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    Microsoft Windows Logo Program System and Device ….doc

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    Microsoft Windows Logo Program System and Device ….doc

    Windows Logo ProgramGuidelines for products that work well with the Microsoft® Windows® XP operating systemsMicrosoft Windows Logo Program System and Device RequirementsDesign and testing requirements for server, desktop, and mobile systems and devices that run the Microsoft® Windows® family of operating systemVersion 2.0 May 29, 2001 Windows XP Home Edition (32-bit)Windows XP Professional (64-bit and 32-bit)Windows Whistler Server (64-bit and 32-bit)Windows 2000 Server and Professional (32-bit)Windows Millennium Edition Windows 98 Second EditionThis document is provided for informational purposes only and Microsoft makes no warranties, either express or implied, in this document. Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. The entire risk of the use or the results of the use of this document remains with the user. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, people and events depicted herein are fictitious and no association with any real company, organization, product, person, or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation.Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.© 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Direct3D, DirectDraw, DirectInput, DirectShow, DirectSound, DirectX, Encarta, Hotmail, Microsoft, MSDOS, Outlook, NetMeeting, PowerPoint, Windows, the Windows logo, Win32, Win64, Windows Media, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.This document contains quotations from the following documents, which are co-authored by Microsoft Corporation and Intel Corporation:§ PC 2001 System Design Guide, © 2000, Intel Corporation and Microsoft Corporation. Available at http:/www.pcdesguide.org/pc2001/§ Hardware Design Guide Version 3.0 for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, © 2000, Intel Corporation and Microsoft Corporation. Available at Microsoft Windows Logo Program System and Device Requirements is not for sale. To obtain additional copies of this document, please download the files from the web site at ContentsChapter 1 - Introduction to Windows Logo Program for Hardware6About the Microsoft Windows Logo7“Designed for Windows” Logo Options8Windows Logo Program Dates8Whats New in This Version9How to Use This Document11Resources for Meeting Logo Requirements13Conventions Used in This Document14How to Use the Appendix17Chapter 2 - Hardware Requirements for Windows Logo19Summary of Windows Logo Requirements19WL-1. System and devices support required operating systems20WL-2. System memory provides a satisfactory user experience21WL-3. System includes required set of buses and devices22WL-4. All components and devices meet Windows compatibility and quality design guidelines23WL-5. System and components meet reduced legacy support goals26WL-6. System and components support operating system configuration and control of devices27WL-7. System and peripherals implement ease-of-use guidelines for a good end-user experience28WL-8. System components operate correctly upon installation of a later operating system28Chapter 3 - Recommendations and Future Requirements33New Requirements Process33“Best Practices” for Systems and Devices35Chapter 4 - Getting the Windows Logo for Hardware40Appendix A - System Requirements Checklist41A1.0 General System Requirements42A1.1 General System - Windows Compatibility42A1.2 General System - Industry Standards45A1.3 General System - Quality46A1.4 General System - Windows Experience47A1.5 General System - FAQs52A1.R General System - Future Requirements60A2.0 Desktop Client Requirements61A3.0 Mobile PC Client Requirements63A3.1 Mobile PC Client - Windows Compatibility64A3.2 Mobile PC Client - Industry Standards65A3.3 Mobile PC Client - Quality65A3.4 Mobile PC Client - Windows Experience65A3.5 Mobile PC Client - FAQs67A3.R Mobile PC Client - Future Requirements70A4.0 Legacy-Free PC System Requirements70A4.1 Legacy-Free PC System - Windows Compatibility70A4.2 Legacy-Free PC System - Industry Standards72A4.3 Legacy-Free PC System - Quality72A4.4 Legacy-Free PC System - Windows Experience72A4.5 Legacy-Free PC System - FAQs74A4.R Legacy-Free PC System - Future Requirements75A5.0 Itanium-based System Requirements75A5.1 Itanium-based System - Windows Compatibility75A5.2 Itanium-based System - Industry Standards75A5.3 Itanium-based