Sounds and speech rulesSpeak slowlyUse a loud voice Exaggerate your mouth movementsvowel soundsAE I O Uahh ohh eee ehh ihh oooconsonant soundsb ch s t f g sh wSession One1. Consonant R2. Consonant WR TipsYour mouth and lips come forward, like you are going to kiss.(u)Your tongue moves back in your mouth, NOT forward.R at the beginning of wordsRockRipReachRoadRainRichRomeRaiseRobeRiceR sentenceThe round rooster rushed into the wrong road.R at the end of words or after a vowelCarFarStarDoorBearFourAirYearTurnPoorR in the middle of wordsu rVeryDirection ArrangeEraseCorrectMarryGarageOriginalHurry ZeroMarineBerryOperation CaringArriveEveryoneR Blends混合R is the strongest sound of the blend.When the blend is at the beginning of a word, your mouth prepares for the R, by coming forward before you even say the word.R blends at the beginning of wordsTrainingTrustTripGreatTropicalBringPrintPresidentProductCrackerCrawlBreakR blends in the middle of wordsSubtractWaitressNutritionAustraliaIntroduceCompressOppressionBetrayR practice sentencesThe story he read on the radio was incorrect.Her career in the law firm is permanent.Richard and Brooke took a ride in their brand new Range Rover truck.Everyone will respect the Royal Family when they arrive at the airport.The trip to the Rocky Mountains will be rescheduled on Friday.W TipsPractice first with OO.Then go into OOOOOWAWAWA.Remember, A W is always makes a W sound. It NEVER makes a V sound.W SentenceWhat will we do?Comparing R and WRick WickRight WhiteRemember, the W sound is also at the beginning of the words One and Once.W at the beginning of wordsWhyWhichWhenWhatWipeWishWeightWingW in the middle of wordsAlwaysAwayBewareAwakeSomeoneRewindHalloweenHollywoodW practice sentencesThe wind from the west was very wet. (Notice very has a /v/ sound)We woke up and washed the white washcloth.We waited for the waitress to give us water.We had a wonderful time in Washington and Wisconsin. Q words (produced as a KW sound KR) CHQuestionQuietQueenQualifyQuitQuebecQuiltChoirParagraph Practice Ray was born in Russia. He dreamed of building the perfect roller coaster at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. He had a friend named Fred who lived in Norway. Freds profession was designing railroad tracks and his career involved traveling all around the world. Ray thought it would be perfect if Fred designed his roller coaster ride. Fred was creative, brilliant and worked well with railroad tracks. He would be the perfect engineer for the project. The ride took two years to construct and was painted red and white. Everyone really wanted to ride the brand-new roller coaster.Session Two1. Voicing2. Consonant pairs3. Consonant S4. Consonant Z VoicingVoicing is when your vocal cords are vibrating in your throat, creating a buzzing sound. Say Ahhhh. Can you feel the vibrations in your neck? All vowels are voiced. Some consonants are voiced, some are not.Paired Consonants:P&B T&D F&V SH&ZSH K&G S&ZThree rules for S&Z endingsRule 1If a word ends in a sound that is unvoiced (such as P, T, K, F), you add an unvoiced /S/Examples: 1 cup, 2 cups (the p in cup is unvoiced, so you just add an unvoiced s)1 cat, 2 cats (the t in cat is unvoiced, so just add an unvoiced s)I break, he breaksI stop, he stopsRule 2If a word ends in any of these sounds: s, z, sh, ch, or dg (j), when adding an S ending, add IZZZZZZExamples:1 Page 2 Pages Pagezz!1 Bus 2 Buses 1 Lunch 2 LunchesI Raise, He RaisesI Brush, He BrushesI Push, He PushesRule 3 If a word ends in a vowel sound (like the word Tree) or a voiced consonant (like the word Game), then when you add an S, continue the voicing throughout the entire word, and it should become a voiced ZZZZ.Examples:1 Tree, 2 Treezzzz (correctly spelled Trees)1 Day, 2 Days1 Shoe, 2 ShoesI Fly, He Flies1 Game, 2 Games1 Head, 2 Heads1 Train, 2 Trains1 Song, 2 SongsSome common words where Ss are pronounced as ZsIs (This is good)His (His mom is Mary)As (As the phone rang)Was (It was raining)These (These are my children)Those (Those are my books)Easy (This is easy)Because (Because we were late.)Paragraph PracticeNotice that all voiced S/Z sounds are underlined.Another zippy, zappy, crazy day comes to a close. As we zoom up to Joes snooze zone, Zoe Jones of Zodiac Zoo plays with her zipper.Last week, Jims brothers were picked to represent their country in the Olympic Games. Two of the brothers were swimmers, while the other two were long distance runners. All of the brothers wore glasses. These athletes worked hard at qualifying for the games and