贝恩人力资源职业生涯Updating Your Manager012.ppt
Updating Your Manager,Author:Anthony Kerwick,Contributors:Rob Koczkar,Paul Meehan,bc,March 1998,Copyright 1998 Bain&Company,Inc.,2,updatingyourmanagerUpdating Your Manager,Focus of effective meetingsObjectives of an updateEffective updates:Process FlowDos and donts,Agenda,3,updatingyourmanagerUpdating Your Manager,Highlight range of key content areas of effective updatesProvide guidelines on how to structure an effective updateGive advice on the content and messages in an effective update,Module Objective,4,updatingyourmanagerUpdating Your Manager,Plan the work,Do the work,Assess the implications,Communicate the answer,Document the work,Manager updates are a fundamental step in the Bain manufacturing process.,Team process skillsBRAVA,Core conceptsBusiness research skillsBain computing and mobile computingExcel and PowerPoint trainingMarket research,Core concepts,Updating your manager,Caseteam file managementBRAVA,Bain Manufacturing Process,5,updatingyourmanagerUpdating Your Manager,Focus of Effective Updates,Receive direct feedback and input from your manageryour hypothesisyour analysisyour data and methodologyEnsure that your prioritization fits in with the overall workplan,Communicate client perspectivesCall attention to critical incidents and client issuesRole play client meetings and other interactions,Communicate your works place in context of overall projectGive feedback to/receive feedback from the rest of the teamBrainstorm ideas,problem solveRaise and resolve team-related issues,Manager Updates-from face-to-face to voicemail-provide opportunities for two way communication relating to value addition,client,and the team.,Value addition/analysis,Client,Team,Update content,6,updatingyourmanagerUpdating Your Manager,Agree in advance on managers degree of involvement in the workplanwhat is the best time to update routinely?at what points can manager add the greatest value?what are the key approval points requiring manager involvement?what constitutes a“red flag”or requires early warning?Err on the side of over communication,especially early-onconduct frequent,but succinct,updates until told otherwiseUnderstand managers preferred communication media and accessibility:phonemails,telephone conversations,face-to-face meetingsEstablish mutual boundaries for caseteam work contacttelephone calls/faxes at homeunder what conditions?Determine ground rules concerning basic business etiquettewhat constitutes punctuality,both for meetings and work deadlines?is food a norm at meetings?what degree of formality is expected in each business situation?,At the outset of your caseteam relationship,you and your manager should mutually establish ground rules and communication norms.,Communication Norms and Ground Rules,7,updatingyourmanagerUpdating Your Manager,The first step in ensuring that manager updates are effective is to be absolutely clear on objectives.Potential objectives depend on the perspectives of the participants.,Confidence that the work is on trackInsight into where value liesInsight into client hot buttons/concernsFeedback as to specific actions he or she can take to provide assistance or remove roadblocksclient meetingsframeworksanalytical approachesVP updatesinformation sources,Ideas and adviceis my hypothesis leveraged?is my data collection methodology as efficient as possible?is my analysis correct?am I managing team/manager/client relationships as effectively as possible?Information and contexthow does my work fit into the whole?is my value addition sufficient and leveraged?Communication of help neededmeeting coveragepre-wiringother air coverDirect feedback and coaching,Potential objectives for the manager,Potential objectives for the consultant,Update Objectives,8,updatingyourmanagerUpdating Your Manager,A good update has six steps:,Clarify objectives,Review agenda,Answer-First summary of key issues,Communicate progress/analysis,Discuss other issues,Summarize next steps,Effective Updates:Steps,9,updatingyourmanagerUpdating Your Manager,Effective updates include objectives,agenda,key message,activity review,related issues,next steps,and closure.,Update Elements,Notes,Examples,Updates objectives,Off-slide,mutually agree on what you both expect to accomplish,“Pat,at our first caseteam last week,you asked me toIn the half-hour we have together,I would like to present the results and also call your attention to a concern the client has aboutDoes that sound about right?”,Agenda,Set agenda items,“Good.I suggest,then,that we do the followingAnything else?”,Answer-First summary,Communicate the short term answer,“First of all,as we suspected,the insurance business is indeed diluting Panamerica Communications market value.”,Effective Updates:Process Flow(1 of 2),10,updatingyourmanagerUpdating Your Manager,Effective updates include objectives,agenda,key message,activity review,related issues,next steps,and closure.,Update Elements,Notes,Examples,Communication of activitywhat milestones were reached?what insights gained?what has changed?what has happened which could affect timeline?workflow?deliverables?client relationship?,Structure supporting analysis and details using Answer-First pyramidIf possible,cast update information in a format which can be used for client reviews and pre-wiresfocus on insights up-front-not raw datatell a compelling story,“The volatility of the insurance businesss earnings is extremely high,which we concluded from first reviewingWhat still concerns us,however,is.I am having some trouble getting my hands around that issue.What would you do?All right,then,by 4 p.m.tomorrow,I will phonemail you the results.”,Other related work/issues,If necessary,allow for time to catch up on other relevant work and issues,“Work on my other side is heating up by the end of week.What effect would stretching our timeline on determining new book value by a day have on”,Summary of next steps and closure,Explicitly agree on specific next steps,timing,deliverables,and follow-up,“At our meeting next Tuesday,I will present the followingAnd you will let me know by phonemail if your teleconference tomorrow raises any issues that will affect the market segment analysis workstream.”,Effective Updates:Process Flow(2 of 2),11,updatingyourmanagerUpdating Your Manager,Schedule enough timeBring copies of your material for your manager and the other participants in the meetingStart the meeting with agreement on objectives and agendaLink your data collection and analysis to the Answer-First pyramidHighlight specific areas where you think you need helpGet clarity and closure on next steps,timing,deliverables,and follow-upAsk for coaching and feedback,Dos,Dont forget to proofread your slides and check data before the meetingDont show up lateDont rush the communicationDont raise issues without suggestions for how to address themDont rely solely on formal meetings to update your manager on your work,Donts,Dos and Donts,12,updatingyourmanagerUpdating Your Manager,Actively manage your relationship and communications with your supervisorLayout communication norms and ground rules up frontIf in doubt,adopt Answer-First communication as default for internal updatesFocus on necessary and sufficient communicationsDevelop bias for over communicationregular and frequent updates,but keep them concise and focusedDont stop at communicating analytical outputprovide information and seek input on client issuesreceive feedback from the team,if presentraise team-related issues,Takeaways,13,updatingyourmanagerUpdating Your Manager,青苹果出品 必属精品http:/,囊括2007-2010几百G地产策划资料/企业管理人力资源全套/品牌策划资料/行业分析报告/PPT模板等。,