The Survey of Hollywood Films 好莱坞电影文化.doc
The Survey of Hollywood FilmsHollywood film has been an important part of our life by and by, and almost everyone have watched many Hollywood films. Why are they so popular? What attact us to watch them? Like the Hollywood coverage of the American culture, the culture over the Hollywood culture exhibiton highlighted the gap between scholarly trends and popular understandings of history. But rather than make this a cause for lamentation or the occasion for propagating a correct view,we should decide to study American culture in Hollywood film further more. For a century, Hollywood, a district of Los Angeles, California. the principal centre of the Ameican film industry, plays an important role in the circulation of American culture. It serves as the nation's preeminent instrument of cultural expression. Its well known for its represention of modern American culture, and attract thousands of movie fans and visitors every year. Movies offer a window into American cultural and social history, it provide a host of insights into Americans' shifting ideals, fantasies, and preoccupations.Americas Culture Adaptation and adoption from one culture to the next is prevalent within any culture and country. When examining the effects of this, finding its original root is key. Oftentimes a country will adapt an aspect of another culture, however it wont be preserved and practiced identically given only a few years to be fostered in its new civilization. America culture in Hollywood is a prime example. During the ameircan germination ,we were known as the melting pot of every heritageeach immigrant internally packed his or her previously known culture. Although that was over two-hundred years ago, the american culture really changed too much in relation to mixing a little of this and a little of that. Even if Americans tried to avoid dabbling in the cultures of countries abroad or even right next door, it couldnt be possible to preserve any type of american Culture. The most significant of reasons preventing this is due to the foundation ameircan culture was settled upon, that being of a melting pot. This concept of an American culture or way of life is created only because each one of the europe ancestors arrived with their own religious practices, holiday traditions, and even recipes to european favorite dishes that make the American culture so commonly deem as it in Hollywood film. Relating this on a more contemporary level beyond the original inhabitants arriving from places abroad on boats, the american culture is still as dynamic as ever. With modern technology enabling travel, communication, and information from one place to the next, Hollywood films create an accessible means to share ideas, beliefs, and values between places on opposite ends of the earth. On an even broader perspective, due to the economic structure of international trading and developing, each country is exposed to products and practices of another. Although this concept of sharing cultural components is widespread, the american culture in Hollywood films adaptation patterns are limited by that very same economic structure. Two countries that dont share any common ground, often times that will limit the connections in which foster that exchange. Thats the reason why we should research about the american culture in Hollywood films.Americans emphasize on achievements and respect heroes. They have great sense in their hearts to praise success and heroes. Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in Americans mind. Some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs, scientists, artists and all kinds of super starts became modern heroes. Hollywood producted lots of movies singing a high song of heroes.The fictitious ones are Spiderman, batman,and The Hulk, and the real ones are Citizen Kane, Saving Private Ryan, Patton etc. by creating these typical hero characters, Americans consider themselves as heroes. When there comes the war,starvation,terrorism,disease and calamity,there must be one or more heroes who save the people from untold miseries.because they believe that theres nothing they cant do. trading partners, religion, or even fashion. On the contrary, examine the influence Europe has had on America. People should adapt their music, clothing, vocabulary, and traditions into their countries because America as a whole has constant communication with the European countries. Due to the culture roots, America culture in Hollywood film began as a muti-culturally influenced place. References:1. Studies in American Culture: Dominant ideas and Images, by Kwiat, J.J. and C.T. Maary. University of Minnesota Press, U.S.A., 1960.2. America in the Modern World, by Denis W. Brogan, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1960.3. The American People: A Study in National Character, by Geoffrey Gorer. W.W. Norton, New York, U.S.A., 1948.4. The Americans: The Democratic Experience, by Daniel J. Boorstin. Random House, Inc., 1973.