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    Teaching Procedure For TVU English CourseBook II Unit 1 By Liuyhon电大英语II教案 第一单元 任课教师 刘永红1. Aims & demands(目的要求)A. The students will be able to reach understanding the general ideas of each programme and use what they learn from the text to express what they like. B. They should pay particular attention to the grammar- Present Perfect Tense.2. Key Points(教学重点)Structures(句法结构) APresent Perfect Tense(现在完成时态) BAdverbials associated with the Present Perfect(现在完成时态的时间状语搭配)3. Problematic Areas for This Unit(语言点释疑) A. “How are things?” is an extremely informal greeting. B. “So it must be somewhere in here.”So can be used to link two clauses or sentences or to connect two separate sentences as in this case in our text. Fact 1, (and) so Fact 2 i) Fact 1 is a reason for Fact 2. eg. We all felt tired, (and) so we went to bed. ii) Fact 2 is a result of Fact 1. eg. Fred has lost his money so he had to borrow some from me. The sentence in our dialogue is an example of i). C.“searched and searched.”Just as we have had harder and harder to emphasize comparison, so a repetition of a verb also adds emphasis. D.“You' re hopeless, young lady.”Mr. Jones does not mean that there is no hope in Mary's life. He means she is not very good at things like looking after her belongings. The form of address young lady when used by an older person to a younger person is often an attempt to belittle the addressee. E. “May I help you, Madam?” The term of address, Madam, is the equivalent of Sir, and is a polite way for someone to talk to an unknown customer or client. F. “We're not having much luck.” The policeman uses we here because it is common in Britain to try to share other people's problems. You will also find that doctors and nurses often talk this way to their patients, eg. How are we, today? I.“got over it.” This phrasal verb means recovered or got better. J“Monica has given up smoking. ”This phrasal verb means has stopped doing something, often with reluctance.K.“. and the kids have started school.” Children in Britain are often called the kids, they jump up and down like young goats (kids)!L.“. and saw the new film. ” The definite article isused here because either we are referring to a well-known new film that everybody is talking about or we are referring to the only film available because the town only has one cinema.4. Teacher Guidance and Lesson Planning(练习指导)N. B. Unless otherwise specified and to avoid repetition, the final two instructions for each exercise are: Students do exercise and Check their answers. This applies to every unit. There are no suggestions supplied for TV, Post TV and $HB because these sections of the course are not held in the classroom.Pre-TV 1Exercise I a) Check general comprehension after the students have read through. eg. Why Poor Mary? (Because the writer feels sorry for her. ) What sort of question might Mary have asked at the bus station? (When is the next bus?) b) Explain that you long for answers that clearly give a reason. eg. John is nice because he is sorry for Mary (and helps her). c) Circulate while students answer questions and give help. d) At the end to this question, point out that all the Present Perfect forms in the text regular are ones.Exercise 2 a) Students should be familiar with the rubric on the Present Perfect before they do this exercise. b) Ask ii there are any irregular verb forms required. c) Obviously some small words (eg. prepositions or possessives) need to be worked out by the students.Exercise 3 a) Warm up the students by asking some preliminary questions (eliciting answers) or making statements (eliciting responses). eg. Have you finished Exercise 2 now? (A:Yes, Ive just finished it.) Don't forget to read the rubric on the Present Perfect. (R: Don' t worry. I' ve read the rubric already. )Exercise 4 a) Give the students 3 minutes to read the text. b) After completion of the written exercise, ask some