新视野第2版第2册UNIT 3教案.doc
Teaching Plan for Unit 3Course: College English InstructorModuleUnit 3 A Marriage Across Nations B Rich Meeting His Mother-in-lawTime180 mTeaching AidsMulti-mediaTeaching Objectives1. To help the students have a good understanding of the passages in this unit;2. To help the students grasp the usages of some important words, phrases and expressions in the unit;3. To enable the students to analyze the structure of the 2 passages in this unit;4. To introduce the basic reading skills of this unit:recognizing differences between facts and opinions, in order to help the students to achieve a deeper understanding in their reading;5. To help the students master how to develop a paragraph of denial of some opinions followed by some other opinions;Chief Points & Difficult Points1. Get the main idea of the passage.2. Master some useful expressions & sentence structures in the passage.3. Understand the structure of the text.PrerequisitesBefore coming for class, students should 1. identify some important words for the topic.2. scan the text for main ideas.3. visit library to research about information concerning the unit.Teaching MethodsThe mixture of listening, speaking, reading, practicing and writingReference BooksTeachers Book of New Horizon College English Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (English-Chinese) Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese DictionaryLongman Dictionary of American EnglishTeaching ContentsTime Allotment Section A I. Warm-up Activity1. Topic Discussion i. Students Discussionii. Teachers Summary2. Questions on the Topic and the PassageII. Background InformationIII. Text Structure AnalysisIV. Structured Writing V. Detailed Study of the Text i. Words and Phrases Studyii. Language Points VI. Text Summary1. Students Presentation2. Teachers SummaryVII. After-text A ExercisesSection BI. Reading SkillII. Warm-up Activity 1. Topic Discussion2. Questions on the topic and the PassageIII. Text Structure AnalysisIV. Text Study 1. Words and Phrases Study2. Paragraph Meaning3. Language Points4. Summary i. Students Presentationii. Teachers SummaryV. New Words Dictation VI. After-text B ExercisesVII. Supplementary exercises15 m5 m10 m 5 m50 m5 m30 m5 m10 m5 m20 m5 m15 mAssignments1. Hand in the exercise of TRANSLATION.2. Finish the other after-text A & B exercises after class.3. Supplementary Exercisesi. English-Chinese Translation (5 sentences)ii. Chinese-English Translation (10 sentences)4. Preview Unit 4Unit 3 Section A Marriage Across Nations I. Warm-up Activity 1. Topic Discussion i. Students Discussion (Teacher asks students to discuss the topic on the passage.)1) What are the possible factors you may take into account when you are seeking a girlfriend/boyfriend? Educational background, job, financial status, personality, physical appearance, age, families, etc.2) Would you mind marrying a person from a different culture or nation? Why or why not? Some people do. Because they think coming from different cultures or nations tends to bring about many problems or simply because they are sure that they will be in for opposition from family members. Others may hold the opinion that it doesnt matter to marry a person from a different culture or nation. They may regard it as following a fashion or something novel and exciting in life. Or they dont see coming from different cultures as a problem, and they believe they can lead a happy life so long as they can learn to understand and tolerate each other and share mutual trust and respect.3) What do you think of interracial marriage? Just as each coin has got two sides, interracial marriage has both advantages and disadvantages. As one of the results of cultural exchanges, interracial marriage can further promote the mutual understanding between people under different cultures. However, interracial marriages can cause many problems within the family, such as religion, values and traditions, etc.ii. Teachers SummaryAlthough people of different ethnics have been mixing for centuries, the subject of interracial marriage is still controversial. There is no doubt that interracial marriage is also the result of love which helps to develop the mutual understanding between two partners. However, such marriage tends to bring about problems. Even now, mixed couples may encounter many obstacles, even strong oppositions from both family members and friends. Due to the fact that the couple has a different family background, culture, custom, and social class level, many disagreements may occur. Religion can be a problem. If one has a different religion from the other, there is a problem. Because some religions celebrate certain holidays which contain different cultures, values and beliefs while others dont. Their offspring will encounter problems, too. Children of mixed couples are not likely to be accepted in certain areas in a community. They often have a hard time fitting in.2. Questions on the topic and the passage1) What did Gail and Mark experience during their two years together? They experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other, which displayed the shortcomings and strong points of each others characters.2) Did different racial background influence their relationship? Yes, it enhanced their relationship and taught them a lot about tolerance, compromise, and being open with each other. 