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    电影madagascar2 《马达加斯加 2》剧本中英文对照完整版.doc

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    电影madagascar2 《马达加斯加 2》剧本中英文对照完整版.doc

    电影madagascar  2 马达加斯加 2剧本中英文对照完整版-penguin: well done boys. it looks like ice cold sushi for breakfast.ice cold: 冰冷的 sushi: 寿司干得好,伙计们。看来我们早餐能吃到冰冷的寿司啦。-zuba: no, no son. over here. see the lion, look at the lion, you get the lion.不,不,孩子。在这里。看见狮子了吗?看看这只狮子,来抓狮子呀。now son, if you are going to grow up and be like your daddy someday you got to learn how to fight.孩子,听着,你将来会长大,某天会长成像你爸爸一样,你要学会怎么搏斗呀。alakay, let me show you something, ok? you see this mark?好了,alakay,我给你看样东西,好吗?看见这个记号了么?you and me are the same and when you"re bigger,你和我是一样的,you are gonna be alpha lion just like your daddy.alpha: 希腊语的第一个字母,开端【alpha dog代表狗群中资格最老、最具统治地位的狗。在这里引用到狮子的身上,指占领导地位的狮子。】你长大后也会是领头狮子,就像你爸爸一样。now, let me see you fight. ready? no alakay, no dancing.现在,让我看看你怎么搏斗。准备好了吗?不,alakay,别跳舞。you just amuse yourself, don"t you?amuse: 使娱乐你就是自得其乐,是吧?you are a strange kid. you are a strange man. oh come on, let"s try it again.strange: 奇怪的 kid: 小孩你真是个怪孩子。怪孩子。来吧,再试一次。oh,alakay stop.stop it,stop it rigth now,don"t going.哦,alakay。别跳舞,停。-makunga: it"s so disappointing when they don"t grow up the way you want it to.disappointing: 令人失望的他们不像你期待的那样长大,真的很令人失望啊。-zuba: oh come on. you are not challenging me again, are you?challenge: 挑战哦,拜托。你不会又来找我挑战吧?-makunga: look on the bright side zuba. after i defeat you and take over as alpha lion,look on the bright side: 对事物抱乐观态度 defeat: 击败看看好的那一面嘛。在我把你打败了代替你做领头狮子之后,you will have so much more time to spend with your pathetic excuse of a son.pathetic: 可怜的 excuse: 借口你就有更多的时间来陪你的白痴儿子啦。-zuba: before i kick your butt, let me ask you, why do you even want to become the alpha lion?kick: 踢 butt: 屁股在我把你打得落花流水之前,让我问问你,你究竟到底为什么想要当领头狮子?-makunga: i am better looking, i have better hair, i am deceivingly smart and. i want everyone else to do what i say.deceivingly: 以虚假的外观 smart: 聪明的我长得比较帅,发型比较酷,我看起来也比较聪明,还有我想让大家都听我的。we"ll fight on three. one.数到三就开始。一.-zuba: pay attention alakay. daddy gonna show you how it"s done.来,alakay,好好看着。看爸爸大显身手。-makunga: two, three.二,三。-zuba: who is alpha lion?谁是领头狮子?-makunga: you are.你是。-zuba: don"t you forget it. and that alakay is how you attack. alakay?attack: 攻击你可别忘了。还有,alakay,搏斗就是这个样子。alakay?-sign: animal reserve.no hunting!reserve: 自然保护区动物保护区。禁止狩猎!-poacher a: that"s it. here kitty kitty.kitty: 小猫就是这个样子。来吧,孩子。-poacher b: ah, this one is a beauty. it will be worth a few bucks.beauty: 美人 worth: 值钱 buck: 钱这可是个漂亮的小家伙啊。肯定能值几个钱。-poacher a: it just gets easier and easier.封上,走吧。-alakay: daddy!爸爸!-zuba: alakay? alakay,alakay!alakay?alakay。alakay!-alakay: daddy!爸爸!-zuba: no, no, no! alakay!不,不!alakay!-alakay: daddy!爸爸!-zuba: alakay! daddy got you, hold on.hold on: 坚持alakay!爸爸来了!坚持一下。-alakay: daddy!爸爸!-zuba: alakay!alakay!