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    《儿童英语》二级上册教案 全册.doc

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    《儿童英语》二级上册教案 全册.doc

    Lesson One On the busTeaching Aims(1)Knowledge Aims: A Pupils can listen and recite a rhyme.B Pupils can sing the song “come and take my seat”.C Pupils can understand and act out “A story”.(2)Attitude and Emotion Aim: Able to show politeness and care.Language input and key points A. bus take my seat come here Merry TownB. Using “take my seat” and “sit with me” to show their solicitude to the people who are on the bus, especially the people who are old, young child and the women taking a baby.Teaching Aidspictures recorder tapeTeaching procedureStep 1 A rhyme 1. Warming-up AGreetings (Good morning)BIntroduction ( I am your English teacher. Emphasize the word “English”. And then tell my Chinese and English name. Teach them how they call English teacher. Tell something about English. How important and interesting it is!)2. PresentationARemind who is Hello、Terry、Marry、Jack and Kay.BLet the students look at the picture of page 1 and ask them whether they understand the meaning of the picture or not.CUse body language and gesture to perform “ come on ”、“get on the bus” and “take my seat”.DFollow the teacher read key words. And then listen to the tape for 2 times. Guide and ask the pupils to clap hands while listening to the tape. Read and repeat the rhyme. After they can recite the rhyme frequently, ask some pupils to perform in class.Step 2 A songAUsing pictures and body language to show out key words and then tell something about this song.BRead the key words all together and then one by one.CFollow the teacher sing the song one sentence by one sentence and then follow the tape. After they can sing it, ask them to sing and perform it in groups.DSing this song for their parents after school. And let their parents sign their names.Step 3 A story1. Warming-upAGreetingsBA song2. PresentationAShow out pictures and let pupils guess something about the story in Chinese.BUsing body language to explain “take my seat ” and “sit with me”. While listening to the tape, use body language to help pupils understand the story.CRemind that whether Hello seats like that is safe or not.DAsk some pupils to act the story.Step 4 A task and a gameAReview BGuide the pupils how to greet to each other and act the play in groups.CRemind them that what should they do if they meet situations like that on the bus.DExplain “ready、go、sorry”.EListen to the music and play games in groups.Step 5 Conclusion and oral homeworkARecite the rhyme and sing the song for their parents.BUse “Take my seat and sit with me” to Show politeness and care to the others in daily life.Bb Design:A happy busKids are going to Merry Town,Come on, come on, Rabbit Brown.Get on the bus and take a seat.Happily, happily we go around.Teaching reflection: Lesson Two A running houseTeaching Aims (1) Knowledge AimsA Pupils can listen and recite a rhyme.B Pupils can sing the song“A car and a boat”.C pupils can understand and act out“A story”.(2) Technical ability and consciousness : Pupils can be able to describe bus-riding and show excitement and understand the basic traffic rule.Language input and key pointsA. slow fast light down boat drive rowB. Pupils know the basic traffic sign “stop” and “go”.Teaching Aidsmap pictures recorder tape color pens Teaching Procedure Step 1 Rhyme1. Warming-upAGreetingsBA song2. PresentationA. Look at the picture of page 7. Point to the pictures and introduce “ Duckie 、boat 、river and sea ”. Let the pupils guess “What is duckie doing”.B. Learn the key words.C. Follow the teacher one sentence by one sentence and follow the tape. Guide the pupils realize and care the rhyme.D. PerformStep 2 A song A. Point to the picture and ask pupils “ Which do they like better, a car or a boat” and Why. Then they will say out and give the reason in Chinese.B. Read and repeat key words.C. Sing the song after the teacher and make actions while singing. D. Follow the tape and care the rhyme of the song.E. Follow the tape and make actions together.F. Perform in groups and then individually.Step 3 A storyA. Present pictures and tell this story.B. Ask the pupils “If someone seat in front of a car and when crossing a road, what should pay attend to”.C. Help the pupils understand some basic traffic rules.D. Act “A story”.Step 4 A task and a gameA. Ask pupils sue color pens (red、green) to draw circles. Guide them how to play and then practice in pairs.B. A game. Play in groups.