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    Unit 1 He lives the farthest from school 教案1.doc

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    Unit 1 He lives the farthest from school 教案1.doc

    Module 4 Unit 1 教案1一、学习目标:A单词和短语:road, accident, except, far, far aay, croded, choice, classmate, all the time, journey, book, outside, close, park, hoever, costB交际用语:1 What happened?2 Dont orry3 Who lives the closest to school? Lingling lives closest4 What is the most comfortable ay to go to school for Betty? By taxi 5 Whats the most expensive ay to go to school? Going by taxi is the most expensive6 Ho do you get there?7 Whats the cheapest ay?8 Whats the best ay to get there?9 Whats the cheapest ay to travel from London to Paris? The cheapest ay is by coach10 Its the most comfortable ay, but its the most expensive11 He lives farthest from school12 It is the fastest and the second cheapest13 The more information, the better二、教学目标1 Function: Describing and comparing modes of transportation2 Structure: Superlative adjectives and adverbs (-est, most); irregular superlatives3 Skills: 1) Listening and understanding familiar topics (transportation)2) Comparing modes of transportation3) Reading and finding specific transportation 4) Writing a short passage comparing modes of transportation4 Around the orld: The longest railay 5 Task: Making a holiday plan for a family trip to a city in China三、重点及难点: Superlative adjectives and adverbs (-est, most); irregular superlatives 四、教学设计:Unit 1 He lives the farthest from schoolTeaching modelListening and speaking Teaching method PWP approach Teaching aims1 Key vocabulary: road, accident, except, far, far aay, croded, choice, classmate, close, all the time2 Key structures: Superlative adjectives and adverbs (-est, most); irregular superlatives3 Key sentences:1) What happened?2) Dont orry3)Who lives the closest to school? Lingling lives closest4) What is the most comfortable ay to go to school for Betty? By taxi 5) Whats the most expensive ay to go to school? Going by taxi is the most expensiveTeaching aidsTape recorder, OHP, videoTeaching StepsStep 1 Warming-up1 Work in pairs Sho some pictures and ask “Ho do you often go to school?”2 Look at the pictures, and say something about the pictures3 Introduce the ne ords4 Learn the ne ords5 Read the ne ordsStep 2 Look and match1 Ask the students to read the ords in Activity 1bus ship taxi train underground2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1 carefully3 No match the ords ith the pictures5 Ask the students to check their anser ith a partner6 Call back the anser from the hole class and check the anserKeys: 1 train 2 ship 3 taxi 4 underground 5 bus Step 3 Look, listen and match1 Ask the students to read the ords in Activity 2busy cheap expensive modern2 Play the recording and ask the students to listen to the recording carefully3 Listen and match the ords in the box ith the pictures in Activity 1 You need to use one ord more than once4 Ask the students to check their anser ith a partner5 Call back the anser from the hole class and check the anserStep 4 Listen and read1 Sho some pictures, and ask the students to talk about them2 Ask the students to read the conversation silently3 Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation4 Read the conversation5 Act it out6 Learn “Everyday English”1) What happened?2) Dont orryStep 5 Complete the table1 Ask the students to read the conversation again2 No complete the tableBettyTonyLinglingDamingWays to go to school3 Ask the students to check ith a partner4 Check the ansers: Keys: by bus by underground alks / on foot by busStep 6 Complete the sentences1 Ask the students to read the ords in the box in Activity 4close comfortable good far2 Read through the sentences 1) Lingling lives the _ to school, so she alays alks2) The _ ay to go to school is by taxi3) Tony lives the _ from school4) For Betty, going to school by bike is the _ choice3 Complete the sentences ith the correct ords from the box4 Ask the students to check ith a partner5 Check the ansers: Keys: 1 closest 2 most comfortable 3 farthest 4 bestStep 7 Complete the sentences1 Ask the students to read the ords or expression in the box in Activity 5accident croded except most modern2 Read through the sentences 1) All the students take the bus to school _ Sam2) The _ train in the orld is the Shanghai airport train3) I sa a(n) _ on the ay to school yesterday4) I do not take the bus to school because it is usually very _3 Complete the sentences ith the correct ords from the box4 Ask the students to check ith a partner5 Check the ansers: Keys: 1 except 2most modern 3 accident 4 croded下载2023年2月最新资料可到搜索博学网,欢迎上传你用过的资料


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