-alakay: daddy!爸爸!-subtitle: im a fish out of water lion out of the jungle海上捕捞出幼狮-marty: i don"t like looks of this guy.我不喜欢这家伙的样子。-gloria:well, i think he is kind of cute.cute: 可爱的我觉得他还满可爱的呀。-marty: i think he is kind of show off.show off: 炫耀我觉得他太显摆自己了。-melman:you think he is cute?你觉得他可爱吗?-radio: the king of new york city. alex the lion!纽约市之王。狮子alex!-marty: i still think he is kind of a show off.我还是觉得他太显摆了。-melman: you got to give it to him, the guy is an animal.肯定是的啊,他是动物嘛。-marty: maybe you should take a break. you know, we could all use a vacation.take a break: 休息一会儿 vacation: 度假你拜托一下。哎,你知道么,我们都去度个假也不错呀。-gloria:come on. where on earth would we go on vacation.on earth: 究竟得了。我们能去哪度假?-marty: i don"t know about you but i wanna go to connecticut.connecticut: 美国州名我不知道你想怎样,不过我想去康乃狄克州。-newswoman: on the loose, several animals including the world famous. .alex the lion the king of new york. escaped from the central park zoo tonight.on the loose: 到处乱跑 escape: 逃跑几只动物,包括世界知名的狮子纽约之王alex,正在游荡中。它们是在今晚从中央公园动物园逃脱的。the escapees were finally cornered in grand central station.escapee: 逃亡者 corner: 将逼入困境 grand central station: 大中央车站(在纽约曼哈顿)逃脱者终于在中央火车站被抓到了。-old lady: it was a very bad kitty.它是只坏坏猫咪。-newswoman: animal rights activists who convinced zoo officials. to have the escaped animals sent to africa. activist: 积极分子 convince: 说服动物权力主义分子们原本说服了动物园负责人,把这些逃脱的动物送去非洲。were stunned to learn that the shipping freighter carrying the animals. was reported missing today.stun: 使震惊 freighter: 货船 missing: 失踪的但今天这些运载动物的船只被报导失踪,令人十分震惊。-newsman: tonight hundreds of new yorkers have gathered at the central park zoo. to mourn the loss of their beloved zoo animals.gather: 聚集 mourn: 哀悼 beloved: 心爱的今晚,许多纽约人都在中央公园汇聚,为他们喜爱的动物们的丧生表示哀悼。the question on everyone"s mind: where are they now.大家都在想的一个问题就是: 它们现在在哪?-alex: i like to move it, move it!我喜欢摇摆,摇摆!-gloria:he likes to move it, move it!他喜欢摇摆,摇摆!-marty: she likes to move it, move it!她喜欢摇摆,摇摆!-melman: we like to?我们喜欢?-animals: move it!摇摆!-alex: we are gonna miss you little fuzz buckets.you guys had been a great crowd.fuzz: 绒毛 bucket: 大量 crowd: 一群我们会想念你们的,小绒球们。你们是超棒的一群伙伴。-marty: glad we can introduce you to the toilet.introduce: 介绍 toilet: 抽水马桶很荣幸能教会你们用马桶。-alex: if you ever come to look at central manhattan, feel free to call first. seriously no, call. ok?seriously: 认真地如果你们有天来曼哈顿的话,别担心,打个电话就行。不过说真的,绝对要先打个电话好吗?-maurice: settle down, settle down everybody. ssh. be quite. you can"t leave without this.settle down: 安静冷静下来,大家安静。你们不能没有这个就走了呀。-julien: hey. surprise freaks! look. shake it, shake it. yeah, i am a lady, i am a lady everyone. i am a lady.freak: 怪人惊喜啊!怪咖们!摇摆,摇摆。我是位女士,我是位女士,大家。not really, it"s me, it"s king julien. which of you was attracted to me? hands up.attract: 吸引其实是我,julien国王。你们谁被我迷倒啦?抬起手来。hey freaks! you will be very glad to hear that i am coming with you.嘿,怪咖们!你们会很高兴听到,我会跟你们一起去!-alex: oh no, thank you.