LabVIEWLabVIEW is a highly productive graphical programming language for building data acquisition an instrumentation systems.With LabVIEW, you quickly create user interfaces that give you interactive control of your software system. To specify your system functionality,you simply assemble block diagrams - a natural design notation for scientists and engineers. Tis tight integration with measurement hardware facilitates rapid development of data acquisition ,analysis,and presentation solutions.LabVIEW contains powerful built -in measurement analysis and a graphical compiler for optimum performance. LabVIEW is available for Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x, Mac OS, Linux, Sun Solaris, and HP-UX, and comes in three different development system options.Faster DevelopmentLabVIEW accelerates development over traditional programming by 4 to 10 times! With the modularity and hierarchical structure of LabVIEW, you can prototype ,design, and modify systems in a short amount of time. You can also reuse LabVIEW code easily and quickly in other applications.Better Investment Using a Lab VIEW system, each user has access to a complete instrumentation laboratory at less than the cost of a single commercial instrument. In addition, user configurable LabVIEW systems are flexible enough to adapt to technology changes, resulting in a better bong-term investment.Optimal Performance All LabVIEW applications execute at compiled speed for optimal performance. With the LabVIEW Professional Development System or Application Builder, you can build stand-alone executables or DLLs for secure distribution of your code. You can even create shared libraries or DLLs to call LabVIEW code from other programming languages.Open Development Environment With the open development environment of LabVIEW, you can connect to other applications through ActiveX, the Web, DLLs, shared libraries, SQL(for databases), DataSocket, TCP/IP,and numerous other protocols.Use LabVIEW to quickly create networked measurement and automation systems that integrate the latest technologies in Web publishing and remote data sharing. LabVIEW also has driver libraries available for plug-in data acquisition, signal conditioning , GPIB,VXI,PXI, computer-based instruments,serial protocols, image acquisition, and motion control. In addition to the LabVIEW development systems, National Instruments offers a variety of add-on modules and tool sets that extend the functionality of LabVIEW .This enables you to quickly build customizable, robust measurement and automation systems.LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module For high channel count and distributed applications, the LabVIEW Datelogging and Supervisory Control Module provides a complete solution. This module delivers I/O management, event logging and alarm management, distributed logging, historical and real-time trending, built-in security, configurable networking features, OPC device connectivity, and over 3,300 built-in graphics.LabVIEW Real-TimeFor applications that require real-time performance, National Instruments offers LabVIEW Real-Time. LabVIEW Real-Time downloads standard LabVIEW code to a dedicated hardware target running a real-time operating system independent from Windows.LabVIEW Vision Development Module The LabVIEW Vision Development Module is for scientists, automation engineers,and technicians who are developing LabVIEW machine vision and scientific imaging applications. The LabVIEW Vision Development Module includes IMAQ Vision, a library of vision functions, and IMAQ Vision Builder, an interactive environment for vision applications. Unlike any other vision products, IMAQ Vision Builder and IMAQ Vision work together to simplify