外研版《英语》小学(三级起点)第六册Module 8 Unit 2 Line A is longer教案.doc
一、学 科:小学英语二、课例名称: Module 8 Unit 2 Line A is longer.五、课 型:新授课(听说课型)六、年 级:五年级七、教材版本:新标准英语(三年级起点)第六册八、教学设计:Module 8 Discussion Unit 2 Line A is longer. (The First Period of Unit 2) I. 教学背景分析学生分析:学生在四年级第四册中,已学过一些形容词的比较级,如:big, small, long, short, tall, old, young等,因此本课的导入由复习这些形容词开始,引出本节课的教学重点形容词的比较级,并为本课时的教学奠定了重要的基础。学生从三年级开始学习英语,学习兴趣较为浓厚,具备初步的英语听、读、说、写的能力,并能在教师的引导下进行有效地合作交流与探究学习,具有一定的自主学习能力。内容分析:本课是新标准英语(三年级起点)五年级第六册第八模块第二单元的第一课时,主要从知识与能力的目标、情感态度的目标,学习方法与策略,教学重、难点,任务设计和教具等进行分析,并把教学程序的内容、方法、意图完整地呈现出来。从听说入手,在完成学习任务的过程中灵活多变地操练英语,达到开口说英语的目的。在课堂教学中,通过复习4B中已学过的四会单词,以旧带新,培养了学生灵活运用所学知识的能力。II . Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aims:Enable the students to master the words and sentences:Words: line, circle, vase, longer, shorter, bigger, smaller.Sentences: Line A is longer/ shorter/ the same as Line B. Circle A is bigger/ smaller/ the same as Circle B. I think so. / I dont think so.2. Ability aims:Enable the Ss to use the adjectives to compare the character of the facts. Develop the Ss ability of listening, speaking and reading.3. Moral education aims:(1)Strengthen the Ss collective sense of honor and cooperative spirit by means of group competition and group discussion. (2) Enable the Ss to express different opinions. (3) Encourage the students to be brave enough to speak English more. III. The important and difficult points in this lesson:Teaching Important Points: Enable the students to use the comparative degree of adjectives in the suitable environment.Teaching Difficult Points:Enable the students to transform language knowledge into the ability and use the comparative degree of adjectives in the suitable environment.IV. Teaching Methods: Using individual, pair work and group work to let every student be an active part in class.V. Teaching Aids: The multimedia, the blackboard, cards and pictures.VI. Teaching procedures:Teaching stepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesAimsStep1. Warm up and GreetingsSing an English song.Sing and do the actions follow the teacher.Stimulate the Ss interest and passion.Step3.Review and Lead in.1. Use the CAI to review the comparative degree of adjective and encourage the students to read them aloud. Read out the words.Form a better English learning surrounding for the students by chant and doing some TPR.3. Lets chant together.Do some actions while reading the chant.4. Encourage the whole class to say more comparative degree of adjectives that they have learnt before. Say more comparative degree of adjectives.Step4.Presentation andConsolidationStep5. Find out the faces.1. Teach the new word “vase”.Learn the new words and sentences attentively.Learn the key words and sentences in the true situation. Use different ways to help the children understand the meaning of them. Train the students ability of watching, and speaking.2. Teach the new word “line”.1) CAI shows 3 pictures. 2) Give some examples to make the students understand the meaning of “the same as”.3. Teach the word “circle” by the same way.4. Learn the new sentences then practice. 