3) How did Gail and Mark feel about their future? They knew clearly that they would encounter lots of difficulties in their future. But they would not give in because of their mutual respect and trust.4) What was the marriage of Gails parents? After all, it was a failure. Her parents were going through a divorce after thirty-five years of marriage, for they had not known each other quite well when they got married in the expectation that marriage was an automatic way to make everything work out right. 5) What was the attitude of Gail mother towards her marrying to Mark? Gails mother, Deborah, harbored reservations about a mixed marriage. She was worried greatly that her daughter might be marrying Mark for the same wrong reasons that she herself married Gails father. So she suggested her daughter waiting for some time.6) What was the attitude of Gail father towards her marrying to Mark?? Gails father, David, held strong opposition to their wedding plans for fear that mark might marry his daughter for some purpose and that they might encounter some marital difficulties in their future life. He also held the view that waiting did not hurt.7) What was Gails responses to her parents oppositions? Gail did not give in to their fierce oppositions. She told her mother that Mark and she had seen each other at their worst many times and that they felt deeply about each other. She made her father know that they would resolve all problems when the time came.II. Background Information Interracial marriage: Before June 12 th, 1967, interracial marriage was illegal and individual states in the US had the right to separate and punish interracial couples. These punishments included imprisonment of up to10 years. Violations included marriage, sex, and living together. On June 12 th, 1967, interracial couples became legal thanks to the US Supreme Court decision entitled Loving v. Virginia. III. Text Structure Analysis The passage is a first person narrative about the writers own experience of a mixed marriage in America. The passage is generally organized according to time sequence, the first thing first and the second thing second. The whole text is made up of two parts.Part One (Para 1-4): This part introduces to us the love between Gail, a white woman and Mark, a black man. Gail and Mark were preparing to get married as they were sure of their love for each other, knowing each others weaknesses and strengths. Furthermore, it is mentioned that their differences only enhanced their relationship, that they were prepared for their forthcoming difficulties as a mixed couple in America, and that they were sure of avoiding the mistake of not truly knowing each other. This part serves as a general background for us to see what will happen for a mixed marriage in America through the example of Gail and Mark.Part Two (Para 5-21): This part can be further divided into two subparts, the opinions from Gails mother and the opinions from Gails father about Gails mixed marriage. Both the father and the mother had reservations about Gails mixed marriage and both of them tried to persuade Gail from marrying Mark. Therefore, these two subparts are compatible to each other in matching relationship as both of them held negative opinions on Gails mixed marriage. From Paragraph 5 to Paragraph 9, we can find the opinions from Gails mother. Gails mother tried to persuade Gail not to get married, while Gail was arguing for herself. Even though Gails mother argued that Marks color is not the problem, she clearly expressed her concern that Gail was making a wrong decision. She concluded that Gail should wait and that there was no harm in waiting. From Paragraph 10 to Paragraph 21, we can find the opinions of Gails father. Gails father suspected Marks intention in marrying Gail was to obtain American citizenship. Then Gails father continued to quote statistics showing that mixed couples had higher divorce rates than couples of the same race. He also mentioned the hardships for the children of mixed marriages as an evidence to support himself. This was also