Henry James论文.doc
Henry James Social Position in 19th Century-Reasons of Henry James Unpopularity in 19th CenturyAbstract: Compared with Mark Twain, Henry James seems to gain less fame in 19th century. Several reasons attribute to his unpopularity. This article analyses these reasons from internal and external facets. And we can see Henry James personality in his masterpiece The Portrait of A Lady, which is the internal factors bound to unpopularity. Otherwise, the influence of his family, his experience to Europe, as such external factors also make contributions to his unpopularity.Key words: Mark Twain, Henry James, unpopularity, internal, external, personality. Internal reasons: 1. Henry James personality: In most of Henry James novels, he depicts females successfully. Female perspective can be manifested obviously. His novels are highly refined and insightful. With a large vocabulary, he is always accurate in word selection, trying to find the best expression for his literary imagination. Besides, he is one of the founders and leaders of a school of realism in fiction, and he conducts the conscience-of-science. Then, we doubt why he is shameful in his period. From The Portrait of A Lady, we can see Henry James personality attributed to his unpopularity. In fact, Isabels image is Henry James uppermost reflection. Isabel herself is paradoxical in the pursuit of freedom. On the one hand, Isabel doesnt want to begin her destiny with marriage, but it seems the womans unavoidable destiny which involves her with the constant suitors. Henry James shapes the figure so lively. So that we are likely to confess that James tends to be emotional and sentimental. These characteristics are not allowed in the field of literature, people dont appreciate sentimental feelings much at that time.2. James treachery to America: As we all know, Henry James is an American. However, he changes his nationality into English because of his dissatisfaction toward American behaviors in the World War. As a result, he becomes an American-born British author. Maybe American couldnt stand James betray. Thus leads to his unpopularity.3. The difficulty in understanding of Henry James novels: His novels are highly refined and insightful. With a large vocabulary, he is always accurate in word selection, trying to find the best expression for his literary imagination. In 19th century, America is a newly-developed country, politics, economics, especially culture are not formed stably. For Henry James, his relative novels appear to be harsh to understand. People are fond of reading Mark Twains novels, which one of the reasons is the simplification and amusement in his novels. This is what Mark Twain is prior to Henry James. External reasons:1. Family influence:Henry James was born in a wealthy family, whose father was a philosopher and brother a prominent philosopher and psychologist. Both his father and his brother were rather strict to Henry James. In return, James felt very depressed living in the family. In order to escape the controlling, he moved to Europe. Family also influences James twisted personality-he doesnt know how to deal with personal relationship. Besides, he seems to have the tendency of gay. He just flees when confronting problems. This may be why the public are not familiar with him. Certainly, he is unpopular to citizens.2. Culture collision:In the era of Henry James, America is a newly-developed country. James unpopularity is the right evidence of American innocence in face of European sophistication. Different peoples have their respective cultures, which are unique in the world. However, European sophistication doesnt have compatibility with American innocence. Henry James is likely to be regarded as the victim of this cultural collision. Because of his American-style writing, Henry James couldnt be accepted by the other side of Atlantic. But, Henry James, to our surprise, moved to Europe. Undoubtedly, he, as well as his novels shouldnt be approved to the public. 3. Political suppression:A majority of James novels embody with the international theme and the sigh of independence. We can see in the novel of The Portrait of A Lady, which is full of independence. Isabel is an independent figure who always makes choices on her own. She doesnt listen to others advice, needless to say to obey orders. Although her behavior leads to the mystery of her marriage, Isabel bravely takes responsibility for the result. Isabel is the exact reflection of Henry James. Henry infuses the spirit of independence into his protagonist, especially to the females. At that time, American still keep traditional attitudes to females. Be similar to Chinese opinions, they cant stand females disobedience, not to say their independence. Without doubt, Henry James whose articles are full of the theme of females independence is suppressed by the politics. Thus, he gains unpopularity in public. 4. Economical factors: It is obvious that economic basis determine superstructure. Economic development is not strong as that of today. More importance is attached on living need, not the enjoyment of spirit. No matter the European countries or America, both are keen to pursue materials, ignoring the importance of literature. Mark Twain has more popularity than Henry James, because Mark Twain comes from the lower-class people, he is familiar with the inner needs of lower-class people in the freedom of materials. As at that time, most people are common people from lower-class, so Henry James is unpopular among common people. . Conclusion: We can conclude that Henry James inferiority is directed to the internal and external perspectives, which include Henry James personality and his family influence, except for the political, economical, and cultural factors contributing to Henry James unpopularity. However, we should bear in mind that Henry James makes rather great contributions to literature.Reference:1. 2. Ding Pu,The Female Perspective in the Henry James Novels, school of new technology, Xiaogan university, 2011.3. JNathan Freedman,Henry James M. Shanghai: shanghai foreign education press, 2000.4. William James, The Principle of Psychology M. Translated by Liu Ming Jiu. Beijing: china social science press, 1989.