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    The Significance of American Western Movement美国西进运动的意义.doc

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    The Significance of American Western Movement美国西进运动的意义.doc

    The Significance of American Western MovementAbstract:American Westward Movement in 19th century, in fact, is a large-scale advancement of American economy exploitation and a territorial expansion. It plays a vital role in the formation, the development and the present situation of the United States of America. Particularly, Westward Movement has seeped into this young nationality on its cultural influence. To answer these questions this thesis mainly analyzes American Westward Movement from a historical angle to help us to recognize American culture and history. For this purpose, this thesis discusses Westward Movements influences on American economy, its national characteristic and the formation of its values. Also, the writer reflects its dark side in the thesis. Key Words:Westward Movement; national character; pioneer; Indian culture I. IntroductionAmerican Westward Movement in the 19th century was the process of economy exploitation and territory expansion waged by the Americans from Appalachian Mountains to the west from the end of 18th century to the end of 19th century. It lasted about one hundred years, and American territory was expanded from the 13 colonies at the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in the Independence War to the vast area-the shore of the Pacific Ocean. This movement was a space and time-spanning, large-scale, and far-reaching social migrant. “Till now, to a certain extent, the history of America can be said that it is a history of colonizing.” The first period of Westward Movement was from the American War of Independence to the period of the Civil War. During this period, it mainly developed agriculture. The west land was very important for USA after its independence. But for Westward Movement, there would be no todays America. By expanding the nations borders to include more than three million square miles, the United States became one of the most powerful nations of the 20th century. Firstly, capitalistic agriculture grew up, and then animal husbandry, commerce, mining, and industry were following up. At last, it existed a situation in which agriculture and animal husbandry developed at the same time, industry and agriculture promoted each other, transportation and commerce trade progressed overall. However, this expansion also resulted in great suffering, destruction, and cultural loss for the Native Americans of North America. Is Westward Movement barbaric or civilized? The answer is not absolute. Karl Max materialism holds that every thing has two sides. We should make a concrete and historical analysis. In Westward Movement, we speak of not only its civilization but its barbarity. Under the whites bullet and natural acute disease, those survival Indian tribes have suffered so-called genocide and culture extinction. The two opposite and related sides of Westward Movement are composed of the main melody of the development of America in 19th century.II. The Significance of American Westward MovementAs the first independent capitalism country of the mainland of America, the birth of the new USA symbolized the tremendous leap in American history. Newly independent America drew on the policy of western aggrandizement. On one hand, thousands upon thousand immigrants moved from east to west. On the other hand, the whole country changed from an agriculture country to an industrial country. Finally it helped to bring about a birth of modern USA. During Westward Movement, the government laid out a series of policies, such as immigrant policy and capital investment. Between 18201860,about five million immigrants came into USA, it provided adequate labors. Furthermore, the Homestead Act of 1862 was the important legislative act of 19th century. The land policy of American government at that moment provided institution and policy guarantee for peasants to get the soils and develop agriculture. Therefore, it promoted the westward exploitation, and also spurred USA to a great agriculture country rapidly. During 1815-1840, government invested 125 million dollars to every state for building 3000 miles canal. This period American transportation got a big boost. For another, there were policies of fostering development of education, attracting more foreign investment, perfect manpower, environmental protection and so the like. Under these effective strategies, American people constantly opened up. This westward movement, across what was often called the American frontier, was of enormous significance. They not only contributed to the expansion of American territory, influence on American politics, but also formed American characters. At last, the frontier life in Westward Movement brought plentiful source material to American culture and art in the future.2.1. Promoting American Economic DevelopmentWestern exploitation utterly changed American appearance: large quantities of barren lands were reclaimed; a lot of capital farms were set up; the development of agriculture in west provided a large amount of food, material and domestic market on industrial development; nature recourses were opened up to develop industries. Furthermore, trade and transportation had got new leapsA well-known British statisticians Parker said in the book of the Secret of American Economic Success: “The United States is in an especially outstanding natural environment. She can enjoy the commercial marine. The Easters Ports are open to the busiest Europe. The United States is leading the development of the world. ” The economists Falkland of the U.S. Economy School said: “No other county in the history like America has such abundant resources. As one of the large industrial countries, America must have a large number of important minerals. Westward Movement stimulates creativity and economic vitality of the United States. It is enhancing the Comprehensive national strength and international status in the United States. It is paving the way of the economy of the United States.” However, recalling the history of the developing process of the United States, the first 13 British colonies before independence had only a small place from Appalachian Mountains to the east of the Atlantic coastal strip. The outstanding nature conditions were mainly brought for the expansion nearly 100-year-westward movement. It is easy for us to get achievements Westward Movement created and fostered the situation of America.2.2. Shaping American CharacteristicsWestern unique survival requirement formed important attribute which molded the American nationality disposition and the values, and it also planted the spirit and the dream of the American. The frontier experience encouraged the development of certain "American" characteristics. Frontiers were isolated places, and so pioneers had to make many items they might otherwise have traded for or bought. They built their own houses and barns and produced their own food. They made their own candles, clothing, furniture, pots, tools, and other necessities. As jacks of all trades, pioneers became inventive and self-reliant. In addition, frontiers offered opportunities for success to those who worked hard. As a result, pioneers tended to be optimistic about the future and concerned with material wealth. Boastfulness and self-confidence emerged as frontier traits as well. 2.21The Continuous Migration and ExploitationWestward