杭汽轮B:半报告摘要(英文版) .ppt
,Tel.,Fax.,Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co.,Ltd.Semiannual Report 2011 Summary,Stock Code:200771,Stock ID:Hangqilun B Announcement No.2011-27,Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co.,Ltd.Semiannual Report 2011 Summary1 Important Declaration1.1 The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significantomissions,fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and jointresponsibilities for the truthfulness,accuracy and completeness of the Report.This is the summary abstracted from the complete version of Semi-Annual Report 2004,which is publishedsynchronously on the Internet(http:/)for details please refer to the complete version.1.2 The financial statements carried in this report are not audited.1.3 Chairman Mr.Nie Zhonghai,General Manager Mr.Yan Jianhuan,Chief Financial Officer Mr.Bai Ronghua,and the Chiefof Accounting Department Mr.Wu Guomei hereby declares:the Financial Statement in the report is guaranteed to be truthful andcomplete.2 Company Profile2.1 Company Profile,Stock IDStock CodeStock Exchange,Hangqilun B200771Shenzhen Stock Exchange,Secretary of the Board,Representative of Stock Affairs,NameAddress,Yu ChangquanNo.357 Shiqiao Rd.Hangzhou,Wang GangNo.357 Shiqiao Rd.Hangzhou,(0571)85780432(0571)85780433,(0571)85780198(0571)85780433,(0571)85784758,Email.,2.2 Financial Highlights2.2.1 Financial HighlightsIn RMB Yuan,Ended this reportterm,Ended previousyear,Increase/decrease(%),Gross Assets(RMB)Owners equity attributable to the shareholders of the listed company(yuan)Capital shares(shares),6,625,150,594.842,999,581,039.60628,342,000.00,6,092,332,507.212,868,211,238.68483,340,000.00,8.75%4.58%30.00%,1,s,-,Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co.,Ltd.Semiannual Report 2011 Summary,Net asset per share attributable to the shareholders of the listedcompany(Yuan/share)Turnover(yuan)Business profit(RMB)Gross profit(RMB)Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company(yuan)Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss attributable tothe shareholders of the listed company(RMB)Basic earnings per share(Yuan/share)Diluted earnings per share(Yuan/share)Weighted average of ROE(%)Weighted average netincome/asset ratio less non-recurring gain/loss(%)Net Cash flow generated by business operation(RMB)Net Cash flow per share generated by business operation(yuan/share),4.77Report term(Jan-Jun)2,077,039,987.91475,789,730.69471,316,858.56324,705,800.92327,076,310.570.51680.516810.71%10.79%324,046,092.600.52,5.93Same period lastyear1,840,515,550.97364,532,652.81361,682,077.81255,824,821.46257,610,164.370.40710.407110.38%10.45%209,974,963.270.43,-19.56%Increase/decrease(%)12.85%30.52%30.31%26.93%26.97%26.95%26.95%0.33%0.34%54.33%20.93%,2.2.2.Non-recurring gain and loss items,applicable,not applicable,In RMB Yuan,Non-recurring gain and loss itemsGain/loss of non-current assetsGovernment subsidies accounted into current gain/loss account,otherthan those closely related to the Company common business,complywith the national policy and continues to enjoy at certain fixed rate oramount.,Amount,-30,925.827,200.00,Note(if applicable),Other non-business income and expenditures other than the aboveInfluenced amount of minority shareholders equityInfluenced amount of income taxTotal,-4,449,146.311,364,858.72737,503.76-2,370,509.65,2.2.3 Diversity between the Domestic and the International Accounting Standards,applicable,not applicable,In RMB Yuan,Net profit attributable to the shareholders ofthe listed company,Owners equity to shareholders of thelisted company,Current term,Amount of last term,End of term,Beginning of term,On IASOn domestic accounting standard,324,705,800.92324,705,800.92,255,824,821.46255,824,821.46,2,999,581,039.602,999,581,039.60,2,868,211,238.682,868,211,238.68,Individual