美帝IT咨询行业报告 IT Consulting in the US Industry Report.ppt
1,2,2,2,3,5,5,7,WWW.IBISWORLD.COM,IT Consulting in the US September 2011,All systems go:Increased IT budgets andmerger activity will keep IT consultants busyIBISWorld Industry Report 54151IT Consulting in the US,September 2011,Caitlin Moldvay,2 About this IndustryIndustry Definition,18 International Trade19 Business Locations,31 Revenue Volatility31 Regulation&Policy,Main ActivitiesSimilar Industries,21 Competitive Landscape,31 Industry Assistance,Additional Resources4 Industry at a Glance5 Industry PerformanceExecutive SummaryKey External DriversCurrent Performance10 Industry Outlook12 Industry Life Cycle14 Products&Markets14 Supply Chain14 Products&Services16 Demand Determinants16 Major Markets,21 Market Share Concentration21 Key Success Factors21 Cost Structure Benchmarks23 Basis of Competition23 Barriers to Entry24 Industry Globalization25 Major Companies25 International Business MachinesCorporation26 Hewlett-Packard Company27 Accenture Ltd.29 Operating Conditions29 Capital Intensity30 Technology&Systems,32 Key Statistics32 Industry Data32 Annual Change32 Key Ratios33 Jargon&Glossary,|1-800-330-3772|,2,WWW.IBISWORLD.COM About this Industry,IT Consulting in the US September 2011,Industry DefinitionMain Activities,IT consultants provide expert adviceand assistance in the fields of writing,modifying,testing and supportingsoftware to meet the needs of aparticular customer.They also planThe primary activities of this industry are,and design computer systems andintegrate computer hardware,software and communicationtechnologies.IT support is notincluded in this industry.,Providing information technology expertise for consumersWriting,modifying,testing and supporting softwarePlanning and design of systemsOn-site management and operation of IT functionsThe major products and services in this industry areApplication designApplication integrationNetwork managementOther servicesSystems design and developmentSystems integrationTechnical consultingTechnical support,Similar Industries,42343 Computer&Packaged Software Wholesaling in the USThis industry wholesales IT goods that consultants use or operate on.44312 Computer Stores in the USRetailers sell computer hardware or software products and provide support services,such as customizedassemblies.51121 Software Publishing in the USSoftware publishers produce and distribute computer software,this includes designing,providingdocumentation,assisting in installation and providing support services to software purchasers.51421 Data Processing&Hosting Services in the USData processing is often a small part of the broader consulting process,and there is a great deal ofoutsourcing to this industry.,3,WWW.IBISWORLD.COM About this Industry,IT Consulting in the US September 2011,Additional Resources,For additional information on this IT C Kennedy Consulting Research and Advisorywww.census.gov US Census BureauIBISWorld writes over 700 USindustry reports that are updated upto four times a year.To see all reports,go to,%change,%change,4,9.8%,p.25,Systems integration,SOURCE:WWW.IBISWORLD.COM,WWW.IBISWORLD.COM Industry at a GlanceIT Consulting in 2011,IT Consulting in the US September 2011,Key Statistics Snapshot,Revenue Annual Growth 06-11$236.9bn0.3%,Annual Growth 11-163.0%,Profit Wages Businesses$17.1bn$114.9bn362,826,Market ShareInternationalBusiness MachinesCorporation 14.4%Hewlett-PackardCompany 10.7%,Revenue vs.employment growth12840,Corporate prot3020100,Accenture Ltd.4.7%,48Year 03,05,07,09,11,13,15,17,1020Year,05,07,09,11,13,15,17,Revenue,Employment,SOURCE:WWW.IBISWORLD.COM,Key External DriversCorporate profitDemand from finance and insuranceTechnology adoption Private investment in computers and softwareGovernment consumption and investment,Products and services segmentation(2011)7.3%TechnicalsupportNetworkmanagement10.7%Other services11.4%Systems designand development,16.2%,15.6%Applicationintegration,p.5,13.4%Applicationdesign,15.6%Technicalconsulting,SOURCE:WWW.IBISWORLD.COM,Industry Structure,Life Cycle StageRevenue VolatilityCapital IntensityIndustry AssistanceConcentration Level,MatureMediumLowLowLow,Regulation LevelTechnology ChangeBarriers to EntryIndustry GlobalizationCompetition Level,LightHighLowMediumHigh,FOR ADDITIONAL STATISTICS AND TIME SERIES SEE THE APPENDIX ON PAGE 32,5,Summary,WWW.IBISWORLD.COM Industry PerformanceExecutive Summary|Key External Drivers|Current PerformanceIndustry Outlook|Life Cycle Stage,IT Consulting in the US September 2011,Executive Information technology(IT)consultingis a$236.9 billion industry comprisedof firms that help companies designand implement IT systems andsoftware.Services can range fromenterprise resource planning(ERP)tocustomer relationship management(CRM).Due to the low capital intensityof this industry,the majority ofindustry operators are nonemployingfirms and sole proprietors.Althoughthere has been consolidation amonglarger players,there will always beGrowth through 2016 will come fromrecovering