Movement ran through the time of free capitalism. It was a mass participation movement for exploiting the west, which carried out as individual, family or collective. In this campaign, millions of the labor masses endured hardship in pioneer work, they had created enormous material and spiritual wealth. The pioneers only took along the most important living necessaries, such as seeds, farm implements, guns, corns, domestic animals and the like. They struggled westward across hills, mountains, and prairies on foot and on horseback. Some floated through the Erie Canal on barges or traveled down rivers on flatboats and steamboats. Others crossed the rugged wilderness in covered wagons. Men brought their wives and children along, and undertake heavy tasks. Women gathered firewood and collected manure to cook food. However the food they took along could not hold out till the destination. Consequently, edible wild herbs and wild fruits became their supplementary food. They experienced the simple and crude board and lodging conditions, unpredicted weather, the dangerous shoal, cliff and precipice, bandits and cholera, dysentery disease. All of these made them tired out, be down with illness, and even lost their lives. Nevertheless, yearning for a better and brighter future, they put all eggs in one basket and conquer all obstacles for striding towards the west. For many pioneers, the Cumberland Gap, the Oregon Trail, and other roads west became paths to opportunity, and it opened wide for the most courageous and the most decisive person. All of these affect and mold Americans characters. Its tremendous influences even radiate todays Americans. Thus they are not satisfied with the existing state perpetually, and seek their beautiful dreams constantly. So someone calls America “a nation founding on the wheels”.2.22. Affection for the WorkAfter the early pioneers arrived in the west land, firstly, they looked for the most favorite land. Having settled down, they set out to build their own homeland. They drew on the local resources, and built shabby houses for their earlier living places. Owning to the vastness of the west, they lived rather scattered one another. So the creation of new life was very difficult. Most men had two jobs as peasants and hunters. They planted grain and vegetables, and fed cattle and pigs. They also went to the countryside for hunting. With the time passed, those diligent and engrave farmers sold their running smoothly land to the new pioneers at a higher price. Then, the whole family left and sought for another cheaper land towards the west, looking for their new dream. For a strong and healthy man, the fertile land of the west was like a battlefield fighting as his own will. Therefore, in their opinion it was not astonished to build up from nothing. At that moment, their success mostly depended on their own endeavor. Under this background, naturally, people didnt consider that the properties inherited from the background of their families were important; they valued achievements gained by their own efforts highly. For this reason, all American people made their efforts in their work. A great number of Americans take delight in doing the job.2.23. IndividualismThe vast field of west and the cultural difference provided an opportunity for development of individualism. It was not necessary for pioneers to need any concept, which had nothing to do with the urgent mission. The psychosis problems originated from the struggle against every force of the material world. The wilderness really exists and it must be conquered. Therefore, the character formed under such condition was strong, rough and sometimes heroic. At that moment, personality was one kind of reality because it had to correspond with circumstances. The main interpersonal relationships that people had to face was competition. Although there still was mutual aid and cooperation, and charitable behaviors, fierce competition was still main aspect. Then, the individualism had grown, and gradually it developed into one political and social philosophy viewpoint of the west. It pays much attention to freedom, and comprehensively emphasizes self-budgeting and self-controlling, which is not subjected to outside restrain. This kind of viewpoint thinks all values should be centered by selfhood. Each person is equal on morality and justice. Meanwhile, we take this opportunity to understand some modern life characters of Americans: the typical intransigency, impetuosity, irritability and haste. Those personalities are just one associated goods under the certain circumstances.2.24. Pragmatism Under the given condition of Westward Movement, and the competition of the society has fostered American peoples pragmatism. They all believed the idea “survival of the fittest”. Owning to the nature and social distinguishing feature, the pioneers must do everything in accordance with the social condition. Therefore, in that age, Americans may shake off the traditional yoke of the feudal moral, ethical code. They firstly made great efforts to live, and met the needs of the people by working hard. Finally, they used this way to achieve the goal. The pragmatism improved and prevailed in Westward Movement at the beginning of 19th century. The Americans gradually formed the idea in accordance with the experience of adventure, and they also stressed the plasticity of living and greatly developed the function of experience. The pioneers in Westward Movement continuously told their descendants about the fact and self-striving history.2.3 Providing Plentiful Sources for American Culture and ArtWestward Movement has played a premier role in popular culture. The frontier life ,like the mythology of the countries with a long history, has provided a rich source for American literature and arts. Some American novels, movies , and televisions programs, generally known as American westerns ,are based on stories of the frontier life. Adventurous horsemen with guns are always the main characters in western films. They embodied the American dream of equality , freedom ,justice, humanity and the idealized results of the struggle against evils. Their concept of equality and hero worship spread all over the United States. Westerns and the stories about their life on the frontier have been popular in the United States and throughout the world. The exploits and adversities of those who moved west, from mountain men and cowboys to women homesteaders and cavalrymen, have been the subject of countless novels, poems, paintings, films, and television programs. Frontier figures such as Daniel Boone, Buffalo Bill Cody, and Kit Carson, as well as Native Americans such as Tecumseh, Sitting Bull, and Geronimo, have become heroes in literature and art. Modern political leaders, from Theodore Roosevelt to John F. Kennedy, have evoked frontier images in reference to themselves and their ideas. Both as myth and reality, Westward Movement continues to be a part of national life.On literature, it mainly reflects capitalist flourishing in the first half of 19th century and capitalist outlook of ascending age. It stresses the romanticism. It usually depicts immigrants daily life and the state of mind in a humor and fantasy style, and the authors often highlight life of American and natural scenery in the age of capitalist society in romanticism style. Thus it starts to really own the literary trends of American native country. Walter Whitman was known as federal poet laureate. His poet was historic si


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