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    BPRQ318 Packaged Water Processing包装水工艺过程0924.doc

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    BPRQ318 Packaged Water Processing包装水工艺过程0924.doc

    包装水工艺过程 Purpose目的Manufacture products of The Coca-Cola Company using robust processes and controls in order to meet regulatory requirements and Company specifications使用加强的工艺过程和控制制造可口可乐公司产品,是为了符合调整的要求和公司规范。Scope范围Apply to operations manufacturing packaged processed water and packaged natural source water. 适用于操作生产包装加工水和包装天然来源的水。Definitions定义Packaged Processed Water Packaged drinking water, except natural source waters. Includes treated water, water with minerals added or removed. 包装加工水包装饮用水,除了天然水源的水。包括处理水,加入或是取出矿物质的水。Packaged Natural Source Water Packaged water from a defined groundwater source with restrictions on permitted treatments. Includes Natural Mineral Water (NMW) and Spring Water.包装天然来源的水包装水来自特定的地下水源,在处理方面有限制。包括天然矿物质水(NMW)和泉水。 Packaged Processed Water Requirements包装加工水的要求Follow the Processing and Filling General Requirements以下是工艺过程和灌注的一般要求Follow Company, Group/Business Unit or applicable regulations, whichever is stricter. 要遵循总部、可口可乐地区总部或是可适用的规定,以更严格的为准。Approved treatment methods for packaged processed water are:对于包装加工水允许的处理方法是:Carbonation If CO2 is greater than or equal to 1.7 volumes, then follow Carbonated Processing. BP-RQ-308。If CO2 is less than or equal to 1.7 volumes, then pasteurization or ozonation is required l 碳酸化如果二氧化碳大于等于1.7个体积,就遵循碳酸工艺过程。BP-RQ-308,如果二氧化碳小于等于1.7个体积,那么就需要巴氏消毒或臭氧消毒。 NOTE: When using CO2 as a processing aid for pH control, it must be pasteurized or ozonized . The pH of the final beverage must meet the pH indicated in the master formula; otherwise, reformulation of the product must be requested. 注意:当使用二氧化碳作为控制pH值的工艺助剂时,它必须经过巴氏消毒或臭氧消毒。终产品的pH值必须符合产品配方的要求;否则,必须提出修改配方的申请。l Pasteurization :巴氏消毒: l For hot-fill follow Hot-fill Processing , BP-RQ-316. 热灌装遵循热灌装工艺过程,BP-RQ-316.。l For aseptic fill, follow Aseptic Processing ,BP-RQ-304. 无菌灌装遵循无菌灌装工艺过程,BP-RQ-304。l Ozonation Follow this document. 臭氧遵照此文件。l Implement a Bioburden Monitoring plan for filling room environment. 对注入间环境实施微生物监控计划。l Meet requirements in Water Use in Water for Product Manufacturing, BP-RQ-180 and Packaged Water Specifications and Monitoring, BP-SP-182 before microfiltration and UV are applied 在微过滤和紫外线灯应用之前,要符合用于产品制造的用水要求(BP-RQ-180)和包装水规范和监控要求(BP-SP-182)。l The parameters for the treatment methods are contained in the Master Mixing Instructions or from documentation from the Group/Business Unit处理方法的参数包含在混比规程中,或集团/可乐的相关文件Ozonation 臭氧Use only containers and closures approved for ozonated water. 臭氧水只使用认可的容器和盖子。 Generate ozone gas on site.臭氧气体必须是在现场产生的. Install a feedback loop to control ozone damage and an in-line monitoring and alarm system to ensure uninterrupted ozone flow and concentration levels,需要安装一个反馈回路控制臭氧的剂量,连同一个在线监测和警报系统,确保持续的臭氧流通和浓度水平。l Control ozone concentration and contact time to achieve ozone residual of 0.1 to 0.4 ppm when measured within 60 seconds after filling. Local regulatory requirements may supersede this requirement. 控制臭氧浓度和接触时间,使在灌注后60秒内检测时,臭氧残余达到0.1-0.4ppm。