奥美SmithKline Beecham021.ppt
,OgilvyOne Worldwide,SmithKline Beecham,Why are we here?,To show how Customer Relationship Management can help you demonstrably build your business and how it can be proved.Three Issues.Not all customer are equal Only a small percentage of your consumers will provide you with your largest share of sales,and profit growth.,Heavy,Medm,Light,Non,Users,62%,26%,38%,1%,0%,21%,%Total UK Adult populationNo.Adults,%Usage,Analgesic Category15%of adults account for 62%of Analgesics used,15%,37%,9.7m,17.7m,12m,6.9m,Source:TGI claimed usageOct 97-Sep 98,DefinitionsHeavy user;=4 times/wk=208 times/yrMedium user;=4 times/mth=48 times/yrLight user;=4 times/yr.,Why are we here?,Knowledge driven communicationsYour consumers know your brand.You must know about your most valuable consumers.Giving control to you,not.Creating Active loyaltyEnhancing consumers personal sense of affinity,intimacy with,and commitment to,the brand will drive sales.,ACTIVE LOYALTY BUILDS SALES AND BRANDS,Two Dimensional Marketing,Consumers NeedsSatisfied,Consumers Reached,Mass Marketing,MarketShare,Market share Vs Share of Customer,Consumers NeedsSatisfied,Consumers Reached,Mass Marketing,One to One Marketing,Share ofCustomer,MarketShare,Brandz Signature,Q-What matters in this category?-How many other brands do you feel the same about?Q-Is it at a better price?-Is it more popular?-Do you think it works better than competitors?-Does it appeal to you more than others?Q-Can it deliver?Q-Would you want to be seen using it?-Is it the price bracket?-Can it meet your needs?Q-Is the brand top of mind?,Bonding,Advantage,Performance,Relevance,Presence,Brand strengths&weaknesses relative to the category as a whole,General OTCUKPanadolBrand signature,BondingAdvantagePerformanceRelevancePresenceBase,-2-8-43-4(403),3,19,Brand strengths&weaknesses relative to the category as a whole,2,General OTCUKPanadolBrand signature,UKNurofenBrand signature,BondingAdvantagePerformanceRelevancePresenceBase,-2-8-43-4(403),10,3,(403),3,19,Brand strengths&weaknesses relative to the category as a whole,2,General OTCUKPanadolBrand signature,UKNurofenBrand signature,BondingAdvantagePerformanceRelevancePresenceBase,-2-8-43-4,10,3,(403),(403),Competitor,Three Track Communication Model,Equity,Competitor,Targeted,HeritageSafety-efficacy,GI Issue,Consumers,Customer Prints,Carer,Long-term PainSufferer,Identification,Qualification,DialogueCommunication,Evolutions&measurement,Knowledge:whereit all starts,Key opportunitiesand potential value needs,Managing consumerbehaviour to drivesales/supporting keybrand messages,Ensuring the programme works and a continuous cycle ofimprovement,1,2,3,4,The 4 cornerstones:A continuous cycle improvement,Consumer Identification and Qualification,The Long term Pain Sufferer:Osteo-Arthritis,“Surely,it is time to interact with people with osteoarthritis to try to find out what really matters to them.And to explore other types of intervention such as education,physical therapy,aids and shoes”Professor Paul Dieppe,Director of Medical ResearchCouncils Health Services Research Collaboration.,Source:Arthritis Today,Long Term Pain:OA Suffer,To alleviate the fear about their future.To feel in control of their condition.To be able to talk to their family about their condition.Written information about their condition.To share the Psychological burden of suffering from Osteo-Arthritis.Source:Arthritis Care&Research April 1999,Dialogue Elements:adding value through understanding,Dialogue Elements:Test Opportunities,Associated Media:Radio;Sponsorship of the Pollen counts/pollutions/humidity reports,Mechanics:Format News letter Ongoing Mailings Magazine Internet,Associations:Linking up with existing Consumer Associates i.e OA Credibility Existing Helplines/Advice line Co-branding Medical expert contributions,Added Value:Pain Tracker;enabling users to track/keep a record of those painful moments,times for the Pharmacist or Doctor Pill boxes;So that you never have to be without Panadol.Panadol fits into your life Information;Self help leaflets-stress,OA,Asthma(co-branded/solus Panadol(SB),Dialogue Process:Activity by line,Month1Identification:Through purchase:POS,on pack,Pharmacy Through opportunity,association lists,SB etcQualification:Potential and needMonth 2First Dialogue communicationMonth 3Bounce back:to respondees(fulfilment against request)Month 4Second dialogue communicationMonth 5Bounce back:to respondees(fulfilment)Month 6Measurement:Respondees(1 and 2 and both):Non-respndees:Control,Measurement Criteria Process,Primary:To measure effects on brand awareness and imageTo measure impact on sales and track behaviour changesSecondary:Evaluate motivations to respond/change behaviourEvaluate message/incentive acceptance and effect(Triggers)Evaluate non-responder behaviour/effects(will still be positive!)Methodology:Telephone survey;2 waves(month 3 and month 6)To:Respondees Non-respondees Control groupsThis will provide both a mid-programme guide allowing improvements and post test results/measures of success,By consumer segment-Carers-long-term pain sufferers,User,Repertoire user,PREFERREDADVOCATE,Customer Journey:Identifying the critical moments,BRAND EQUITY/POSITIONING,LOYALTY,My Brand,Affecting PurchasingBehaviour,Prospect,Consumer Response,Next Steps,Next Steps,1)Agree markets2)Agree the scope of the test3)Budget4)Develop specific test communications proposals5)Action,Considerations,A number of issues need to be considered:market dynamicsclaims viabilitycompetitor initiatives/claimslegal or regulatory restrictionscultural nuancesproduct repertoirestrade dynamicsexecutional barriers,青苹果出品 必属精品http:/,囊括2007-2010几十G地产策划资料/企业管理人力资源全套/品牌策划资料/行业分析报告/PPT模板等。,