1) Use some picture cards to make dialogs. I think so.I dont think so.3) Practise the two sentence structures in different ways.1. Ask the children to look at the picture carefully and find out how many faces are there.Listen and repeat the two sentences. Read out the sentences several times and practise in groups.Look at the picture carefully then find out the faces.2. Choose someone to answer the question.Answer the question.3. Encourage the whole class to express their opinions by using the sentences structures.I think so. I dont think so. The students have to use the new sentence structures.Step6. Look and Listen.1. Encourage the whole class to read the text book P32.Read the text for 20 seconds.Train the students ability of listening, speaking, reading and the use of English.2. Play the tape then have the Ss to choose the correct answer.Listen carefully then answer the questions.3. Check the answers.Use the sentence structures.Step7. Lets talk!1. CAI shows the four pictures and gives the whole class some examples.Listen and understand the examples.Develop the childrens ability of communication and train their ability of co-operation.2. Have the students to choose one picture they like then practise in groups.Practise in groups.3. Choose several groups to make dialogs. Encourage more students to join this activity.Act in front of the class.Step8. Sum up.Review what we have learnt today according to the blackboard.Say out what they have learnt today.It is necessary for the pupils to have a review at the end of the class.Step9. Students notes.1. Make a survey after class.Complete the survey after class.Doing some extensive exercises after class is good for the pupils to consolidate the knowledge in learning English.2. Homework: 1). Copy the words: longer, shorter, bigger and smaller.2). Listen to the tape and repeat Unit 2 three times.3). Make a dialogue with your partner.Make a survey My notesName(姓名): Class(班级): In Class课堂表现I can get . After Class课后表现Homework1. Copy the words: longer, shorter, bigger and smaller.2. Listen to the tape and repeat Unit 2 three times.3. Make a dialogue with my partner.My parents:You can get . Blackboard design: Unit 2 Line A is longer.Words wall Line A is longer.Line A Line B. is the same as vase Circle A Circle B.linecirclelongerI think so. Shorter I dont think so.biggersmaller 九、课后教学反思:英语课程标准指出:小学英语教学的核心是激发学生学习英语的积极性。本节课的教学设计紧扣英语课程标准的要求,以新课程的设计理念为基础,通过各种生动有趣的教学活动,激发和培养了学生学习英语的兴趣,主要有以下几个亮点:1.教学设计合理,学生学习兴趣浓厚现代心理学家之父皮亚杰说过:“所有智力方面的工作都依赖于兴趣。”可见激发学生的学习兴趣是我们在有限的教学时间内开展有效课堂教学的关键。本课为听说课型,教学环节的设计由浅入深,环环相扣,学生的学习兴趣浓厚。在进行单词教学时,教师借助音标发音及单词拼读,帮助学生更好地识记单词。在进行游戏巩固操练时,教师引导学生观察树上有多少张脸,培养了孩子们仔细观察事物的好习惯;在进行听力练习时,教师先让学生阅读文本后再要求学生认真倾听,有助于学生正确倾听习惯的养成;而在口语拓展环节,教师通过引导孩子们进行小组合作,鼓励每位学生都大胆地参与到口语对话表演中。这些教学步骤的开展,在培养学生听、读、说的能力的同时,也培养了孩子们自主学习的能力以及合作学习的精神。2.注重学科间的整合,将音乐元素融入英语课堂音乐能舒缓学生的心情,营造轻松的学习氛围。合理运用音乐元素也是本课的一大亮点:教师借助于音乐曲调与节奏的运用,使枯燥的句型练习变得饶有趣味。从课前休息时的英语歌曲播放,到教学过程中教师利用音乐元素进行教学;从Warm up的歌曲热身,到活动停止时的师生对歌、有节奏地拍掌;从学生讨论交流时的音乐播放,到将本课的重点句型利用节奏的运用编成琅琅上口的Chant, 这些音乐元素的渗透,使得整个英语课堂显得更加活跃。3.将评价贯穿于课堂之内,延伸于课堂之外在课堂教学中教师采用了分组竞赛的评价方式,四个小组分别以本课的重点单词bigger,smaller, longer, shorter 为组名,当小组同学表现优异时便能得到一朵带有单词字母的花朵,形象而美观的评价方式不但紧贴课题,也很好地调动了学生们的学习热情。课后的评价表格可谓别具匠心,分别由学生课堂表现自评、作业完成情况和家长评价几个栏目组成。这个评价表格的设计旨在将我们的评价延伸于孩子们的生活之中,使我们能及时的将学生的学习情况与家长进行交流,从而帮助他们逐步养成良好的英语学习习惯。在多种评价方式的激励下,孩子们学习积极性高涨,真正体现了评价对教学的促进作用。十、课例点评:本节课很好地体现了新课程标准的精神。授课教师在教学中努力挖掘教学内容与实际生活的联系,并注重培养学生在活动中观察和在交流中思考的习惯,发展其想象力和运用所学语言知识的能力。1.注重学习能力的培养新课程标准要求教师要面向全体学生,帮助孩子们树立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,培养创新精神。授课教师把新课程理念融入整堂课的设计中,运用多种手段调动学生的学习兴趣,采用多种方法激发学生的想象力和创造力,使学生在自主学习、合作交流的过程中,养成自主创新、合作探究的好习惯。2. 注重活动的层次与梯度授课教师遵循了由浅入深、循序渐进的认知规律,教学活动的内容和形式体现了层次性与梯度性,做到了由简到繁、由易到难。例如,复习导入环节的单词呈现:从复习已学的形容词到直观的呈现相应的形容词比较级,巧妙地帮助学生掌握了本课的教学重点,而后又通过生动有趣的英语童谣形式将形容词及其比较级进行有效的操练与巩固,从而为下一步的句型教学做好铺垫。3.注重语言知识与实际生活的联系语言与生活密切相关,与实际生活联系的语言学习会更有效也更有意义。授课教师注意挖掘语言知识与实际生活的联系。例如,在最后的语言拓展环节,授课教师巧妙地借助了学生们所熟知的运动员姚明、刘翔,以及电视剧家有儿女中的夏雨、夏雪等,借由这些学生所喜闻乐见的人物,结合本课重点句型创编对话。(e.g. A: Yaoming is taller. B: I think so./ I dont think so.)教师又通过引导学生在组内开展小组合作,让每一位学生都大胆地参与到口语展示表演中。孩子们在授课教师的帮助下对英语学习都显得信心满满,真正体现了新课程标准环境下,教师人文教育的关怀。