材料工程基础课程改革的思考中英文对照Materials engineering basic course reform thinking contrast in both Chinese and English 论文关键词:材料工程基础 改革思路 课程体系 教学手段 能力培养 评价体系Paper keywords: materials engineering foundation curriculum teaching reform way ability evaluation system 论文摘要:材料工程基础是教育部21世纪初高等教育教学改革项目“材料科学与工程专业人才培养方案及教学内容体系改革的研究”中主干专业基础课程,是材料专业的专业基础课程,本文从课程体系、教学手段、能力培养和评价体系等方面阐述了课程改革的思路。Abstract: materials engineering is based on the ministry of education in the 21st century higher education teaching reform project "materials science and engineering professional talent training scheme and teaching content system reform" in the backbone specialized basic courses, is material professional professional foundation courses, this article from the curriculum system, teaching means, ability training and evaluation system, etc, expounds the ideas of curriculum reform. “材料工程基础”是教育部21世纪初高等教育教学改革项目“材料科学与工程专业人才培养方案及教学内容体系改革的研究”中主干专业基础课程,是材料科学与工程专业的专业基础课程,长期以来,备受学校和院领导的重视,这对材料工程基础课程的改革就提出了更高的要求,如何进行课程改革,培养适应社会发展对材料工程需要的新型人才是材料工程教学团队需要认真思索的关键问题。"Materials engineering" is the ministry of education at the beginning of 21st century higher education teaching reform project "materials science and engineering professional talent training scheme and teaching content system reform" in the backbone specialized basic course, is the basis of materials science and engineering specialty courses, for a long time, school and hospital leadership attaches great importance to, the materials engineering foundation courses reform is put forward higher request, how to conduct course reform, cultivate new talent to adapt to the social development of material engineering, materials engineering teaching team need to seriously think about the key problem. 1 课程体系1 course system 材料学是一门试验性科学,涵盖金属材料、无机非金属材料、高分子材料、复合材料四个方向,材料科学与工程专业的学生,毕业后主要从事材料制备与加工的科研与生产工作,材料的多样性,各种材料制备、加工方法千差万别,材料工程问题就显得错综复杂了,这就要求从这多种多样的工程问题中提炼出各种材料制备与加工的共同涉及基础问题,建立材料学学的平台课程材料工程基础完整的知识体系。Materials science is an experimental science, metal materials, inorganic non-metallic materials, polymer materials, composite materials, the four directions of materials science and engineering students, after graduation, is mainly engaged in materials preparation and processing of scientific research and production work, the diversity of materials, materials preparation and processing methods differ in thousands ways, materials engineering problem is complicated, which requires derived from a variety of engineering problems of various materials preparation and processing of common basic problems involved, based materials to learn platform course - materials engineering complete knowledge system. “工程”是科学的某种应用,通过这一应用,使自然界的物质和能源的特性能够通过各种结构、机器、产品、系统和过程,是以最短的时间和精而少的人力做出高效、可靠且对人类有用的东西。在现代社会中,“工程”一词有广义和狭义之分。就狭义而言,工程定义为“以某组设想的目标为依据,应用有关的科学知识和技术手段,通过一群人的有组织活动将某个(或某些)现有实体(自然的或人造的)转化为具有预期使用价值的人造产品过程”。就广义而言,工程则定义为由一群人为达到某种目的,在一个较长时间周期内进行协作活动的过程。又根据两院院士师昌绪先生的定义:材料是人类制造生活和生产用的物品、器件、构件、机器或其他产品的物质。显然,材料工程属狭义工程的范畴,材料工程应为是有组织活动将自然的或人造的物质制造成生活和生产产品的活动或过程。因此,从这个定义出发,凡是材料制备过程中所涉及技术和方法问题都属材料工程问题包括原材料的输送、原材料精制、合成、产品精制、后加工、包装、运输等生产工序原理以及为完成上述工序的一些配套工序如生产过程中的传热问题、三废处理问题。由于材料的多样性,各种材料制备、加工方法千差万别,材料工程问题就显得内容庞大、错综复杂了,避开各种材料的制备的特殊工艺问题,各种材料在制备过程中所涉及的共同的基本原理应成为材料工程课程中的基本问题。我们以自编材料工程基础为教学的教材,教授物质输送原理及设备、热量传递、质量传递,并对质量衡算、能量衡算、经济衡算做简单介绍。"Engineering" is some application of the science, through the application, make the characteristics of the nature of matter and energy can be through a variety of structures, machines, products, systems and processes, in the shortest possible time and precision and less manpower to make efficient, reliable and useful to humans. In the modern society, the word "engineering" has broad sense and narrow sense. In terms of narrow, engineering is defined as "on the basis of the target with a certain set of assumptions, application of scientific knowledge and technological means, by a group of people organized activities will be one (or some) existing entities (natural or artificial) into