深深房B:第三季度报告正文(英文版) .ppt
0%,-,-,SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE&PROPERTIES(GROUP)CO.,LTD.ABSTRACT OF THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT 2012I.Important NotesThe Board of Directors,the Supervisory Committee and the directors,supervisors and senior management ofShenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate&Properties(Group)Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as“theCompany”)hereby guarantee that this report does not contain any false information,misleading statements ormaterial omissions,and accept,individually and collectively,the responsibility for the factuality,accuracy andcompleteness of this report.All directors attended the board session for reviewing this report.Zhou Jianguo,Person-in-charge of the Company,Chen Maozheng,Person-in-charge of the accounting work,andTang Xiaoping,Person-in-charge of the accounting organ hereby confirm the factuality and completeness of theFinancial Report in this quarterly report.II.Company Profile(I)Major accounting data and financial indexesAny retrospective adjustment in previous financial statements?Yes No Inapplicable,30 Sept.2012,31 Dec.2011,Increase/decrease(%),Total assets(RMB Yuan),3,495,348,805.51,3,236,127,046.06,8.01%,Owners equity attributable to,shareholders of the Company,1,591,794,557.67,1,528,596,536.13,4.13%,(RMB Yuan),Share capital(share),1,011,660,000.00,1,011,660,000.00,Net,assets,per,share,attributable to shareholders ofthe Company(RMB,1.5734,1.511,4.13%,Yuan/share),Jul.-Sept.2012,YoY increase/decrease(%),Jan.-Sept.2012,YoY increase/decrease(%),Gross operating(RMB Yuan),revenues,260,092,023.21,7.42%,707,456,226.28,-11.13%,Net profit attributable to,shareholders of the Company,23,328,496.44,4.16%,63,412,594.53,-26.86%,(RMB Yuan),Net cash flow from operatingactivities(RMB Yuan)Net cash flow per share from,-194,934,163.92,-331.46%,operating activities(RMB,-,-,-0.1927,-331.46%,Yuan/share),Basic EPS(RMB Yuan/share),0.02,4.16%,0.0627,-26.86%,DilutedYuan/share),EPS,(RMB,0.02,4.16%,0.0627,-26.86%,Weighted average ROE(%)Weighted average ROE afterdeducting non-recurring gains,1.48%1.48%,0.01%0.01%,4.06%4.07%,1.83%1.76%,1,and losses(%)Items of non-recurring gains and lossesApplicable InapplicableAmount during,Item,Jan.-Sept.2012(RMBYuan),Notes,Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assetsTax rebate,reduction or exemption due to un-authorizedapproval or the lack of formal approval documentsGovernment grants recognized in the current year,exceptfor those acquired in the ordinary course of business orgranted at certain quotas or amounts according to thecountrys unified standardsCapital occupation fees received from non-financialenterprises that are included in current gains and lossesGains generated when the investment costs of theCompanys acquiring subsidiaries,associates and jointventures are less than the fair value of identifiable net assetsin the investees attributable to the Company in theacquisition of the investmentsExchange gains and losses of non-monetary assetsGains and losses through entrusting others to invest ormanage assetsVarious asset impairment provisions due to acts of God suchas natural disastersGains and losses on debt restructuringEnterprise reorganization expenses,such as expenses onemployee settlement and integrationGains and losses on the parts exceeding the fair value whenprices of transactions become unfairNet current gains and losses from the period-begin to thecombination date of subsidiaries due to businesscombinations under the same controlGains and losses on contingent matters which are irrelevantto the normal operation of the CompanyGains and losses on fair value changes of transactionalfinancial assets and liabilities,and investment gains ondisposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities andavailable-for-sale financial assets,except for the effectivehedging business related to the Companys normal operationReversal of impairment provisions for accounts receivablewhich are separately tested for impairment signsGains and losses on entrustment loans from external partiesGains and losses on fair value changes of investingproperties for which the fair value method is adopted forsubsequent measurementCurrent gain and loss effect due to a just-for-onceadjustment to current gains and losses according torequirements of taxation and accounting laws andregulationsCustodian fee income from entrusted operations with theCompanyOther non-operating incomes and expenses besides theitems above,5,516.57 Disposal of fixed assets-94,705.60 Compensation and donation expenses,Other gain and loss items that meet the definition ofnon-recurring gains and losses2,Type,Minority interests effects,Income tax effects,18,489.51,Total,-70,699.52,-,“Other gain and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains and losses”&non-recurring gain andloss items recognized as recurring gain and loss items according to the natures and characteristics of theCompanys normal business,Item,Involved amount(RMBYuan),Notes,(II)Total number of shareholders and top 10 shareholders at the