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    The Use of Competitive Methods in Teaching of “Go for it” for Junior School 竞赛法在英语在初中教学中的应用.doc

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    The Use of Competitive Methods in Teaching of “Go for it” for Junior School 竞赛法在英语在初中教学中的应用.doc

    The Use of Competitive Methods in Teaching of “Go for it” for Junior School1. IntroductionEducation has always been a great social project. With the development of society, the communications between countries in the world are increasingly close relationship, as the common language of the current world, the importance of English can be imagined. Junior students are at the basic stage of English learning and also a key period, so how to make the junior high school students be interested in learning English, and be able to absorb and master this language better, which is an urgent issue that needs to be solved. In order to meet the needs of English language curriculum reform, the author describes the content of competitive methods teaching, and to explore the use of competitive methods to improve middle school students interest in learning English so that students can experience the joy of competition, while being successful, listening, speaking, reading, comprehensive ability and quality of writing has also been improved. The purpose of this paper is to develop the interest of Middle school students in leaning English so that they can regain their enthusiasm for learning English patterns and animate the atmosphere of classroom in English sentence teaching. Meanwhile, students can memorize sentences easier of "Go for it ". And it is good for implementing specific requirements and objectives of English teaching.3. The reason of using competitive methods in English teachingNew curriculum reforms emphasize the development of students, adhere to the comprehensive development for all students, concerned about the overall development of students and sustainable development, this concept reflects the requirements of the times and the essence of education. It contains a core with three pillars, namely to improve the quality as the core language, knowledge and ability, process and methods, emotions, attitudes and values for the three pillars. The traditional teaching takes importance on results rather than process, in this atmosphere of teaching, the students participate in awareness, ability, competitiveness have been curbed, the implementation of the new curriculum reform is to correct this bias. Reforms of teaching methods are the most explicit and fundamental foothold. But many teachers, particularly young teachers, the teaching of these pour dazzled, confused, or "maintaining the status," or "follow suit" greatly dampened the enthusiasm of the teaching reform. To language teaching, for example, has long been highly inefficient consumption, the students lack the sense of competition, sense of participation is relatively indifferent sense of cooperation.3.1 Competitive MethodsApplication of Competitive Methods is a broader range of practice teaching, better teaching methods, and its actual operation and application process, improve students interest in learning, and promote the formation of motor skills, promote good will, quality, and the other teaching methods can not compare with the advantages and positive role. 3.1.1 The concept of competitive methodsThe so-called competitive methods simply mean that it is the competition in the teaching style used in the process of teaching. That form of teaching is to contest a way to complete the task of teaching. Teachers, the task of knowledge integration points and the title in the contest, students are grouped for competition, arrange general to heterogeneous grouping. It is based on the concept of the new curriculum reform as the guiding ideology, skills-oriented, student-oriented development. First task is to change the tendency of knowledge to impart too heavy, of the abstract image, emphasizes the formation of active learning attitude, emphasizing competition and cooperation. Competition law aims are: to promote competition learn to race with the science, both in the teaching of "teaching" design and has "learning" design, both independent study and co-operate to explore the appropriate use will achieve a good effect.3.1.2 The features of competitive methodsThe teaching concept competitive methods are explained in above content of this paper. Herewith, the author would like to talk something about understanding towards their own teaching characteristics of “competitive system”, hope it will have the better effect ideas; sincerely urge the colleagues make a critics and the correction of this. 1. Stimulated interest Johann. AmosComenius said that the interest was to create a happy and bright one of the main teaching environment. A person when he is interested in some things, he will take the initiative and actively, dedicated to exploration. In the “competitive system” of teaching, because teachers recognize the students as a master - players, give full play of their main role in the process of cognition. Teachers use the strong desire of each student, and want to be the hero to win in this one's own psychology, the task of understanding the object and indirectly from the students need to become a direct need to form a strong internal motivation. 2. Competitiveness The so-called competition is a competitive individual or group in order to obtain interests in the act with each other. The “competitive system” approach is based on competition as a means to focus on stimulating individual sense of competition, and the competitiveness of individual training methods. 3. Cooperativeness Muse Butler said that no matter the size of a person's strength, co-operation with you if he was better than a person alone can play a greater role. Science and technology in today's world are being more and more developed, with more and more numerous branches of science, more sophisticated for social division of labor, the success of any business often involving the integrated use of a variety of subject knowledge, in particular, it is the need to learn to cooperate. 4. Dominant Traditional teaching methods make students learn to take the memory into a purely passive process. It stifled the students thoughts and intelligence; destroy the students interest and enthusiasm. It not only fails to promote development of students, they promote students to develop resistance. New classroom standards advocate "students are the developers" and "everything is for the development of students." 5. Comprehensiveness The teaching of the past, although many teachers call for all students verbally, but in teaching it consciously or unconsciously, there were two tendencies: First, a good grasp of the students, to give poor students; second just caught two, ignoring the intermediate students. The approach of "competitive system" taken by teachers and students is the choice to answer the common object, which avoids the appearance of two cases. First, students learn better, they not only want to do well in the contest for itself, glory-oriented group, but would like to find out the errors from the answers of the other group, which will not only be their own, and need to carefully listen to each other. The answer is to analyze each other's answers, thinking. Secondly, learning difficulties, they know that they have become the object of each other to score points. In order to honor the collective, they concentrate their attention on the problem do not understand this group of students to seek advice from time to time. Finally, the middle students, on the one hand, they want a positive answer to the question he can answer, points-based groups; on the other hand, more students want to ask questions to each other (especially students with learning difficulties), it is difficult to live as they make no points. 