vision software development so that you can apply vision to your measurement and automation applications. Countless ApplicationsLabVIEW applications are implemented in many industries worldwide including automotive, telecommunications, aerospace, semiconductor, electronic design and production, process control, biomedical, and many others, Applications cover all phases of product development from research to design to production and to service. By leveraging LabVIEW throughout your organization you can save time and money by sharing information and software.Test and Measurement LabVIEW has become an industry-standard development tool for test and measurement applications. With Test Stand, LabVIEW-based test programs, and the industry's largest instrument driver library, you have a single, consistent development and execution environment for your entire system.Process Control and Factory AutomationLabVIEW is used in numerous process control and factory automation applications.Many scientists and engineers look to LabVIEW for the high speed, high channel count measurement and control that graphical programming offers.For large, complex industrial automation and control applications, the LabVIEW Data logging and Supervisory Control Module provides the same graphical programming as LabVIEW, but is designed specifically for monitoring large numbers of I/O points, communicating with industrial controllers and networks, and providing PC-based control.Machine Monitoring and Control LabVIEW is ideal for machine monitoring and predictive maintenance applications that need deterministic control, vibration analysis, vision and image processing, and motion control. With the LabVIEW platform of products including LabVIEW Real-Time for real-time deterministic control and the LabVIEW Data logging and Supervisory Control Module, scientists and engineers can create powerful machine monitoring and control applications quickly and accurately.Research and AnalysisThe integrated LabVIEW measurement analysis library provides everything you need in an analysis package. Scientists and researchers have used LabVIEW to analyse and compute real results for biomedical, aerospace, and energy research applications, and in numerous other industries. The available signal generation and processing, digital filtering, windowing, curve-fitting, For specialized analysis, such as joint time-frequency analysis, wavelet,and model-based spectral analysis, LabVIEW offers the specially designed Signal Processing Toolset.The Sound and Vibration Toolset offers octave analysis, averaged and nonaveraged frequency analysis, transient analysis, weighted filtering, and sound-level measurement, and more.Draw Your Own SolutionWith LabVIEW, you build graphical programs called virtual instruments (VIs) instead of writing text-based programs. You quickly create front panel user interfaces that give you the interactive control of your system. To add functionality to the user interface, you intuitively assemble block diagrams- a natural design notation for engineers and scientists.Create the Front PanelOn the front panel of your VI, you place the controls and data displays for your system by selecting ob jects from the Controls palette, such as numeric displays, meters, gauges, thermometers, LEDs, charts,and graphs.When you complete and run your VI,you use the front panel to control your system whether you move a slide, zoom in on a graph, or enter a value with the keyboard.Construct the Graphical Block DiagramTo program the VI, you construct the block diagram without worrying about the syntactical details of text-based programming languages. You do this by selecting objects (icons) from the Functions palette and connecting them together