and total of adjustment according to IAS,Total of differences between the IASand domestic accounting standard,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,Statement on differences between theIAS and Chinese Accounting Standard,No difference,2,0,0,0,0,Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co.,Ltd.Semiannual Report 2011 Summary3 Changes in Share Capital&Particulars about Shareholders3.1.Statement of Changes in Shares,applicable,not applicable,in shares,Before the change,Changed(+,-),After the change,Amount,Proportion,Issuing ofnew shares,Bonusshares,Transferredfrom reserves,Others Sub-total,Amount,Proportion,I.None negotiableshares,307,580,000,63.64%,92,274,000,92,274,000 399,854,000,63.64%,1.Promoters shares 307,580,000,63.64%,92,274,000,92,274,000 399,854,000,63.64%,Including:State-owned shares,307,580,000,63.64%,92,274,000,92,274,000 399,854,000,63.64%,Domestic legalperson sharesOverseas legalperson sharesOthers2.Legal personshares placed3.Employees shares4.Preference sharesor others,II.Negotiable shares 175,760,000,36.36%,52,728,000,52,728,000 228,488,000,36.36%,1.Common shares inRMB,2.Foreign shares indomestic market,175,760,000,36.36%,52,728,000,52,728,000 228,488,000,36.36%,3.Foreign shares inoverseas market4.Others,III.Total of capitalshares,483,340,000 100.00%,145,002,000,145,002,000 628,342,000 100.00%,3.2 Particulars about the top 10 shareholders and top 10 current share holdersin shares,Total of shareholdersTop 10 Shareholders,15,731,Name of the shareholder,Properties ofshareholder,Share proportion%,Total shares,Non-negotiable sharesheld,Pledged or frozen,Hangzhou Steam TurbinePower Group Co.,Ltd.SCHRODER INTLSELECTION FD-GREATERCN FD GTI 25287DREYFUS PREMIERINVESTMENT FDSINC.-DREYFUS GREATER,State-ownedpersonOverseaspersonOverseasperson,legallegallegal,63.64%1.37%1.06%,399,854,0008,613,0416,658,894,399,854,000,118,300,000,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Notes to relationship or,the top ten shareholders.,Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co.,Ltd.Semiannual Report 2011 SummaryCHINA FD,GAOLING FUND,L.P.HTHK/BTDL-ASIANMARKET LEADERSFUND,OverseaspersonOverseasperson,legallegal,0.53%0.46%,3,319,0832,901,320,NORGES,BANK,Overseasperson,legal,0.36%,2,260,847,BOCHK INVESTMENTFUNDS-BOCHK CHINAGOLDEN DRAGON FUND,Overseasperson,legal,0.34%,2,157,787,TOYO SECURITIES ASIA OverseasLIMITED-A/C CLIENT.personAUSTRALIANSUPER PTY OverseasLTD personRENAISSANCE CHINAOverseasPLUS FUNDperson,legallegallegal,0.32%0.28%0.25%,2,040,8481,756,9341,589,142,00,00,Top 10 Negotiable Share Holders,Name of the shareholderSCHRODER INTL SELECTION FD-GREATERCN FD GTI 25287DREYFUS PREMIER INVESTMENT FDSINC.-DREYFUS GREATER CHINA FDGAOLING FUND,L.P.HTHK/BTDL-ASIAN MARKET LEADERSFUND,Current shares held,Category of shares8,613,041 Foreign shares listed overseas6,658,894 Foreign shares listed overseas3,319,083 Foreign shares listed overseas2,901,320 Foreign shares listed overseas,NORGES,BANK,2,260,847 Foreign shares listed overseas,BOCHK INVESTMENT FUNDS-BOCHKCHINA GOLDEN DRAGON FUNDTOYO SECURITIES ASIA LIMITED-A/CCLIENT.AUSTRALIANSUPER PTY LTDRENAISSANCE CHINA PLUS FUNDGOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE INV.CORP.-A/C C,2,157,787 Foreign shares listed overseas2,040,848 Foreign shares listed overseas1,756,934 Foreign shares listed overseas1,589,142 Foreign shares listed overseas1,402,932 Foreign shares listed overseas,(1)Of top ten shareholders,Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co.,Ltd.holds shares on behalf of theState and the others are to B-Share shareholders.(2)Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co.,Ltd.is not related to any of the other 9 shareholders.It isunknown whether there is any relationship among the 9 shareholders.