Lord of War英文电影赏析论文.doc
英文电影赏析 学院:经济学院 专业:报关与国际货运 班级:1班 姓名: 学号:2012302160126 电影:Lord of WarAbstract:Atop a hillside in Liberia overlooking an impending village massacre once the arms deal settles, Nicolas Cage's Yuri pleads to his conscience rattled brother Vitaly (Jared Leto), "It is none of our business!" Writer and Director Andrew Niccol's "Lord of War" is all about the big business of war, and the cost of selling one's soul. That lost soul is Yuri Orlov played masterfully by Nicolas Cage. Cage as Yuri also narrates the story. Niccol sets the warped and dark tone in the opening sequence of the manufacture of a bullet to its final destinationso to speak. Yuri comments that there is one firearm for every 12 people in the world. So the question is "How do we arm the other eleven?" Niccol's "Lord of War" is not so much a clever indictment of humanity, rather an acknowledgment of perhaps humanity's darker nature. In a poignant and chilling realization for Yuri (Cage) he says, "They say that 'evil prevails when good men fail to act.' It should be 'evil prevails'." I don't think this is cynicism on Niccol's part, rather only stating what is so given all of history and now. He certainly makes us think from the inside out.Yuri Orlov (Cage) is from a Ukrainian family in Little Odessa, NY. As a young man he has an epiphany witnessing a Russian mafia hit. Being an arms dealer is the path to success. He finds that he also has an innate gift for his chosen profession. He enlists his brother Vitaly (Leto) into the business. "Lord of War" traces the Orlov brothers over the course of 20 yearsthrough the end of the Cold War to the advent of terrorist threats and dictatorships in third world countries. Yuri truly becomes the Lord of War supplying arms to anyone and any country for a profit. He also acts as an independent agent for undisclosed countries supplying arms to "freedom fighters". One gets the drift. Yuri eventually hits his stride and becomes very successful and very wealthy. He marries his trophy bride, supermodel Ava Fontaine (stunning Bridget Moynahan), has a son, and living in a luxury apartment in Manhattan. All the while he eludes the grasp of Interpol Agent Jack Valentine (very good Ethan Hawke), by keeping three steps ahead. Predictably Yuri's world comes crashing in upon him. In a powerful scene with Ava who purposely ignores what her husband really does for a living, Yuri has a conscience meltdown.The actors in "Lord of War" are great. Nicolas Cage is such a powerful and versatile actor. I don't think any other actor than himself, could enroll sympathy as arms dealer Yuri. Cage gives Yuri a subtle detached edge and an expert in context. Cage knows he is in morally bankrupt position, and he uses his smarts and sense of humor to rationalize that he only supplies the weapons to men who do evil. Yuri is the ultimate poster child