System - Quality76A5.4 Itanium-based System - Windows Experience76A5.5 Itanium-based System - FAQs78A5.R Itanium-based System - Future Requirements78A6.0 Server System Requirements79A6.1 Server System - Windows Compatibility80A6.2 Server System - Industry Standards80A6.3 Server System - Quality80A6.4 Server System - Windows Experience81A6.5 Server System - FAQs82A6.R Server System - Future Requirements83Appendix B - Device Requirements Checklist84B1.0 General Device and Driver Quality84B1.1 General Device/Driver - Windows Compatibility84B1.2 General Device/Driver - Industry Standards85B1.3 General Device/Driver - Quality85B1.4 General Device/Driver - Windows Experience86B1.5 General Device/Driver - FAQs88B1.R General Device/Driver Quality - Future Requirements89B2.0 Bus/Device Controllers89B2.1 CardBus/PCMCIA Controllers and Devices89B2.2 IEEE 1394 Controllers and Devices93B2.3 Infrared/Wireless96B2.4 Parallel/Serial Devices99B2.5 PCI Controllers and Devices100B2.6 USB Controllers and Devices106B3.0 Audio Devices108B3.1 General Audio108B4.0 Display116B4.1 Display Adapters/Chipsets116B4.2 Monitors124B5.0 Input and HID129B5.1 General Input129B5.2 Keyboard131B5.3 Input/Pointing134B5.4 Input/Game135B5.5 Input/Keyboard-Video-Mouse137B5.6 Smart Card Readers139B6.0 Modems141B6.1 General Modem141B7.0 Network Devices147B7.1 General Network147B7.2 Cable Modem152B7.3 DSL Device153B7.4 ISDN Net Device155B7.5 ATM Device156B8.0 Printers158B8.1 General Printers158B9.0 Still Image Devices162B9.1 General Still Image Devices162B10.0 Storage Controllers and Devices166B10.1 General Storage166B10.2 ATA/ATAPI Controllers/Devices172B10.3 SCSI Controllers/Devices174B10.4 Hard Disk Drives176B10.5 CD/DVD Drives178B10.6 Removable Media Drives182B10.7 Tape Drives183B10.8 Media Changer Devices185B10.9 RAID186B10.10 Fibre Channel188B11.0 Streaming Media and Broadcast189B11.1 General Streaming189B11.2 DVD Playback192B11.3 TV Tuner194B11.4 Video Input/Capture196B12.0 Miscellaneous199B12.1 Multifunction Devices199B12.2 UPS202Appendix C - Designing for Success205References209Chapter 1 - Introduction to Windows Logo Program for HardwareWelcome to the Microsoft Windows Logo Program System and Device Requirements, Version 2.0. This document provides the authoritative source for information about requirements for the Windows Logo Program for hardware that must be met by hardware vendors and system manufacturers who want to license the Windows Logo. Note, however, that these Logo Program requirements do not represent the minimum system requirements for running any version of the Windows family of operating systems.This document describes the scope and purpose of the Microsoft Windows Logo Program, and it tells how to obtain the Windows Logo for server, desktop, and mobile systems and components that run the Microsoft® Windows® XP, Windows "Whistler" Server (codename), Windows 2000, and Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me) operating systems. This document is revised for each new version of the Windows operating systems. To receive update information about the Windows Logo Program for hardware by e-mail, subscribe to the mail list as described at In This Document ChapterDescriptionChapter 1, Introduction to Windows Logo Program for HardwarePresents a summary of the Windows Logo Program and resources.Chapter 2, Hardware Requirements for Windows LogoDescribes requirements for consistent, stable functionality under Windows operating systems.Chapter 3, Recommendations and Future RequirementsPresents specific design practices that Microsoft encourages, and highlights important design practices that will become Windows Logo Program requirements in the future. Chapter 4, Getting the Windows Logo for HardwareDescribes the process of preparing for and submitting hardware for Windows Logo Program compliance testing.Appendix A, System Requirements ChecklistProvides a checklist of requirements for desktop, mobile, and server systems, and for legacy-free and 64-bit systems.Appendix B, Device Requirements ChecklistProvides a checklist of requirements per device class.Appendix C, Designing for SuccessProvides tips to help ensure that new designs are compatible with Microsoft operating systems and meet Windows Logo Program requirements.ReferencesProvides a comprehensive list with Internet resources for all specifications cited in the Windows Logo Program requirements.About the Microsoft Windows LogoMicrosoft offers the Windows Logo Program to help customers identify systems and peripherals that