synthetic products process of intended use value". In terms of generalized engineering is defined as a group of people to achieve a particular purpose, in a longer period in the process of collaborative activity. And according to the definition: a member of both houses of Mr ShiChangXu materials is for the use of human life and production, device, component, machines or other products of the material. Obviously, material engineering, belongs to the category of special engineering, materials engineering activities should be organized to natural or man-made material made into product life and production activities or processes. Therefore, starting from the definition, all material preparation techniques and methods involved in the process of problem belong to materials engineering including the transportation of raw materials, raw materials, synthesis, purification products refined, after processing, packaging, transportation and other production process principle as well as to complete the process of form a complete set of processes such as the heat transfer in the process of production, "three wastes" treatment problems. Due to the diversity of materials, materials preparation and processing methods differ in thousands ways, materials engineering is large and complex content, steer clear of the special problems of process the preparation of various materials, various materials in the preparation process of common basic principles should be involved in the fundamental problems in materials engineering courses. We wrote "materials engineering foundation" as the teaching material, teaching material conveying principle and equipment, heat transfer, mass transfer, and mass balance, energy balance, economic scale company brief introduction. 2 教学手段2 teaching means 课程改革的目的是提高教学质量,提高教学质量是通过一定的教学手段得以实现的。材料工程基础的教学拟采取小班教学的方式,除在知识点的传授方面如基本公式的推导、理论的讲解仍采用传统的以教师授课为主方式外,在课堂教学中还采用一下的教学手段。Curriculum reform is the purpose of improving teaching quality, improve the quality of teaching is implemented through a certain teaching methods. Based teaching materials engineering is proposed to adopt small-class teaching way, in addition to imparting knowledge aspects such as the derivation of basic formula, the theoretical explanation is still adopts the traditional teaching way mainly, adopt the teaching method in classroom teaching. 2.1 多媒体课件2.1 multimedia courseware 当今的学生,从校门到校门,多数学生既没有生活经验,更无工程概念,要学好材料工程基础这一工程类课程,老实说,有一定的难度,充分利用现代化教学手段进行教学,制作了多媒体课件,模拟实际生产工艺和流程,使抽象的概念具体化,复杂的问题简单化,繁琐的内容精炼化,实际问题形象化,为学生生动形象的理解生产原理和过程起了重要的作用。Today's students, from school to school, most students have neither life experience, no more engineering concept, must learn materials engineering basis for the engineering course, to be honest, has the certain difficulty, make full use of modern teaching means in teaching, the multimedia courseware, the actual production process simulation and process, make abstract concepts concrete, complex issues simple, tedious content essence refining, actual problem visualization, vivid understanding of the production principle and process for the students play an important role. 2.2 讨论式教学及设计演练2.2 discussion-based teaching design and practice 课堂设置讨论课,引导学生探究各种材料制备过程中所共性问题,生产过程技术经济评价问题,分层次布置工程设计任务,使学生能全面思考工程问题。例如在传热部分,进行板式换热器的设计;在传质的几个章节中,吸收部分设计煤气中苯类物质吸收工艺流程;精馏章节中,进行年产8000吨乙醇板式精馏塔工艺设计等。使学生初步了解设计程序与步骤:设计任务下达后,通过资料的收集,流程选择,基本计算,确定工艺路线,确定生产设备大小,进行设备平面布置,完成设计任务。Classroom Settings section, guide students to explore all kinds of the common problems during the preparation of materials, production process, technical and economic evaluation, the hierarchical layout engineering design task, so that the students can think comprehensive engineering problems. In heat transfer part, for example, for the design of plate heat exchanger; Sections of the mass transfer in absorption of benzene class material in the part of the design of the gas absorption process; To annual output of 8000 tons of ethanol distillation sections, plate rectifying column technology design, etc. Make students preliminary understanding design process and steps: design task orders, through the collection of data, process selection, basic calculation, determine the process route, determine the size of production equipment, equipment layout, complete the design task. 2.3 双语教学2.3 bilingual teaching 随着全球一体化进程的加速,在国际交流日夜频繁的今天,语言显得尤为重要。