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    新目标初中英语导学案八级下册Unit5.Can you come to my party.doc

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    新目标初中英语导学案八级下册Unit5.Can you come to my party.doc

    八年级英语导学案 Unit5.Can you come to my party?The first period SectionA(1a-2c)学习目标1学用情态动词can委婉地发出邀请,以及接受和拒绝邀请的表达方式;2have to句型运用【温故知新】我们在七年级学过情态动词can的用法,你还记得吗?1.Can表示能力,以为“能,会”译句子;你会唱歌吗? 是的,我会。 2.Can还可以表示“许可,允许”译句子;我们不能在走廊里跑。 我能借一下你的自行车吗? ?本单元can用来表示邀请,意思是“可以,能够”是翻译;1 Can you come to my party?2.Can she go to the movies?3.Can he go to the baseball game?自主学习 预习P25页内容,译下列短语1 在星期六下午 2 为实验做准备 3 去看医生 4 为一堂钢琴课 5 看望我的姑姑 合作探究1.Have to 是情态动词,后跟动词原形,表示“必须,不得不”;单三位has to ,过去式为had to ,变疑问句时用do,does,did,否定句用dontDoesnt, didnt(1).我们每天不得不完成作业 We have to finish our homework every day一般质问句-Do you have to finish your homework? Yes, we do / No , we dont否定句-We dont have to finish our homework.(2).He has to get up at 6:00 a . m every day (变为一般疑问句和否定句)(3).The had to walk to school yesterday. (变为一般疑问句)2I have too much homework this weekend.Too much, too many 表示“太多的”,too much 修饰不可数名词,too many 修饰可数名词;much too 表示“太。”后跟形容词或副词(1).There is too much rain this year(2).There are too many people in the park on Sundays(3).I cant go to your party today, Im much too tired当堂练习I.汉译英 1. A:你能来参加我的聚会吗? B:当然了,我愿意去。2. A:你能去看电影吗? B:抱歉,我去不了。我得去上吉他课。3 他能去音乐会吗? 不,她不能。她不得不准备考试II.用所给词的适当形式填空;1Id love (visit)your parents on Sunday 2.She (have to) (clean)her room every Sunday 3.They (have to) (cook)dinner yesterday4.Thanks for (ask)5.Mary (not have)to study today6.We have to (practice) (play)the guitarIII.选择too many, too much, much too填空1.He eats food, so he is fat2.Our English teacher is busy, he always has work to do 3.When holiday is coming, there are always tourists in the park and the park is always dirty八年级英语导学案 编号5-2 主备人:颉丽萍 张晓霞Unit5.Can you come to my party?The second period sectionA(3a-4)学习目标填表格,设计活动向别人发出邀请,便对话练习。温故知新I汉译英1.Jenny,星期天下午你能去看电影吗?当然我愿意去2.dawe,星期三你能去参加棒球比赛吗? 对不起我去不了。我有太多的作业要做3.他们能滑滑板吗? 不,他们不能去u,他们得准备考试。2句型转换1.The boys have to get up at 6:00 every morning(1).变成一般疑问句;2变成否定句)(2).Mary has to walk to school (变成一般疑问句)(3).The had to stay at home yesterday自主学习自己设计一个活动卡片,并试着便对话Its a From whom:Time:Place:Com and join us!合作探究1.Whom;who的宾格,通常Whom可用Who替代,相当位于介词后时,只能用Whom and have fun (1).have fun =have a good time =enjoy oneself(2).have fun doing sth当堂练习I.用所给词的适当形式填空;1.Im very sorry (hear)that your mother is ill2.Do you enjoy (take)a walk after supper?3.I would love (make)friends with him.4.Can he go fishing ?No, he cant he has to (study)for a test 5.With (who)is he tacking now?6.We all received an (invite)to her partyII.根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词;1.你愿意和我一起听音乐会吗?Would you like with me ?2.我们正愉快地聊着天We are with each other 3.我妹妹正在英语考试学习My sister is the English test4谢谢你邀请我Thanks for III.补全对话A:hi, Jean! Can you come to buy my birthday on Saturday?B: Im I cant .I to help my parents.A: Thats too bad .How you, Linda? You come to my party C: Id toA: Susan? Can you come to my party ?D: and where is it?A: Saturday afternoon, in my home.D: Oh, no I cant I to study a test.A: What a pity !maybe time八年级英语导学案 编号5-3 主备人:颉丽萍 张晓霞Unit5.Can you come to my party?The third period section B(1a-2c) 学习目标Now words: tomorrow. The day after tomorrow. Weekday继续巩固“邀请和应答”的表达方式。温故知新1.写出“周一”至“周五”的几个单词。 2.表示日期要用叙述词,写出下列序数词:(1).第一 (2).第二 (3).第三 (4).第五 (5)第九 (6)。第十二 (7)第十五 (8)第十九 (9)。第二十 (10)第二十二 (11)。第三十 (12)。第三十 3今天是星期几?4。今天是几号?自主学习预习p28页内容,译下列短语:(1)后天 (2)。前天 (3)。去看医生 (4).准备考试 (5)上一堂刚琴课 (6)。临时照顾妹妹 合作研究Whats today? “今天是,星期几” 这个问句既问日期又问星期几?因此它的回答应为:星期几十日期。Its Monday the 14 th 星期几在前,日期存在。当堂练习I.