五Conclusion and oral homeworkARecite the rhyme and sing the song for their parents. BTell their parents that what they have learnt some basic traffic rules.Bb Design:Duckies sailing boatLook at Duckies sailing boat.Sometimes fast, sometimes slow.Down the river, down the sea.Merry and merry as can be.Teaching reflection: Lesson Three To the zooTeaching AimsA. The pupils can recite a rhyme.B. The pupils can sing a song.C. The pupils can identify some animals.D. The pupils can act out “a story ”.E. Able to give explanation of a place or things.Language input and key pointsA. zoo animal tiger lion hippo deer sheepB. can identify and tell some animals names. Describe their feature in Chinese.Teaching Aidsmap recorder pictures animals head ornaments.Teaching Procedure Step 1 A rhyme 1. Warming-upA. Greeting, drive trainsB. A song2. PresentationA. Using a map to point out which is (tiger、 lion、 hippo、 bear、 monkey、 rabbit、 sheep)B. Ask some pupils to imitate animals action.C. Read after the teacher and follow the tape.D. Play a game. Ask the pupils to choose one animals name represent themselves. Then ask several pupils stand in a row, the other pupils recite the rhyme together, the pupils will stand out and say “Hello” to classmates when turn up an animals name who represent the animal.Step 2 A song A. Ask the pupil how they know about a zoo.B. Tell about the story of this song.C. Learn this song.D. Sing and perform.Step 3 A story and a taskA. Present the pictures and tell this story.B. Learn the whole story. Including introduce the animals living house.C. Learn the key words while explaining.Step 4 A gameA. ReviewB. Learn the key sentence patterns “Wherere you going”、 “Im/Were going to the zoo”.Step 5 Conclusion and oral homeworkARecite the rhyme and sing the song for their parents.BTell out some animals names.Bb Design:The zooHippos, hippos bump, bump, bump!Rabbits, rabbits jump, jump, jump!Foxes, foxes bite, bite, bite!Tigers, tigers fight, fight, fight!Teaching reflection: Lesson Four A big cat!Teaching AimsA. Enable the pupils to listen and say a rhyme “I am a tiger”.B. Enable the pupils to sing the “ Hello, big cat”.C. The pupils can understand “A story”.D. The pupils are able to describe tigers and lions and make simple comparison.Teaching Aidspictures recorder animals headgearTeaching procedureStep 1 A rhyme 1. Warming-upA. GreetingB. A song2. PresentationA. Using a map to point out which is (tiger、 rat、cat)B. Ask some pupils to imitate animals action.C. Read after the teacher and follow the tape.D. Play a game. Ask the pupils to choose one animals name represent themselves. Then ask several pupils stand in a row, the other pupils recite the rhyme together, the pupils will stand out and say “Hello” to classmates when turn up an animals name who represent the animal.Step 2 Song1. Warming-up ( Let the pupils listen and say a rhyme)2. PresentationA. show a picture(tiger) and ask: “ Is it a cat?”.B. Sing a song“ Hello, big cat” and teach the pupils know new words: sharp, teethC. use the pictures and body language, then explain the meaning of “tiger, lion, big sharp. When teacher play the tape and brush the sentences“ Whats this?” “Whats that?” “ This is ” and “ That is ”.Step 3 A story and a taskA. Present the pictures and tell this story.B. Learn the whole story. C. Learn the key words while explaining.Step 4 A gameA. ReviewB. Learn the key sentence patterns “Tiger, Tiger, I am big”、 “Lion, Lion, I am big ”.Step 5 Conclusion and oral homeworkARecite the rhyme and sing the song for their parents.BTell out some animals names.Bb Design:I am a tiger“Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat,Are you happy? Are you sad?”“Leave me alone, you silly rat. I am a tiger not a cat.”Teaching reflection: Lesson Five He has a long noseTeaching Aims(1)Knowledge AimsA Pupils can listen and recite a rhyme.B Pupils can sing the song “A big animal”.C Pupils can understand and act out “A story”.