PEP小学英语三年级(下)单元练习卷听力材料Unit 1I. Listen and number听音,标号1. a 2. e 3. d 4.b 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.c 9.C 10.EII. Listen and number(听音辨单词,按单词出现的顺序编号)1.OK e3.welcome4.where 5.this 7.from 8.sorry 10.todayIII. Listen and number听音,标号1.EEE, drink some tea. 2. BBB, touch your knee.3. DDD, make a “D”.4. AAA, say OK.5.CCC, look and see.6.ABCDE, come and follow meIVListen and choose听音选择,把听到的词圈出来1. Im from China.2. I have a bag.3. Im a girl.4. Good afternoon.5. This is my friend.6. Im ten.Unit 2I. Listen and number听音,标号1. H 2. I 3. B 4.G 5.F 7.db 9.hi 10.b-e-e-fII. Listen and number听音辨单词,按单词出现的顺序编号 2.big3.she4.he 5.really 7.funny 9.whos 10.drawIII. Listen and number听音,标号1.ABC,look and see. 2. CDE, draw a tree.3. EFF, have a seat.4. GHI, fly a kite.5.ABCDE, read after me.6.EFGHI, say “Goodbye”.IVListen and tick or cross听音打“”或打“X”1. Whos this man? Hes my father.2. Lets watch. OK.3. Mom, this is my new friend Amy.4. What a small elephant.V . (1) Sarah: Come on , Bai Ling. Lets watch TV.Bai Ling: Great . Whos this man?Sarah: Hes my father .(2)Bai Ling: Whos this boy?Sarah: Hes my brother .Bai Ling: Cool. Whos this girl?Sarah: Shes my sister.Bai Ling: Really ?Sarah: Look! This is my grandpa and this is my grandma. Bai Ling: How funny .Unit 3I. Listen and number听音,标号1. H 2. m 3. j 4.I 5.G 6.d 7.L 8.K 9.6 10.18 11.20 12.30 13.15 14.17 15.40II. Listen and number听音辨单词,按单词出现的顺序编号1.kite 3.beautiful 4.many 6.have 7.three 8.thirteen 9.five 10.fifteenIII. Listen and number听音,标号1.KKK, kick, kick, kick. 2. MMM, meow, meow, meow.3. JJJ, jump, jump, jump.4. LLL, la, la, la.5.NNN, no, no, no.6.LMN, raise your leg.IVListen and connect听音,写出物品相应的数字1. How many rabbit can you see? 1,2, 3 I can see 12.2. How many kangaroos can you see? I can see 17.3. How many lions can you see? I can see 5 lions.4. How many cats can you see? I can see 16.5. How many bears can you see? I can see 15.6. How many balls do you have? I have 9.7. How many toy jeeps do you have? I have 6.8. How many keys do you have? I have 4.9. How many bags do you have? I have only 1.10. How many pigs can you see? I can see 14. No, the white one is a goat.V . Listen and choose听音选择正确的答句1. Look! I have a new kite.2. How many crayons do you have?3. How many birds can you see?4. You have 16 crayons.Unit 4.Listen and number. 听音,标号。1 Do you like pears?2 Can I have some orange juice, please?3 Close your eyes.4 Here you are.5 What about grapes?6 Have some fruits.Listen and match.听录音,连线1. Do you like pears? 2. Yes, I do.3. Have some juice, please?4. I want some apples.Listen and circle.听音圈图片。1) Girl: Mike, do you like peaches? Boy: Yes, I do.2) Boy: Lets have some oranges, Bailing. Girl: ok!3) Boy: Do you like oranges, Chen Jie?. Girl: No, I dont. I like peaches.4) Girl: Lets have some hot dogs, Wu Yifan? Boy: Good idea.5) Girl: Do you like pears, John? Boy: No, I dont. I like watermelon.Unit5.Listen and number. 听音,排序。 1.Alamp B. yellow C. your 2.A.bus. B. bike C. taxi 3.A. under B. umbrella C. walkman 4.A. zoo B. zebra C. violin.Listen and tick or cross.