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    PEP小学英语三级下册单元试题 全册.doc

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    PEP小学英语三级下册单元试题 全册.doc

    PEP三年级下册英语第一、二单元测试 姓名 一、选出不同类的那个单词。( )1.A.teacher B.student C.boy D.coke( )2.A.apple B.dog C.duck D.ant ( )3.A.tea B.girl C.coffe D.water ( )4.A.morning B.afternoon C.egg D.evening( )5.A.hamburger B.ice-cream C.hot dog D.brother二、按单词的首字母(斜体字母)给这些单词排序。(根据字母表的顺序)1. hot dog brother father _2. ice egg hamburger _ 3. teacher student boy coke_4.TIGER HORSE ZEBRA DEER_ 5. READ GRANDMA DRAW SAY_ 三、选择相应的答语,并连线。1.Good afternon. A.Thank you .2.Whos this boy? B.I”m from Beijing.3.Nice to meet you. C.My name is Mike.4.Whats your name ? D.Nice to meet you,too.5.Where are you from ? E.Shes my sister.6.Happy Womens Day! F.It”s OK.7.I”m sorry . G.Shes my mother.8.Whos that woman ? H.Good afternon .四、选择正确的中文翻译,并连线.1.watch out a.做个D 6.fly a kite f.一起玩 2.drink some tea b.小心 7.play together g.互相帮助 3.touch your knee c.进来 8.help each other h.跟我读4.make a“D” d.喝些茶 9.read after me i.唱歌跳舞e in e.摸你的膝盖 10.sing and dance j.放风筝五、选择填空。( )1. from America. A.I B.Im C.I m( )2.Welcome to school. A.book B.back C.black( )3.Watch ! A.this B.that C.out( )4.Let's watch TV. A.Thats OK. B.Its OK. C.Great. ( )5.I love my father and mother,They love _.A.I B.me C.my ( )6. _ a big fish! A.How B.How is C.What ( ) 7.I a girl. A.am B.is C.are( )8. is my friend,Mike. A.That B.This C.It( )9.如果你想向对方介绍自己,你可以说:A.Hi,Im Bai Ling. B.Hi.This is Bai Ling. C.Am I Bai Ling.(  )10、当你迟到了,应该说:A.Come in.B.Im sorry. C .Its OK.六、连词成句。1.from I America am . 2.to meet Nice you . 3.Where you are from ? 4.this girl Whos ?5.that Whos woman ? PEP三年级下册英语第三、四单元测试 姓名 一、 写出下列字母的大写或小写.T_ H_ J_ E_ G_ L_ Q_ M_ I_ R_b_ d_ o_ k_ n_ p_ s_ c_ f_ a_二找出不同类的单词. ( ) 1.A.pencil B.book C.ruler D.key( ) 2.A.apple B.black C.pink D.red( ) 3.A.nose B.mouth C.blue D.leg( ) 4.A.cat B.dog C.kangaroo D.pen( ) 5.A.hot dog B.ice-cream C.hamburger D.kite三.算一算,将数词前的序号填在括号内。.fourteen B.fifteen C.sixteen D.seventeen .eighteen .twenty1. eight + nine =( ) 2.twenty ( )=four3.nineteen( )= one 4.three +( ) = seventeen四、选择恰当的单词填空,把序号填在括号内。(   )1、Draw _ apple,please . .(   )2、Listen _me .       A.too     B.to(   )3、Have some_.       A.more   B.many(   )4、Clap_ me       A.with    B.and(   )5、Let me _ with you. A.have    B.share(   )6、How many_?       A.apples B.apple(   )7、Pour the _.       A.orange B.orange juice(   )8、He can _ a rainbow. A.draw   B.picture (   )9、You _ fifteen rulers. A.has B.have 五、看图,选出与图意相符的句子或对话,将序号填在( )内。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1.P Q R S T, pour the tea. 2.I like watermelons. 3.I have seven rulers. 4.-Who's that woman? -She's my mother. 5.-Do you like bananas, Chen Jie? -Sorry, I don't like bananas.六、 根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在题前括号内。(   )Can I have a pear , please?       A. No, I dont .(   )Do you like grapes ?          B.I can see eleven.(   )Have some watermelons, Mike ?    C. Certainly!(   )How many bananas can you see ? D. Good idea!(   )Lets share.              E. Thank you .七连词成句.1. many How books you do have ( ? ) ?2. some fruits Have (.) .3. my new Look bag at ( . ) . 4.can you How many see eggs ( ? ) ?5. apples Do like you (?) ?PEP三年级下册英语第五、六单元测试 姓名 一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. PRC B. CAN C. ABC D. USA( )2. A. animal B. deer C. giraffe D. fox ( )3. A. jeep B. bus C. banana D bike( )4. A. A.M. B. P.M. C. Coke D. CD( )5. A. fox B. zebra C. box D. lion ( )6. A. umbrella B. under C. on D. in 二、看图,将正确单词的序号填在括号中。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A 、deer B、 P.M. C、 USA D、 PRC E 、UK A. tall B. long C. short D. big E. small1. The watermelon is . The car is .2. Dad, you are . I'm _.3. The pen is . The crayon is .三、选择,将正确答案的序号填进题前括号里。( )1.Look _the giraffe. A. at B. am C. it( )2.I_big eyes and small_.A.have;ear B.have;ears C.has;ears( )3.It _ a long _.A. have;tail B. has;tail C. have; tails( )4.- Brother,youre tall and I am short. - _. A. Sorry B. Youre right C. Here you are( )5.- Where is the panda from? - Its from _. A. PRC B. USA C. CAN D. UK( )6. - Look at the elephant. - _.A. Its so big. B. OK C. You see ( )7.- It has a long nose.It has big ears and a short tail.-_. A. Its a lion B. Its an elephant C. Its a panda四、选择合适的答句,将正确答案的序号填进题前括号里。( )1.Do you like oranges? A. Thank you .( ) 2.What fruit do you like ? B. No problem.( )3.Happy Children”s Day. C. It is on the desk. ( )4.Can I have an apple,please? D. Yes,I do.( )5.Can I use your pencil? E. It is blue. ( )6.Lets play a game. F. I am behind you. ( )7.Where is my car? G. He”s my father.( )8.What colour is it ? H. Certainly. ( )9.Who is that man ? I. OK. ( )10.Where are you ? J. I like pears.五、补全短语。1.在桌子上 _ the desk 2.在桌子下面 _ the desk 3.在盒子里 _ the box 4.在书下面 _ the book4.The giraffe is _,the deer is _.


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