refuted by Gail. At last, he warned his daughter that it was never too late to change her mind. From here we can see that some Americans look at mixed marriages in a negative way.IV. Structured Writing A Paragraph of Denial of Some Opinions Followed by Some Other OpinionsA common way to present opinions or arguments is first to reject or correct some opinions or arguments and then on the basis of that, give the opinions or arguments that are intended to be conveyed. The writer uses this common way to present ones opinion. Here we can study an analysis of Paragraph 7 to show how the mother presents her opinion in this way. The structure can be described in the following chart. Presentation of some ideas, opinions or arguments of another person. Correction or rejection of the ideas, opinions or arguments mentioned. Presentation of some different or even opposing ideas, opinions or arguments. Facts, reasons, or examples to support the ideas, opinions or arguments presented. Please look at the following chart again! The writer presented two different ideas: one about Gails mothers early idea and the other about others peoples idea. Then she goes on to reject both of them. The two ideas and the rejections are parallel to each other. In text structure analysis, we call them a Matching Relationship of compatibility. In other words, the two parts compare with each other in their similarity. Both of the ideas are not correct and are followed by corrections. So, we can also call them parallel structure. The mothers original opinion: To start with I must admit that at first I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage, prejudices you might even call them.The mother corrects her original opinion: But when I met Mark I found him a charming and intelligent young guy. Any mother would be proud to have him for a son-in-law. So, color has nothing to do with it. The mother presents others opinion: Yes, my friends talk. Some even express shock at what youre doing. Then the mother rejects that opinion, too: But they live in a different world. So you see, Marks color is not the problem.Students can finish Exercise XII as an assignment. They can choose a topic and write a paragraph which starts with a correction of one idea and goes on to present another idea. In this way, students can be familiar with the writing skill.V. Detailed Study of the Text Words and Phrases Study1. charactern. 1) C qualities that make sb. a particular type of person 性格,个性What does her handwriting tell you about her character? 根据她写的字,你觉得她有什么样的性格?I choose my friends for their good characters. 我择友的标准是品格一定要好。 2) C qualities that make sth. what it is and different from others 特点,特征The whole character of the village has changed since I was last here. 自我上次来这里之后,这个村子的面貌完全变了。The idea was to rebuild the house without changing its basic character. 计划是将那幢房子按原貌加以改建。2. compromisen.C, U an agreement that is achieved after everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first 妥协;折中She found that compromise was always the best way when she quarreled with her mother. 她发现,与母亲争吵时让步总是最好的解决方法。It is hoped that a compromise will be reached in todays talk. 希望今天的会谈能达成妥协。v.reach an agreement by making a compromise 妥协;折中The workers are going to strike for their welfare if the employers are not ready to compromise. 雇主们要是不妥协,工人们就将为争取自己的福利而罢工。Well, you want $400 and I say $300, so lets compromise at $350. 好吧,既然你开价400美元而我还价300美元,那我们就来个折衷价350美元。3. involveda.taking part in an activity or event; connected with sth. 参与的;有关的He became involved in a dispute. 他卷入了一场争论中。We want all those who are interested to get involved. 我们想让所有感兴趣的人参与其中。4. subtle a. not easy to notice or understand 微妙的,细微的These two expressions only have a subtle difference in meaning. 这两个表达在语意上的差别很细微。Her whole attitude had had a subtle change. 她的整个态度发生了微妙的变化。 5. hatred n. U a strong feeling of dislike for sb. or sth. 痛恨,憎恨The reason for this shocking attack seemed to be racial hatred. 看来是种族仇恨引发了这起骇人听闻的袭击。He looked at me with hatred. 他用憎恨的目光看着我。6. illusionn.C a false idea, belief or impression 幻觉;错觉 I have no illusions about my ability. 我知道自己能力有限。Were left with few illusions about our partners. 我们对自己的同伴已不存在什么幻想。7. mutuala. 1) felt or done in the same way by two or more people toward each other 相互的 The plan was ended by mutual agreement. 双方均同意终止这项计划。Their working well together was based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding. 他们的合作是建立在互相尊重、信任和理解基础上的。 2) shared by two or more people 共同的;共有的Lynn and Phil met through a mutual friend. 林恩和菲尔是通过共同的朋友相识的。8. compatiblea.1) (of people) able to have a good relationship because of similar opinions or interests 合得来的;情投意合的The couple separated because they were not compatible. 这对夫妻因合不来而分手了。Make sure y