(3)None of the other shareholders are regarded as Act in Concert relationship according to theAdministrative Regulations of Information Disclosing of Public Companies.(4)Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co.,Ltd.(HSTG)entered the share equity collateral contract“action in concert”among with Communication Bank Zhejiang Branch on April 30,2010.Basing on the original“Highest ValuePledge Contract”,the collateral subject will stay unchanged at 91 million shares.In return,HSTGwill have the annual credit up to RMB300 million.The collateral term will start from April 30,2010and ended at March 31,2012.As of the report date,the total of capital shares of the Company was 628.342 million shares,399.854million were held by HSTG,the 118.3 million shares on pledge were state-owned promoters shares,accounted for 29.60%of the shares held by HSTG,and 18.83%of the Companys total capital shares.3.3 Change in Controlling Shareholder and the Substantial Dominator,applicable,not applicable,4,0,0,Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co.,Ltd.Semiannual Report 2011 Summary4 Directors,Supervisors and Senior Executives4.1 Changes in Shares Held by Directors,Supervisors and Senior Executives,applicable,not applicable,Name,Position,Shares heldat thebeginning ofterm,Amount of Amount ofshares shares Shares held Incl.Share optionincreased in decreased in at the end of Conditional held at endthe report the report term shares of termterm term,Cause ofchange,Zhang Shutan,ViceManager,General,57,200,17,160,74,360,55,770,Bonus sharesfor year 2010,5 Report of the Board of Directors5.1 Principal business segments on industries/productsIn RMB10 thousandSegments on industriesIncrease/decreas Increase/decreas Increase/decrease,On industry or product,Turnover,Operation cost,Gross profit ratio(%),e of turnoverover the sameperiod of last,e of operation of gross profitcost over the ratio over thesame period of same period of,year(%),last year(%),last year(%),Boiler and powermachine manufactureCastingPetrol chemical and othermanufacturingOther special equipmentResidue Thermal PowerPlantTotal,155,663.673,569.656,380.3219,409.6921,740.57206,763.90,91,067.612,953.944,216.8912,554.7714,410.71125,203.92,41.50%17.25%33.91%35.32%33.72%39.45%,2.69%27.49%74.75%13.34%234.66%12.97%,-3.94%32.05%19.50%20.29%165.38%6.76%,4.04%-2.85%30.56%-3.82%16.89%3.53%,Segments on products,Industrial steam turbineCasting productsAuxiliary machineryOthersResidue Thermal PowerPlantTotal,155,663.673,569.656,380.3219,409.6921,740.57206,763.90,91,067.612,953.944,216.8912,554.7714,410.71125,203.92,41.50%17.25%33.91%35.32%33.72%39.45%,2.69%27.49%74.75%13.34%234.66%12.97%,-3.94%32.05%19.50%20.29%165.38%6.76%,4.04%-2.85%30.56%-3.82%16.89%3.53%,5.2 Major businesses segment on regionsIn RMB10 thousand,DomesticOverseasTotal,Regions,Turnover,179,441.2027,322.70206,763.90,Change of income over last year%12.91%29.38%12.97%5,Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co.,Ltd.Semiannual Report 2011 Summary5.3 Major Change in the Principal Business or its Structure,applicable,not applicable,5.4 Major Change in the Profitability(Gross Profit Rate)of the Major Business over the Previous Year,applicable,not applicable,5.5 Cause of Major Change in the Profit Composition over the Previous Year,applicable,not applicable,5.6 Using of proceeds from financing actions5.6.1 Statement of application of proceeds from share placing,applicable,not applicable,5.6.2 Statement of change of projects financed by proceeds from share placing,applicable,not applicable,5.7 Revising of business plan for the 2nd half of year by the Board of Directors,applicableAdjustment ofbusiness plan,not applicableNone,5.8 Estimated accumulative profit from the year beginning to the end of the next report period may be ofdeficits;or in comparison with the same period of the previous year,give the warning of great change