不了。谢谢。-julien: yes thank you. it"s my plane. until i return with the spoils from the new country. .stevie will be in charge.spoil: 战利品 in charge: 负责嗯,是的,谢谢。是我的飞机呀。我从新国家回来以前,stevie就是老大。-maurice: i don"t think they liked that idea so much julien.我觉得他们不太喜欢这个主意啊!julien。-julien: what is that you are saying stevie? oh, oh, no!你到底在说什么?stevie? 哦!不!what? really? no, you didn"t say that. oh it"s not even possible.不,你没这么说。那根本不可能呀,哈哈。stevie says: let them eat the cake!真淘气! stevie说:“让他们吃蛋糕!”-mort: king julien wait for me. i"m all packed. i have such a whole itinerary plan.pack: 把打包 itinerary: 旅程的julien!等等我!我都已经收拾好了!行程也计划好了。-julien: oh no. it"s mort. he"s so annoying. don"t let him on.annoying: 讨厌的哦,不!mort!他很烦人的!别让他上来!我好想放声欢唱呀。stop that thing, he is carrying scissors and hand cream.scissor: 剪刀 hand cream: 护手霜别让他上来!他携带了剪刀和护手霜!everybody in quickly. get in. get in. get in quick. get in quick.好了好了,快点。上去。快点上去!-captain penguin: struts.电力。-penguin a: checked.检查完毕。-captain penguin: fillets.仪器。-penguin b: checked.检查完毕。-captain penguin: engine.引擎。-penguin c: checked.检查完毕。-captain penguin: coffee mate.开关?-penguin d: checked.检查完毕。-julien: oopsie daisy.daisy: 雏菊【脂粉气十足的男子】再见了,伙计们。-captain penguin:that is got to be the second biggest slingshot i have ever seen.slingshot: 弹弓这肯定是我这辈子我见过的第二大的弹弓了。but it is got to have to do. attention. this is your captain speaking.attention: 注意但不得不这么做了。注意。我是你们的机长。-vivaldi: in the event of a water emergency, place the vest over your head then kiss your life good bye!in the event of: 倘若 emergency: 紧急事件 vest: 背心如果有紧急事件时,把救生衣套在两边,然后说拜拜!-gloria: new york city, here we come baby.纽约,我们来啦,宝贝儿!-captain penguin: .sit back, relax and pray your personal gods that. .this hunk of junk flies.relax: 放松 pray: 祈祷 god: 神 hunk: 大块 junk: 垃圾各位坐好,放松,祈祷这架私人垃机能飞起来。-alex: personal god, hunk, what?私人垃. 什么?-penguin f: we are going sir.我们起飞吧。-mort: open the door. i am outside.把门打开。我还在外面!-penguin e: in case of losing cabin pressure, please place the mask over your face.in case of: 假如 lose: 丧失 cabin: 座舱 pressure: 压力如果机舱内气压瞬间下降,请把面罩罩上,to hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers.terrified: 受惊吓的 expression: 面部表情 passenger: 乘客好让其他乘客不被你惊吓的表情吓坏。-marty: excuse me miss. but aren"t these supposed. to be attached to my seat.be supposed to: 应该的 attached: 连接的不好意思,小姐。但这个不是应该连着我的座位的么。-vivaldi: no sir.不是的,先生。-captain penguin: ok. boys. launch.launch: 发射好吧,小伙子们。发射!-monkeys: launch. launch. launch.发射!发射!发射!-alex: melman! hey, mort.谢谢你们,怪咖!嗨,mort。-mort: hi.哎。-alex: that was weird.weird: 奇怪的真奇怪。-marty: hey, somebody is dreaming ha?嘿,有人在做梦了啊?-alex: i think i just saw mort on the wing of the plane.wing: 机翼我好像刚刚在飞机的机翼上看到mort了。-melman: you got madagascar on the brain.on the brain: 念念不忘你太想念马达加斯加了。-gloria: . it was quite a, it was incredible, wasn"t it?是啊,太美妙了。-alex: i think we will see much more fun the further way we get from.