with wires to transfer data among block diagram objects. These objects include simple arithmetic functions, advanced acquisition and analysis routines, network and file I/O operations, and more.Dataflow Programming LabVIEW uses a patented dataflow programming model that frees you from the linear architecture of text-based programming languages. Because the execution order in LabVIEW is determined by the flow of data between nodes,and not by sequential lines of text,you can create block diagrams that execute multiple operations in parallel. Consequently, LabVIEW is a multitasking system capable of running multiple execution threads and multiple VIs in parallel.Modularity and HierarchyLabVIEW VIs are modular in design, so any VI can run by itself or as part of another VI. You can even create icons for your own VIs, so you can design a hierarchy of VIs that serve as application building blocks. You can modify, interchange, and combine them with other VIs to meet your changing application needs.Graphical Compiler In many applications, execution speed is critical. LabVIEW is the only graphical programming system with a compiler that generates optimized code with execution speeds comparable to compiled C programs. You can even use the LabVIEW profiler to analyse and optimize time-critical operations. Consequently, you increase your productivity with graphical programming without sacrificing execution speed.Measurements and MathematicsLabVIEW includes a variety of other measurement analysis tools. Examples include curve fitting, signal generation, peak detection, and probability and statistics. Measurement analysis functions can determine signal characteristics such as DC/RMS levels, total harmonic distortion (THD),impulse response, frequency response, and cross-power spectrum. LabVIEW users can also deploy numerical tools for solving differential equations, optimization, root finding, and other mathematical problems.In addition, you can extend these built-in capabilities by entering MATLAB or HIQ scripts directly in your LabVIEW programs. For charting and graphing, you can rely on the built-in LabVIEW 2D and 3D visualization tools. 2D tools include features such as autoscaling X and Y ranges, reconfigurable attributes (point/line styles, colors, and more)and cursors, Microsoft Windows users can employ OpenGL-based 3D graphs and then dynamically rotate, zoom, and pan these graphs with the mouse.Development System The LabVIEW Professional Development System facilitates the development of high-end, sophisticated instrumentation systems for developers working in teams, users developing large suites of VIs, or programmers needing to adhere to stringent quality standards.Built on the Full Development System, the Professional Development System also includes the LabVIEW Application Builder for building stand-alone executables and shared libraries (DLLs)and creating distribution kits. In addition, the development system furnishes source code control tools and offers utilities for quantitatively measuring the complexity of your applications. With graphical differencing, you can quickly identify both cosmetic and functional differences between two LabVIEW applications.We include programming standards and style guides that provide direction for consistent LabVIEW programming methodology. The system also contains quality standards documents that discuss the steps LabVIEW users must follow to meet internal regulations or FDA approval. The Professional Development System operates on Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x,Mac OS, HP-UX, and Linux.LabVIEW Full Development SystemThe LabVIEW Full Development System equips you with all of the tools you need to develop instrumentation