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    学科分类号 0502 树达学院本 科 毕 业 论 文 题 目(中文): 论元认知理论在英语阅读教学中的应用 (英文):The Applying of Meta-cognitive Strategies in English Reading Teaching 姓 名 刘春蕾 学 号 200721110330 院 (系) 外语系 专业、年级 2007级英语专业 指导教师 许艾明 ContentsAbstract.1Introduction.2Chapter 1 English reading comprehension teaching1.1 Related researches about English reading teaching at home and abroad1.2 The existing problem of English reading teaching in Chinese high schoolChapter 2 the meta-cognitive strategy and English reading 2.1the definition of meta-cognition.2.2 classification of meta-cognition.2.3 The relation between English reading comprehension ability and meta-cognition2.4 The impact of Meta-cognition on Reading Comprehension2.4.1Planning2.4.2Monitoring.2.4.3Evaluation.Chapter 3 the training of Meta-cognitive strategy 3.1 increase awareness of the knowledge of meta-cognitive strategies3.2strengthening the training of meta-cognitive strategies 3.3 creating the reading environment that can raise students' meta-cognitive ability ConclusionNotes.Bibliography.Acknowledgements The Applying of the Meta-cognitive Strategies in English Reading TeachingLiuchunleiAbstract: Due to the importance of reading among the basic skills in foreign language learning, how to improve students English reading proficiency has long been a common concern of researchers and English teachers. This thesis is a tentative study of improving students reading proficiency from the viewpoint of the meta-cognitive strategy training. In the early times, great attention had been paid to the study of various teaching methodologies in order to find the most efficient one. However, there seemed to be no way not .For one thing, none of the methodologies can be said to be perfect. For another, there is no perfect methodology to everyone, if students are really treated as individuals. It was not until the 1960s that the focus of research shifted from "how to teach" to "how to learn". For the first time, it was widely acknowledged that training students how to read was even more important. Nowadays, the number of students is always on the rise. As a result, teachers have to face a class of 40 to 60 students, whose English reading proficiency varies a lot. In order to adapt to the new teaching environment and achieve the educational objective, teachers should consider how to foster students ability to read independently. Drawing on the research on learning strategies at home and abroad, this thesis finally decides on the training of meta-cognitive strategies and probes how to integrate meta-cognitive strategy training into English reading teaching for middle school students. Key words: meta-cognitive strategies; English reading teaching摘要:由于阅读在外语语言基本技能中的重要地位,如何提高学生的英语阅读水平长期以来一直是研究人员和英语教师共同关心的话题。本文试图从元认知策略培养的角度出发来探讨这一问题。起初人们主要从教的方面来解决这一问题,试图找到一种最有效的教学方法,然而,没有哪种教学方法可称得上是完美无缺的,也没有哪种教学方法能适合于所有的学生。直到20世纪60年代,人们才把研究的重点从“怎样教”转向“怎样学”,为这一问题的解决开辟了新的思路。教师第_次意识到教会学和如何自主阅读更为重要。目前中国学生在校人数不断增加,教师面临的往往是40到60人一个班的大课堂,同一班级学生的英语水平参差不齐,差距很大,为了适应新的教学环境同时达到英语教学的最终目的,教师应该考虑如何培养学生的独立英语阅读能力。本文借鉴国内外有关学习策略的研究成果,选定以元认知策略培养为切入点,并探讨了如何将元认知策略培养融入到中学英语阅读教学中去。关键词: 元认知策略; 英语阅读教学IntroductionConstructivist learning theory holds that real learning is enough to level thinking activities. Learners must develop their own learning strategies during the process of problem solving. Throughout the various English language examinations in recent years, growing emphasis is put on English reading. How to improve English reading ability becomes a common concern of teachers and students, and it is the key of students transformation from Passive to active. As we all know there are so many factors which affect English reading ability. Apart from the basic knowledge such as grammar, vocabulary, the main reasons why students cannot improve their English reading ability are that they lack an Objective evaluation about their own reading ability, and that they lack necessary knowledge about English reading tasks and requirements .some students Lack interest in English reading and reading strategies. Some students maybe have the interest in English reading and reading strategies, but they Lack ability of self- monitor and self- regulate during the process of reading, so they cannot reach effectiveness in English reading. Therefore, in my opinion, English reading teaching should transform the emphasis from language itself to students. thats to say ,we should put more emphasis on enhancing students lifelong learning ability In this way we have a need to introduce meta-cognitive teaching theory in English reading teaching to help students improve their ways of learning. Once we adopt the meta-cognitive teaching theory, we can give students more time and more energy for self-study and self-activity. And we can also encourage and instruct students to study independently with the hope of enhancing their ability and effectiveness of leaning. In fact, in China people have realized the importance of thinking about or controlling ones own thinking and learning processes. But the term, meta-cognition was not introduced until 1976. The notion of “meta-cognition” was firstly introduced by John Flavell in the early 1970s (Flavell, 1971) while he was studying the “meramenory”. It is believed that meta-cognitive processes can play a central role in performing many tasks. Therefore, “meta-cognition has unsurprisingly been given much attention by researchers in educational psychology. At that time, researchers paid much attention to the introduction and its relationship with some other aspects. When meta-cognitive theories are introduced into China, those studies are just from the perspective of meta-cognitive strategies and skill, for example, whether and how the concept of meta-cognition and research finding can be applied to English reading in Chinese high school. For the great importance of meta-cognition in L2 reading, the present study attempts to describe the state of Chinese high school learners L2 reading meta-cognition knowledge, and the experiment is carried out to see whether students who can get high scores in meta-cognitive strategies are likely to get high scores in reading testChapter 1 English reading comprehension teaching1.1 Related researches about English reading teaching at home and abroad Since the 60s, foreign linguists from different perspectives carry out researches on the process of English reading teaching, enriching the theory of English reading. The famous linguist Harris ever pointed out: language exists in the related text, but not exists in a series of words and sentences. American scholar Goodman K.S. also put forward his own theory: reading is the guessing of Psycholinguistic 1. According to Goodmans theory, reading comprehension is result of interaction of language knowledge and the knowledge that existed in our minds. The efficient reading depends on sense input based on language input and non-sensing input based on the readers knowledge. 