我觉得我们走越远越能回想到更多的乐趣。-marty: yeah, like when you beat me on the butt?beat: 猛击回想什么?你咬我的屁股吗?-alex: i am gonna take that, that thing you are holding on to. .and i am going to use it, on stage.stage: 舞台我要把这个,你一直说的这件事在舞台上用。so all part of my little actor"s salad bar of emotional tidbits.emotional: 激起情感的 tidbits: 花边新闻全都变成像我的演员沙拉吧一样的,就像活动小报的其中之一。-marty: are the butts next to the croutons at the salad bar?butt: 臀部 crouton: 油炸面包块所有的"屁股小吃"都在沙拉吧的油面包旁边吗?-alex: you don"t need to be sarcastic marty.sarcastic: 讽刺的你没必要讽刺啊。marty。-gloria: hey guys, you know, i was thinking. when we get back,嘿,大家,我正在想。我们回去的时候,i might assign up for the breeding program.breeding: 繁殖我没准可以报名参加那个繁殖计划。-melman: breeding program?繁殖计划?-gloria: i think we all reach a point on our lives.我觉得我们都到了一把年纪了。when we wanna meet somebody, you know settle down, have a relationship. settle down: 定居 relationship: 关系我们应该遇到某个人,安定下来,交往交往。-marty: i see that. what?什么?你是说?-melman: like, like dating?date: 约会像是,约会吗?-gloria: yeah, dating!是啊,约会!-melman: other, other. other guys?其他的,其他的. 男生?-gloria: what do you mean "other guys"?你是什么意思?其他的男生?-melman: darn it! i"m gonna, what is holding up that beverage service. i"m gonna go and check.hold up: 阻挡 beverage: 饮料哎呀!我要去看看饮料怎么来的这么慢。我要去看看。-gloria: oh, yeah ya, keep talking. i"m gonna catch a few winks.catch a few winks: 小睡 wink: 眨眼嗯,你们大家继续聊。我要先打一下盹儿。-julien: did you see that? it is so funny. i like laughing. it is such a nice experience. experience: 经历你看到了吗?好好笑哦。我爱大笑。感觉真不错。to laugh.笑呀。do you mind going back? this is first class. it"s nothing personal,first class: 头等 personal: 个人的不好意思,我想你得往回走,这里是一等舱。没什么针对你个人的,it"s just that we are better than you.只是说我们比你好而已。hey maurice. i"m awful, hit me, hit me.嘿,maurice。快呀,快啊。-melman: is it vivaldi?是吧台吗?-julien: "hey, inflight slave."inflight: 正在飞行的 slave: 奴隶嗨,飞行奴隶。-vivaldi: can i help you mr. mankiewicz?我能怎么帮你呢?先生。-julien: bring me my nuts, on a silver plate. nut: 果仁 silver: 银给我干果,用银盘子装。-melman: we just wanted to check on the drinks we ordered.order: 预定我们只是想看看我们点的饮料怎么样了。-vivaldi: oh, sorry. we are in a little backed up.backed up: 阻塞真对不起。有点太忙了。-melman: then i guess i am gonna back to.我猜我就回去吧。-julien: hey, what happened to your body? you are freaking me out.freak: 激怒嘿,你身体怎么啦?真令我不舒服。and can you please go over there please. thank you very much.你能不能请到那边去呢。多谢你啦。whatever happened to the separation of the classes.separation: 分离等级区分这件事到底还存不存在啊。-maurice: yeah, i am sure is all democracy thing is just a fad.democracy: 民主 just a fad: 一时流行的 fad: 风行一时的东西那些什么民主的东西只是一时的啦。-captain penguin: well go out for some pineapple, my bobbly- headed boobily-boo.你要不要一点菠萝呢,我的小可爱。-penguin: skipper, look.skipper: 机长老大,你看。-captain penguin: analysis.分析分析。-penguin: it looks like a small incandescent bulb designed to indicate something out of the ordinary. like a malfunction.incandescent bulb: 白炽灯泡 incandescent: 白热的 design: 设计 indicate: 表明malfunction: 故障这看起来很小的灯泡,应该是有什么不寻常的东西。