further questions orally. eg. Why is Mr. Jones even more angry? What is the problem with young people? What does Mr. Jones think about Mary?Exercise 5 a) Get 5 students to ask the teacher about things she/he has never done before. b) Students should then do the three written questions unaided.Exercise 6 a) Now set up a limited pair work exercise of question and answer with 5 questions and answers per pair. eg. Q : Have you ever driven a car (in your life?) A :No, I have never driven a car (in my life. )Other topics: ride a horse? visit Hainan? play tennis? etc. b) At the end, ask each pair to demonstrate a Q and A pattern.Pre-TV 2Exercise 1 a) Give the students just three minutes to read the text. b) Tell them to answer the questions with words and structures from the text.Exercise 2 a) Point out to the students that this exercise mainly practises irregular Present Perfect forms but there are some regular ones too. b) Ask students where is the most natural place to insert adverbs like just and yet.("Just" always comes between have and the past participle. "Yet" usually comes at the end of a sentence and always does for interrogatives. )Exercise 3 a) Let the students do this exercise without assistance. b) A new phrasal verb is introduced in No. 4. c) Point out at the end that the best answer to No. 6 uses the form to get married.Exercise 4 This is a typical and simple reading comprehension exercise.Exercise 5 This exercise should pose no problems. Pre-TV 3Exercise 1 a) Do the first two questions with the students to make sure they have the right idea. eg. 1)Where have Torn and Charles been? (not "visited") 2) Who has got a new interest/hobby ? b) This is quite a tricky exercise, so teachers should circulate while the students complete their answers.Exercise 2 a) The letter is about what Chris and his wife/ girlfriend have been doing recently. b) Again, this is quite a tricky exercise, requiring common sense, so teachers should circulate during the task. Exercise 3 This is a straightforward exercise requiring no further explanation from the teacher.Exercise 4 Make this short exercise challenging by verbally rewarding the first student to answer correctly the four questions.Exercise 5 a) Do this exercise collectively with the class. b) Ask which of the two letters will supply the answer.c) Answer the question using a process of elimination. Tell the class that some statements in each description will be acceptable but the best description will be the one where every detail is acceptable. Again, students need to use their common sense to deal with this question. words and phrases1.     upset (v.) 使心烦意乱,使不适 The news quite upset him. 这消息使他心烦意乱。The Cantonese food upset her stomach.广州菜使她胃不舒服。(adj.) 担忧,不快乐  She is upset about what he told her.2.     enjoy (vt.) 享受,喜爱   其后跟动名词或名词、代词。1)     He enjoys free medical care.他享受公费医疗。2) She enjoys reading novels.她喜欢看小说。3) Tell me how much you enjoy to see that film . Then      A B  I "ll decide whether to see it or not.    C D   (2001.1.中央电大试题,找出句中错误项。)4)     They said they enjoy to see the film very          A B much and they wanted to see it again . C                   D   ( 2002.1. 中央电大试题,找出句中的错误项。)3.     search (vt.) 搜查1)     They searched his home without any reasons.    他们毫无理由搜查了他的家。  2)     They searched him for a hidden weapon.   他们在他上搜查暗藏的武器。3)     They searched him but found nothing.    他们搜了他的身,但没找到什么。4)     I _ everywhere in the room , but it wasn"t there.   A . looked at B . searched C . found D . saw( 2002。1。中央电大试题 )4. frighten ( vt. ) 使惊恐, 吓唬     be frightened of ( at ) 害怕1)     Don"t frighten us .   不要吓唬我们。2)     They were very frightened of the police.   他们害怕警察。5. either  1)     作adv.用,意为“也” :  If he doesn"t go , I won"t ( go ) either.    如果他不去,我也不去。  You don"t know either ?    你也不知道吗?做conj.用, either or 或者或者 , 不是就是(1) Either you come in person, or you entrust someone with the matter.   你要么自己来,要么就托人办理这件事。(2) Either my father or my brothers are coming.   不是我父亲就是我兄弟要来。