采用原版教材,双语教学无疑能使学生掌握原汁原味的英语,为其日后的交流扫清障碍。更重要的是可以拓宽学生的国际视野、国际交流能力和竞争意识,同时可以吸引更多的留学生优质生源,提高国际化办学能力。With the acceleration of global integration, the international exchange frequent today, day and night language is particularly important. Use original teaching materials, bilingual teaching can make students learn authentic English, communication obstacles in the future. More important is can broaden students' international vision, the international communication ability and competition consciousness, also can attract more international students of high quality students, improve the ability of education internationalization. 3 能力培养3 ability training 在互联网时代,全民都面临同样的信息平台,甚至我们的学生比教师有更好的计算机能力,轻点鼠标就可能获得一门学科的基础理论。这就给我们提出新的问题和面临严峻的挑战:在互联网时代,专业课我们应该教学生什么以及如何教,培养学生那些能力。首先是收集信息的能力,现代社会是信息时代,大量信息资源都可以通过网络共享,除此之外,还有大量的数据库可以利用,掌握了信息资源,就是掌握了该学科的发展前沿。然后是自主学习能力,收集到信息,怎样才能转化为自己的知识,建立自己的知识体系这就需要培养学生严谨求实创新的科学思维与人格以及为科学献身的精神和健康向上的学习精神;接下来是合作精神,随着社会分工的越来越细,完成一个工程问题往往是一个系统工程,需要多方面人员的相互合作,因此合作能力就显得十分重要了,在教学中,有意识地培养学生分工合作是教育的一个重要组成部分,对本门课而言可以采用分组进行课程设计,同组同学之间分工协作,共同完成一个课题,已达到培养学生合作能力的目的。In the Internet age, the are all faced with the same information platform, and even our ability to students than teachers have a better computer, with the click of a mouse can obtain the basic theory of a subject. This will give we put forward new problems and faces severe challenges: in the Internet age, professional class we should teach students what and how to teach, train the ability of those. First is the ability to collect information, modern society is the information age, a large number of information resources can be Shared through the network, in addition, there are a lot of database can be used, mastered the information resources, is to grasp the leading edge of developments in the subject. Then the autonomous learning ability, the information collection, how to translate into their own knowledge, to build their own knowledge system which requires training students rigorous truth-seeking innovative scientific thinking and personality as well as for the spirit of dedicating to scientific and healthy learning spirit; Next is the spirit of cooperation, along with the social division of labor is more and more thin, problems tend to complete a project is a systems engineering, needs many aspects of mutual cooperation, so the ability to cooperate is very important, in the teaching, consciously cultivate students division of labor cooperation is an important part of education, in terms of this course group may be used for curriculum design, collaboration between group members, common to complete a project, is to achieve the purpose of cultivating students' ability to cooperate. 4 评估体系4 assessment system 理论考试不在作为学业成绩的唯一标准,可以从多层面进行评价如理论考试成绩、课程设计成绩、课堂讨论成绩、平时作业成绩等。Theory test is not as the only standard to academic achievement, can from multiple levels to evaluate test results as theory, course design grade, class discussion grades, assignments, etc. 5 结论5 conclusion 材料工程基础课程改革是一个系统工程,需要执行者有强烈的社会责任感,从课程的内容体系、教学手段、能力培养目标,评价体系进行研究和探索,真正实现培养合格人才的教育目标。Materials engineering basic course reform is a systematic project, need executives have a strong sense of social responsibility, from the content of the course system, teaching means, ability training goal, evaluation system for research and exploration, really achieve the aim of education to cultivate qualified talents. 参考文献:References: 1 王昆林.材料工程基础 M.北京:清华大学出版,2009,9.Wang Kunlin. 1 materials engineering foundation M. 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