职称英语理工B自制阅读理解及完型填空自制手抄 夹在字典里的小抄.doc
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职称英语理工B自制阅读理解及完型填空自制手抄 夹在字典里的小抄.doc
1 Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles汽车公司停止生产(given up)电池动力汽车不会是工具(not be)Toyota and Nissan仍在生产(Toyota and Nissan)混合动力汽车里程更长(more miles)汽车生产商希望允许生产更多(allow more)2 World Crude Oil Production May Peak a Decade Earlier Than Some Predict点燃很刺激(stimulated)石油产量峰值时开始下降(decline after global)现实准确(realistic)新研究成果2014年(in 2014)赫尔伯特模型科威特(Kuwaiti)4 Motoring Technology事故与新燃料(new fuels)交通事故司机的失误( mistakes)安全设施不包括挡风玻璃(Windscreens)实现机器人司机还要时间(take some time)5 Late-night Drinking咖啡是刺激物(stimulant)咖啡减半(halves)三段在睡觉(on sleep)四段少激素(less hormone)作者吃晚饭(supper)6 Making Light of Sleep闹钟24小时周期(cycle of 24 hours)二段青春期(adolescents)三段很不利(bad effect)四五闹钟与自动(alarm clock automatically)最后两段眼睛有一个(had one)7 Sugar Power for Cell Phones1段细胞大量生产( mass production)维持酶( keeping enzymes)5段葡萄糖进入袋子(glucose pocket)燃料细胞是开始( beginning)最后一段需要时间(time)8 Eiffel Is an Eyeful艾菲尔铁塔来涂鸦(scribble)浪费时间很奇怪(wasting time )Richard有数字(747,19,4)建塔目的是研究( research)创造想象(imagine)9 An Essential scientific process2015新增Excess意思为extra食物不能通过气孔foodEssential scientific processr指的是光合作用photosynthesis发展方式是过程解释explaining a process另外标题为How photosynthesis10 Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers捕白蚁母亲教(mothers)工具是蔬菜(Vegetables)雌猩猩捕更多(Females,more)雄猩猩是猎手和斗士(fighters and hunters)捕食猴子不正确(hunt monkeys)11 When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach第一段饱食了(stomach-full)要延迟两组(two groups)作者说大脑(brains)实验结果闪太快(too fast)推断出需要(need)12 Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass一二段没提温度(temperature)第二段南佛罗里达降温(South Florida)king被寒流袭击(sudden cold)Governor Jeb来鼓励(encourage)最后一段弗罗里达(Florida)13 Invisibility Ring哈利波特搞发明(invent)微波波长长(longer)隐形装置反射光(bounce off)coaster去保护(protect)隐形斗篷与微波(microwaves)14 Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers概念车与引擎(ignition system)Volvo呼汽酒精监测器(breathalyzer)第4段是否需要(needs)Doi减少死亡率(fatality rate)第6段车将自动(automatically)15 Winged Robot Learns to Fly第二段有数据(data)机器人获得高度(gained height)机器人不会飞(never really fly)运动探测仪测高度(movement detector)最后一段都是对的(All the above)16 Japanese Drilling into Core of EarthUnzen山1991爆发(1991)预测不是目的(predicting)原因有活火山( living volcanoes)地点在半山腰(half way up the mountain)标题是中心的孔(a hole)17 A Sunshade for the Planet前2段科学家们有办法(some options)不想人们认为已解决(solved)美沙酮很有效(effective)Stephen涂防晒霜(sunscreen)防晒霜不减少(decreases)18 Thirst for Oil克服依赖因为石油减少( decreasing)第2段没说环境不好(environmentally unfriendly)美国消费汽油最大(The United States)专家们说能源危机(energy crisis)燃料不使海平面上升(sea level)19 Musical Robot Companion Enhances Listener Experience前三段Shimi不是发明者(creator)Shimi会选择(selects)Shimi有创新(creative)作者描述研究中心(research center)Weinberg想象Shimi进家庭(in homes)20 Explorer of the Extreme DeepAlvin是潜艇(submersible)6,500不对(6,500)海洋很神秘(the ocean)HOV和Alvin形似(Shape)HOV和Alvin两种不同(Both) 21 Plant Gas沼气缺氧(oxygen-free)测沼气要氧浓度相同(halves)温度与释放量成正比(on sleep)沼气没有微生物(Microbes)沼气有益是更少(Less)22 Real-World Robots2015新增今天为how人工智能是程序program发展方向更智能behavior action现代机器人是虚构fictionalHumanoid的特征form or characteristics23 Powering a City? Its a Breeze荷兰木木(Wooden)涡轮机高科技(high-tech)最小的不用吊车(without a crane)荷兰国小人多(small,large)风力发电安在后院(installed,backyard)25 Eat to Live 童年减肥不正确(childhood)二段证明影响(effect)老鼠得炎症(inflammation)老年老鼠最有兴趣(old age)后两段节食(dieting)26 Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents Differently大学研究关系(relation)性别差异不正确(gender differences)研究者进行研究( studied)女飞行员起飞或降落失控(and stalling )男女对比男易错( decision-making)27 Driven to Distraction不开车不可能撞到人(impossible)三四段全正确(All)五段有处理(deal with)六段有方法(best ways)男爱笼统女爱线路(general,route)28 Sleep Lets Brain File Memories睡眠帮助记忆吗?