6. Pleasure The development of students enjoyable series of positive influence: rebellious students benefit slashing to reduce the mental burden and reduce the psychological stress; is conducive to tap their intellectual potential, to improve learning efficiency, development of interpersonal relationships, rich emotional life; also conducive to a healthy and cheerful personality. The approach of "competitive system" by using the competition form and therefore belongs to the open classroom, teachers should respect and trust each and every student. 7. Entrenched Memory has a feature that is more profound impression of things that will remember the more lasting. The approach of "competitive system", students participate in the contest, so they answer their own question, whether the wrong pair will be impressed. 8. Operability. The approach of "competitive system" is simple and feasible, with a strong operational. Many teachers have done to guide students to "comparison" and the theme of "competitive system" approach is actually a "comparison" and the expansion and extension.In summary, I think the approach of "competitive system" is the reality from the students, through the interaction of teaching and learning to play the enthusiasm of teachers and students and their special role in enabling students to active learning, science learning, thinking, and thus promote their overall development. Have focused on its various features, the center is a pleasure, dominant, cooperative, competitive. 3.2 The characteristics of the textbook New course looks at the potential of students wake-up, necessary to develop and promote, promote student self-development; focus on the students overall growth, and promote cognitive, emotional, attitude and skills of the harmonious development; concerned about students and students living worlds unique needs, and promote the development of the characteristics of students; concerned about students life-long learning for the formation of the desire and ability to promote the sustainable development of students. The basic preparation of this kit is idea is: to subject the main line, the use of task-based language teaching, taking into account knowledge of language structure, communicative function and learning, daily life in a gradual learning process, and guide students to learn to use English in doing things on purpose.At the same time when the kit is organized in the system for the knowledge of the language, focusing on the cultural background of active students that have the knowledge and progressive approach to introduce the culture of English-speaking countries, students of cultural differences in the sensitivity of the West, and combine ideological education in language teaching , the increase in students ability to identify cultural differences, so that students gradually learn the actual scenario in the appropriate and flexible use of language. The authentic language materials, there are many genuine, reflecting the segments of Western culture; When writing this text, the text applies to the following features: (1) The presence for the structure of the grammar.(2) The authenticity of the content for teaching. (3) The diversity of teaching and learning activities. These three features, combined with the competitive methods, the characteristics of teaching has been fully demonstrated, The competitive methods of teaching can be integrated into junior school of English teaching, is effectively implemented. Because the characteristics of materials made in this age of the students like to learn more ways to use as much knowledge, and competitive methods not only stimulate students interest in learning and enthusiasm for learning, but also between students can promote students improve interaction and friendship. Knowledge in making their growth has also been varying degrees of physical and mental health promotion, which can realize the real purpose of quality education and teaching purposes. 3.3 The Psychological characteristics of the junior school students After students entering junior school, they also enter into the life of the adolescent, who face re-personality "second birth", a complex mixture of contradictions and inner world of intense oscillations, so that they have a lot different from the previous notable features. 1. It has begun to dominate the abstract logical thinking from the empirical to the theoretical phase-type transformation, observation, memory, imagination, ability to unite in the rapid development of direct perception of things can be made out of assumptions and the reasoning, but the abstract logic thinking, emotional experience to a large extent also need support. Independence and critical thinking are in remarkable development, not content with simply preaching and ready-made conclusions. 2. The expansion of knowledge and social contacts from the need, constantly enrich the breadth of interest to middle school students that have increased considerably. Explore the tendency of things to show greater understanding of the insistence of power that have a more stable long-term interest.3. Resistance and dependence. Since junior school students have a strong sense like adults, thus generating a strong sense of independence, they do not want to obey everything, even with no exception for the teacher's opinion.4. Arrogant and self-esteem. Since junior school students still can not accurately evaluate and understand their intellectual potential and personality traits, it is difficult to make their own valuation with comprehensive and appropriate, but with a momentary feeling of light under their own conclusions. The understanding is based on psychological characteristics of junior school students, who study the psychological characteristics of English are different. These are generally divided as three cases: the first is a good student, in general, not much interest in the English language but still the class leader, and disdains to answer the teacher's question. Or the one has a natural interest in English, draw on the knowledge of English that has come to the point of sleepless nights, English may be in them a gift, of course, worry about learning the teacher problem. While the second is mediocre student students in class are generally harder working, but the mind is not necessarily very much. But they are a good face, especially girls, usually afraid of the wrong operation being criticized, on the choice of plagiarism. When they are afraid of poor performance in exams, no face, but also try to cheat. In fact, to some extent, they may not then hate English, but not one good method of learning it. The last is a poor student, hate the English language can be said, vowing not to "fake foreigners", so the operations are too lazy to even meet the hands. Test scores to go with the flow. whether the students good or bad in English achievements, if they use appropriate methods, to guide their learning, then the enthusiasm for English learning students will also be activated inadvertently. Psychological characteristics of junior school, but also prefer different forms, lively teaching methods, rather than boring the knowledge transfer. The use o


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