were hoping to come home with prizes. Since the brothers go to the same university, they often take the same courses. This makes studying easier and gives them more time to do other things.On Thursday, I had a very lazy day. I woke up early and first squeezed oranges into juice. I then got dressed and watched the sunrise come up over the mountains. It was so beautiful that I took many pictures with my camera and I used three rolls of film. After drinking two cups of coffee, I got dressed, left the house, and walked three miles home.Session Three1. The Unvoiced TH Sound2. The Voiced TH Sound3. THR Blends4. Voicing the T SoundThe Unvoiced TH SoundFlat tongue protruding through your teeth. Maintain a steady air stream. Stretch out the TH sound.Example: Think of the word Thumb as having two beatsTh . umb1 2Unvoiced TH at the beginning of wordsThanksThickThunderThursdayThinkUnvoiced TH at the middle of wordsAnythingBathmatToothpickAthleticMouthwashUnvoiced TH at the end of wordsBathNorthBeneathFourthSouthThe Voiced TH SoundVoiced TH at the beginning of wordsThe (The book)That (That house)They (They came over)Them (Give them water)There (There it is)This (This is my nose)Those (Those boys are good)These (These are my parents)Voiced TH in the middle of wordsClothingLeatherMotherAnotherWeatherNorthernVoiced TH at the end of wordsSmoothBatheBreathePractice PhrasesThis and thatA tableclothWinter clothingAthens, GreeceThats the oneHer skin is smooth Thirty Days noticeA famous authorHere and thereFalse teethThread the needleA thoughtful giftThunder and lighteningThumbs upPractice SentencesThelma arrived in town last Thursday.Im having trouble threading this needle.I need thirty three thick thermometers.The thing they like best about Athens is the weather.This thrilling novel was written by a famous author.He will be through with his work at three-thirty.Now and then, she likes to buy new clothing.They thought they were going to Northern Spain.Which tablecloth shall we use for the party?That was the thirty-third theatre to open.THR BlendsThread (thread the needle)Throw (throw the ball)Throat (my throat is sore)Thrill (a thrilling ride)Three (three more days)Threw (yesterday he threw the ball)Throne (the king sits on a throne)Paragraph PracticeNurse Thatcher was thankful it was Thursday. She knew that on Thursday she had to deliver thirty three boxes of thermometers to the North American Athletic Club. They thought that thermometers were necessary for testing the hydrotherapy baths. This was thought to benefit the athletes with arthritis. The athletic trainers required authorization to provide hydrotherapy to the youthful athletes on the three bulletin boards with thumbtacks throughout the athletic club. Rather than risk the health of the athletes, they thoroughly checked the thousands of thermometers to insure their worthiness; otherwise they needed to be thrown away. TH ExceptionsAlthough the following words are spelled with a TH, they are pronounced as a T.ThomasThompsonTheresaThailandThamesEstherThymeVoicing the T SoundIf a T falls within two voiced sounds (usually vowels), the T becomes voiced like a D.Examples:Water Wader (the whole word is voiced)Better Bedder Butter Budder Voiced T PracticeBetty bought a bit of better butter. But, said she, this butters bitter. If I put it in my batter, itll make my batter bitter.Session Four1. Consonant F2. Consonant V3. The Unvoiced SH Sound4. The Voiced ZSH SoundConsonants F and V are produced with contact of your upper teeth and lower lip. Think of it as biting your lower lip. Maintain a steady air stream. They are both identical, except the F is unvoiced, and the V is voiced. Practice Words with FFootFindFinallyFamilyFreedomLaughTelephoneSymphonyRoughPractice SentencesDo you feel like a physical wreck?Are you fed up with your feeling of fatigue? Have you had enough of feeling rough? Why dont you fight fever with Pharaohs Friend. A medicine that is tough on Flu.Practice Words with VVote (is not Wote)VineOvenEvaluateVoiceTravelRiverEveryGloveAliveLeaveComparing F and VFeel VealSafe SaveFat VatFine VineFace VaseFan VanFoul VowelProof ProvePractice PhrasesA famous athleteA food vendor The Foreign ServiceSummer vacationVocabulary testOver the rainbowOur first victoryHarvard UniversityHusband and wifeVery well donePractice Sentences1.Her promotion in the firm was well deserved. 2.There was only one survivor on the island. 4.Steve noticed that the olive juice must have stained his sleeve.5.The street vendor was selling souvenirs to tourists. 