for "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." Jared Leto is surprising as the coke head brother, who eventually cops to the monster he has becomethe counterpoint to Yuri. Bridget Moynahan is deceivingly powerful as Ava, the former model aware that her asset of being pretty is fading, and closes her eyes to what her husband does until it is too late. Moynahan is stunningly beautiful and has distinctive grace and vulnerability. Ethan Hawke as Jack Valentine is the intrepid idealist saving the world from the likes of Yuri. Hawke is very strong and compelling.Andrew Niccol's "Lord of War" ends and the world continues on. The echoes of Yuri voice, just "evil prevails" is a chilling and poignant reminder. Nicolas Cage is brilliant as the lost soul in "The Lord of War". "The Lord of War" is one the year's best.Keywords:thriller, plot, crime, weapons 1、 电影简介待添加的隐藏文字内容3 影片讲述主人公从一介平民成为叱咤风云的军火商,主人公具有真实人物的原型,这个名叫尤里·欧洛夫的美籍乌克兰人,是现实世界中5个军火商的综合体。他在一次黑帮枪战中突然意识到人生价值所在,从此走上一条不归路。尤里凭借出众的歪才,游走在军阀、毒枭、独裁者和政治家之间,如鱼得水,成就了自己那份事业;他以完美的姿态得到了梦想中的爱情,拥有了幸福的家庭,这样的人生正是他想要的。但当他开始茫然迷失的那一刻,却在一夜之间一贫如洗,家破人亡,锒铛入狱。就在观众期盼看到一个合情合理的正义战胜邪恶的故事结局时,影片忽又峰回路转,神通广大的尤里又堂而皇之地重出江湖了。战争之王的导演为安德鲁·尼科,他曾创作过楚门的世界电影剧本,他执导的加塔卡与西蒙尼均获得了业界认同,这部战争之王将他的导演生涯推上了新的高度。本片的两位主演,尼古拉斯·凯奇和伊桑·霍克的演技可谓旗鼓相当。凯奇饰演感情内敛的尤里非常到位,这位大明星的演技臻于炉火纯青。霍克饰演的瓦伦廷警官充满正义感,结尾时他得知真相后所表现出的震惊无语以及默然接受的态度,也是最能体现其演技的。从整体上看,战争之王叙事简练,不拖泥带水,全片节奏掌控恰到火候。2、 电影分析 黑色幽默源于20世纪60年代的美国文学,是蕴涵在戏剧和小说或电影中的一种色调,这种调子既可怕又可笑,既险恶又滑稽。虽然现在学术界仍旧无法为黑色幽默下定义,但是黑色幽默这种让人哭笑不得的幽默却体现出其独创性:悲剧的内容套用了喜剧的滑稽,以沉痛而又无可奈何的苦笑替代了传统喜剧轻松开怀;用荒诞化解传统悲剧的悲壮;以绝望的惨笑替代了悲剧的痛感,大悲转化为大笑;把人物的悲剧抗争精神转化为无可奈何的认命、宿命精神。 战争之王直指军火交易这一国际社会讳莫如深的禁区,对于制作者来说有一定风险,同时又是一个严肃的不易表现的题材。导演巧妙地将黑色幽默手法融入影片中,特别是运用语言噱头和细节噱头,避免情节展开过程中因严肃性而失去可看性。主人公尤里从白手起家到事业登顶,几番转折后又陷入谷底,最后情节陡转,尤里再度崛起。观众犹如坐了趟过山车,跌宕起伏,时不时处于紧张和兴奋的情绪之中。出乎意外的结局仿佛一道“此车不停”的告示,让观众的思维继续行驶在曲折蜿蜒的轨道上,无法停滞也无法放松。影片中随着尤里传奇人生逐步展开,编导精心设置各种细节,将创作者意图贯穿其中,给观众更深的震动。例如,尤里起步阶段一帆风顺,他贩卖的武器在世界各个交战区都成为抢手货,枪支使用者们拉动保险栓的声音经过夸张处理,竟成了收银机频频吞进钞票的声响。又如尤里在乌克兰大肆收购冷战库存,在仓库中情不自禁欣赏AK-47冲锋枪,称赞它是超过鱼子酱、伏特加的俄国第一大宗出口商品;画面后景是列队行进的乌克兰军人,随后出现AK-47特写镜头,配合尤里巧舌如簧的介绍,背景音乐响起天鹅湖的优美旋律,声画组合显得别扭,饱含讽刺意味。 3、观后感 跟以往战争题材的电影不同,战争之王没有从士兵的角度去刻画一位英雄,也没从失去亲人的士兵家属的角度来谱写出一场悲剧。本片或许是第一个从军火商的角度来描写战争的电影。 本片开篇就对主人公(凯奇饰)的野心一目了然:全世界一共有一千零五万只军火,那就是说每十二个人就有一把枪,唯一的问题是,我们如何让其他十一个人也有枪。精辟的一句话就这么道破了军火商们的阴谋。没错,他们把武器倾销给其他国家,有了武器就有了发言权,所以他们就可以开始欺负周围的国家和人民。那周围的人民也不会坐以待毙,他们买枪或许是出自保卫自己,但这足以上演一场有点规模的战争了。是不是很无奈?在这个问题上竟然没有谁对谁错,竟然在“战争”这个问题上没有对错!但在军火商的眼中,战争不是他们关注的,对错更不是他们关注的,他们关注的,是为什么不让他们用我卖给他们的枪!唯一和他们有一拼称之为战争之王的就是各国的国家领导人或者是想成为国家领导人的人。他们可以利用“爱国”为名怂恿身边的人一股脑的人去冲锋陷阵,为国捐躯。不过这些人相对于军火商来说,或许你可以杀死领导人,但你不能结束战争。但如果你即使囚禁军火商24小时,那么至少在这24小时他们没有武器去打仗。 剧中有个让我印象非常深刻的地方。凯奇在用飞机运输军火的途中被国际警察拦截。但他们强行降落在非洲一跑道上后,面对整飞机的军火,机上人员全跑了。但凯奇没有!他像免费发放试用品的商人一样把武器分发给路上的难民,男女老少通通有份。就这样,两小时才能搬运完的军火在10分钟内被清理一空,顺利逃脱了法律的制裁。虽然看似价值几亿的军火就这么被别人拿走,但凯奇早已算计好了:这些拿到武器的人会发现武器给他们带来的方便,从而成为未来的顾客。所以,这些试用品派发的正是时候,一举两得!想想那些拿到武器的人们,当他们体会到武器才能解决问题的时候,相信也是战争爆发的时候了吧。战争有时就是这样而来。