元认知在高中英语语法教学中的应用 元认知在高中英语语法教学中的应用 The Application of Metacognition to English Grammar Teaching in Senior High School【中文摘要】 语法是语言的重要组成部分。语法能力是语言交际能力之一。英语语法教学是整个英语教学中不可缺少的一个部分,在我国英语是作为外语进行学习的,语法教学显得尤为重要。现在英语教学中存在两种不良倾向,一是强调语言技能的运用,强调交际教学法。另外,课程标准提倡任务教学途径,要求主要通过体验去学习语言。这样,就导致教师在学习和实施课标的过程中,只抓活动,抓兴趣和抓体验而忽视语法教学。二是只注重语法知识的传授而忽视语言知识的实际运用。在有限的课堂教学时间里教师同时兼顾语言知识传授和语言知识运用是不可能的,因此学生的自主学习语法是非常必要的。学习策略早已是外语研究者的研究对象,元认知策略是凌驾于其他学习策略之上的策略。也越来越在有关研究中被证明其重要性,本文研究了高中生元认知策略的使用和英语语法的学习能力的关系,以期找出元认知策略使用和语法学习能力是否存在相关性。对于元认知,学者们有不同的意见,最具代表性的是Flavell和Brown的观点,Flavell将元认知分为元认知知识和元认知体验。Brown则将元认知分为元认知知识和元认知调节。国内学者将元认知知识,元认知体验很元认知策略。而在元认知与语法学习能力的关系上,没有明确的结论。本文试图在这方面作出研究。通过问卷调查,了解高中生在语法学习中采用的元认知方法,并在培训中教会学生学习,并对学生进行了为期十二周的元认知策略指导,通过对前后测试的比较,本文得出结论:元认知策略的指导有助于提高学生的语法学习能力,能够促进学生更积极、主动地学习。在中学开展元认知策略训练具有重要的现实意义。【英文摘要】 Grammar is one of important components of language. The grammar competence is one of language communicative competence. English grammar teaching is an indispensable part of English language teaching.Grammar teaching appears more importment in our country because it is taught as foreign language.There are two kinds of unhealthy tendency in English teaching: One is more emphasis has been put on the usage of the language for communication and neglect the grammar teaching, the other is more emphasis has been put on teaching of language knowledge and neglect the practical usage of language. In fact,it is impractical for teachers to consider both grammar knowledge and usage of language in limited class time.Metacognition which is called“cognition about cognition,knowing about knowing”is ones awareness and regulation of his cognition.Grammar learning is considered as an activity ont only involving cognition ,but also metacognition.Different scholar hold different views about metacognition.Among them, Flavells and Browns are the most important striking.Flavell categorize metacognition into the knowledge of metacognition and metacognitive experience.Brown has summarized metacognition activities that are concerned(a)conscious reflection on ones cognitive abilities and(b)self-regulatory mechanism during on-going attempts to learning to learn or solve problems.This essay deals with the metacognitive strategies in grammar learning for English learners in senior high school.It aims at recognizing the relationship between metacognitive shtrategies adopted by senior school students in grammar learning through questionnaire.A 12-week in-class metacognitive strategy instruction was given to senior high school students.The comparison between the pre-test and post-test of reading comprehension proves that metacognitive strategy instruction helps improve students grammar learning ability. 【中文关键词】 语法教学; 元认知; 元认知策略 【英文关键词】 grammar teaching; metacognition; metacognitive strategy 【论文目录】中文摘要 8-9 Abstract 9-10 Chapter One: Introduction 11-13 1.1 The definition of grammar 11 1.2 The Definition of Grammar Teaching 11-13 Chapter Two: Literature Review 13-26 2.1 The importance of grammar teaching 13-16 2.1.1 The importance of grammar to language 13 2.1.2 Necessity of grammarteaching determined by the nature of English teaching in China 13-16 Nature of English teaching in China 13-15 The Necessity of Grammar Teaching in ELT in China 15-16 2.2 The situation of grammar teaching in the west 16-17 2.3 The Situation of Grammar Teaching in China 17-18 2.4 The Problems Existed in Grammar Teaching 18 2.5 The Reasons Causing the Problems 18-22 2.5.1 The problems existed in teachers 18-21 2.5.2 The problems existed in students 21-22 2.6 The Metacognitive Theory 22-26 2.6.1 The definition of metacognition 22-23 2.6.2 The Compositions of Metacognition 23-26 Flavells model 23 Browns Model 23-24 Other models 24-26 Chapter Three: The Relationship between Metacognition and 26-30 3.1 Metacognitive Strategy and Language Learning Strategy 26-28 3.1.1 The study before 80s 26-27 3.1.2 The study after 80s 27-28 3.2 Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning 28-30 Chapter Four: How to Apply Metacognition to Grammar Teaching 30-40 4.1 Role of Teachers 30-38 4.1.1 Help students learn something about metacognitive knowledge 30-33 Their learning goals 30-31 Their learning styles 31-33 Their learning task 33 4.1.2 Help students learn some learning strategies 33-37 4.1.3 Help students evaluate 37-38 4.1.4 Help students regulate 38 4.2 Role of Students 38-40 Chapter Five:Investigation and Analysis 40-51 5.1 Aims 40 5.2 Subjects 40 5.3 Instruments 40-42 5.3.1 The pre-and posttest 41-42 Material 41 Testing procedure 41-42 5.3.2 Questionnaire 42 5.4 Validity and Reliability 42-45 5.4.1 Treatment procedure 43-45 Preliminaries 43-44 Similarities and differences between the teaching plan of the two groups 44 The three-phrase training 44-45 5.4.2 Materials and activities 45 Materials used in the training 45 Activities in the training 45 5.5 Training procedures and materials 45-46 5.5.1 Data collection 45 5.5.2 Scoring 45-46 5.5.3 Data analysis 46 5.6 Result 46-49 5.7 Suggestions for further research 49-51 5.7.1 To replicate the study 49 5.7.2 To look at variables influencing language learning behaviors 49 5.7.3 To evaluate teaching strategies 49-51 Chapter Six: Conclusion 51-54 6.1 Summary 51-52 6.2 Limitions 52-54 References 54-57 Appendix One 57-58 Appendix Two 58-59