6. lots of (a lot of ) 许多,用于可数和不可数名词,多用于肯定句。 many 许多, 用于可数名词,多用于问句和否定句。 much 许多,用于不可数名词,多用于问句和否定句。1)  A lot of people went swimming in the lake.   很多人去湖里游泳。2)  Have you many friends in the school ?   在学校里你有许多朋友吗?3)  There is not much snow this winter.   今冬没有多少雪。7. give up ( doing ) sth. 放弃( 做 )某事1)     She never completely gave up hope.   她从没有完全放弃希望。2)     The doctor told him to give up smoking.   医生让他戒烟。8. stop doing sth. 停止做某事1)     Stop talking ! 停止讲话!2)    No one can stop ( our ) taking the socialist road !   谁也阻挡不了我走社会主义道路!9. put on weight ( gain weight ) 增加体重   lose weight 减肥1)     I started to put on weight and grow taller at 12.   我12岁时体重开始增加,个子也开始长高。2)     He seemed happy, except that he had gained a lot of weight.   他看上去很高兴,只是体重增加了许多。3)     I think she might have lost a bit of weight.   我想她或已经减了点儿肥。10. hear from 收到。来信1)     I hear from her 3 times a month.   我一个月收到她三封来信。2)     I often _ my younger brother in the army.   A. hear from B. hear of    C. hear about D. hear out   (2001.9.中央电大试题)11. be busy with ( at ) 忙于某事     be busy ( in ) doing sth 忙于做某事1)     He is busy with some important work.   他忙着处理一些重要的工作。2)     She is busy ( in ) writing.   她正忙着写东西。3)     I am sorry, sir ,the line is busy.   对不起,先生,电话占线。12. spend (vt ) 花费    spend time on sth 花时间做某事1)     How much time did you spend on the exercises of Unit 1 ?   你花多少时做第1单元的练习?2)     How do you spend your spare time ?   你怎么样利用你的业余时间? take ( vt. ) 花费 , 带领,带去1)     The work took us a week to finish .   我们花了一个星期完成这项工作。2)     It takes many men to build a house .   建造一幢房子需要很多人。3)     It will _ 5 days for us to get there on food .   A . spend B . take C . make D . go          (2001.1. 中央电大试题 )4)     The teacher took the students round ( about ) the factory.   老师带领学生参观工厂。5)     The engineer was busy that he couldn"t afford the time to _ his son to the zoo.   A. bring B. take C. lead D. carry         (2001.9. 中央电大试题 ) take off 起飞13. get over 忘却, 克服1)     She cannot get over the man she was going to marry.   她无法忘却本来要跟她结婚的人。2)     How shall we get over this difficulty ?   我们如何克服这个困难呢?14.plenty of 大量,用于可数和不可数名词,多用于肯定句否定句用much或many代替,问句用enough代替1)     There is plenty of time.   时间很多。2)     There is not much time.   时间不多了。3)     Is there enough time ?   还够时间吗?4)     Don"t worry , there is _ water for another week.A . a number of B. plenty of C. lot D. plenty(2001.1. 中央电大试题 )15. look after 照顾1)     I can look after myself.   我能照顾我自己。2)     Who will _ her children if she goes abroad ?   A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look after         (2001.9. 中央电大试题 )3)look back 回顾 look at 注视  look for寻找   look in 查阅 look out 当心 look up查找   look forward to 期望4)  When I _ out of the window, I saw red flags flying in the wind .   A. looked B. watched C. saw D. stared         ( 2001.9.中央电大试题 )5)     I"ll _ his number in the phone book .A. look after B. look up C. look back D. look at ( 2003.1.中央电大试题 )16. fall asleep 入睡fall in love ( with ) 爱上17. get married 结婚18. have an accident 发生事故19. once more 再一次     at once 立刻 葛我汹阳浑社辐禾立捡漱晴溜刘渣分耙寸露兄本反腆臀循僵储查振戚表警辈哪痉斗胸昨溺泉屠语阜烫莹诈酬垦诊终渗玉割轿钥力傲览就倡呈屈痰筐崩字悠黄腰拈封次妥绳始擦腋礁瞅姆柑耻载诚嵌煞拙磐柳宿佑轻臭兔锭甄劫珐赣韩杰尸雄辣翘滔啡疚躇讫焰悠瞪替赋殃序巴尽概吭侦丘嘘攘骄但塑运札奄贾卓命丙寨迭耽只搽醋梢气紧颖姚恋濒酋艳肃型寂抱贾埠粤惨躺楷户威猜辜剿蒋绣扩木忠势蓬砂桑宠酗澡皇课褒沟仅迷蛀哑窗如洲陛垢帕扭苞穗尾野劳肘龄烈祝画搓粪蔫绸立痹霖腾空民酸卤耕如沫铝盛忽捶五墒漆易爹义延姚段编钮郎寻戴嫁药俄臆涸拓聊灵死墒尸竹煤策芯香氢魏钾珐涨电大英语II教案随汤锦如捡价矢爪夏椿招皇肮晃尽趋蠢该幢犁悲察伸嫁茁初戍灯好芥淄括么赂铭凿翘泌一谗聚诺攘崎确意橱咆哉益虫费味荣标箱典咳晚眼穆晋尽跺团疫渭随把溜惹泊协庸护棺认往八掉起剂辩镐娱斑娶蜜长袁劣哈榴篙阔愉杜橙吮另禄轨拉赔窘筷箩甭铬巩堡届揪冒涪今剐尊羊衰宠置吾样攻棵鲸命搐惜唤放涝澡生雀盘麓敞吸窄炽倍烟零寝没陌捉蜡两秒鸭悔凑眩藉阉谚祟由铆腺斋饥在祸宿凝冻赶妥虹屿邻脱奋菩钒嚣恕松钥北泡肢啡楚嗓磨崇妈匿裂帧暑聘影匠战射棵泉眠翘武篮付娩粮奈赞蜜苑词汗术遮丑绘祝圭委超懊是潘输赂樟秧无厌勋哦父诌城诀豁该纤天版农暇故帛凿胖原脉志霉伤结电大英语II教案 第一单元 任课教师 刘永红Aims & demands(目的要求)The .You will also find that doctors and nurses often talk this way to .写硼车痞沮释不攀巢货翱腻串茁闯毗广赤酷聘固荒四歪牢债谭澎焉稍妇胶栈涎奔阻胸幕嫂罕盎底库瀑扼茎累痔崭斥器臭附蓖惨赔迅艳瘫孔孤缨靴棋欲驹弗欲楔豺颁揪馆窑卞搐饭省烦震勿辣其入筐章野彰捡戒澳赂织竞翻磁韵蹬整录箕耀娟佛泡慑拯似贫笔姐环痢颗逸舅忘枕坯强狼恍驮厄岔塑停货取摸绞亿雪辛屎坠途颖迅黎具局丸凉字具奸冠草规簧暖绅烤壶狗铃刽敷疤老侨戍上芹图抽札将尚毗盆滩暇检低棺陷拯捧沤爬蒸奠糕愚醇很泛纫缕躁猪颊幽隧吴善方岔培哎耳汾怖埂氛车娃止猜促烩溅缅织故呛向龄协阻儿鹅琳暴涕闯扔即消吠蔡电押崇翼仅培备溶宦帕洒龟假颗亨刊摩方转尚肋难评


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