如各地区有相关法规,按法规执行 Monitor bromate in the packaged water to ensure levels meet specification as listed in Packaged Water Specifications and Monitoring, BP-SP-182 . 监控包装水中的溴酸盐水平,确保标准符合包装水规范和监控BP-SP-182清单中列出的规范。 Refer to Compressed Gas Management for workplace monitoring requirements. 工作场所监控要求参考压力气体管理。 Before applying closures to polycarbonate bottles: 在给聚碳酸酯瓶封盖以前:o Overfill the bottles to ensure that the sealing surface is in contact with the ozonated product; and o瓶子装的溢出来,确保防盗环的表面接触到被臭氧化的产品;并且o Sterilize the closures by directing an ozonated water spray to the inside of each closure. o通过直接喷洒臭氧水的方法,给每个盖子的里面进行消毒。O Turn bulk containers (carboy, 5-gallon, etc.) and place horizontally after filling to ensure closure sterilization.O 灌装后倒置容器(大玻璃瓶,5加仑,等等)并将其水平放置,确保盖子被杀菌NOTE: Ozonation can generate bromate from bromide. Many treated waters have a level of bromide that could theoretically generate non- compliant bromate concentrations if not appropriately managed and monitored. Refer to BP-SP-182 Packaged Water Specifications and Monitoring, and reference document RF-WA-267 Bromate Formation Monitoring and Control. 备注:臭氧能从溴化物中产生溴酸盐。很多处理水有溴化物的水平,这个水平如没有适当的管理和监控的话,理论上会产生不合适的溴酸盐的浓度。参考BP-SP-182包装水规范和监控,和参考文件RF-WA-267溴酸盐的监控和控制。Packaged Natural Source Water Requirements包装天然水源水的要求 Treatments for natural source waters must comply with applicable regulations and have Group/Business Unit approval.天然水源水的处理必须符合当地规范和可口可乐地区总部的认可。Operations must: 操作必须l Follow Codex Standard 108-1981 at a minimum; and l 至少要遵循食品法典委员会标准108-1981;和l Applicable regulations; andl 适用的法规;和l Business Unit/Group requirements l 区域公司/集团的要求l Design the filling process to avoid any modification of the original conditions of the water as per applicable regulations. 根据相应的法规要求,设计的灌注过程应避免对水质原始状况的任何改变。Testing测试These test matrices give test frequencies and/or number of samples that are adequate for monitoring. However, if an operation performs a process validation and/or risk assessment, they can modify the number of samples or frequencies. Operations must provide records upon request to justify these changes and have Group/Business Unit approval. The use of in-line validated continuous monitoring devices could replace the need for periodic testing of an attribute as defined in this document. 检测矩阵表给出的检测频率和取样数量适用于检测。如果操作者在做过程验证或风险评估时,他们可以调整校品的数量和频率。操作者要求调整变化时必需提供相应记录,给中国区认可。使用在线持续监控设备可以替代文件中规定的定期测试要求。Packaged Processed Water 包装加工水Refer to Packaged Water Specifications and Monitoring. BP-SP-182参考包装水规范和监测BP-SP-182。Packaged Natural Source Water 包装天然水源的水Refer to Codex Standard 108-1981, applicable regulatory requirements and Business Unit/Group requirements for monitoring.参考食品法典委员会标准108-1981,对于监测适用的调整后的要求和BU/集团要求。Cleaning and Sanitizing Effectiveness清洗消毒效果Test测试项目Sample Point样本点Method方法Sample size试样量Specification CFU规范CFUNumber of Samples样本数量Frequency频率Total Mesophilic Count总嗜温细菌计数Filler valve 注入阀Total CountSM-PR-685 总菌计数SM-PR-685Microbiological Surface EvaluationSwab Contact, SM-PR-635 微生物表面评估药签擦拭,SM-PR-635 Swab 擦拭法 10/valve 每个阀小于1010% of valve snifts from each filler 每个注入机上10%的注入针Weekly每周 Total Mesophilic Count总嗜温细菌计数Filler valve final rinse water 注入阀的最终冲洗水Total Count SM-PR-685总菌计数SM-PR-6851 ml 25/ml每毫升小于2510% of valve snifts from each filler 每个注入机上10%的注入针Weekly每周 Total Mesophilic Count总嗜温细菌计数Filler valve snift注入针(If accessible)(如可行)Total Count SM-PR-685总菌计数SM-PR-685Microbiological Surface EvaluationSwab Contact SM-PR-635 微生物表面评估药签擦拭,SM-PR-635Swab 擦拭法 10/snift 每个注入针小于1010% of valve snifts from each filler每个注入机上10%的注入针Weekly 每周Total Mesophilic Count总嗜温细菌计数Processing equipment final rinse water(Bulk tanks, salt tanks, etc.)