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    managing knowledgesite.iugaza.edu.ps.ppt

    MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Chapter 11,VIDEO CASESCase 1:LOral:Knowledge Management Using Microsoft SharePointCase 2:IdeaScale Crowdsourcing:Where Ideas Come to Life,What is the role of knowledge management and knowledge management programs in business?What types of systems are used for enterprise-wide knowledge management and how do they provide value for businesses?What are the major types of knowledge work systems and how do they provide value for firms?What are the business benefits of using intelligent techniques for knowledge management?,Learning Objectives,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,2,Problem:Document-intensive research and development dependent on paper recordsSolutions:Electronic document management system stores research information digitallyeLab Notebook documentum management software creates PDFs,enables digital signatures,embeds usage rights,enables digital searching of libraryDemonstrates ITs role in reducing cost by making organizational knowledge more easily availableIllustrates how an organization can become more efficient and profitable through content management,P&G Moves from Paper to Pixels for Knowledge Management,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,3,Knowledge management systems among fastest growing areas of software investmentInformation economy55%U.S.labor force:knowledge and information workers60%U.S.GDP from knowledge and information sectorsSubstantial part of a firms stock market value is related to intangible assets:knowledge,brands,reputations,and unique business processesWell-executed knowledge-based projects can produce extraordinary ROI,The Knowledge Management Landscape,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,4,Important dimensions of knowledgeKnowledge is a firm assetIntangibleCreation of knowledge from data,information,requires organizational resourcesAs it is shared,experiences network effectsKnowledge has different formsMay be explicit(documented)or tacit(residing in minds)Know-how,craft,skillHow to follow procedureKnowing why things happen(causality),The Knowledge Management Landscape,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,5,Important dimensions of knowledge(cont.)Knowledge has a locationCognitive eventBoth social and individual“Sticky”(hard to move),situated(enmeshed in firms culture),contextual(works only in certain situations)Knowledge is situationalConditional:Knowing when to apply procedureContextual:Knowing circumstances to use certain tool,The Knowledge Management Landscape,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,6,To transform information into knowledge,firm must expend additional resources to discover patterns,rules,and contexts where knowledge worksWisdom:Collective and individual experience of applying knowledge to solve problems Involves where,when,and how to apply knowledgeKnowing how to do things effectively and efficiently in ways others cannot duplicate is prime source of profit and competitive advantageE.g.,Having a unique build-to-order production system,The Knowledge Management Landscape,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,7,Organizational learning Process in which organizations learnGain experience through collection of data,measurement,trial and error,and feedbackAdjust behavior to reflect experienceCreate new business processesChange patterns of management decision making,The Knowledge Management Landscape,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,8,Knowledge management:Set of business processes developed in an organization to create,store,transfer,and apply knowledge Knowledge management value chain:Each stage adds value to raw data and information as they are transformed into usable knowledgeKnowledge acquisitionKnowledge storageKnowledge disseminationKnowledge application,The Knowledge Management Landscape,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,9,Knowledge management value chainKnowledge acquisitionDocumenting tacit and explicit knowledgeStoring documents,reports,presentations,best practicesUnstructured documents(e.g.,e-mails)Developing online expert networksCreating knowledgeTracking data from TPS and external sources,The Knowledge Management Landscape,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,10,Knowledge management value chain(cont.)Knowledge storageDatabasesDocument management systemsRole of management:Support development of planned knowledge storage systemsEncourage development of corporate-wide schemas for indexing documentsReward employees for taking time to update and store documents properly,The Knowledge Management Landscape,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,11,Knowledge management value chain(cont.)Knowledge disseminationPortalsPush e-mail reportsSearch enginesCollaboration toolsA deluge of information?Training programs,informal networks,and shared management experience help managers focus attention on important information,The Knowledge Management Landscape,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,12,Knowledge management value chain(cont.)Knowledge application To provide return on investment,organizational knowledge must become systematic part of management decision making and become situated in decision-support systemsNew business practicesNew products and servicesNew markets,The Knowledge Management Landscape,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,13,The Knowledge Management Landscape,THE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT VALUE CHAIN,Knowledge management today involves both information systems activities and a host of enabling management and organizational activities.,FIGURE 11-1,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,14,New organizational roles and responsibilitiesChief knowledge officer executivesDedicated staff/knowledge managersCommunities of practice(COPs)Informal social networks of professionals and employees within and outside firm who have similar work-related activities and interestsActivities include education,online newsletters,sharing experiences and techniquesFacilitate reuse of knowledge,discussionReduce learning curves of new employees,The Knowledge Management Landscape,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,15,3 major types of knowledge management systems:Enterprise-wide knowledge management systemsGeneral-purpose firm-wide efforts to collect,store,distribute,and apply digital content and knowledgeKnowledge work systems(KWS)Specialized systems built for engineers,scientists,other knowledge workers charged with discovering and creating new knowledgeIntelligent techniques Diverse group of techniques such as data mining used for various goals:discovering knowledge,distilling knowledge,discovering optimal solutions,The Knowledge Management Landscape,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,16,The Knowledge Management Landscape,MAJOR TYPES OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS,There are three major categories of knowledge management systems,and each can be broken down further into more specialized types of knowledge management systems.,FIGURE 11-2,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,17,Three major types of knowledge in enterpriseStructured documentsReports,presentationsFormal rulesSemistructured documentsE-mails,videosUnstructured,tacit knowledge80%of an organizations business content is semistructured or unstructured,Enterprise-Wide Knowledge Management Systems,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,18,Enterprise content management systemsHelp