(2)Attitude and Emotion Aim: Able to describe the elephants appearance.Teaching Aidspictures recorder tape attach pictures animals cardsTeaching procedureStep 1 A rhyme 1. Warming-up Greetings2. PresentationADraw an elephant picture, but you cant see clear. And let the pupils guess what it is.BReview the words: ear, nose, tooth, leg. And use gesture to show “big, long, sharp, strong, heavy, slow”.CThe teacher walk just like that an elephant. DWhen the pupils guess what the animal is, then let the pupils read the rhyme follow the teacher while pointing at the elephants picture. Listen to the tape several times and let the whole pupils read the rhyme one sentence by one sentence. Then let the pupils perform while pointing at his body.Step 2 A songAUsing pictures and body language to show out key words and then tell something about this song.BRead the key words all together and then one by one.CFollow the teacher sing the song one sentence by one sentence and then follow the tape. After they can sing it, ask them to sing and perform it in groups.DSing this song for their parents after school. And let their parents sign their names.Step 3 A story1. Warming-upAGreetings BA song2. PresentationAShow out pictures and let pupils guess something about the story in Chinese.BShow out the pictures about “a big elephant” and “a hippo”. Using body language to explain “big, long, short”.CPerform in groups while listening to the tape.Step 4 A task and a gameAReview BPlay games in groups: draw a picture and guess what it is. The one whose answer is right, he will win one hundred marks.Step 5 Conclusion and oral homework Recite the rhyme and sing the song for their parents.Bb Design:Who an I?My ears are big.My nose is long.My teeth are sharp.My legs are strong.Im treading, hong, hong, hong!Teaching reflection: Lesson Six What a long neck!Teaching Aims(1)Knowledge AimsA Pupils can listen and recite a rhyme.B Pupils can sing the song “My giraffe”.C Pupils can understand and act out “A story”.(2)Attitude and Emotion Aim: Able to describe giraffe and deer.Teaching Aidsanimal pictures recorder tapeTeaching procedureStep 1 A rhyme 1. Warming-up Greetings and s song2. PresentationAReview the words such as “short, long” pictures.BLet the pupils look at the picture of page 31 and ask them “what is in the picture?” and let them describe the giraffe.CFollow the teacher read key words, and then listen to the tape. Guide and ask the pupils to clap hands while listening to the tape.DUse body language and gestures to perform “giraffe, deer, neck, leg, grass, leaves”.EAfter the pupils can recite the rhyme frequently, the ask some pupils to perform and read that in class.Step 2 A songAUsing pictures and body language to show out key words and then tell something about this song.BRead the key words all together and then one by one.CFollow the teacher sing the song one sentence by one sentence and then follow the tape. After they can sing it, ask them to sing and perform it in groups.DSing this song for their parents after school. And let their parents sign their names.Step 3 A story1. Warming-upAGreetingsBA song2. PresentationAThe teacher ask pupils what giraffes eat.BFollow the teacher read key words, and then listen to the tape. Guide to read the story sentence by sentence.CAsk some pupils to perform the story.Step 4 ActivitiesALet the pupils to use the sentence patterns “Look at the monkey, its eyes are green” to describe the animals.BPractice in pairs.CTeacher can use“ short, long, big , small” and so on, to describe the animals and let the pupils choose the animals which they like best.Step 5 GameStick some animals pictures on the blackboard, then ask a pupil to pick out the correct animal from the pictures which the teacher just said.Bb Design:The giraffes bedGiraffe, giraffe, long, long legs,Giraffe, giraffe, long, long neck,Giraffe, giraffe, please tell me,Where to get you a long long bed?Teaching reflection: Lesson Seven An animal showTeaching Aims(1)Knowledge AimsA Pupils can listen and recite a rhyme.B Pupils can sing the song “What an animal show”.C Pupils can understand and act out “A story”.(2)Attitude and Emotion Aim: Able to tell


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