meet a baseline definition of platform features and quality goals that ensure a good Windows experience for the end user. The Windows Logo is not intended to communicate the specific technical capabilities of any particular system.Products that earn the Windows Logo have been tested to ensure that they meet Microsoft standards for compatibility on the Windows operating systems designated on the logo. System and peripheral manufacturers can license the Windows Logo for use on product packaging, advertising, collateral, and other marketing materials for all systems and components that pass compliance testing.Manufacturer BenefitsProducts that carry the Windows Logo for hardware include these characteristics:§ All components install and uninstall properly and do not interfere with other system components.§ Each component interoperates well with other system components.§ All components function normally after the operating system is upgraded to Windows XP/Windows 2000 or any later version of the operating systems for which the system or component carries the logo.These characteristics yield these benefits for manufacturers:§ Increased customer satisfaction§ Lower support costs§ Fewer product returnsCustomer BenefitsWindows Logo Program requirements are intended to support a good user experience with the Windows operating system. In this context, a "good user experience" means a reliable, consistent experience with system hardware, firmware, drivers, and related software components. In particular:§ The user is assured that a product that has the Windows Logo will be stable when running under the operating systems listed on the Windows Logo carried by that product or listed in the Hardware Compatibility List.§ The user can easily begin and complete component installation or removal. Installing and using a component that has the Windows Logo will not cause the system to stop working, or otherwise disrupt Windows or other Logod software running on the computer.§ The users overall experience with the computer system and the operating system is the same or better after upgrading to a new Windows operating system.IMPORTANT: The presence of the Windows Logo on a hardware product does not mean that Microsoft endorses or certifies a product. The Windows Logo is not a quality assurance seal. Microsoft does not test the quality of each hardware product or ensure that it is bug free. “Designed for Windows” Logo OptionsMicrosoft licenses different versions of the "Designed for Windows" logo for specific operating systems on servers, desktop PCs, mobile PCs, and their components, as described in this section. The Windows Logo explicitly identifies the versions of the operating system for which the product passed compliance testing. Testing is conducted by Windows Hardware Quality Labs, as described in Chapter 4 of this guide. The specific Windows Logo for the system or device indicates which operating system versions the manufacturer supports for the system or device. The current, comprehensive listing of available logos is provided at Windows Logo Program requirements vary for different classes of products (for example, server, desktop, or mobile) and for different market segments (for example, enterprise server, commercial desktop, or consumer desktop). Where system design guides and other references refer to consumer and business PC system types, the following meanings apply for the Windows Logo Program:§ Business PC (also referred to as office PC or commercial PC): The system comes with Windows XP Professional or Windows 2000 Professional preinstalled. § Consumer PC: The system comes with Windows XP Home Edition or Windows 98/Me preinstalled.Note: Test logs for Windows XP are required for all logos. Windows Logo Program DatesDates for specific Windows Logo Program requirements are defined on the web at Windows Logo Program requirements become effective in these ways:§ Operating System Support. Some requirements become part of the Windows Logo Program based on features in the operating system that the manufacturer preinstalls on the system. For example, OnNow power management and multiple monitor support became Windows Logo Program requirements a few years ago when new support was introduced in Windows operating systems. These types of requirements depend on which operating system is preinstalled on the system. For example, in past years, a system with Windows NT 4.0 preinstalled was not required to fully support


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