单选1. Its Friday the 16thA. what day is it to day?B. whats to day?C. whats the date?2. Dad often tells me A. something interestingB. anything interestingC. interesting something3.Whas the date today?Its . Its my birthdayA. May the sth B. Wednesday C. a sunng day4.Wht day is it today?Its A. May the sth B. Wednesday c. a sunny day II.根据汉语意思完成句子一容一词:1。后天我想去我看我奶奶啊 Id like to visit my grandma 2.我很愿意和你一起去看电影。I go to the movies with you;3.星期他得和父母一起去看望他的姑妈She visit her aunt her parents Friday4.今天几号?星期几? to day今天四号星期一。 she III 句型转换1。Can Lucy go to the concert ?(做否定句) , 2.The boy has to buy a ticket for him(改为一般疑问句) The boy buy a ticket for him?3.tank you very much for your in invitation(同义句)Thanks for me4.Its Saturday October 14th tomorrow Tomorrow?5.I have to help my mom on weekends(对划线提问) You have on weekends?Unit5.Can you come to my party?The Fourth Period (Section B 3a_4) 学习目标1.掌握四会词汇:invitation, training, chemistry2.在e-mail message 中表达不能参加某种活动的原因。温故知新1.今天几号?星期几?今天请起三,二十三日2Vince,后天你能和我一起去打网球吗?对不起,我不能去,我得上一堂钢琴课。自主学习阅读p29 3a中的e-mail 回答下列问题;(1).Whats Sonia doing on Monday evening?(2).What does she have to do on Tuesday?(3).Does she have soccer training on Wednesday?(4).What does she have to do no Thursday(5).When is she going to the movies? And who is she going with?合作研究分小组探讨3b内容,完成tony 的这封e-mail注意用“Be + V- ing”和“have to +v原型“表述要做的事情。当堂练习I.用括号内所给的单词的适当形式填空Thank you for your (invite)2.On Wednesday (train)With the school team3.Would you like (drink)a cup of tea 4.she (have)to go shopping with her mother 5.Why not (tell)him the news?6.When Paul usually (have)his piano lesson7.There are two basketball (match)this week 8. (who) is he tacking with?9.Today is toms (fourteen)birthday 10.Tim and ted had a (real) busy weekendII.阅读短文,在空白处填写一个单词,使其意思完整待添加的隐藏文字内容2Hi ! Henry Thanks a for he to visit you , Im sorry I visit you next week In Monday I have to for my scienceBest the test is really hard Oh Tuesday. Im time with my friends on I have to have a piano Oh Thursday Im going my friend s birthday partyOh Friday I have to go camping my classmates please call me later Soon Sonia1.写作练习 积木邀请杰克周末一起去看电影,但是杰克在周末很忙所以去不了,所以给积木发了一封电子邮件说明原因。(提示:写清楚周末两天要做的事情,可用“be +v -ing ”句型和:have to +v 原型八年级英语导学案 编号5-5 主备人:颉丽萍 张晓霞问题导读,-评价单Unit5.Can you come to my party?The Fifth Period Selfcheck I学习目标1。巩固用can表邀请以及接受邀请和拒绝邀请的句型;2Have to 的用法;3学会写e-mail,表述无法参加某一种活动的理由。合作探究 The Whole day= all the day The whole morning=au the morning当堂练习1.译短语:1在星期六下午 2。去看医生 3上一堂钢琴课 4。太多的作业 5去听音乐会 6。后天 7前天 8。网球训练 9保持安静 10。一整天 11顺便来访 2用括号所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Her parents are out, shes (babysit)her sister2.Tom (can)come to my party because he is ill3. (who)is he tacking with ?4.He would love (have)a cup of tea5.Thanks for your (invite) to your house next week6Today is (twelve) birthday7.He often helps his mother (do) the housework 8.They (not go)to bed until 11:00 pm yesterday 9.The tries (drink) more water10. This picture is (difference) from that one 3.句型转换1.Today is Tuesday, the 16th ?2.Tony has to study for a math test Tony ?3.I have to go to the doctor on Tuesday You have to go the doctor 4.It took him twenty minutes to finish his homework It him to finish his homework?5.My home is 3 miles away form my school., Your home your school?IV.补全对话(一容一词)A:Hi Li Ming ! are you doing tomorrow?B: No thing much ?A: Tomorrow is my can you come to my house for my birthday party?B: sure, Id love is it ?A: It begins at 4:30 in the afternoon, do you come here?B:I think I should go there by bike Thank you very much inviting To your partyA: Youre welcome, see you B: See you书面表达根据提示写一封60-80的信Vim邀请lily 参加他这周日的生日宴会,但lily的父母出差到下周才回来,爷爷又卧病在床,需要人照顾。还有数学考试即将来临,因此,Lily无法前去参加生日宴会。Lily感到很抱歉,只好写信辞谢。Dear JimThank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party Id love to go but I cant


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