systems. It includes GPIB, VISA, VXI, RS-232, DAQ, and instrument driver libraries for data acquisition and instrument control. The measurement analysis add DC/RMS measurements, single tone analysis, harmonic distortion analysis, SINAD analysis, limit testing, signal generation capabilities, signal processing, digital filtering, windowing, curve fitting, statistics, and a myriad of linear algebra and mathematical functions. The development system also provides functions for direct access to DLLs, ActiveX, and other external code. Other features of the system include Web publishing tools, advanced report generation tools, the ability to call MATLAB and HiQ scripts, 3D surface, line, and contour graphs, and custom graphics and animation. The Full Development System operates on Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x, Mac OS, HP-UX, and Linux.LabVIEW Base Package Use the LabVIEW Base Package, the minimum LabVIEW configuration, for developing data acquisition and analysis, instrument control, and basic data presentation. The Base Package operates on Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x.Debug License for LabVIEWIf you deploy LabVIEW applications, including LabVIEW tests for use with Test Stand, the debug license allows you to install the LabVIEW development system on the target machines so you can step into your test code for complete test debugging. This license is not intended for program development.虚拟仪器(LabVIEW)虚拟仪器是一种高效用于构建数据采集与监测系统图形化编程语言。使用虚拟仪器,您快速创建用户界面,让您交互控制您的软件系统。要指定您系统的功能,您只需装配块关系图一种自然的设计表示科学家和工程师。测量硬件紧密集成方便了数据采集、分析与演示文稿解决方案的快速发展。虚拟仪器包含强大的内置度量分析和一个图形的编辑器实现最佳性能。虚拟仪器是使用于Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x、Mac OS、Linux、Sun Solaris 和HP-UX,有三种不同的开发系统选项。更快地发展虚拟仪器通过加快发展了对传统的编程提升了4至10倍!使用模块化和层次结构的虚拟仪器,可以原型,设计,并且在一个短时间内修改系统。您也可以重用虚拟仪器代码轻松快速地在其他应用程序中应用。更好的投资使用虚拟仪器系统,每个用户有权访问单一的商业文书的成本低于一个完整的检测实验室。此外,用户还可配置的虚拟仪器系统足够的灵活性,从而更好地长期投资的技术变化与适应。优化性能虚拟仪器的所有应用程序执行以获得最佳性能的编译速度。用虚拟仪器专业开发系统或应用程序生成器,可为您的代码的安全通讯生成独立可执行文件或dll。您甚至可以创建共享的库或从其他编程语言中调用虚拟仪器代码的dll。开放的开发环境用虚拟仪器在开放开发环境,您可以连接到通过ActiveX、Web、dll、共享的库、SQL(数据库)、DataSocket、TCP/IP和许多其他协议的其他应用程序。虚拟仪器用于快速创建网络的测量和Web发布和远程数据共享最新的科技集成的自动化系统。虚拟仪器也可以用于插件数据采集、信号调理、GPIB、VXI、PXI、基于计算机的仪器、串行协议、图像采集和运动控制的驱动程序。除了在虚拟仪器的开发系统国家仪器还提供多种附加模块和扩展功能的虚拟仪器的工具集。这使您可以快速构建可定制、鲁棒的测量和自动化系统。虚拟仪器数据记录和监督控制模块高通道数的分布式应用程序日志记录的虚拟仪器数据和监督控制模块,提供了一个完整的解决方案。此模块提供了I/O管理、事件日志和警报管理、分布式日志记录、历史和实时趋势分析、内置安全、网络功能,可配置、OPC设备的连接和超过3,300内置图形。实时虚拟仪器对于需要实时性能的应用国家仪器,提供了实时虚拟仪器。虚拟仪器从Windows运行独立的实时操作系统实时下载标准虚拟仪器代码到专用的硬件目标。虚拟仪器视觉开发模块虚拟仪器视觉开发模块是为科学家、自动化的工程师和技术人员正在开发虚拟机器视觉和科学的图像处理应用程序。虚拟仪器视觉开发模块包括IMAQ视觉,视觉的函数库和IMAQ视觉一起工作来简化视觉软件开发,以便您可以应用视觉测量和自动化应用程序。广泛的应用在很多行业全球包括汽车、电讯、航空航天、半导体、电子设计和生产、过程控制生物医学,以及许多其他实现虚拟仪器的应用程序。应用程序覆盖产品从设计到生产和服务的研究开发的所有阶段。利用虚拟仪器在整个组织您可以节省时间和金钱的共享信息和软件。测试与测量虚拟仪器已经成为一个行业标准开发工具,用于测试和测量的应用程序。与试验台,基于虚拟仪器的测试的程序和业界最大检测驱动程序库,为您的整个系统有一个单一、一致的开发和执行环境。过程控制和工厂自动化在众多的过程控制与工厂自动化应用中使用虚拟仪器。很多科学家和工程师希望虚拟仪器的高速度、高通道累计测量和控制该图形编程提供。大型、复杂工业自动化和控制应用程序,为日志记录的虚拟仪器数据和监督控制模块提供相同图形编程作为虚拟仪器,但专门用于监视大量的I/O点、工业控制器和网络,沟通和提供基于PC的控制。计算机检测与控制虚拟仪器是计算机检测和预测性维护应用程序需要具有确定性控制、振动分析、视觉和图像处理,和运动控制的理想选择。产品包括虚拟仪器实时确定性实时控制和日志记录的虚拟仪器数据及监督控制模块的该虚拟仪器平台与科学家和工程师可以快速而准确地创建功能强大的计算机监视和控制应用程序。研究与分析集成的虚拟仪器测量分析库提供了一个分析软件包中的所需的一切。科学家和研究人员已用虚拟仪器来分析和计算的实际结果生物医学,航天和能源研究应用程序,和很多其它行业。可用的信号的生成和处理、数字滤波、窗口、曲线的拟合和限制掩码测试功能列出的联合时-频分析,小波,并基于模型的虚拟频谱分析提供特别设计的信号处理工具集。声音和振动工具集提供octave分析,平均和非平均的频率分析、瞬态分析、加权的筛选,与声级测量,等等。绘制自己的解决方案虚拟仪器,使用中,您将构建称为虚拟仪器(VIs)的而不是编写基于文本的程序的图形程序。您快速创建前面板的用户界面为您提供您的系统的交互式控件的用户界面。将功能添加到用户界面,您直观地装配块关系图一种提供给工程师和科学家自然的设计表示法。创建前面板您的虚拟仪器的前面板上,控件和数据显示为您的系统通过放置在控件调色等数字显示、米、仪表、温度计、指示灯、图表和图表中选择对象。当您完成运行您的虚拟仪器时您使用前面板来控制您的系统是否移动放大的图形,或输入用键盘的值。构建该图形的框图要在虚拟仪器进行编程您需要构建块关系图无需担心的基于文本的编程语言的语法的详细信息。您执行此操作的功能调色板中选择对象(图标),一起用来传输数据块关系图对象间的电线连接它们。这些对象包括先进的采集和分析例程、网络和文件I/O操作和更多的简单算法的函数。数据流编程虚拟仪器使用一个专利的数据流编程模型,使