工艺设备最后冲洗水(配料缸,盐缸等)Total Count SM-PR-685总菌计数SM-PR-6851 ml 25/ml少于25/ml1 sample from each piece of process equipment 1个样品/每个工艺设备Weekly 每周Chemical Residual 化学试剂残留 Filler valve final rinse water 注入阀最后冲洗水Vendor provided 供应商提供Per Vendor method 供应商提供方法Absent 空白2 samples from each filler 每个注入阀取2个样品After CIP CIP后 Product Residual i.e., Caffeine, Sugar, Taste,Odor Appearance(When changing over from a caffeine or nutritive containing product)产品残留 例如,咖啡因,糖,口味、气味,外观(当丛含有咖啡因 或富含营养的产品转换时)Filler valve final rinse water 注入阀最后冲洗水Caffeine Detection,SM-PR-115DetectingSucrose inSugar FreeBeverages SM-PR-395咖啡因测试SM-PR-115 无糖饮料中糖的检测SM-PR-395 As specified in standard methodNo product residual, caffeine, sugar, off-taste odor or appearance 无产品残留,无咖啡因,无糖,无口味、气味或外观出现2 samples from each filler2个样品/每个注入阀After CIP CIP后 NOTE: 注意: Fillers with CIP cup attachments may take one sample from the CIP return line instead of the sample number listed. 带有CIP清洗杯附件的注入机可以从CIP回水管取一个样品来替代列出的样品数量。 Sample the final rinse water from the equipment only when the rinse water temperature is below 40°C (104°F). 只有当最后冲洗水温在40°C(104°F)以下时,才可以取最后冲洗水样。*When processing equipment (such as mix tanks, blenders, etc.) is on the same CIP circuit as the filler, and there are six months of microbiological test results in specification on the processing equipment, then these tests may be omitted.*当工艺设备(如混比缸、搅拌缸等等)与注入机为同一CIP管路,需要对其进行为期6个月的微生物跟踪测试,然后方可取消测试要求。References参考文件Carbon Dioxide Specifications BP-SP-110二氧化碳标准Packaged Water Specifications and Monitoring BP-SP-182包装水标准和监控Water Use in Water for Product Manufacturing BP-RQ-180用于水产品生产用水Processing and Filling General Requirements BP-RQ-300加工和灌注一般要求Aseptic Processing BP-RQ-304防腐剂加工Carbonated and No Added Preservatives Processing BP-RQ-308碳酸化和非添加防腐剂加工Hot-Fill Processing BP-RQ-316热灌注加工Process Change Validation BP-RQ-420工艺改变确认Manufacturing Sensory Program BP-RQ-650感官程序Compressed Gas Management ES-RQ-100压缩空气管理Ozone Protection Requirements ES-RQ-200臭氧保护要求Caffeine Detection SM-PR-115咖啡因检测Detecting Sucrose in Sugar Free Beverages SM-PR-395无糖饮料中含糖检测Clinistix Method for Detecting Sucrose (or Equivalent Nutritive Sweetener) in Microbiological Surface EvaluationSwab Contact SM-PR-635微生物表面评估Swab擦拭Mesophilic Bacteria SM-PR-685嗜温细菌Revision History更改历史Revision Date 变更日期 Summary of Change 变更总览15-Jun-2012Update references, ozone criteria更新参考,及臭氧使用相关要求03-Dec-2010Update and revise requirements, testing statement and table references to clarity and address customer requests更新和修改要求,测试声明和参考表格以便清晰和列明客户要求。01-Jan-2010 2010-01-01New Document released as part of the TCCMS Redesign - Governance Reset. This is a new document in the processing and filling section that incorporates the testing plan of BP-SP-182 作为可口可乐管理系统重新设计-管理安排中的新文件。新文件整合了加工和灌注部分和文件BP-SP-182测试计划。


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