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Republic of the PhilippinesDepartment of Public Works and Highways Region II Cagayan Valley RegionCarig, Tuguegarao CityBID DOCUMENTSMFO 1: Road Upgrading(Unpaved to Paved) based on Gravel Road Strategies, traffic Benchmark for Upgrading to Paved Road Standard (HDM-4 Project Analysis) Tertiary Road Along Junction Gattaran-Cumao-Capissayan- Sta. Margarita-Bolos RoadK0577+600K0578+145.378 = Sta. 577+600Sta. 578+145.378K0579+447K0579+962.383 = Sta. 579+447Sta. 579+962.383 (with exception)K0580+308K0580+385 = Sta. 580+308Sta. 580+385K0580+650K0580+760 = Sta. 580+650Sta. 580+760K0589+761K0591+614 = Sta. 589+651.90Sta. 591+574.94LOCATION Baggao, Cagayan I.D. No. 15B00093 REGION II, CagayanTABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I. INVITATION TO BID .3SECTION II. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS .6SECTION III. BID DATA SHEET .31SECTION IV. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT .37SECTION V. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT .69SECTION VI. SPECIFICATIONS .73SECTION VII. DRAWINGS .79SECTION VIII. BILL OF QUANTITIES .80SECTION IX. BIDDING FORMS .84Section I. Invitation to Bid3DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYSOffice of the Regional DirectorRegion II- Cagayan Valley RegionTuguegarao CityINVITATION TO BIDThe DPWH Regional Office No. 2 through the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), invites contractors to apply to bid for the following contracts.1. Contract ID: 15B00086 Contract Name: MFO 1- Natioal Road Network Services: Network Development: Improvement/Wodening of National Roads Along N1 Daang Maharlika (LZ), Bambang Section (NV1) K0242+(-832) to K0246+000=Sta. 241+168 to Sta. 246+000 K0246+589 to K0246+848=Sta. 246+596.40 to Sta. 246+870.40 Contract Location: Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya Brief Description of the Project: Road Widening: Net length: 5,091.00 ln.m. (As per RBIA); 5,106.00 ln.m. (As per Survey); Width: 6.7m.; Thickness: 30 cm. and 23 cm. Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): 129,288,111.70 Contract Duration: 232 C.D. 2. Contract ID: 15B00087 Contract Name: MFO 1- Network Development: Widening of National Roads, Secondary Roads along Cabagan-Sta. Maria Road K0455+000-K0458+300=Sta. 455+000-Sta. 458+325 Contract Location: Sta. Maria, Isabela Brief Description of the Project: Widening of National Roads; Net length:3,325.00 ln.m. (As per Survey); 3,310.00 ln.m. (As per RBIA); Width: 6.70m; Thickness:0.3m Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): 78,720,966.39 Contract Duration: 212 C.D. 3. Contract ID: 15B00088Contract Name: MFO 1- Network Development: Asset Preservation: Construction/Upgrading of Drainage along National Roads, Primary Roads along Daang Maharlika (LZ) K0389+000-K0389+460=Sta. 389+000-Sta. 389+460 Contract Location: Gamu, IsabelaBrief Description of the Project: Construction of Drainage; Net Length: 460.00 ln.m. (As per Survey); 460.00 ln.m. (As per RBIA); Dimension: 0.60 m x 1.00m R.C. Lined Canal; 0.910mmØ RCCP Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): 4,365,954.74 Contract Duration: 136 C.D. 4. Contract ID: 15B00089 Contract Name: MFO 1-National Road Network Services: Asset Preservation of National Roads Rehabilitation/Reconstruction of National Roads with Slips, Slope Collapse and Landslide, Primary Roads along Daang Maharlika (LZ) K0391+960-K0392+080=Sta. 391+960-Sta. 392+080 Contract Location: Gamu, Isabela Brief Description of the Project: Construction of Retain wall (Rubble Concrete); Net Length: 120.00 ln.m. (As per Survey); 120.00 ln.m. (As per RBIA); Vol.: Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): 2,437,500.00 Contract Duration: 80 C.D, 5. Contract ID: 15B00090 Contract Name: MFO 1- Network Development: Asset Preservation: Construction/Upgrading of Drainage along National Roads, primary Roads along Daang Mahrlika (LZ) K0368+740-K0369+033.50=Sta. 368+740-Sta. 369+060 Contract Location: Cauayan, Isabela Brief Description of the Project: Construction of Drainage; Net Length: 293.500 ln.m. (As per Survey); 325.500 ln.m. (As per RBIA) Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): 6,706,166.06 Contract Duration: 149 C.D,6. Contract ID: 15B00091 Contract Name: Construction and Maintenance of Bridges along National Roads: Rehabilitation/Major Repair of Permanent Bridges, Paddad Bridge (B01181LZ) along Daang Maharlika (LZ) K0352+425 Contract Location: Paddad, Alicia, Isabela Brief Description of the Project: Bridge Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): 8,685,000.00 Contract Duration: 116 C.D,7. Contract ID: 15B00092 Contract Name: Construction and maintenance of Bridges along National Roads: Retrofitting/Strenthening of Permanent Bridges: Laguinday Bridge (B01164LZ) along Santiago-Tuguegarao Road K0418+411 Contract Location: Laguinday, Quezon, Isabela Brief Description of the Project: Bridge Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): 3,900,000.00Contract Duration: 63 C.D,8. Contract ID: 15B00093 Contract Name: MFO 1- National Road Network Services: Road Upgrading (Unpaved to Paved) based on Gravel Road Strategies, Traffic benchmark for Upgrading to paved Road Standard (HDM-4 Project Analysis) Tertiary Road Along Junction Gattaran-Cumao-Capissayan-Sta. Margarita-Bolos Road K0577+600-K0578+145.378=Sta. 577+600-Sta. 578+145.378 K0579+447-K0579+962.383=Sta. 579+447-Sta. 579+962.383 (w/ exception) K0580+308-K0580+385=Sta. 580+308-Sta. 580+385 K0580+650-K0580+760=Sta. 580+650-Sta. 580+760 K0589+761-K0591+614=Sta. 589+651.90-Sta. 591+574.94 Contract Location: Baggao, Cagayan Brief Description of the Project: Road Upgrading (Unpaved to Paved); Net length: 3,077.801 ln.m. (As per Survey); 3,050.761 ln.m. (As per RBIA); Width: 6.70 m.; Thickness: 0.28 m. Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): 57,876,000.00Contract Duration: 155 C.D,9. Contract ID: 15B00094 Contract Name: MFO 1- Network Development: Widening of National Road, Tertiary Roads Along Ilagan-Delfin Albano-Mallig Road K0402+000-K0402+320=Sta. 402+000-Sta. 402+320 K0402+500-K0402+700=Sta. 402+500-Sta. 402+700 K0402+880-K0403+060=Sta. 402+880-Sta. 403+060 K0409+500-K0410+503=Sta. 409+500-Sta. 410+500 K0414+480-K0417+024=Sta. 414+480-Sta. 417+000 Contract Location: Delfin Albano, Isabela Brief Description of the Project: Widening of National Roads; net Length:4,220.00 ln.m. (As per Survey); 3,938.00 ln.m. (As per RBIA); Width: 6.70 m.; Thickness: 0.3 m Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): 68,360,330.93Contract Duration: 235 C.D,Procurement will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures in accordance with RA 9184 and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations.To bid for this contract, a contractor must purchase bid documents and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with DPWH, (b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture, (c) wit PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of this contract, (d) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary examination of bids.Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to the DPWH-Procurement Service at least seven (7) days before the receipt and opening of bids. The DPWH Procurement Service will only process contractors application for registration with complete requirements and issue the Contractors Certificate of Registration (CRC). Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website .The significant time and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:1. Issuance of Bidding DocumentsNov. 24-Dec. 22, 20152. Pre-Bid ConferenceDec. 7, 2015, 10:00 A.M.3. Receipt of BidsDecember 22, 2015, 10:00 A.M.4. Opening of BidsDecember 22, 2015, 10:30 A.M.Updated Class “A” documents and financial statements shall be submitted to the Civil Works Registry at least seven (7) calendar days before the deadline for the submission and opening of bids while updating of technical documents (completed/on-going projects) shall be done at least fifteen (15) calendar days before the deadline for the submission and opening of bids (D.O. 03, series of 2015).The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at the DPWH Regional Office No. 2, upon payment of a non refundable fee of 50,000.00 (For Projects No. 1,2, 8 & 9), 5,000.00 (For Projects No. 3, 4 & 7), 10,000.00 (For Projects No. 5 & 6). Prospective bidders may also download the BDs from the DPWH website, if available prospective bidders that will download the BDs from the DPWH website shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their bids documents. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable form, as stated in the Bidding Documents, Instruction to Bidders Clause 18.1. Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specified in the BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The first envelope shall contain the technical component of bid. The second envelope shall contain the financial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and post-qualification.The DPWH Regional Office No. 2 reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bid and to annul the bidding process anytime before Contract award, without incurring any liability.Approved by: ALEXANDER D. NOLA, CESO IV Assistant Regional Director (BAC-Chairman)N O T E D:NERIE D. BUENO, CESO IV OIC-Regional DirectorSection II. Instructions to BiddersTABLE OF CONTENTSA. GENERAL .91. Scope of Bid .92. Source of Funds .93. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive, and Coercive Practices .94. Conflict of Interest .105. Eligible Bidders.116. Bidders Responsibilities .137. Origin of GOODS and Services .148. Subcontracts .14B. CONTENTS OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS .159. Pre-Bid Conference .1510. Clarification and Amendment of Bidding Documents.15C. PREPARATION OF BIDS .1611. Language of Bids .1612. Documents Comprising the Bid: Eligibility and Technical Components .1613. Documents Comprising the Bid: Financial Component .1814. Alternative Bids .1815. Bid Prices .1916. Bid Currencies.1917. Bid Validity .2018. Bid Security.2019. Format and Signing of Bids .2120. Sealing and Marking of Bids.