比如机械故障。-captain penguin: i found it pretty and somewhat hypnotic.hypnotic: 催眠的我倒是觉得它很漂亮,而且有点催眠。-penguin: that too sir.知道了,长官。-captain penguin: right. rico, manual. problem solved.manual: 手册rico,手册拿来。问题解决了。-penguin: sir, we may be out of fuel.fuel: 燃料长官,我们的燃料可能不够了。-captain penguin: what makes you think that?你为什么会这么觉得呢?-penguin: we lost engine one. and engine two is no longer on fire.engine: 引擎 on fire: 着火我们的一号引擎已经不工作了。二号引擎也没火了。-captain penguin: buckle up boys. don"t look dull. this might get hairy. attention.buckle up: 把扣紧 hairy: 令人毛骨悚然的伙计们,系好安全带。别看,娃娃。这可能会变得很残忍。注意。this is your captain speaking. i"ve got good news and bad news.我是机长。我有好消息,也有坏消息。the good news is, we will be landing immediately. the bad news is.好消息就是,我们马上就要降落了。坏消息是,we are crush-landing!crash-landing: 紧急降落 crash: 迫降 land: 着陆我们会是迫降的。when it comes to air travel, we know you have no choice what so ever.when it comes to: 当谈到当你们要航空旅行时,我们知道你们别无选择,but thanks again for choosing air penguin.penguin: 企鹅但还是要谢谢你们选择企鹅航空。-julien: raise your arms maurice. it"s more fun when you raise your arms like this. i can fly.raise: 举把双手举起来,maurice。这样举着更好玩呀。我能飞耶!-alex: this could be it marty. i just want you to know that you are truly a one in a million friend.one in a million: 万中选一我们可能这样就完了,marty。但我还是想说,你是个真正的朋友,百万里挑一的。-marty: thanks buddy. you are the best ever.谢谢,伙计。你是最棒的,永远都是。-alex: i know you won"t mind when i tell you.我知道如果我告诉你,你不会介意的。-marty: come on. tell me it, tell me, tell me what?告诉我啊。告诉我什么?-alex: i broke your ipod!我把你的ipod弄坏了。-marty: what!什么?!-alex: the button were so small.button: 按钮按键太小了嘛,我受不了.-marty: it made me mad.太恐怖了。-alex: i"m sorry.对不起嘛。-marty: i"m gonna kill you!我要杀了你!-alex: an accident!accident: 意外事故是个意外嘛!对不起啦。-melman: i love you gloria, i always have! like ah. like you love the beach or a good book. or the beach.beach: 海滩我爱你,gloria,一直都爱。就像爱海滩一样. 或者一本好书.或者海滩。-captain penguin: my goodness doll, you are shaking like a leaf.shake: 摇动 leaf: 树叶天呀,娃娃,你像叶子一样颤抖。rico, you had your fun. haul up! gear down. gently now. you just wanna kiss the ground.have fun: 玩得开心 haul: 用力拖拉 gear: 齿轮rico,你玩过瘾了。拉上去吧!放下轮子。好。现在我们要小心翼翼接触地面。just a little pack, smooch like a kiss. i said kiss it! now, just a little brake.smooch: 亲吻 brake: 刹车小小的亲而已,蜻蜓点水那种,我说亲而已!现在踩踩刹车。just a touch, a little whisper.whisper: 耳语现在踩踩煞车,轻轻的踩。-monkey: i believe that"s checkmate.checkmate: 将军我相信现在我要将军了。-captain penguin: immersed emergency landing procedure. flaps up! deploy!immerse: 把嵌入 emergency: 紧急 procedure: 程序 flap: 副翼 deploy: 展开操作紧急降落步骤。襟翼向上!展开!-gloria: oh, we are here. what in the world? what happened to the plane?哦,我们终于. 嗯?这是怎么回事?飞机怎么了?-marty: ok. i"m ok. ok. i"m alive.飞机坠毁了。好了。我还活着。-gloria: see, i can"t even sleep for a minute. you know what, this is not jfk.jfk: =john fitzgerald kennedy international airport


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