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    Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?、Teaching content(教学内容): period 5、Teaching goals (教学目标):1. Knowledge goals(知识目标):(1) To master some new words: dance, sing, swim, paint, speak English, play the guitar, play chess, and so on. (2) To master the usage of modal verb“can”. 2. Ability goals(能力目标): (1) use“can”to talk about ones abilities and likes (2) Arouse students interest in English by group work, and help students to form good learning habits. 3. Emotion goals(情感目标): To help students to love English, show their abilities, and communicate with other people actively.、Teaching methods(教学方法): 任务教学法、情境教学法、游戏教学法、激励评价教学法、Teaching tools(教具):视频、音频、多媒体课件、图片 、Teaching procedures(教学流程):二、Teaching ProceduresPeriod 5Additional materials to bring to classHarmonica and guitar or other two musical instruments to use in the language goal sectionPowerPoint with pictures of basketball, volleyball and some music instruments.Step 1 Revision and lead inThe teacher says I like basketball. Then asks: Do you like basketball/ volleyball? Do you want to join a basketball club?Step 2 PresentationAsk the students to look at the pictures of Page 5 , there are some clubs in it. Lets look at the clubs. What are they? They are art club, English club, chess club, swimming club and music club. What club do you want to join? Help the students to answer I want to join the art club and so on. If the school has clubs, the teacher can ask the students: What clubs do we have in our school?The teacher writes What club do you want to join? I want to join on the blackboard. Ask the students to practice it.Then introduces the key vocabularies and the words can and cant. The teacher says to the students who say he/she wants to join the basketball club: Can you play basketball? Help the students say Yes, I can. No, I cant. Then repeat with other actions or pictures, such as play volleyball.Show the students the activities the people in each club can do with the same step. Then repeat with dance, swim, play chess, paint, speak English and play the guitar with the help of doing the action. Or we can use the PowerPoint to help us to show the students what we can do. The teacher can ask the students to practice the following dialogues with can.Can you dance? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. Can he paint? Yes, he can. /No, he cant. Can she speak English? Yes, she can. / No, she cant. Can you speak English? Yes, we can. / No, we cant. Can you play it well? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.Do the action and read the new words and phrases.Ask the students to practice can and cant. Ask the students to practice can you play it well?At the same time, the teacher write down sing, dance, swim, play chess, paint, speak English, and play the guitar on the blackboard. Ask the students to read after the teacher. Step 3 A game To be more familiar with the words and phrases, the teacher can organize a game like this:Write the words and phrases on pieces of paper. Ask one of the students come to the front and choose one of the paper, then do the action. Ask other students to guess what he or she can do. Then exchange.Step 4 ExerciseTask 1:Look at the pictures on Page 5. Points to the activities the people in each club are doing. Say something about each clubs activity clearly. For example, This is a chess club. See the chess? They are playing chess.Task 2. Say each conversation with a student in Part 2. After doing this, play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time ask the students to listen to the conversations and write a number 1 next to the first conversation they hear, a number 2 next to the second one they hear, and a number 3 next to the third one they hear. Point out the sample answer. The answers are c b aTask 31c.Say the sample conversations. Have students repeat. Then ask students to practice the conversations in pairs. Ask them to use the vocabulary from 2a. As students work, listen in on various pairs so that you can check progress and help with pronunciation as needed.After students have had a chance to practice the conversations, ask pairs to come to the front of the room and act out one of their conversations.Step 5 HomeworkTask : fill in the form. Write down three things you can do and three things you can not do.I canI cantUnit2 What time do you go to school?