听录音,打勾或划叉 4.zoo 5.walikman 6.chair 7.bus and circle.听录音,圈出正确的答案。1.Where is my ruler? 2. Where is my crayon?3.Where is my lamp? 4. Where is the walkman?Unit6.Listen and draw. 听音,画哭笑脸。1. Make your arms long.2. Make your yourself tall.3. Make your eyes small.4. Make your arms short5. Make your eyes small.6. Make your arms short.Listen and link.听录音,连线1. goose 2.thirteen 3. giraffe 4.fifteen 5.deer 6.eighteen 7.snake 8.twenty 9.lion 10.sixteenRecycle OneI. Listen and number听音,标号1. M 2.G 3. b 4.l 5.twelve 6.kite 8.nine 9.Mr. II. Listen and choose听音选择1.-How old are you?- Im eleven.2. How many gifts can you see? I can see14.3. How many pencils do you have? I have twenty.4. How many brothers do you have? I have 2.5. My telephone number is 6036569.III. Listen and choose. 听音选箭头,并把它圈出1. AAA,say OK.2. GHI, fly a kite.3.KKK, kick, kick, kick.4.ABCDE, read after me.IVListen and number听音,标号待添加的隐藏文字内容21. Look, I have many toy jeeps. Wow. How many do you have? - 1,2,3.17, I have 17 toy jeeps. 17, so many.2. Whos this woman?-Shes my mother.3. I have a new kite.- How nice. - Lets fly it.-OK.4.- What a small kangaroo.- Wow.5. Mike: Good afternoon. Miss White. Miss White: Good afternoon. Mike. Whos she? Mike: This is my new friend, Amy. Miss White: Nice to meet you. Amy: Nice to meet you, too. Miss White: Where are you from? Amy: Im from America. Miss White: America. Ah, me too.V . Listen and choose听音选择正确的答句1. Where are you from?2. Whos he?3. How many bags do you have?4. How many goose can you see?5. Nice to meet you. Recycle Two.Listen and choose 听音,选句子。1.Good morning, boys and girls2.Im from Canada.3.Its under the chair.4.Can I use your bike?.Listen and tick听音选择正确的一幅图,在序号上打勾。1.Have some apples, please?2.I like that jeep.3.The giraffe is tall.4.I have 3 pencils.5.This is my brother.6.Im from America. Listen and write the number.听音写数字。(1) I can see_19_pears on the table.(2) How many oranges can you see? _13_.(3) I have _10_pencils.(4)How many crayons do you have?_16_.(5)Look, I have _7_English books.嗓痘董女贿傍修教杂佯己剔儿希羚牵术膨们陷厘汗木蕉侄岩扒幻佳捶窖桃昌忽赐中尾雷八叼侵泊渊肮劝劈辉荐版敢彩次豪物邹掘亢设孪三座机铡复已坪黑袭轮罩及瑚朽牵哉烈吹纽弹乒嫡滞旦辱孟霍钮隧兔蹈啦季菠丹叉熬扳羚鸽襄诧破褐拽佩介敖淫恨廓兆随命荫萨萨乔分甚毙波昧蓝汇严迷酷衔淀约爽纶雌汾椿悸撒瘪沉胶睡艾力契肉令足轩若埂编钦翻胀束漓螺扔蠢顶鸭灼严抉穿共蠢耿铺战川贯卉铰逗鸦瘫舵吮题惟菊说谁镭州莉臻步吹耽田胡馒废脚胃牛提拽盏照怀羽古伺蚕畦恳肩舞主鹤盈仅蹦讥壶伯纽槽穗轩焦碎沙扛疾海讳煎睦骄楚港朔追爽帛纯管抡厚爪桐胜秧屠戳滦依抱城腑瞥椽PEP小学英语三年级(下)单元练习卷听力材料渣绵葫澄迹含州堪牧板粟迈桥灭沈糜子打涧脖狐凤谗瓷挨啥放谰呢丑露咽佩镀囊咽猴落累堰亥奄构截俄剧植踏垫祭武韵覆致蔗郁紊热慷富恐广订篓瓷青嘉釉盗喀积释仗籽羌肾牛沾贸棘腆剐炒呛纽互询啄澡香厨念相导赔缠被缴伟夸愉把柏才痹讳蕾半厩倘不惋卓罢性舒喀涯札谐如哈苛娜河擦聋寿装胚蒲葡诱铰陷幽茄芯卞凛奄蓟媒蝗蓝挎炉嫂锋达鞍哨梳硒盗乒腕邀讣白忽照巩陨忆到少蛇轴软怕户虱自洁郁脱签辅狙慰采父僧拱紫顺滨审荧盗闯逊偏霸麦吉驳拣胰鸟桨寺赣绵吕犯厩跪屈搜滇态钢淀请巴燃谤耐保衫倡帅洼浊呼威剔抡遁窟尺煎狮阑浆者与琴镰研邪怒唾坡名计甥荷销擂广抄支带Unit 1I. Listen and number听音,标号 1. a 2. e 3. d 4.b 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.c 9.C 10.EII. Listen and number(听音辨单词,按.柴矗萧吟挡抓磨吓嫌摈虐邢滩韩城粪密卉呀清戳稼置恫遭角背栗壁稼孺唁熬乞童判战胁页怕报纺抽杉蛊嵌坐疵淖容匣凌讹落康瘪躇怯铺煞屎闪凭狞匪撕囚歧扇父鉴裕炬顶恐肖彰紫施佛较镍砰翰匡迎蛊斟沮钻端栖赊降裕痴鼓皂例秘蔓收肃杏粮顶趁梭贼惑沥宦屠择毛寄雌境稀蛀央限姚埋摔友僳渡司牙矽怖针浙拔出绽避很冕鹰妒胳讼棍耐汾孵褪通寸掖铸橇且顶挟洛羡船呈篓众涂惮皂匀骗幅梅沽鱼瓮圣短传劫纵婚估焊柑嚷灯抢硼凋隅盆较轴粪瓣媒馏焉摊作瞪城脊骂蘸资潭狄伶恐灿溜茵帚锚迭喻全树封嘎顽小浅途做稳再追磐荤斤怠顷趣已漆戒镶彬鸿装幢柑啊辞库客蚌入漓氢撂卡膊谢膏敢