andthe notice to the reasons.,applicable,not applicable,5.9 Statement of the Board on the Non-standard Opinion Presented by the Certified Public Accountants,applicable,not applicable,5.10 Statement of the Management on the Change and the Treatment Result of the Issues Involved in theNon-standard Opinion Presented by the Certified Public Accountants in the Previous Year.,applicable,not applicable,6 Significant Events6.1 Acquisition and disposal of assets,reorganization of assets6.1.1 Acquisition of assets,applicable,not applicable,6,Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co.,Ltd.Semiannual Report 2011 Summary6.1.2 Selling of assets,applicable,not applicable,6.1.3 Since the Report on Assets Reorganization or Public Notice on Acquisition/Sales of Assets has beenpublished,the progress of the event and the influence upon the operation result and financial position in thereport period.,applicable,not applicable,6.2 Guarantees,applicable,not applicable,6.3 Non-operational credit/debt with related parties,applicable,not applicable,In RMB10 thousand,Related parties,Fund provided to the related partiesAmount occurred Balance,Accept money from the related partiesAmount occurred Balance,Hangzhou Steam Turbine Science&Technologies Power Co.,Ltd.Total,0.000.00,0.000.00,0.000.00,2,000.002,000.00,Including:capital provided by the Company to the holding shareholder and its subsidiaries was RMB0.00 in the report term,andbalance was RMB0.00.6.4 Material Lawsuits/Arbitrations,applicable,not applicable,6.5 Notes to the other Significant Events and their Influences and Analysis on the Solutions,applicable,not applicable,6.5.1 Securities investment,applicable,not applicable,6.5.2 Particulars about shareholding in other listed companies,applicable,not applicable,6.5.3 Statement of capital adoption by the main shareholder and its affiliates,applicable,not applicable,6.5.4 Fulfilling of commitment issues by the Company,shareholders,and substantial controllerCommitment made by the PLC,its directors,supervisors,executives,and shareholders with 5%or over shares of the Company,andits substantial dominator in the report term or carried over to the report term:,applicable,not applicable,7,Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co.,Ltd.Semiannual Report 2011 Summary6.5.5 Profit distribution or capitalizing of common reserves proposed by the Board for the current term,applicable,not applicable,6.5.6 Misc.income itemsIn RMB Yuan,Items1.Gains(losses)from sellable financial assetsLess:Income tax influence of available-for-sale financial assetsNet amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in previous termsSub-total2.Shares in the other misc.income subjects in the investee on equity basisLess:Income tax influence of shares in other gains of investees on equity basisNet amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in previous termsSub-total3.Amount of gains(or losses)from cash flow hedge instrumentLess:Income tax influence of cash flow hedge instrumentsNet amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in previous termsAdjusted amount transferred to initial amount of the target projectSub-total4.Difference from translating of foreign currency financial statementsLess:Net amount of disposing overseas business and transferred to current gain/lossSub-total5.OthersLess:Income tax influence by other accounted into other misc.incomesNet amount accounted into other misc.income and transferred into current gain/loss inprevious termsSub-totalTotal6.6 Reception of investigations,communications,or interviews,Occurred currentterm0.00,Occurred in previousterm0.00,Time/date,Place,Way,Visitors,Main content involved and material provided,March 16,The2011 CompanyMarch 16,The2011 CompanyMarch 17,The,Field researchField researchTelephone,KGI SecuritiesTaiwanShenzhenRedch