一、 教学目标n 语言目标:学会不同时间段的表达法;学会用频度副词谈论自己的日常生活和作息习惯n 能力目标:能用所学知识对某一活动进行合理安排,如:周末活动,寒暑假安排,晚会等n 情感目标:学会合理安排学习和课外活动的时间n 跨学科学习:了解不同时区国家的时间二、教材分析n 重难点分析:重点短语:get up, run, eat breakfast/dinner, go to school/bed/work, take a shower, in the morning/afternoon/evening, pen pal, do ones homework, make a schedule, a little longer, put on, get to work, take a bus, thanks for, tell sb. about sth. 语言结构:(1) 询问时间(整点、一刻钟、半点) What time is it? Its eleven oclock. (2) when/ what time引导的特殊疑问句 What time do you go to school? I go to school at 7. What time does he eat breakfast? He eats breakfast at 6:30. When does Bob take a shower? He takes a shower at 5:00. (3) 表示频率的副词often, sometimes, usually, never 语言功能:谈论日常作息时间daily routines 询问、表达时间ask about and say clock timen 任务型活动:1. 调查每个同学/家人早上的时间安排 2. 小组汇报我的一天,全班评选出安排时间最合理的同学 3. 制作节目单运动会活动安排 4采访名人 5给笔友朋友写信三、教学手段和方法:Task-based language learning四、教学活动设计First Period:1. Telling time课件或实物练习时间的表达法, 所用句型: What time is it? Its5 am. = 5 oclock in the morning 8 pm. = 8 in the evening5: 15 five fifteen/ a quarter past five / a quarter after five5: 40 five forty/ twenty to six2. Crossword puzzleAcross(1) Its five in the morning. Its five _.(4) Its 4:15. Its a quarter _ four.(6) Its twelve a.m. Its _(8) Its 8:00 p.m. Its eight in the _(9) Its twelve p.m. Its _.Down(2) Its 7:00 a.m. Its seven in the _.(3) Its 3:30. Its three _.(4) Its 4:00 p.m. Its four in the _.(5) Its 1:15. Its one _.(7) What _ is it?(10) Its 11:00 p.m. Its eleven at _.3. Survey小组活动, 记录小组成员每天的活动安排。使用句型:- What time do you usually get up? - I usually get up at six. Activities NameGet upWash faceExercise Eat breakfastGo to school 6 oclock小组汇报,使用句型:I usually get up at in the morning. I .Li Ming gets up He goes to school at4. Reading (Section A 2a, 2b)(1) Ask students to look at the picture and guess where they are and what they are doing.(2) Ask students to listen to the conversation between the interviewer and Rick, and then fill in the blanks.(3) Check the answers.(4) The teacher asks some questions and sees if students have understood the conversation well. For example: Does Rick have a big family? How many brothers and sisters does he have? How many showers do they have? Is it difficult for them to take a shower? (No, it isnt. Because they have a shower schedule.)(5) Ask students to listen again and complete the shower schedule for Ricks family.(6) “When does Rick take a shower? Is he the first one?” Ask the students to read the note and find out. (7) Emphasize the key phrases. (8) Ask students to say something about their families.Second Period1 通过让学生看时区图,辨认不同城市的时间。What time is it in each city? Write the time in two different ways.(1) Its 10:00 a.m. in Los Angeles.Its ten oclock in the morning.(2) _ _ _ _ (3) _ _ _ _ (4) _ _ _ _ 2 Pair workWhat do you do with these things? Match the picture with the thing you do with it. A. clean the house B. have meals C. get up D. brush teeth E. take a shower F. wash face3Reading (Section A, 3a)(1) Explain the difference between am and pm by showing some pictures. Pick out the time appeared in the passage. E.g. 17:00 = 5 p.m. 19:15 =7:15 p.m. 7:00 a.m. (2) Ask students to read through the passage quickly and guess what the mans job is.(3) Ask students to read the passage again and match the pictures to the clock faces.(4) Fill in a form. Time 17:00After breakfastthen 19:157:008:30Activities 答案:Time 17:00After breakfastthen19:157:008:30Activities gets uphas a shower and makes breakfastpractices his guitarputs on his jacket and goes to worktakes the number 17 bus to Santon Hotelthe bus leavesgets home and watches the early newsgoes to bedThird Period1. Group work发给每组几张纸条, 上面分别写好句子主语和其所做的事情, 另外几张纸条上写上时间, 打乱顺序让学生根据纸上的内容和时间拼出正确的句子, 比赛看哪组拼得最快。2. Pair work(学完Section B, 1a/1b/2a/2b)两人互相询问自己每天的作息安排Talk about your day使用句型:When do you usually go to school? I usually go to school at 7.3. Group work小组内学生各自列出每人每天要做的事情和具体时间,找出自己的时间安排和同学的有哪些异同之处后向班里同学汇报。最后全班同学选出作息时间安排的最好的同学。Who do you think has the best daily schedule? Why?Fourth Period 1学习Section B, 3a/3b2. 给自己的笔友朋友写一封信,介绍自己的一天周末安排。3. 安排一场运动会(一次参观、晚会、旅游等),列出各项活动的时间表。4假设你是一位名人,你在接受采访,向记者介绍你在工作日和业余时间是如何渡过的。5读一首小诗A poemMy dayLife can be good,Life can be bad;Life is mostly cheerful,But sometimes sad.Life can be dreams,Life can be great thoughts;Life can mean a person,Sitting in court.Life can be dirty,Life can even be painful;But life is what you make it,So try to make it beautiful.