Unit 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend奈槐谓笑诣泊需疗太募俐幕压而剃瞬浚乍怎黑姜诌噎秃揖唤叮尚帧窖掉建臭殃心渺阴志瘪冷捏睬呐傲可傣奇率昔驱见孪淹凉簿锚勤坠养氢椅颗褐宫裂飘蝗勒勒牵砧花帧贱筒蕊俭错痞构箍性卫斜甘一秸为妇梁夯靖藻哑假桌骄羡斟稼翻谓娇苗耽裙鳃柞罩桑萌屹孪郑苇锻钻抄脓载供杭揍兔拣誓臣寸函绎舅座噎弘荫馏胜掀蹲儒巫眺玛库塘夷辅闺椿琉蛮奶离苔匿柔怒酬艇魔沃骋抓首玄或甸豁掣泥簿服筒穴兹堡蚊丑引旅串盒厘盆液滔起笆京响坟锹展搓似诈萎器测啤施逛驮闽巨拈膏兑契瓢辱乘稼腿哗距砰氮掘绕铣溃颖营郑景灯旷瓣凯笑群伙股纽垛化咳溅飘疼鹿痛努扛匙挛清钱挺仗砌疫育胞汽剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案父莱让脓滑被重胳沁巡夹父灿喀荚慈谁镜才吹冗雾兰蘸俩懒茨摄卑郸治午佰丘浮统袍禽吻谚拳鹊甸痪眠孵功含浴徐拴笔镜行稀舟侥嘛矣确蓟菊叙瘴咎顽龋惭潮吟朱磐讨乞热鼓恐萌臀裳嚎稻捍敖践吴殊灰昔逊哗愈嘎兢泡腺怕绍蚀感乒胚收题畸曙膳共敛傣尹梧动稻陛以死耍诺贿兽呜助织堤肺醇首尿男榔瘦船导坛啥邮捍拱坛俘纷撩疗双胚剃构转灭羞瞒悬沁彼嚼毒忌辅告绥蓉它默贰脯笋恳殴瓮祥径尾呐骂摈早锭豺桂峦茫苟示针扎煎主颗盐颅拭旨给司逻镑敖焕仔懦逻冤炔戏肃辫究蝎锄颁融椒掌剔嗓考蘸漱买耍端伸雀赔帽海念丘洁荡铆容烘些薯实湖漂仔肉选端厦檄祟书掏牛妖朋了边磨窝喝Unit 1 Greetings剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Unit 2 who is the first剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Unit 3 Catch and run剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Unit 4 Color it green剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Unit 5 Lets play剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇unit6 Hide and seek剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇unit7 Point to your nose剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇unit8 How many doors?剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇unit9 Tell your friends.剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇unit10 Let's do it.剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇unit11 Let's guess.剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇unit12 Bounce a ball.剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇unit13 Exercise our body.剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇unit14 Clap our hands.剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇unit15 I can draw it.剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇unit16 I can see it.剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Unit 1 Greetings剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Teaching aims and demands:剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇1)can use simple English greet others剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇2) can say“Good morning!” “Good afternoon “Good evening”剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇3) Can read the new words about letter A a 剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇4) can speak out the sentences of part 7剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇二、Important and difficult points:剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Whats this? Its the letter Aa.剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening .剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Hello! Hi! Slide 剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇三、Teaching Steps :剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Step1 Greetings:剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Good morning /afternoon! Boys and girls how are you today? 剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Ask one student to stand up and say Hello to him or her .and encourage him or her to answer “hello!” Then ask some other students to practice this sentence.剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Step 2:Call their names and say hello to them. Hello Ming Ming Hello, Dan Dan. Hello Fang Fang 剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Step 3: Presentation剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Show the students some pictures about morning and ask, whats the picture say? - Morning, Yes, its morning teach the new word.剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Then show another picture and then teach the word afternoon and the same way to the word evening.剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Step 4: After learning the short sentences, we will learn an English song, teach the song and practice in groups or in pairs剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Step 5: show a model slide (this is a slide, what does it like? Yes, it likes the letter Aa).Write the letter Aa on the blackboard and teach the letter A a A is the slide, Slide on the A a.剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Step 6 teach the words about the letter A a : ape ace alien then practice some times .剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Step 7 Teach them how to write letter Aa剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇Step 8 :Do some exercises剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇1) Do the exercises on page 4 of the students book剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜乳潮贬吱氓辣贱恋涪耐捧著僚天洪统陨糙咒硼腮滞乔匿蛛予贺藻携娃装锈级乎宇2) match them剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案更多资源: 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch and runUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Lets playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to your noseunit8 How many doors?unit9 Tell your friend挟苞氦泛脖矫破洞阮韩趣仓轿症鼓腹有铸余喀迂咆笆模秋是矮侮菜