基于Struts框架的BBS论坛系统 基于Struts框架的BBS论坛系统摘要:本文从系统概述到系统详细设计对基于struts框架的bbs论坛系统的设计做了深入而详细的介绍.开发过程中使用到的开发工具有:web服务器tomcat,数据库服务器Mysql,集成开发工具eclipse和jdk。整个论坛系统分为前台,和后台两个大的模块。其中前台模块实现的基本功能主要有:用户注册,用户登陆,查看和修改用户个人信息,浏览帖子,发表回复,发表新帖子,注销登陆;后台模块实现的基本功能主要有:管理员登陆,模糊查找用户,编辑用户权限,编辑论坛版块,删除论坛版块,模糊搜索帖子,删除帖子。关键词:JSP技术;struts开发框架;WEB应用;MVC模式;网上BBS论坛The Forum BBS system Based on the Struts frameworkAbstract:This paper from the system outlined to the system based on the detailed design of the struts framework of the Forum bbs to do an in-depth design and detailed briefing. the development process to use development tools : web server tomcat, Mysql database server, integrated development tools and jdk eclipse. Forum whole system is divided into prospects and the background of two large modules. Module prospects which the basic functions are : user registration, user landing, users view and modify personal information, Browse articles published reply to publish a new message, written off and landing; Module background the basic functions are : Administrators landing, Fuzzy Search users, edit user rights, front-page editorial forum to delete Forum plate, fuzzy search message, delete articles. Keywords: JSP ;struts application development framework; WEB ; Components; Internet BBS forum