period-endTotal number of shareholdersParticulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders holding tradable shares,Name of shareholder,Number of tradable shares heldat period-end,Type and number of sharesNumber,SHENZHEN INVESTMENTHOLDINGS CO.,LTDJING JIANJUN,642,884,262 RMB ordinary shares1,750,000 RMB ordinary shares,642,884,2621,750,000,GUOTAI JUNANSECURITIES(HONGKONG)LIMITEDWANG ZHONGMINGWU HAOYUAN,1,559,0501,095,8081,092,100,DomesticallysharesDomesticallysharesDomesticallyshares,listedlistedlisted,foreignforeignforeign,1,559,0501,095,8081,092,100,XUE HAOYUANPENG QIONGHUIYANG MIANWAAGRICULTURAL BANK OFCHINACHINA SOUTHERNCHINA SECURITIES 500INDEX FUND(LOF)XU TAIYING,894,956 RMB ordinary shares890,399 RMB ordinary shares826,574 RMB ordinary shares823,159 RMB ordinary shares780,000 RMB ordinary shares,894,956890,399826,574823,159780,000,Particulars about shareholdersIII.Significant Events(I)Significant changes in major accounting data,financial highlights and reasons for thesechangesApplicable InapplicableUnit:RMB Yuan,Items,Closing amount,Opening amount at Increase/decrthe year-begin ease(%),Reasons for changes,Prepayments,75,766,197.79,44,871,783.45,68.85%More prepayments for construction,The subsidiary Shenzhen Zhentong,Short-term borrowings,26,000,000.00,20,000,000.00,30.00%Engineering Co.,Ltd.secured more,short-term borrowings from banks.3,Payroll payable,24,413,088.40,36,389,941.35,-32.91%Salaries for last year were paid.,The corporate income tax for last year waspaid,the business tax and surtax on the,Taxes and fares payable,-3,117,666.96,2,969,643.65,-204.98%house payments received in advance were,prepaid,and land VAT was prepaidaccording to the pre-levy rate.The Company secured new long-term,borrowings,from,Shenzhen,Rural,Long-term borrowings,667,755,176.29,299,621,374.64,122.87%,Commercial Bank,the Bank of East Asia,Huaxia Bank,China Construction Bank,and Industrial and Commercial Bank ofChina.,Jan.-Sept.2012,Jan.-Sept.2011,Increase/decrease(%),Reasons for changes,Selling expenses,8,943,293.19,6,776,433.17,31.98%More expenses on project promotion,Default fine income on house payments,Non-operating income,76,292.34,1,183,641.61,-93.55%receivable decreased over the same period,of last year.,Other comprehensiveincome,-306,532.84,3,437,912.05,Translation difference of foreign-currency-108.92%statements decreased due to changes ofexchange rates.,Cash paid for goodsand services,662,848,364.31,488,929,051.18,35.57%,The SPG Chuanqi Mountain project andthe SPG Shanglin Garden project of the,Company both started construction within,Net cash flows fromoperating activitiesNet cash flows fromfinancing activities,-194,934,163.92223,764,962.08,84,217,559.08-128,566,830.10,this year.As a result,payments for-331.46%construction increased over the sameperiod of last year.274.05%New bank borrowings,(II)Progress of significant events and its influence,as well as the analysis and explanation onsolutions1.About non-standard audit opinionApplicable Inapplicable2.The Company offers capital to the controlling shareholder or its related parties or providesexternal guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedures.Applicable Inapplicable3.Signing and execution of significant contracts concerning routine operationApplicable Inapplicable4.OthersApplicable Inapplicable4,(III)Commitments of the Company or shareholders with an over 5%shareholding made in or carrieddown into the reporting periodApplicable Inapplicable(IV)Predict the 2012 annual operating resultsWarnings of possible loss or large-margin change of the accumulated net profit made during the period from thebeginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period compared with the same period of the last yearaccording to prediction,as well as explanations on the reasonsApplicable Inapplicable(V)Other significant events that need to be explained1.Securities investmentApplicable Inapplicable2.Investments in derivativesApplicable Inapplicable3.Derivative investments held at the period-endApplicable Inapplicable4.Researches,visits and interviews received in the reporting periodMain discussion and,Time of reception,Place of reception,Way of reception,Visitor type,Visitor,materials provided,by the CompanyInquiring about theCompanysoperating situation in,19 Jul.2012,Company Office,By phone,Individual,Individual investor,the first half year of2012,with no,written,materials,being provided bythe CompanyExchanging opinions,on,relevant,informationdisclosed in the,31 Aug.2012,Company Office,By phone,Individual,Individual investor,semi-annual report,2012,with,no,written,materials,being provided bythe CompanyInquiring about datain the semi-annualreport 2012 and,progress,of,5 Sept.2012,Company Office,By phone,Individual,Individual investor,investment projects,with no written,materials,being,provided by theCompany5,Inquiring about the,progressCompanys,of,theSPG,Chuanqi Mountain,28 Sept.2012,Company Office,By phone,Individual,Individual investor,project,and,its,presale time,with no,written,materials,being provided bythe Company5.Corporate bonds issuedAny corporate bonds issued?Yes No6,