budgets and greater M&Assmaller companies entering theindustry.There are an estimated362,826 companies in the industry,representing an average annual declineof 1.8%in the past five years.Over the five years to 2011,industryrevenue is expected to grow 0.3%annually to$236.9 billion.A strongperiod of industry growth occurred in2007,when the economy was in anupswing.Between 2008 and 2010,however,revenue quickly contracteddue to slowed business activity and an,increase in bankruptcies.As firms wentbankrupt,the pool of potential clientswas drastically reduced.Demand for ITconsulting from the financial servicesindustry decreased during therecession,while demand from thegovernment sector actually increased.In 2011,industry revenue is expectedto experience positive growth for thefirst time in three years,increasing2.4%to$236.9 billion.In the five years to 2016,there will bestronger growth than the previous fiveyears,with the industry growing 3.0%annually to$275.2 billion.The growthwill largely stem from an increase in ITbudgets among firms as the economyrecovers.Revenue growth will beparticularly slow in the beginning,however,as business sentiment will beslow to bounce back.The increase inmerger and acquisition activity in otherindustries over the next five years will bea boon to IT consultants;with moreconsolidations,companies will requireassistance in the integration ofaccounting,information storage andother systems.Furthermore,the risingusage of smartphones in the workplaceis expected to increase demand for ITservices to protect companies fromsecurity breaches.,Key External Drivers,Corporate profitThe level of business sentiment andprofitability is positively correlated withthe demand for IT consulting services.Asprofit rises,companies feel more confidentabout making large,long-terminvestments,and so they will hire ITconsultants for advice.This driver isexpected to increase during 2011,which isa potential opportunity for the industry.Demand from finance and insuranceBanking,finance,insurance andrelated industries are key customer,markets for IT consultants.ITconsultants work with companies inthe financial services and insuranceindustries to store and better protectthe privacy of information.When theseservice industries are expanding,thedemand for IT services typically rises.This driver is expected to increaseduring 2011.Technology adoptionThe rate of new technology adoption andIT systems impacts demand for industryservices.As firms take on more,%change,%change,6,WWW.IBISWORLD.COM Industry Performance,IT Consulting in the US September 2011,Key External Driverscontinued,expensive and sophisticated computingsystems to conduct business,thelikelihood of needing outside assistancein developing proper programsincreases.This driver is expected toincrease during 2011.Private investment incomputers and softwareInvestment by clients in existing andnew software solutions positivelyaffects the industry.Changes andadvancements in computer hardwareand software systems generate agreater need for advisers.Furthermore,the introduction of and differentiationbetween operating systems will likelycontinue,which will require expertadvice.This driver is expected toincrease during 2011.Corporate prot302010010,Government consumptionand investmentThe IT consulting industry is sensitive tochanges in government consumption andinvestment,since the availability ofgovernment funds for IT consulting isrelated to the budgetary situation ofgovernment departments.Federal andstate government clients are a significantmarket for IT consultants since theseclients require assistance with internetand telecommunications networks forsecurity systems and recordsmanagement.Concerns over the budgetdeficit are expected to result in slowergrowth for government consumption andinvestment,which will lead to lessspending on IT consulting.This driver isexpected to increase slowly during 2011,which is a potential threat to the industry.Demand from nance and insurance1601208040040,20Year,05,07,09,11,13,15,17,80Year,05,07,09,11,13,15,17,SOURCE:WWW.IBISWORLD.COM,%change,7,WWW.IBISWORLD.COM Industry Performance,IT Consulting in the US September 2011,Current PerformanceBankruptcies decreased the need for IT consultants,In a technology-driven environment,businesses across all industries rely on ITsupport to operate more efficiently.ITconsultants are integral in providingadvice on a variety of technologysolutions to their clients.Consultantsimplement and deploy systems thatmanage data on behalf of a business.Moreover,IT consultants design andmodify supporting software to enhanceonline and telecommunications securitysystems.This industry does not includein-house IT support services.Over the five years to 2011,strongrevenue growth has bookended dismalgrowth during the recession.Industryrevenue is expected to increase 0.3%annually over the five-year period.Economic growth in the years leading to2007 resulted in a period of particularlyhigh revenue.In the midst of theeconomic upswing,businesses grew andso