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    清华大学Tsinghua University,1911 Tsinghua School 1928 National Tsinghua University 1937-1946 Moved to Kunming,“Southwest Associated University”1952 Became a multi-disciplinary university of engineering 1978-2000 Restructed into a comprehensive university Now 15 schools,56 departments,History,School of Information Science and Technology School of Mechanical Engineering School of Aerospace School of Civil Engineering School of Architecture School of Sciences School of Medicine School of Law School of Economics and Management School of Public Policy and Management School of Marxism School of Humanities and Social Sciences School of Journalism and Communication Academy of Arts and Design School of life sciences(2009.10.28),15 Schools,Engineering Faculties,School of Information Science and Technology Electronic Engineering/Computer Science and Technology/Automation/Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics School of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering/Thermal Engineering/Precision Instruments and Mechanology/Automotive Engineering/Industrial Engineering School of Aerospace Aerospace/Engineering Mechanics School of Civil Engineering Civil Engineering/Construction Management/Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering Other departments Environmental Science and Engineering/Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronic Technology/Engineering Physics/Chemical Engineering/Material Science and Engineering,Sciences,Medicine,Architecture,Law Faculties,School of Sciences Mathematical Sciences/Physics/Chemistry School of Life Sciences Biological Sciences and BiotechnologySchool of Medicine Medicine/Pharmacology/Biomedical Engineering School of Architecture Architecture/Urban Planning&Design/Building Science and Technology/Landscape ArchitectureSchool of Law,Management,School of Economics and Management Management Science and Engineering Technology Economics and Management Finance Economics Accounting Business Strategy and Policy Human Resources and Organizational Behavior Marketing School of Public Policy&Management,Liberal Arts,School of Humanities and Social Sciences Philosophy/History/Sociology/Political Science/International Relations/Psychology/Foreign Languages/Chinese Language and Literature School of MarxismSchool of Journalism and CommunicationAcademy of Arts and Design Textile&Fashion Design/Ceramic Arts and Design/Industrial Design/Visual Communication Design/Environmental Art Design/Information Art and Design/Painting Sculpture/Art&Crafts/Art History/,Full professors 1,172Associate Professors 1,125Research Fellows 1,380Members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 36 Members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering 32,Faculty,(Jan.2008),Full-time student 27,158 Undergraduate 13,872 Graduate 13,286(Ph.D.5,479),Education Programs,62 Undergraduate Programs249 Masters Programs 228 Doctoral Programs,Student Number,192 Research Institutes in Tsinghua UniversityNational Lab for Information Science and Technology(7 in total)15 State Key Laboratories(197 in total)18 MOE/MOST Key Laboratories5 Beijing Key Laboratories6 National Engineering Research Centres CERNET(China Education&Research Network)Centre,Research Institutes,Research Fund(million Yuan),Research fund and number of research achievement awards ranks on top among Chinese university State Scientific and Technological(S&T)Awards by the End of 2008(total 377),Fund and Awards,41 State Natural Science Awards 111 State Technological Invention Awards 225 State S&T Progress Awards,Patents,Publications,Patents and Publications,Publications included in SCI and EI,International Exchanges,Every year:2,404 international students from 103 countries 26,000 international visitors 3,400 faculty member going abroad 900 Overseas Faculty and Visiting Scholars 71 International conferences(2007),Comprehensive,Research Oriented and Open University Green University,University Goal,Thank You,Tsinghua UniversityBeijing P.R.CHINA,


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