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    模块综合检测(十)Module 10(45分钟 100分) 第卷(共40分).听力(10分)()录音中有五组对话,听一遍后,选择与其相符的图片。(5分)录音中有一篇短文,听两遍后,完成下列表格。(5分)Beijing 6 Hong KongChengduDalian 7 cloudysunnyfoggy 8 -55-8 9 10 -36._7._8._9._10._ .单项选择(10分)1.There is_umbrella over there. Whose is_umbrella?Maybe it is Damings.A.a;theB.an;anC.the;anD.an;the2.It is_now and there are some_in the sky.A.clouds;cloudsB.cloudy;cloudsC.clouds;cloudyD.cloudy;cloudy3.Its too hard for him_the exam. He hardly studies.A.passB.passingC.to passD.passed4._,Dave.Its time for dinner.Im coming,mum.A.Good luckB.CongratulationsC.Come onD.Cheers5.What will the weather be like the day after tomorrow?It_be rainy,cloudy or sunny.Who knows?A.must B.mightC.should D.shall6.Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation?Not yet. We_go to Qingdao. It is a good place for vacation.A.mayB.shouldC.needD.must7._is the weather there in summer?Theres_rain.A.How;a lot ofB.What;a lot ofC.How;too manyD.What;too many8.Tony will go swimming with us tomorrow._He hurt his hands yesterday.A.You couldnt be better.B.Better get going.C.Are you joking?D.Not bad.9.It will_be hot and sunny in Beijing in August.A.possibleB.probableC.probablyD.impossible10.Why do you look so pale?I feel_,I have a stomachache.A.fantasticB.boringC.strangeD.terrible.完形填空(10分)In many parts of the world,there are four seasons:spring,summer,_1_and winter._2_in the U.S.,there are only three.In every season,Americans have a ball game.They are football,basketball and baseball.If you want to know what season it is,just look at what people are_3_.For many Americans,sports are very important and_4_in their life.Besides(除外)“the big three”sports,Americans play some other kinds of sports.In_5_weather,people enjoy water sports.They surf or sail in the water.Swimmers enjoy_6_in the river or in the swimming pool.It is also lucky for fishermen if they_7_something in lakes and rivers.In winter when the sky begins to_8_,people can run out to make snowmen and have snowball fights.Lakes and rivers can become playgrounds for_9_.People play indoor sports whatever(无论什么)the_10_out is.Sports like bowling(保龄球)and table tennis are year-round activities.1.A.fallB.winterC.summerD.spring2.A.BecauseB.AndC.OrD.But3.A.eatingB.sleepingC.drinkingD.playing4.A.cheapB.pleasantC.badD.sad5.A.warmB.coldC.stormyD.rainy6.A.himselfB.yourselfC.themselvesD.ourselves7.A.talkB.breakC.catchD.hang8.A.cryB.moveC.rainD.snow9.A.skateB.skatingC.to skateD.skated10.A.passportB.temperatureC.railcardD.umbrella.阅读理解(10分)As we know,Meizhou Island is a famous place of interest in Putian.My pen pal,Sam,from Australia would like to visit it very much.He is coming here for a holiday next week.He is planning to stay here for seven days.He has never come to Putian before,so he needs to know something about it.The weather is the most important thing that he would like to know.He wants to know what he should get ready for the trip and what kinds of clothes he has to take with him.Here is the five-day weather report for Putian.DateWeatherTemperatureJuly 1st27-35July 2nd26-33July 3rd26-32July 4th28-36July 5th29-371.How long will Sam stay in Putian?A.Two days.B.Five days.C.A week.D.A month.2.What information does Sam most want to know?A.The food in Putian.B.The history of Putian.C.The traffic in Putian.D.The weather in Putian.3.What will the weather be like on July 5th?A.Sunny.B.Cloudy.C.Windy.D.Rainy.4.On July 3rd,the highest temperature is_.A.26B.28C.32D.365.What do you think Sam should wear when he stays in Putian?第卷(共60分).词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(5分)1.Dont skate on the i_,its too thin.2.Today is very cold,its m_15 degrees.3.What a s_day!Lets fly a kite in the park.4.People often play j_with other people on April Fools Day.5.Suddenly it began to rain and we got w_.