2. Early 70s, there are some new development in foreign language teaching, shifting the key point from teachers to students. New communicative approach emerges, which disapproves the mechanical training and emphasizes the mobilization of students enthusiasm and the training of students communicative ability. In 80s Karel 3 put forward “modern schema theory”, which held that readers used the double structure of schema to decode. And the schema theory indicates that the more knowledge about reading materials wording, content and style students have, the deeper understanding students will have. The contribution that schema theory makes is that teachers should use lots of teaching methods to increase the input of background knowledge, to activate students related schema and to help students connect the background knowledge and the information of the reading material. The above research about the reading theory indicates that reading is not a passive mechanical process, but a complex psychological process and a active thinking process. Besides, there are many kinds of reading theory and models of reading teaching, and the most classical theories are the traditional vocabulary reading method, schema reading method and text reading method. Each theory has its advantage and disadvantage because each of them is from different time and background, aiming at dealing with some specific problem. Actually, people have made a brief summary for each theory and schema. For example, the reading method that based on vocabulary and grammar is text-based method, the schema reading method based on information is called content-based method, and the reading method based on context is called context-based method. Although various kinds of methods came about, there still exist some problems in English reading teaching. The present situation is that the average reading ability of our students is not satisfactory. Most students fail to meet the new curriculums requirements. So it is necessary to change this state. By doing some investigations about the present situation of English reading teaching, I find out there still exist some problems in English reading teaching.1.2 The existing problem of English reading teaching on teachers and students in Chinese high schoolFirstly, the survey indicates that many teachers still follow the traditional translation method of teaching under the influence of exam-oriented education. It emphasized the leading role of teachers, and students are merely passive recipients of knowledge. Teachers are using the "bottom up" way of understanding which holds that students can understand the text as long as they understand the meaning of the words and sentences, so teachers pay their most attention on the explanation of the vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, ignoring discourse understanding, the training of appreciation ability and reading skills, and introduction of background knowledge. In a result, students reading ability improves slowly, and they may lose their interest in class teaching, reducing their motivation for the learning of reading. Secondly, most teachers neglect the cultivation of students interest in reading. They thinks that even if students spend a lot of time in doing extensive reading, the test scores will not necessarily increase at once, so in order to enable students to "thoroughly" understand textbooks, teachers always spend too much energy on textbooks, wasting too much time on the repetition and practice of the knowledge in boring books , limiting the students to the closely related issues, and ignoring the accumulation of the English language knowledge and the cultivation of feelings for foreign language. Consequently, teaching will become very mechanical and boring, and the students interest in reading will be gradually reduced, resulting in inhibition.Thirdly, most English teachers ignore the instruction of reading strategies and reading skills during the teaching process, which results from the traditional translation teaching method and traditional teacher-centered teaching model. In addition, some teachers are not well-qualified, lacking the mastery of theory about reading strategies and skills. And they cannot give students specific instruction according to different reading material reading purpose. All of those lead to the inadequate of reading strategy and skills, so students will feel powerless when they encounter some unfamiliar subject.Fourthly, some teachers ignore the emotional communication with the students, and even some teachers can not utter the names of students in the class. Not difficult to imagine, the students will have what kind of psychological reaction when a teacher called a student, "the guy who". Cool teacher-student relationship has been seriously affected the teaching effect. We believe that the neglected students show a very negative attitude in class, and they often disrupt classroom discipline. At the same time, some students show a strong sense of inferiority or anxiety because learning is not good, and teachers do not give a timely direction, which often results in more bad grades and vicious cycle.Of course, inadequate vocabulary, lacking of reading skill, Weak source of basic knowledge of grammar, and bad reading habits are the reasons that lead to inefficient reading. But how to improve students reading ability, which is the most concerned thing among students and teachers. In my opinion, the improvement of reading ability depends on the control of the reading process: the planned activities before reading, monitoring activities during reading and evaluation activities after reading. This is what we have called meta-cognitive strategy, which is very useful in promoting students reading ability and is widely applied in English reading teaching.Chapter 2 Meta-cognition and English reading2.1The definition of meta-cognition Meta-cognition is defined as "cognition about cognition", or "knowing about knowing."1 It can take many forms; it includes knowledge about when and how to use particular strategies for learning or for problem solving.1 Metamemory, defined as knowing about memory and mnemonic strategies, is an especially important form of meta-cognition."2 Differences in meta-cognitive processing across cultures have not been widely studied, but could provide better outcomes in cross-cultural learning between teachers and students.3 Some evolutionary psychologists hypothesize that meta-cognition is used as a survival tool, which would make meta-cognition the same across cultures.3 Writings on meta-cognition can be traced back at least as far as De Anima and the Parva Naturalia of the Greek philosopher Aristotle.4 J. H. Flavell first used the word "meta-cognition".5 He describes it in these words:Meta-cognition refers to ones knowledge concerning ones own cognitive processes or anything related to them, e.g., the learning-relevant properties of information or data. For example, I am engaging in meta-cognition if I notice that I am having more trouble learning A than B; if it strikes me that I should double check C before accepting it as fact.J. H. Flavell (1976, p. 232).2.2 The components


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