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    The differences of sentence structure between English and Chinese英汉语句子结构对比.doc

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    The differences of sentence structure between English and Chinese英汉语句子结构对比.doc

    The differences of sentence structure between English and ChineseThere are a lot of differences between English and Chinese in many ways, but this paper mainly discusses the differences of sentence structure between those two languages by analyzing examples. Sentence structure is one of the areas in which great differences exist. I will analyze these differences from following aspects. Firstly, the most basic aspect is that English is “hypotactic” while Chinese is "paratactic". According to professional explanation, the so-called “parataxis”, is refers to there is no connection of language forms between words and clauses of the sentence, the meaning of the words or clauses are used to express the grammatical meaning and the logic relationship in the sentence. The so-called “hypotaxis”, is refers to words and clauses connected by language forms such as associated words, to express the grammatical meaning and the logic relationship. In other words, the Chinese sentence structure just like the bamboo-like structure. All sections are parallel and independent from each other. Unless is necessary, Chinese sentence seldom use cohesive devices. English sentence structure is grape-like structure. There is one trunk, the remaining components are stretch from the trunk as modify, connected by participle or infinitive as well as some connectives like "if, although, because, when, but". For example, there are several contrasts with one same sentence write in this two structure.In English: Frequently, he would spend days alone, on these hunting expeditions, sleeping outside, and eating small game he had killed.In Chinese: 他常常独自到远处去打猎,一连几天,露宿野外,以打到的小野味充饥。 In English: In the spring every able-bodied man, and many a sturdy girl, leaves Achill for England or Scotland, where they sell their strong arms to foreign farmers.In Chinese: 到了春天,所有身强力壮的男子,还有许多健壮的姑娘,都离开阿基尔到英格兰或苏格兰去,把有力的双臂卖给外国的农场主。Among English sentences, affiliations are performed by non-defining clause when main clause shares the same subject with clauses. But there is no finite or infinite form of verb, so this kind of cohesive devise does not exist and bamboo-like structure come into being.Secondly, the focuses of English sentences are often placed at the end of the sentence, and the centers of Chinese sentences are often placed in front of the sentence. For instant,In English: Our main task is to develop the students ability to carry on independent work.In Chinese:培养学生的独立工作能力是我们的主要任务。In English: Over 3000 citizens injured and died in the fire.In Chinese: 在这次大火中,死伤者超过了3000人。And related to the background of an event, usually point to time and place, the event itself is more important, so the event will be placed before the background in English sentence. But it is completely contrary in Chinese sentence. Like the following example:The news briefing will be held in Room 314 at about night clock tomorrowIn Chinese: 明天上午9点左右在314会议室将召开新闻发布会。Thirdly, there is standardized passive voice in English but Chinese not. So Chinese sentence often uses active voice while English sentence uses passive voice. For example:In English: In 1928, Walt Disneys Mickey Mouse was first seen in the cartoon, Steamboat Willy.In Chinese: 1928年,瓦尔特·迪斯尼的米老鼠在卡通片威利号轮船中首次亮相。In English: Great efforts must be made to develop the economy.In Chinese: 必须努力发展经济。Especially, English sentence has a special structure:“It is believed / said that”In that kind of structure, it act as formal subject and the that clause is real subject. The facts or ideas described in an objective, indirect way. It is said that the scheme fell through. Fourthly, English sentence is accustomed to use impersonal expression; Chinese is more emphasis on personal expressionThat is to say, this difference mainly showed in subject. English sentence use possessive pronouns play the part of subject, focus on "what happened to whom" and Chinese use personal pronouns instead, tend to focus on "who happened what. Especially in the structure of interrogative sentence, like“What are you talking about?”and“你在说什么?”(You are talking about what?). The word ahead of the former sentence is a possessive pronounwhat. Ahead of the latter sentence is a personal pronoun你(you).Until now, I have been studying English for several years, yet I still have a long journey to go. With learning English deeper, I will discover more different points between English and Chinese.


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