()用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)6.Its nice_(meet)you on the way home.7.The best time_(watch)the peony(牡丹)in Heze is in April.8.Youd better put on your scarf,it will be_(wind)soon.9.It is said that the wet and_(snow)weather will last for another two days.10.Its very important_(guess)the meaning of the words.完成句子(20分)1.何时是参观你们国家的最佳时间?_is the_time_ _your country?2.天气可能会又冷又湿。Itll_ _cold and wet.3.带上滑板是个好主意。Its a_ _to bring your sliding plate.4.有时,你会得到几天好天气。_time_ _,you get several days of good weather.5.我们的计划是晚饭后出去散步。Our plan is_ _out_a walk after supper.书面表达(30分)你的家乡在哪里?那里天气怎么样?请写一篇70个词左右的短文介绍一下你家乡的情况,并欢迎大家去做客。_答案解析.【听力材料】() 1.W:What will the weather be like tomorrow?M:It may be sunny. Oh,no,the weatherman says it will be rainy.2.W:Where are you going for your holiday?M:Maybe Ill go to China with my parents.3.M:Which is the best season to visit Australia?W:I think its autumn.4.W1:It may be rainy later on. Bring your umbrella,Susan.W2:Thank you,Mum.5.M:Its very hot,lets go to the beach and have a swim,OK?W:Good idea.答案:15. BACBC()Here is the weather report for the next 24 hours in China. Beijing will be rainy and snowy. The temperature will fall to five degree centigrade below zero.Shanghai will be cloudy and the temperature will stay five to eight degree centigrade. Hong Kong will be sunny,the temperature will be seven to nine degree centigrade. It will be foggy in Chengdu and the temperature will be three to six degree centigrade. In Dalian it will be cloudy and cold,and the temperature will fall to three degree centigrade below zero.答案:6.Shanghai7.rainy and snowy8.cloudy and cold9.7-910.3-6.1.【解析】选D。本题考查冠词的用法。a/an表示泛指,the表示特指。a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前,an用于以元音音素开头的单词前。umbrella是以元音音素/开头的单词,再次提到的事物前用定冠词the。故选D。2.【解析】选B。本题考查形容词辨析。句意:现在多云并且天空中有一些云。cloudy是形容词,在句中作表语;cloud的复数形式为clouds。故选B。3.【解析】选C。本题考查固定句式。句意:对他来说,要通过考试太难了。他很少学习。Its+adj.+ for sb.to do sth.句型中,it是形式主语,动词不定式是真正的主语。故选C。4.【解析】选C。本题考查情景交际。Good luck“祝你好运”;Congratulations“恭喜”;Come on“快点”;Cheers“干杯”。根据句意“快点,戴夫。吃晚饭啦。我马上来,妈妈。”故选C。5.【解析】选B。本题考查情态动词辨析。句意:后天天气怎么样?可能会下雨,阴天或者晴天。谁知道呢?might表推测,意为“或许,可能”。故选B。6.【解析】选A。本题考查情态动词辨析。may“可能;可以”;should“应该”;need“需要”;must“必须”。根据句意:你们决定去哪里过暑假了吗?还没有。我们可能去青岛。它是个度假的好地方。可以判断用may。故选A。7.【解析】选A。本题考查固定句式。How is the weather?是用来询问天气的句型,rain是不可数名词,不能用too many来修饰。故选A。8.【解析】选C。本题考查交际用语。A项表示“你做得很好”;B项表示“最好现在去”;C项表示“你在开玩笑吗”;D项表示“不错”。由答语“He hurt his hands yesterday.”可知,托尼的手昨天受伤了。故选C。9.【解析】选C。本题考查词语辨析。possible常用于以下结构中,即“It is possible+that从句和It is possible+动词不定式”;probably常用于“主语+will probably/possibly +谓语动词”中,故选C。10.【解析】选D。本题考查形容词辨析。fantastic“极好的”;boring“无聊的”;strange“奇怪的”;terrible“糟糕的”。句意:你为什么看上去很苍白?我难受,肚子疼。故选D。.1.【解析】选A。本题考查常识。有四个季节:spring(春),summer(夏), fall(秋),winter(冬)。故选A。2.【解析】选D。本题考查语境理解。由句意:在世界许多地区,有四季,但在美国,只有三个,表转折,but“但是”。故选D。3.【解析】选D。本题考查语境理解。由句意:对于许多美国人来说,运动非常重要。可知如果你想要知道是什么季节,只要看一看人们做什么运动即可。故选D。4.【解析】选B。本题考查词义辨析。运动在他们生活中非常重要并令人愉快。pleasant令人愉快的。故选B。5.【解析】选A。本题考查语境理解。在温暖的天气中,人们喜欢水上运动。故选A。6.【解析】选C。本题考查固定搭配。enjoy oneself玩得开心,swimmers为复数,故反身代词用themselves。7.【解析】选C。本题考查词义辨析。catch抓住,抓到。句意:对于渔民来说,如果他们在河流中抓住些东西,也是幸运的。8.【解析】选D。本题考查词义辨析。句意:当天开始下雪,人们会跑出去堆雪人和打雪仗。故选D。9.【解析】选B。本题考查介词用法。介词for后接动词-ing形式。故选B。10.【解析】选B。本题考查词义辨析。temperature温度。句意:无论室外是什么温度,人们都可以玩室内运动。. 1.【解析】选C。事实细节题。由短文中的句子“He is planning to stay here for seven days.”可知选C。2.【解析】选D。事实细节题。由短文中的句子“The weather is the most important thing that he would like to know.”可知选D。3.【解析】选A。事实细节题。根据表格中“July 5th”可知选A。4.【解析】选C。事实细节题。根据表格中“July 3rd”可知选C。5.【解析】选B。推理判断题。从这五天的天气预报来看,温度都在26以上,穿短袖即可,故选B。.答案:1.ice2.minus3.sunny4.jokes5.wet6.to meet7.to watch8.windy9.snowy 10.to guess.答案:1.When;best;to visit2.may be3.good idea4.From;to time5.to go;for.【参考范文】My home town is Weifang.Its in the centre of Shandong.Its warm in spring and cool in fall.Its very hot in summer and cold in winter.In winter it often snows.I can make snowmen.But I like the summer best.I can go fishing and swimming with my good friends.My home town is famous for kites.People here are very friendly and the food is very nice.Welcome to my home town.


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