牛津英语8B Unit2 Integrated skills说课、教案及反思.doc
专题17教学设计作业 教学题目 牛津初中英语8B Unit2 Integrated skills教学内容 本课是初二第二学期第二单元的综合技能课,主要是引导学生了解一些旅游地点以及风景名胜,引导学生思考在合适的季节去合适的地点旅游,同时利用对旅游和季节的认识,引导学生结合自己的兴趣爱好,讨论制定自己的假期计划,对培养学生对旅游的认识和理解很重要,也能引导学生制定自己的未来计划。教学对象1.教授对象是八年级学生。他们较七年级学生更成熟,具备相当的英语词汇和语言表达,且乐于用英语表达和谈论自己的不同观点、求知欲望强。所以要求课堂以他们的兴趣爱好出发。内容形式要丰富,教学方式要多样化,以进一步深化同学们的学习兴趣。教学目标依据新课程标准,根据上述教材地位和作用分析,和学生的认知结构和心理特征,制定如下教学目标:1.知识目标:了解旅游地及开展的相关活动。2.能力目标 :对有不同兴趣爱好的人,能够给出旅行建议;能够谈论自己的假期计划,包括地点、活动内容、合适的旅游季节、交通工具、旅行时间等。3.情感与策略、文化等方面目标:1)关注学生在学习过程中积极愉悦的情感体验。培养学生自信开口、积极思维的习惯。2)养成学生积极自主地体验、实践、参与、合作的学习方式。3)引导学生用丰富多采的假期旅行构建自己健康愉快的生活方式。教学策略1. 任务型教学策略任务型教学是“以学生为本”的教学。本节课的任务是学生通过完成老师设置的各项学习任务,学会根据人们不同的兴趣爱好给出旅行建议。在任务驱动下学生会主动去调用已有知识,并积极与同伴进行自主、合作、探究学习,以便更出色地完成任务,在这过程中学生始终处于积极的状态。2. 探究型课堂策略 语言学习的过程要有实践性,要亲身体验,陈述性知识不能代替过程性知识。在本节课教学环节的设置中,学生通过谈论图片,听听力,填表格,短文填空,做对话,四人小组讨论合作等形式,谈论旅游地、开展的活动、季节、交通工具、逗留时间等,最后形成一次班级旅行计划安排。3. 活动型课堂策略学生参与学习过程非常重要。在活动中,学生能够运用英语解决问题,体验合作学习的快乐。本节课设置的师生活动,生生活动,小组活动,注重让学生从兴趣出发,参与学习的过程,设计活动涉及语言的听说读写,对学生的挑战也进一步加强,让学生体验逐步完成学习任务后获得成功的喜悦之情。教学过程教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计说明Step 1 Lead-in5min1. Talk about an experience in Zhouzhuang2. Show photos about two students travellingAsk the two students to talk about their travelling.通过老师和两位同学对之前旅游的介绍,进入本课谈论的话题,引起学生的兴趣。Step 2 Presentation (Integrated skills)20min1. Show some pictures of the tourist attractions (Suzhou, Qingdao, Shanghai, Lushan Mountain, Window of the World in Shenzhen) and learn some new words and expressions (visit Chinese gardens, a seaside city, do water sports, go sailing/ surfing/ hiking). And write these words and expressions on the blackboard.2. Show Millie and her classmates different interests and ask students to give advice about where they should go.3. Ask two questions about the best time for sailing and shopping. And write the full sentence pattern on the blackboard. ( Summer is the best time for sailing./ to go sailing)4. Play the tape5. Ask questions and check the answers.6. Finish the exercise in Part A3 on Page 35.7. Check the answers8. After students read by themselves, ask them if they have any questions.1. Try to say something about the places in the photos if they know. And learn the names of the places and some new words and expressions (visit Chinese gardens, a seaside city, go sailing/ surfing/ hiking) Read the new words and expressions2. Put a tick in the correct boxes in the table according to the students different interests.3. Answer the two questions about the best time for sailing and shopping. Read the sentence pattern.4. Listen and finish the table in Part A3 on Page 34.5. Give their answers.6. Help Amy give her advice and finish the exercise in Part A3 on Page 35.7. Read the advice and check the answers.8. Read by themselves9. Read in groups of four and correct the mistakes.1.