did their need for IT services.In 2008and 2009,however,revenue declined asa result of widespread bankruptcies.Industry sectors that were once reliableclients,such as financial services,wereamong the worst hit by the recession.Businesses that went bankrupt no longerThe economic recession beginning atthe start of 2008 caused chaos in thefinancial market and difficulties inborrowing.The recession,unlike thedownturn in the 2000s,affected nearlyevery industry,from real estate toconsumer products.One of the largestIT consulting customers is the financialservices industry,which requires ITconsultants for a variety of systemdesigns and integration.For example,brokerage firms hire IT consultants todesign and integrate trading platforms,and investment banks use theindustrys services to manage clientssensitive information and externalresearch reports.,Industry revenue1284048Year 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 17SOURCE:WWW.IBISWORLD.COMneeded IT consultants,and those thatsurvived slashed their IT-related budgets.Even as the economy began to recoverin 2010,the financial services industryexperienced poor performance becausebusiness confidence was slow to pick up.Unprofitable businesses deferred majorIT system upgrades until better times.In2011,the industry is finally expected torecover and will experience positiverevenue growth for the first time since2007.Industry revenue is expected togrow 2.4%to$236.9 billion.IT expenses across major financialfirms were reduced as the economyweakened during the early part of 2008.By September 2008,the financialindustry was on life support and manypeople were panicking.Several largefinancial companies went bankrupt orwere forced to merge due to large assetwrite-downs.At that time,IT expenseswere almost considered a secondaryissue.Most financial firms furtherslashed expenses in order to survive thedownturn.Because services provided bythe industry are often project-based andhighly discretionary,a great deal of workwas canceled or deferred until theeconomic trauma subsided.,8,WWW.IBISWORLD.COM Industry Performance,IT Consulting in the US September 2011,Bankruptcies decreased the need for IT consultantscontinuedBigger government,more consulting workOpportunity through consolidation,Other sectors,such as the automotiveindustry,have also affected the demandfor IT consultants.Because automakersbuy parts to create cars,they require ITconsultants for advice on streamliningsupply management.For years,the USauto sector has remained uncompetitiveOn a positive note,governmentspending on the industrys services hasbeen an area of consistent growth inthe past five years.Federal,state andlocal governments view efficient ITsystems as highly necessary toimplement policies across a largepopulation.As the government grewbigger and technology grew moresophisticated,federal agenciesrequired the advice of IT consultants toprotect them from cyberspace attacks.With the government nervous aboutthe prospect of hackers obtainingWhile the bigger players in the industryserve corporate America,there arehundreds of thousands of smalleroperators providing services tohouseholds and small businesses acrossthe country.Because it is relatively easyto set up an IT consulting business due tolow capital costs,the number of newentrants in the industry continues toincrease.These enterprises,however,generally represent a smaller piece of theindustrys revenue,due to smallbusinesses limited budgets.Consolidation has been a constanttrend for larger operators in thisindustry.The rate at which firms areconsolidating and leaving the industry ishigher than the rate of new entrants;therefore,the number of enterprises hasfallen an estimated 1.8%annually to,in comparison with internationalautomakers.As losses mounted year afteryear,automakers,like financial servicefirms,cut costs to survive the IT budgetwas one of the first to go.As a result,ITconsulting firms had little work in theautomotive industry in 2008 and 2009.classified information,it increasinglyrelied on IT consultants to protectsystems from security breaches.The rapid expansion of governmentson the back of major stimulus packageshas further increased this sectorsreliance on IT consultants in 2010.Thegovernment required adequateinformation systems in place to trackwhere the stimulus money goes.Thislarge spike in revenue growth from thegovernment prevented a far moreprecipitous collapse for the industryin 2008 and 2009.Because startup is relativelyeasy,there has beencontinued growth in thenumber of new entrants362,826 over the five years to 2011.Mostof the consolidation related to IT thatoccurred in 2008 and 2009 was inresponse to the healthcare reform billpassed in 2009.The bill requireshospitals to keep universal digital recordsfor patients,and so companies thatspecialized in healthcare informationsystems,such as Electronic Data Systemsand Affiliated Computer Services,wereacquired by IT companies,such asHewlett-Packard and Xerox,respectively.,9,WWW.IBISWORLD.COM Industry Performanc