(useful order)新皮海马相作用(work together)第四段很穷( poorer)越萎缩记忆越差(more shrinks ,poorer )健身水平(levels)29 I'II Be Bach2014新增大卫编古典(classical)大卫创歌剧(opera)大卫编数据(database)作曲家创旋律(melodies )艾米是软件(software)艾米更辛苦(more work)30 Digital Realm语音识别在初级(initial stage)第二段有思想(our thoughts)发展数码(development ,digital world)四段什么都有(All of the above)个性市场满足需要(tailored)31 Hurricane Katrina飓风眼有中心(central)二段温暖又平静( warm and calm)drive三段来提供(supply)热带低压(Low )经济大萧条不正确(great depression)32 Mind-reading Machine神经元发送信息(Neurons)大脑开发不是作者意思(brain develops)句意被标记(marking)两人实验(Two)标题有扫描(Scanned)33 Experts Call for Local and Regional Control of Sites for Radioactive Waste替换请撤消(Canceling)地方政府去安置(local people and states)决定被接受不正确(accepted)四段地点来适应(suit)意思来自地方(regional )34 Batteries Built by Viruses 远离病毒stay away from viruses 制作用病毒构成的电池batteries with viruses.扩展Expand.有病毒在里面的金属圆盘 disk with viruses inside it.它的宽度是头发的十分之一tenth of a hair.35 Putting Plants to work让植物发挥作用 What does concerning solar energy?Plants billions of years. Why do sugars and starches?Because become energy.under what cnergy to make hydrogen?When no oxygen in the air.Which one such difficulty?It slow fo when removed. What is NOT true of algae? They are cheap to eat.36 Life Form Found” on Saturns Titan1)What have about Saturn? They have life on Titan2) What do y about Titan? There are life clues there.3)To date,scientists (paragraph 5)What does"this form? Methane-based life.4)What can what Allen said? Scientists there is life on Titan.5)Which of this passage?A different a Possibility37Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety1)What is the first? Female teachers' confidence2)What is implied inaph? A difficult subject the subject.3)Acco when they felt?uneasy s of a sales receipt.4)The sixth research findings?prove a strong link between.5)David Geary thinks that? the research results need目录9 An Essential scientific process2015新增17 A Sunshade for the Plane34 Batteries Built by Viruses 30 Digital Realm27 Driven to Distraction8 Eiffel Is an Eyeful20 Explorer of the Extreme Deep25 Eat to Live 33 Experts Call for Local and Regional 1 Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles12 Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass31 Hurricane Katrina29 I'II Be Bach2014新增13 Invisibility Ring14 Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers16 Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth5 Late-night Drinking36 Life Form Found” on Saturns Titan4 Motoring TechnologyDecade Earlier Than Some Predict6 Making Light of Sleep19 Musical Robot Companion26 Male and Female Pilots Cause 32 Mind-reading Machine21 Plant Gas23 Powering a City? Its a Breeze35 Putting Plants to work22 Real-World Robots2015新增7 Sugar Power for Cell Phones28 Sleep Lets Brain File Memories18 Thirst for Oil2 World Crude Oil Production May Peak a 11 When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach15 Winged Robot Learns to Fly10 Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers完型8 A Biological Clock一个生物时钟10 Chicken Soup for the Soul:Comfort Food Fights Loneliness11 Climate Change Poses Major Risks for Unprepared Cities气候变化给不备城市带来重大风险12 Free Statins With Fast Food Could Neutralize Heart Risk 补全句子12 Affectionate Android114 A Memory Drug? 5 A Record-Breaking Rover4 Dung to Death9 How Deafness Makes Easier to Hear1.8 Lightening Strikes 1 Mobile Phones11 Musical Training Can Improve Communication Skills13 Robotic Highway Cones2 The World's Longest Bridge13 The Bilingual Brain110 Virtual Driver6 Watching Microcurrents Flow17 Watching Microcurrents Flow补全句子1Mobile Phones1.C “If mobile 2.BBy the yea3.E4.A5.D2The World's Longest Bridge1.C 2.B 3.E4.F5.D33The Bilingual Brain1.F 2.B 3.A 4.C 5. E4Dung to Death1.E 2.D3.B4.F 5.A5 A Record-Breaking Rover 1F2B3E 4A 5C6 Watching Microcurrents Flow1.D2.E 3.B4.F5.A7 Watching Microcurrents Flow1.D 2.E3.B4.F 5.A8Lightening Strikes 1D 2A3E4B 5F 9How Deafness Makes Easier to Hear1.F 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.c10Virtual Driver 1.D2.C 3.E 4.A5.F 11Musical Training Can Improve Communication Skills 1.B2.A 3.F4.E 5.D12Affectionate Android1.C 2F 3E 4B 5D13 Robotic Highway Cones1.F2.A 3.D 4.E 5.B14A Memory Drug? 1.B 2.F 3.A 4.C 5.D