6.Dave gave me his car so that I could drive on New Years Eve. 3.There were several dents in the rear fender. 7.Tom placed several tomatoes from the vine into a basket. NOT OF. BUT OV.The Unvoiced SH SoundTo make the Unvoiced SH sound, bring your mouth and lips forward, teeth should be slightly apart. Produce air stream. Words beginning with SH begin with this sound. (So are the words Sugar, Sure, Chef and Chicago.)SH practice wordsBeginningSheSugarSureShadowSheepShirtShoeShapeChicagoChefMiddleNationMotionMissionSpecialReputationOfficialMachineFishingInsuranceSunshineOceanTissueAdditionSubtractionEndRushDishEstablishSplashIrishFreshFinishSH SentencesThe fishing trip was planned and we left to go to the ocean.Was the chef ashamed to use the precious sugar?Sharon gave a special performance.He will be stationed in Washington, D.C, the nations capital.She went to a fashion show after taking a shower.She sells seashells by the seashore.The social club was praised for their cooperation.SH PracticeJoes weather machine shows a sharp drop in air pressure, especially offshore. Ships in motion on the ocean should be sure to use caution.The Voiced ZSH SoundThe Voiced ZSH sound is exactly like the SH except voicing is added. ZSH practice wordsMiddleUsual(Uzshual)UnusualUsuallyVisionVisualConclusionAsiaVersionDivisionCasualTelevisionEndBeigeMassagePrestigePractice SentencesIts not unusual for people to study division in Asia.I usually use a measuring cup to measure erosion.The beige walls were the usual color in the treasury building. List things that are appropriate for each column. Then say them out loud in full sentences for practice.Example: Its usually hot in the summer. Its unusual for me to be late for an appointment.UsuallyUnusualHot in the summerLate for appointmentsSession Five1. Consonant LL Tips:Your bottom jaw should be as wide open as possible.Your tongue should RISE UP (independently of your jaw) and touch right behind your top teeth.Produce the L sound by dropping and relaxing your tongue.Practice “LA, LA, LA”, keeping your bottom jaw lowered and open while only raising your tongue.L at the beginning of wordsLunchLocalLondonLearnLargeLifeLobbyLibraryLuckyLiftLaughLongL in the middle of wordsInflationBelieveVolumeGlueElevatorSolvePullingFloodDeleteElectAliveColorL at the end of a wordTo produce an L at the end of a word, remember to slowly raise your tongue upward, towards your upper teeth, while keeping your bottom jaw as open as possible. The L sound comes from the tongue movement, not from the placement. (Using your finger to push down on your bottom teeth to keep your jaw open, may be helpful for practicing.) Practice wordsWillBallTallCallSmallControlBowlAppleMiraclePowerfulControlFinancialPeopleL SentencesThe lollipop fell into the cool water.Her drivers license was pulled out of the blue golf bag. Blakes bowling ball fell under his tools.Carl could not locate the lemons or the limes.The school was a mile away from the hill.The golf club was made of steel.Als goal was to play baseball with Carol.A certified letter was delivered for the enrollment list.It was revealing to look at the smiling lawyer.FL Blend PoemA flea and a fly, flew up in a flue. Said the flea, “Let us fly!” Said the fly, “Let us flee!”So they flew through a flaw in the flue.Practice using WillWill you empty the garbage?Will you ask her to clean the kitchen?Will you prepare a meal for the children?When will you begin your studies at college?When will she purchase the dress for her wedding?Why will he ask them to stay late at work?Why will she bring her baby to the meeting?How will they know if our flight is delayed?Where will the child be going next year?Where will they put all of the pillows?What will she do with the millions of dollars she won?Comparing R and LRed - LedRick - LickReef - LeafRear - LearRest - LessGrass - GlassCrime - ClimbFree - FleeL and R CombinationsSeal ringToll roadAlreadyCivil rightsRailroadRivalryCoral reefJewelrySchoolroomGravel roadSession Six1.Word EndingsMake sure that the final sounds in your words come through clearly and fully. Dont drop off or shorten the endings!P endingsI hope the group will sleep on the ship.The soda pop spilled out of the cup, over the map and onto her lap.Was the Egg Drop Soup cheap? B endingsWe cleaned the cobweb from the doorknob in the bathtub.Rob broke his golf club when he slipped on the ice cube.The crab was under the cement slab at the yacht club.The ticket stub was found in the taxicab.T endingsKate left her cat on the mat as she flew a kite.The sailboat came