引用 inferno报点位置图解默认分类 2010-05-13 15:38:59 阅读13 评论0 字号:大中小 订阅 引用梦中梦 的 inferno报点位置图解 引用Hsiao-June-.-512 的 inferno报点位置图解de_inferno我们中文可以理解成巷战,下面我就来给大家介绍一下它,朋友们,跟我一起来吧。 :) 我们还是延续惯例从大区A,开始说起哇?首先我们先上“T home”这边的楼瞧瞧。楼上空间还真不小呢,我们把它分开来说吧。T1号楼,T2号楼,T3号楼,这样规定后主要可以对缴枪、ct前压战术时的报位有所帮助,不会在出现比赛中喊“那人在匪楼里保枪呢,干他去”,但队友根本不知道他具体在哪的情况了。T1号楼T2号楼T3号楼 顺着走就进入了de_inferno的2楼通道,此通道很长,因此我们在这里依照报位清晰、准确的特性,给它化分3个部分,“T2楼”,“螺旋梯”,“CT2楼”。2楼通道旁边的路我们称它为“后街”或“小中路”,前边正对着的房子我们称它为“狙楼”,下边的范围则是“狙楼下”。小中路狙击楼小中路前沿,狙击楼下 从“ct2楼”口出来后,就可以看到整体结构复杂的A弹点了,下面我们就来逐一给附近的地形起名字,将其合理、简单、精确化。出口右侧边,我们规定它叫“阳台”,底下就是大家泛泛所称的A坑,这里有两个很重要的点,分别是“Storm”和“傻瓜点”,因为CoL的StromA,3D的Shaguar分别喜欢这两个点,几乎每次都站这儿,这是他们各自的“家”,因此而命名。:) A区的阳台A坑内的“Storm”点A坑内的“Shaguar”点 这是两个必须注意的地方,如果不分清楚,比赛中在对A坑报位时,队友的预瞄就会掌握不好。A坑旁边就是我们俗称的右路了吧,相对应靠“CT home”那边的就是左路,呵呵。以后真的不要那么叫了,我们分别规定它们为“A1”,“A2”。由于队友不同情况下面朝方向是不同的,因此,用右左两词表达就非常混乱了,太业余了 :)A1A2 “A1”、“A2”的相连之处就是“中路”,朋友们一定要和下边的“中坡”分清楚,不要混淆报错。比赛中,我们可以把“中坡”与“中路”的交界线当成警备线来用,此线以下有人时,仅仅就能说明“中坡”有敌人,他就是在做前期准备和侦察骚扰罢了,不能判断出T这局的战术,一旦有T越过了此线,我们就要提高警了,说明马上就要交火了,T进攻要打响了。(无论佯攻与否我们都能结合其它点的情况多少看清这局T的主攻方向了)。过了“A2”这才是我们经常说的“连接点”,“A2”旁边的木版我们则就规定它为“连接板”。顺着走就到了埋弹点了,这里我们来命名其中2个位置“1号位”,“2号位”。整个A区要说的就这些了。 :) 中坡连接点连接板1号位2号位 我们在把视线收回到“T home”,这次咱们往B区走。出了“黑坡”就会有种豁然开朗的感觉,头顶上则是“3楼”(这样说可以与2楼区分开来)。前边呢,我们就形象的把它叫做“下水道”吧。进入高高的拱型门后,就是大家俗称的b通了,这里我们规定它为“香蕉区”。黑坡3楼“下水道”香蕉区,香蕉道 往前就是B弹点了,整个b弹点由多个箱子组成,里边很乱。为了大家在当CT反扑、T进攻时的精确报位、预瞄、秒杀,我就来给大家介绍一下每个箱子和位置的命名(很重要哦)。图11号位。图22号位。图33号位。图4侧位。图54号位。图65号位。1号位2号位3号位侧位4号位5号位 de_inferno在混战、比赛中能应用到的实用报位就差不多说完了,这些数字刚运用的时候容易忘记,但凭本人带队比赛经验来看,打一个礼拜训练赛熟悉了命名之后,队友之间交流很顺利,舒服,效果非常好,因此希望朋友们还是稍加记忆,保证比赛中报位速度不要慢,更重要的是一定不要把位置说错。你们是最聪明的,我相信大家 :) 今天就到这哇?咱们明天核电站见。北北 Acknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.