学生通过欣赏图片谈论并学习一些旅游景点的名称,以及它们吸引游客的特色活动,老师通过和学生交谈的形式,教授有关旅游的表达,这样比较印象深刻,而且更为自然。2.新单词和词组的读音比较容易,八年级下学期的学生完全可以掌握,所以不再出示音标提示。但对后面谈论旅行计划的环节,是必不可少的信息输入和铺垫,所以以板书的形式出示。3.做听力前,结合自己所知所学对听力内容作适当的推测,是学生必须养成的习惯,这样也能为做听力扫除部分的障碍。4. 学生在读表格填短文,并校对答案后,通过自读,再理解听力中的有关内容和表达,如,Spring is the best time for visiting Chinese gardens.给学生思考质疑的时间和机会。5.学生以4人小组的形式来读短文,这样生生合作的方式Step 3 Presentation (Speak up)10min1.Teach new expressions (travel to sp, travel abroad) and talk about Amys favourite three foreign countries ( Italy, Denmark, Singapore).2. Ask questions about Amy and Simons dialogue: 1) Which country will Amy travel to? 2) Why did her father go there? 3) How long will Amy stay there? 3. Check the students answers.4. Read together with students.5. Give a dialogue as a model.1. Learn the new expressions and read after the teacher. Then talk about Amys favourite three foreign countries ( Italy, Denmark, Singapore).2. Listen carefully and answer the questions.3. Answer and check.4. Read the dialogue by boys and girls.5. Make a new dialogue with their desk mates to talk about planning a holiday.1.从Amy喜欢旅行并且想去国外旅游travel abroad,她有三个最想去的国家,其中一个是Singapore,这样在听前给学生一个猜测的机会,而且是有目的的去听,这样要听出Singapore这个答案就比较容易。2.分角色朗读帮助老师发现学生在朗读方面的问题,扫清说的障碍。Step 4 Make a class trip plan10min1. Ask students to make a class trip plan in groups of four.2. Show some pictures of the popular tourist attractions in Changzhou.3. More requirement:your plan must be about where to go, when to go, how to go, what to do, how much to spend and so on.4. Invite four students to read their class trip plans to all the class.5. Give students some sayings about travelling and advise them to enjoy the natural beauty1. Work in group of four to talk about one tourist attraction in Changzhou.2. Perform and listen carefully3. Give their flowers to their favourite class trip plan.学生以4人小组,综合运用所学知识,全面介绍去某个旅游景点的一日游计划, 培养学生自信开口、积极思维的习惯。激发学生说英语用英语的热情。板书设计8B Unit 2 Integrated skillsChinese gardens travel to Singapore seaside travel abroadsailin any seasonall year round作业设计1. Read Amys advice.2. Write about your class trip plan.3. Finish the exercises on Page 34,35 in Learn English with You.教学反思1.呈现表格中的国内旅游景点时,问学生关于这些景点的信息,应该尽量用开放性的问题,不要马上把要教的表达由教师说出来,先由学生思考发言,如果达答不到要讲的表达,再由教师讲出,这样就不会局限学生思维。2. Integrated skills环节最后,让学生通过读短文,整体感知发现错误,如果全班读效果不明显,改为四人小组齐读,并由组内学习能力较好的同学纠正错误读音,这样更能体现学生合作学习,效果更好3. 介绍Amy最喜欢的三个国家时,先出现比萨斜塔,问它是哪国的象征,学生反应有点慢,有老师建议换日本,这样学生更熟悉,但我觉得Italy学生是可以说出来的,只是图片刚一出现,第一反应就是the Leaning Tower of Pisa,然后才考虑老师的问题,这样是正常的。等到第二个图片出现时,学生马上反应就说Denmark,我觉得这是正常的。4.本课时虽然知识点不多,但在教travel abroad时,还是没有点透,应该先从travel作为不及物动词的用法入手,先说travel to 加地点,再谈到abroad是副词,所以说 travel abroad,之前我一直是由travel abroad讲到travel to,顺序颠倒了,造成学生理解接受的困难。