server Name>Note the IP address that is returned.4.At the command prompt, run the following command (where IP address is the IP address that you noted in step 3):ping a <IP address>Verify that the command resolves to the correct server name. If either of the specified commands are not successful, time out, or do not return the correct values, the DNS lookup is not working correctly or the problem occurs because of other networking or routing issues. To see your current DNS settings, run the following command at a command prompt:ipconfig /allTo work around this problem, add an entry for the server to the %systemroot%system32driversetchosts file on the client computer. You can also work around the problem by connecting to the server by using the Named Pipes Net-library.Verify the enabled protocols and aliasesConnectivity problems may occur if the alias on the client computer is set incorrectly. You can view the aliases by using Client Network Utility. To do so, follow these steps: 1.Start Client Network Utility. If the SQL Server client tools are installed on the computer that is running the client application, follow these steps to start Client Network Utility: a. Click Start, and then point to Programs.b. Point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click Client Network Utility.If the SQL Server client tools are not installed on the client computer, follow these steps to start Client Network Utility: a. Click Start, and then click Run.b. In the Run dialog box, type cliconfg in the Open box, and then click OK.2.In the SQL Server Client Network Utility window, click the General tab, and then enable all the protocols that you want to use.Note You must at least enable the TCP/IP protocol and the named pipes protocol.3.Click the Alias tab, and then verify the aliases that are configured for the instance of SQL Server. 4.Verify the properties of the aliases to make sure that the server name or IP address and the protocol are configured correctly.You can create a new alias to test the connectivity by using the server name, the IP address, or even by using a different protocol.Note Earlier versions of Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) have a different user interface for Client Network Utility. Therefore, if you do not see the options that are listed in this article, install a later version of MDAC on the computer that is running the client application.Verify that the instance of SQL Server is listening correctlyTo verify that the instance of SQL Server is listening on named pipes, TCP/IP, or another protocol that you are using at the client application, open the current SQL Server error log file. The SQL Server error log file may contain entries that are similar to the following:2003-11-06 09:49:36.17 server SQL server listening on TCP, Shared Memory, Named Pipes. 2003-11-06 09:49:36.17 server SQL server listening on, you analyze the entries in the SQL Server error log file, you can verify that the instance of SQL Server is listening on the correct IP address and on the correct port. By default, a default instance of SQL Server listens on the port 1433. You can also use Server Network Utility to verify the protocol settings for SQL Server and to change the properties in SQL Server, including the protocols that can connect to SQL Server and the ports that can be used. For more information about using Server Network Utility, see the "SQL Server Network Utility" topic in SQL Server Books Online. Sometimes, SQL Server 2000 may not bind to port 1433 or any other specified port. This problem may occur if the port is being used by another application or if you are trying to connect by using an IP address that is not correct. Therefore, the TCP/IP connections to SQL Server may not be successful and you may receive the following error message in the SQL Server error log file: 2001-11-14 15:49:14.12 server SuperSocket Info: Bind failed on TCP port 1433.If you cannot connect to the instance of SQL Server by using a TCP/IP connection, try to use the named pipes protocol or the Shared Memory protocol. Run the following command at a command prompt to obtain information about the ports that are in use:NETSTAT anYou can also use the Portqry command-line utility to obtain more information about the ports that are in use.Note For named instances of SQL Server, SQL Server dynamically determines the port and listens on the determined port. Therefore, when you start the named instance of SQL Server, SQL Server tries to listen on the port that was previously being used. If SQL Server cannot bind to that port, the named instance may dynamically bind to a different port. In that situation, make sure that the client application is also set to determine the port dynamically. Alternatively, you can also specify a static port for the named instance to bind to and to listen on by using Client Network Utility.Troubleshoot MDAC IssuesConnectivity problems may also occur because of problems with MDAC. For example, a software installation may overwrite some of the MDAC files or change the permissions that you must have to access the MDAC files. You can run the MDAC Component Checker to verify the MDAC installation on your computer.Note If you are connecting to a named instance of SQL Server, make sure that you are running MDAC 2.6 or later on your computer. Earlier versions of MDAC do not recognize named instances of SQL Server. Therefore, connections to named instances may not be successful.You can use the Odbcping.exe utility to verify connections through the SQL Server ODBC driver.You can also test connectivity to the instance of SQL Server by using a .udl file.Troubleshoot firewall issuesIf firewall exists between the client computer and the computer that is running SQL Server, make sure that the ports that are required to communicate through the firewall are open.If you use the TCP/IP protocol to connect to the instance of SQL Server, make sure that you can use the Telnet program to connect to the port where SQL Server is listening. To use the Telnet program, run the following command at a command prompt: Telnet <IP Address> <Port Number>If the Telnet program is not successful and you receive an error message, resolve the error and then try to connect again.Note Because of issues that were caused by the Slammer virus, the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port 1434 may be blocked on your firewall.Troubleshoot authentication and security issuesConnections to SQL Server may not be successful because of authentication failures. If the authentication fails, you may receive one of the following error messages:Login failed for user '<username>'Login failed for user 'NTAUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'Login failed for user 'null'If you receive an error message because of an authentication failure and the error message does not mention a specific SQL Server login name, troubleshoot the problem with Windows authentication. You may receive the following error message because of problems with Windows authentication: Cannot generate SSPI ContextThe following problems may cause authentication and security issues: Problems occur with NTLM authentication or with Kerberos authentication.The domain controller cannot be contacted because of connectivity issues.Problems occur with trust relationships across domains.For more information about possible causes, see the event logs on the computer. To work around connectivity problems with Windows authentication, you can use SQL Server Authentication to connect to the instance of SQL Server. If the connection is not successful when you use SQL Server Authentication, you receive the following error message: Login failed for user '<username>' . Not associated with a trusted connectionTo troubleshoot this problem, follow these steps. Warning If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. 1.Make sure that the instance of SQL Server is configured to use Windows authentication and SQL Server Authentication. To do so, make sure that the following registry keys are on the computer that is running SQL Server. For the default instance of SQL Server: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftMSSQLServerMSSQLServerLoginModeFor the named instance of SQL Server: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server<Instance Name>MSSQLServerLoginModeMake sure that the following registry key values are set:Authentication typeValueWindows authentication only1Mixed mode (SQL Server Authentication and Windows authentication)2Note If you make any changes to the registry, you must stop and then restart the instance of SQL Server for the changes to take effect.2.Try to connect to the instance of SQL Server by using different Windows accounts or SQL Server login accounts. This can help det