capture,store,retrieve,distribute,preserveDocuments,reports,best practicesSemistructured knowledge(e-mails)Bring in external sourcesNews feeds,researchTools for communication and collaboration,Enterprise-Wide Knowledge Management Systems,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,19,Enterprise-Wide Knowledge Management Systems,AN ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM,An enterprise content management system has capabilities for classifying,organizing,and managing structured and semistructured knowledge and making it available throughout the enterprise.,FIGURE 11-3,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,20,Enterprise content management systemsKey problem Developing taxonomyKnowledge objects must be tagged with categories for retrievalDigital asset management systemsSpecialized content management systems for classifying,storing,managing unstructured digital dataPhotographs,graphics,video,audio,Enterprise-Wide Knowledge Management Systems,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,21,Knowledge network systemsProvide online directory of corporate experts in well-defined knowledge domainsUse communication technologies to make it easy for employees to find appropriate expert in a companyMay systematize solutions developed by experts and store them in knowledge databaseBest-practices Frequently asked questions(FAQ)repository,Enterprise-Wide Knowledge Management Systems,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,22,Enterprise-Wide Knowledge Management Systems,AN ENTERPRISE KNOWLEDGE NETWORK SYSTEM,A knowledge network maintains a database of firm experts,as well as accepted solutions to known problems,and then facilitates the communication between employees looking for knowledge and experts who have that knowledge.Solutions created in this communication are then added to a database of solutions in the form of FAQs,best practices,or other documents.,FIGURE 11-4,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,23,Portal and collaboration technologiesEnterprise knowledge portals:Access to external and internal informationNews feeds,researchCapabilities for e-mail,chat,videoconferencing,discussionUse of consumer Web technologiesBlogsWikisSocial bookmarking,Enterprise-Wide Knowledge Management Systems,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,24,Learning management systemsProvide tools for management,delivery,tracking,and assessment of various types of employee learning and trainingSupport multiple modes of learning CD-ROM,Web-based classes,online forums,live instruction,etc.Automates selection and administration of coursesAssembles and delivers learning contentMeasures learning effectiveness,Enterprise-Wide Knowledge Management Systems,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,25,Knowledge work systemsSystems for knowledge workers to help create new knowledge and integrate that knowledge into businessKnowledge workers Researchers,designers,architects,scientists,engineers who create knowledge for the organizationThree key roles:Keeping organization current in knowledgeServing as internal consultants regarding their areas of expertiseActing as change agents,evaluating,initiating,and promoting change projects,Knowledge Work Systems,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,26,Requirements of knowledge work systemsSubstantial computing power for graphics,complex calculationsPowerful graphics and analytical toolsCommunications and document managementAccess to external databasesUser-friendly interfacesOptimized for tasks to be performed(design engineering,financial analysis),Knowledge Work Systems,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,27,Knowledge Work Systems,REQUIREMENTS OF KNOWLEDGE WORK SYSTEMS,Knowledge work systems require strong links to external knowledge bases in addition to specialized hardware and software.,FIGURE 11-5,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,28,Examples of knowledge work systemsCAD(computer-aided design):Creation of engineering or architectural designsVirtual reality systems:Simulate real-life environments3-D medical modeling for surgeonsAugmented reality(AR)systemsVRMLInvestment workstations:Streamline investment process and consolidate internal,external data for brokers,traders,portfolio managers,Knowledge Work Systems,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,29,What is the difference between virtual reality and augmented reality?Why is augmented reality so appealing to marketers?What makes augmented reality useful for real estate shopping applications?Suggest some other knowledge work applications for augmented reality,Knowledge Work Systems,AUGMENTED REALITY:REALITY GETS BETTER,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,30,Intelligent techniques:Used to capture individual and collective knowledge and to extend knowledge baseTo capture tacit knowledge:Expert systems,case-based reasoning,fuzzy logicKnowledge discovery:Neural networks and data miningGenerating solutions to complex problems:Genetic algorithmsAutomating tasks:Intelligent agentsArtificial intelligence(AI)technology:Computer-based systems that emulate human behavior,Intelligent Techniques,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,31,Expert systems:Capture tacit knowledge in very specific and limited domain of human expertiseCapture knowledge of skilled employees as set of rules in software system that can be used by others in organization Typically perform limited tasks that may take a few minutes or hours,e.g.:Diagnosing malfunctioning machineDetermining whether to grant credit for loanUsed for discrete,highly structured decision-making,Intelligent Techniques,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,32,Intelligent Techniques,RULES IN AN EXPERT SYSTEM,An expert system contains a number of rules to be followed.The rules are interconnected;the number of outcomes is known in advance and is limited;there are multiple paths to the same outcome;and the system can consider multiple rules at a single time.The rules illustrated are for simple credit-granting expert systems.,FIGURE 11-6,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,33,How expert systems work Knowledge base:Set of hundreds or thousands of rulesInference engine:Strategy used to search knowledge baseForward chaining:Inference engine begins with information entered by user and searches knowledge base to arrive at conclusionBackward chaining:Begins with hypothesis and asks user questions until hypothesis is confirmed or disproved,Intelligent Techniques,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,34,Intelligent Techniques,INFERENCE ENGINES IN EXPERT SYSTEMS,An inference engine works by searching through the rules and“firing”those rules that are triggered by facts gathered and entered by the user.Basically,a collection of rules is similar to a series of nested IF statements in a traditional software program;however,the magnitude of the statements and degree of nesting are much greater in an expert system.,FIGURE 11-7,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,35,Successful expert systemsCon-Way Transportation built expert system to automate and optimize planning of overnight shipment routes for nationwide freight-trucking businessMost expert systems deal with problems of classificationHave relatively few alternative outcomes Possible outcomes are known in advance Many expert systems require large,lengthy,and expensive development and maintenance effortsHiring or training more experts may be less expensive,Intelligent Techniques,CHAPTER 11:MANAGING KNOWLEDGE,Prentice Hall 2011,36,Case-based reasoning


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