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    新人教版英语选修七unit5traveling abroad说课稿.doc

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    新人教版英语选修七unit5traveling abroad说课稿.doc

    Unit5 Travelling abroadReading and speaking的说课稿一、说教学背景 1. 教材分析(1)本单元以travelling abroad为话题,包括两篇阅读,它们分别以“出国学习”和“出国旅游”为话题。旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解在国外旅行或学习时可能会遇到的一些问题,并学会怎样去解决问题和避免这样问题的发生。学会表达和支持个人观点,能用所学的有关travelling abroad的词汇描述在国外居住生活的情况 ,在国外旅游时能根据所给的信息选择恰当的旅游线路。 本单元的整体框架为:WARMING UP; READING; LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE三大部分。USING LANGUAGE中的第一课时Listening第二课时Reading and speaking。第一课时Listening让学生了解有关Peru这个国家的一些情况,为下面的reading and speaking 作铺垫。(2)教材的重组USING LANGUAGE中的Listening与Reading and speaking都是谈论有关秘鲁这国家,介绍秘鲁的景色以及在秘鲁旅行的几条路线,内容一致,所以放在一起,设计成"听说课"。今天说课的内容是第二课时Reading and speaking阅读部分主要依据地图对秘鲁这个国家进行介绍,要求学生skim(to get the main idea),再scan( to get the details), 然后回答3个Wh-问题。文章还提供了一个旅游小册子,其内容包括在秘鲁旅游的四条路线。要求学生在读后根据文章细节回答四个问题。Speaking部分主要是设置了一个情景your group plans to spend eight days in and around Cuzco。要求学生依据所提供的旅游手册来选择适合自己团队的旅游路线。进一步了解有关旅游的一些注意事项,并学会表达计划和任务。这是一个任务型训练题,旨在培养学生的口语表达能力和实践能力。2. 学情分析:(1)作为高中学生,学习英语也有几年了,有一定的语言基础。(2)学生容易对某一个话题感兴趣,结合新课标的特色:如旅游,留学,体育,健康生活等能激发学生的学习兴趣,符合学生的心里特点和年龄特征。(3)在WARMING UP; READING;Listening部分学生已经掌握了有关travelling的词汇和句型。二、说教学目标 (Teaching goals)1语言知识目标:a重点词汇parallel,abundant,govern,destination b功能句式I like/don't like doing/to do.I prefer to.I enjoy/love/hate doing.We could.You might.It would be possible to. It isn't possible to.would be a perfect place for us. It's out of the question.2语言能力目标Through reading,enable the students to acquire detailed information about Peru.3情感态度目标Help the students learn how to express likes and dislikes,probability and improbability with the target language.三、说教学重点难点教学重点:Introduce the countryPeru briefly and properly.教学难点:Talk about tours in and around Cuzco , how to choose the better tour.四、说教法和学法:1.为完成本课的教学任务,教师将采用的是以任务型教、学法为主,边讲边练。(新课标中提出“采用活动途径,倡导体验参与”的要求,结合单元特色,让学生分角色扮演导游或者游客。在任务型学习法过程中保证每位同学都参与进来,培养学生的团队精神和竞争意识,激发他们学习的兴趣,培养学生运用英语进行交谈的能力。)2.利用多媒体展示出地图,以及景点图片,有身临其境的感觉。五、说教学过程及设计理念: 现在对本节课的教学程序的设计简单说一下。教学过程Step 1LeadinAsk the students something about their travelling abroad.(What places would you like to visit?Why?Where can you get information about places of interest?)设计说明联系生活实际,导入话题,激发学生对话题的兴趣,为下文作铺垫。Step 2fast Reading1Ask the students to read the entry from a textbook about Peru. Find the information they want to know about Peru. 1. match the places with the information. The highest lake in the world Three main geographical areas of Peru a country A narrow coastal belt; The capital of Peru The Andes Mountains;high,flat plainsLake Titicaca The famous Inca ruinsLimaInca The ancient Inca capital Machu PicchuCuzcoThe ancient empire 2Discuss specialties about this country. At the same time,deal with the questions:aWhy is Cuzco popular with tourists?bWhat is special about Lake Titicaca?cWhat do you think the two official languages of Peru are?Keys:aCuzco is a popular tourist destination as it is close to the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu. It's a city where both Indian and Spanish culture and art can be seen.bLake Titicaca is the highest lake in the world,and boats can travel on it.cThey are Indian and Spanish.设计说明由浅入深,通过手册和地图培养学生获取信息的能力,使他们对旅游前期的准备工作有了解。Step 3Reading (pair work)This text is just a brief introduction of Peru. If you want to travel in Peru,you should know more detailed information. What are the most popular tours in Peru? Work with your partner and answer the questions in Exercise 2.1Which tours would best suit people who like an active holiday and don't need first class accommodation?2What kind of people would enjoy Tour 2?3On which tours do you visit Machu Picchu?4If you spent two weeks in and around Cuzco,which tour would be best to do last?Suggested answers:1Tours 1 and 4.2People who enjoy learning about the culture and lifestyle of the country they are visiting. People who enjoy beautiful scenery but prefer to see it through the windows of a comfortable bus.3We could visit Machu Picchu on Tour 1 and Tour 3.4Tour 2 would be best to do last because it ends in Lima,the capital.设计说明要求学生对课文提供的四条路线进行分析和挑选,培养他们观察和分析的能力。Step 4Speaking (group work)Get the students to talk about tours in and around Cuzco with the expressions given.First show the following expressions.I like/don't like doing/to do.I prefer to.I enjoy/love/hate doing.What would you like to do when you are on holiday?Discuss with your partners,using the above expressions.After discussion,ask some students to tell their ideas. One student gives one sentence.S:I like visiting museums on holiday.S:I don't like going to historical sites.S:I prefer to stay in expensive hotels.S:I enjoy trying local food. 设计说明通过小组互动的方式,达到知识输出和培养学生英语表达能力,口头介绍地点的目的。Step 5 summaryAsk the other students to vote the line they choose to travel,and give their reasons.设计说明通过班级讨论的方式,进一步培养学生总结和得出有效可行的结论。Step 6HomeworkHomework for today: 面对中学生“出国热”,社会对此有不同的看法。请以”studying abroad”为题,写一篇作文。(including advantages, disadvantages, your opinions etc.) 设计说明采用写作的形式,使每个学生有机会表达自己的观点,实现语言实用性的目的。六 板书设计Step1:lead-inStep2:Location Three main geographic areascapital Famous placesStep3 be parallel to / with sth; a variety of ; from to ;gain independence; A be close to BStep4: useful expressions: I like/don't like doing/to do.I prefer to.I enjoy/love/hate doing.Step 5 summary and homework七 说教学效果和反思在实际教学中会存在不同的问题,教师应当扮演“导演”的角色,控制好课堂。采取好应对措施。1. 针对本节课教学具体可能会出现在”speaking”部分,学生可能会用英语表达困难。这就要求教师给予提示,鼓励他们完成任务。2.如果时间紧张,学生说的不是很顺利,就布置成课下作业,要求下节课进行陈述。普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语选修七教师教学用书,新课标名师伴你行选修七,About Peru


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