-1. Warm up(1) Teach time expressions by using a clock with moveable hands.“What time is it?” “Its .” (oclock, to, past/after )(2) Show students some pictures of daily routine and describe them. Add a clock to each picture and say: I get up at 6 oclock. I wash my face and brush my teeth at(3) Ask the students to read the new words and try to memorize them2. Match the words with pictures (Section A 1a)3. Listen and match the times and actions. (1b)4. Pair workStudents in pairs ask each other about their daily routines.5. Listen to a conversation and 6.7. SurveyWhat time do you usually?NameGet upExerciseHave breakfastGo to school8. Give the reportUnit 3 How do you get to school一、 Teaching material analysis新目标英语的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动,强调“语言应用”,培养“创新、实践、能力”,发展“学习策略”。那么本节课作为unit4的Section A,教材以How do you get to school?为中心话题,围绕“traffic way”展开,运用一般现在时。Section A与学生的实际密切相关,易于引发学生用英语进行交际交流,完成听说读写的任务活动,我将灵活运用这些活动,将其中的一些活动进行变化或整合。通过对本课的仔细诊断,把教学策略重点地位在三个教学环节上,即Presentation ,practice and production上,将“激发兴趣,激活思维,轻松导入,读后仿说,逐层训练,强化能力,创设情景,迁移知识,实现目标”作为本课的设计导向。二、Teaching aims:1、技能目标:学生能听懂本课录音;能听懂师生之间就本课内容而展开的一切形式的问答;会和别人展开对话,了解和传递信息;能将本课重难点理解透彻,灵活恰当运用;无大的语言错误;就类似话题创造性地自编对话,掌握比较级的用法。2、知识目标:take subway train forty ninety hundred minute kilometer How do you get to school? How long does it take?3、情感目标:让学生感受到他们学习英语是为了在现实生活进行交流,而不单纯是为了英语课和应付考试而学习;让学生感受到他们是英语学习活动中的主体和中心,以此来激励他们在英语课上积极参与,追求创新,使学生爱学英语,爱说英语,想说口语。4、学习策略目标:改变传统的死记硬背,积极主动的投入到语言的实践中去,用英语去思考问题,在实践中提高语言的综合使用能力,加深对基础知识的掌握和记忆,学会使用brains storing 。5、文化意识目标:中外交通规则差异三、Difficult and important points:How do you get to school? I take the /ride / walkHow long does it take?四、Teaching method1 交际法和情景法教学。2 以学生为中心和任务型教学,,调动各层次学生的自主能动性。3.要求学生用所学知识,对新情景进行交际.注:1、课前已分好组,已形成合作竞争探究的教学模式。2、多媒体辅助:用录音、图片、文字、,使抽象变得直观,实现生生互动,师生互动,人机互动多向交流。五、教学步骤:Step 1 复旧引新阶段学生和老师进行简单的问候Ss : Good morning , teacher.T: Good morning , classT: I usually get to school by bike ,but sometimes on foot . How do you get to school?Ss 按实际情况作答S1: I ride my bike S2: I take the bus. S3: T: Very good . Youre clever. Lets learn Unit 4 Section A . 之后板书:“Unit 4 How do you get to school?”Step II Presentation1 T: If you are here ,but your school is in Shanghai. How do you get to school?Ss: I take the bus /plane/ boat / ship / car / taxiI ride a bike / motorbikeT: Do you know any other way?Teacher shows a picture on the TV and teach “ subway , train , walk ”(让学生积极主动的思考想象总结,多媒体增加趣味性,加强直观性,效果事半功倍)2 Show a件 picture about Part 1 , on the TV . Point at girls or boys in the picture .Ask students to ask and answer and writer in the blanks .S1 : How does he / she go to school?S2 : He / She 3 看图对话,集兴趣与实用于一身Listen to the tape , twice ,and try to match them.1 Bob take the subway2 Mary take the train3 Paul walk 4 Yang Lan take the bus5 JohnListen again and try to finish 1b, then discuss the answers.(听力由易到难,由浅入深,层次明朗,训练听力好方法)4 Practice in groups or pairs.Task 1 Show three pictures and some information ,such as “Mike/ bus” , to make conversations . According to your own life, and practice freely.S1 : How do you get to school?S2 : I get to school by subwayS1 : How does S2 get to school?S3 : She / He .(通过示图训练对话,提高积极主动性,根据实际情况练习,将英语用于生活,解决于生活)Step III Play games to practice numbers. Teacher shows numbers on the cards and ask them to say together and then check some students . Pay attention to “-ty” . do 2b together. Then listen twice to match 2c and check the answers.(游戏来学数字,练数字,比单纯的教更易激活思维)Step IVShow a picture on the TV and explain these are your home and school .Teach 1 How long 2 10 minutes home-school Look at 2d Then make up a dialogue to practice.A: How do you get to school?B: I usually take the bus.A: How long does it take?B: It takes 10 minutes by bus 利用多媒体导入how long 和minutes是网络与英语的经典整合。2 Task 2 : Make a survey and practice in groups , the repeat it .(小组内合作练习对话,谈论生活,之后列图表加深思考)3 Practice the passageGive them 3 questions on the TV . Read the passage in groups and try to answer them. If you have any questions, you can ask me.A How does he get to school?B How long does it take?C How far is it from his home to school? Check the answers and solve the difficult points. Pay attention to “quick, bicycle , early ,shower” Give them some minutes and try to retell.(阅读文章由表及里,步步深入的思路,活跃思想,提高读说能力)4 Play games to practice “how long ” “how far”Step VI HomeworkDiscuss how students around the world get to school.Thats all for our class, thank


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